OS X :: Connecting IMac 27inch As Screen For PS3?

Dec 26, 2009

I have searched about it, and it seem some thinks you can, and others say you cant do it.

And then some talks about a converter and others that says its not possible. You can do it with a converter but only in a bad quality, and not in HD.

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IMac :: 27inch LED Screen - No Good Video Content

Nov 3, 2009

I am a home theatre enthusiast, and I have setup Plex, Boxee, Netflix, Hulu, Front Row and Etc. The menus and interfaces are absolutely stunning and the customization of them are endless. So now I have this 27in LED iMac with greater than 1080p Resolution and these Apps look great but I want the content to look as good as the menus. Aside from the iTunes pseudo (low frame rate) HD, does anyone have any suggestions of a resource for "stunning" video content to match my beautiful 27in screen. It sure would have been nice to have a Blu Ray option. Hopefully the "bag of hurt" will soon be sitting on my desk killing me with pain.

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IMac :: Capturing Screen From 27inch While Working As External Display

Nov 14, 2010

Is it possible to somehow capture a screen from iMac 27-inch and while it is used as external display (display for Xbox 360 - I have Kanex XD HDMI converter)?

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Intel Mac :: Why Is 27inch Screen Flickering

Jun 24, 2012

I've just switched my imac 27 inch on this evening and it is continuely flickering really bad.  

The machine isn't even a year old yet, so not really happy about it. 

I have the apple care protection plan, so suppose if there is something wrong with it hardware wise, then this can be fixed. 


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27inch I5 IMac Has Been Acting Up

Mar 8, 2012

It has been very choppy and Safari has been having a lot of problems. I also noticed Spotlight is not working. It doesn't show any results no matter what I type in. When the background changes it is slow and flashes back and forth between images.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac :: IMac 27inch Carrying Case?

Jan 8, 2010

I was wondering if you all knew where I can find an affordable travel case for the 27inch iMac?I saw one for $200 (http://www.powermax.com/parts/show/a-lta-90059) which was way over my budget, but really just curious with what some of you use and what's out there.

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IMac :: Video Editing - Get 27inch Fully Loaded / Comparable Mac Pro?

Dec 14, 2010

I currently own the latest edition of the Macbook Pro 17" that I've fully max'd out for ram after purchasing it. I use Adobe Premier CS4 for editing 1080p and 720p video. The Macbook Pro really can't keep up, making my editing hard to accomplish quickly, especially when rendering a video. It plays the video choppy when editing, which makes editing really hard to accomplish, obviously. It will do it, otherwise, with no problems, other than being slow as molasses when rendering. My question is should I get a IMac 27" fully loaded or a comparable Mac Pro, and what would be the benefits of one or the other for my application/use? I usually have PhotoShop, Premier, Mail, & Chrome open nearly all the time, and I want something that will smoothly play 1080p video when editing the movie and can render the video much quicker than my MBP.

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Hardware :: Apple Fixes 27inch IMac Glitches With Mac OS X Security Updates

Apr 14, 2010

Apple on Wednesday afternoon issued a number of updates, addressing high processor usage and other glitches in its 27-inch iMac, as well as various security updates for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard.

27-inch iMac updates

Two updates released Wednesday address issues with the 27-inch big screen iMac, released in October 2009.

"27-inch iMac EFI FW Update 1.0" is recommended for all systems with quad-core Intel Core i5 and Core i7 processors. The update resolves an issue that caused high processor utilization when playing audio through the headphone output, and fixes a problem that prevented the display backlight from turning on after powering on the iMac.

The 2.1MB update is available for download from Apple. It requires Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later.

"27-inch iMac SMC Firmware Update 1.0" fixes Target Display Mode compatibility issues on the 27-inch desktop iMac. The 397KB update also requires Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later.

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Mac Pro :: Connecting To IMac Screen?

Mar 23, 2012

I've been having trouble connecting my macbook pro to my imac screen with the mini display port-to-mini display port cable I just bought. I made sure both computers are on and connected the cables, but they still stayed the same. I've also tried restarting both, didn't work.

Mac Book Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To An IMac Screen?

May 24, 2012

how to connect a mac book pro to an imac screen? I am a designer and I need the larger screen as an option for work, but all my design software is on my mac book pro. What cord/settings would I need to make what is on my mac book pro screen appear on the screen of an imac desktop computer?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: IMac Fatal Error When Connecting Any USB Drive / Screen Gets Dim

Apr 23, 2009

out of nowhere, my iMac acts all up everytime I connect an USB drive, being a flashdrive or WD 1 TB drive.


When I plug the device in, the screen dims, and an error message onscreen asks me to reboot the iMac in several languages. If the device is still connected during reboot, the reboot loops (WITH the error screen showing first every loop).

Tried with 3 different devices,... everytime - the screen appears.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Connecting MacBook Pro To IMac - Screen Sharing Console Error

Mar 31, 2012

Macbook pro 2.16 C2D
iMac 2Ghz C2D
Both running 10.7.3

I am trying to connect from my macbook pro to iMac by using remote management with allow access for All Users but cannot get to connect from MBP to iMac. I can connect without problems from iMac to MBP. The macbook pro just sits trying to connect.

I check the log on the iMac and see the new entry appear during connect attempt of:
3/31/12 7:14:55.979 AM ScreensharingAgent: [CL_INVALID_DEVICE] : OpenCL Error : Failed to create context! Invalid device

Firewall turned off on both machines. I have created a new user on the Macbook to see if that could be the solution but still same occurrence.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: MBP And ACD 27inch Resolution?

Sep 28, 2010

I am eagerly awaiting my new 27inch ACD. I currently have a mid 2009 MBP and was wondering what the maximum resolution output it would have on the ACD. I definitely want to take advantage of the maximum possible resolution but wanted to make sure my computer could handle it. The video card in my MBP is the GeForce 9600M GT. If anyone has a similar set up.

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Hardware :: How To Use ACD 27inch On Lower Resolution?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm thinking of buying an ACD 27inch. Given that I need to view the monitor from a greater distance than normal (music/recording uses) and that sometimes I find the text in some apps a little too small at that resolution, I was wondering how the display looks on the lower resolution for increased text size? I tried it in the store on 1920x1080 and it appeared to be quite readable and the text was nice and big even though the image was not as sharp. I assume this is the same as running a 24inch ACD in terms of real estate but with bigger text. I think the ppi would be lower for the 27 inch on 1080p resulting in bigger and more easily readable text for my purposes. Although the screen didn't appear as sharp on the lower resolution, the text seemed OK and there didn't seem to be any limitations to viewing. So, in general is there much distortion or is it usable for most tasks if one needs the bigger text or should I go for the lower screen size. From the store it seemed like it would satisfy me, but I want to know if there are distortion issues and if text and images are still decent?

Also, due to the glossy screen in a room with windows, is it important to close all the blinds in the day time to reduce glare? What kind of light source is recommended in the room in terms of brightness level? I have two windows with light curtains that allow strong sunlight through.

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Mac Mini :: 27inch Display Port To Dvi Adapter To Pro Doesn't Work

Oct 30, 2009

I just bought the 27in iMac to hook up to my Mac Pro till apple refreshes their ACD. I thought I would be able to use the Mini Displayport to DVI adaptor to connect it to my Mac Pro through DVI and it doesn't work. I know you can do it with mini displayport to mini displayport although, both my mini displayports are currently in use by by 24 ACD.

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IMac :: Connecting External Monitor To 27" IMac Use Process?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a 27" Imac and want to use an old 19" monitor as an external unit. I have it hooked up and turned on. Just the old wallpaper shows on it. There isn't an icon or anything diff on my iMac screen for it. How do I use the external? I realize this is pretty dumb, but I'm a newbie here and my Mac expert son is in NC....

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting IMac Keyboard While Using IMac As External Display

May 28, 2012

I'm trying to using my iMac wireless keyboad for my macbook pro while my iMac is in external display mode but I can't get the keyboad to connect. I've tried disconnecting the wireless keyboard from my iMac but it won't go into target display mode without the keyboad. Can I used my iMac wireless keyboard with my Macbook pro while my iMac is being used as an external display?

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Main Computer

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IMac :: IMac Freezes When Connecting External Monitor?

Apr 8, 2008

I have a newer iMac 24" bought in 11/2007. I have the mini-dvi to vga converter and when I connect it to a external tv capable of 1024x768, the iMac freezes and does nothing. I disconnect and the screen turns blue and the flickers back on and everything works. I have made the connection then booted up, and I have tried every resolution all the way down to 640x480, same thing it just locks up the screen, but again as soon as I unplug the mini-dvi to vga cable from the iMac it flicks to a blue screen and everything comes back. I have reviewed dmesg nothing, and revieiw /var/log/messages. Is there any troubleshooting I can do. I am old school unix/linux guy just converted my family to Apple and would like to use the display on my tv to watch my iTunes movies.

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IMac :: Connecting External Display To New Imac I7

Feb 8, 2010

I have the mini display port plugged in and a vga cable from the imac to my external monitor. I should just be able to turn the monitor on and it work but the imac doesn't detect it and it just comes up as a black screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To TV - Just Black Screen

Jul 13, 2010

I have a Sylvania TV (model number SRT2420p) and a Macbook Pro. I bought a Mini Displayport to DVI adapter, DVI to RCA, and connected the yellow RCA cord to the tv. In the "game" mode where the RCA cable should be recognized, nothing is happening. I changed the display to all the different display options, and still nothing is popping up on the tv. I changed the display to 1024x640, and restarted the mbp, nothing. The mac realizes it's plugged in because it flashes the blue screen when I put it in or out, and the mouse can go off of the screen.

Is one of my adapters broken?

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Hardware :: Connecting Laptop To New Flat Screen Tv?

Feb 8, 2010

I am having trouble connecting my macbook to my flatscreen tv. I bought the appropriate vga adapter and cable, but once connected, I only see my desktop picture on the tv screen-- none of the folders on my desktop, and doesn't pull up my internet screens either. Do I need to click something to go into "tv mode"? I was hoping to play dvds from my laptop, or even my netflix play on demand movies.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Two Macs / Screen Sharing & Volume?

Nov 10, 2010

In connecting two macs via the wireless network (screen sharing) can the volume be heard from the host computer?

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OS X Server :: Login Screen Suddenly Scrambles / Connecting To VNC Through ARD's

Feb 8, 2007

I'm trying to diagnose our new intel servers and VNC.They're of varying configurations in terms of memory, disks, etc, but all are the new xserve model.

Here's what happens.

When connecting to VNC either through ARD's built in software or chicken of the vnc we can see the login screen perfectly, but as soon as we login it suddenly "scrambles." The second a monitor is plugged in the remote display "clears" and again becomes usable.

Here's what's been done so far;
Rebooted the server (VNC broken)
Ran software update (VNC broken)
Booted the server with a monitor attached (VNC works)
Unplug the monitor after reboot + login + monitor plugged in. (VNC continues to work.)

Here's the problem. When I reboot the server I don't need to go through a song and dance to login remotely after a reboot.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting A Non-apple Screen To 2011 13"

Jul 5, 2012

I would LOVE to have an Apple screen , but its simply out of my financial league at the moment.  So I am currently looking at 2 Dell screens, one 23" and one 24".  What I am wanting to know is, does the display port on my MBP (early 2011, bog standard basic 13") carry sound with it if I am not using Thunderbolt, or will I need to plug something into the headphone jack to get sound.  Its not something I need *all* the time, just occasionally, so its not a huge deal if it wont do it, I'll simply use a headset for those times. The input options on the Dells are DVI, VGA and Display Port.  No HDMI on the models I'm considering (perhaps I should consider one, for this?) 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Yosemite :: Screen Sharing Tries To Open AFP Share When Connecting In Vnc

Dec 2, 2014

Since the Yosemite upgrade, Screen Sharing App seems to try opening an afp share first when connecting via a vnc:// shortcut... It takes a while before being connected in VNC (2-3 minutes) ! 

Remote has been configured via a command line found in an other discussion in this board (Upgraded to Yosemite and can no longer remote into my work iMac through screen sharing- it is turned on in settings?. Connecting via the RealVNC App is super fast (like 5 sec).configuration was exactly the same in Mavericks and it worked well and fast ! 

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Hardware :: Connecting Samsung LCD To MacBook - Screen Starts Pulsating?

Oct 12, 2010

I just purchased a 20" Samsung SyncMater P2050 LCD monitor to hook up to my Macbook. I also bought the mini-DVI to VGA adapter, the cabling is right. After powering on the Samsung and booting my MacBook the Samsung is recognized and the snow leopard desktop comes up on the Samsung. I am able to get to the monitor set up in the preferences window, and move the external monitor to where I want it. After a short time the Samsung screen starts pulsating, first at the out side edges of the display, it progressively gets worse, ad then the screen goes black. This happens every time after I shut down the Samsung, and then power it back on.

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Mac Pro :: Black Border Around All Sides Of Screen When Connecting To HDTV Via HDMI

Sep 8, 2008

I've seen a few posts about this problem on Macrumors and through Google searches, but I haven't found a solution to the "Black Border" problem some of us are having when connecting Macs to HDTV's via HDMI cables. Nor am I certain what the cause of the problem is: Mac?, TV?, HDMI cable length?

For me, resetting PRAM by holding Command-Option-P-R at startup and waiting for two chimes removes the black border for up to several computer restarts, but eventually the border comes back until I reset PRAM, again.

I have a 55' long HDMI cable from Monoprice ("HDMI Tin-Plated Copper CL2 Rated (For In-Wall Installation) Cable (22AWG) - 35ft (Gold Plated)") running from a Mac Pro with an ATI Radeon video card to a 52" Mitsubishi 1080p HDTV.

To clarify, this is not just a black bar at the top and bottom like when watching certain DVD's, but a black border around all four sides that effectively reduces the size of your TV from, e.g. 52" to 46" whether watching movies, surfing the web, or otherwise using the Mac via an HDTV

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Hardware :: No Screen Fill Connecting MacBook To Sony Bravia?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a MacBook 5,1 (late 2008) running Mac OS X 10.6.3 which I would like to connect to our Sony Bravia KDL-37S5500 to watch films. The Sony Bravia has a 1080p resolution (1920x1080) and my MacBook can output up to 1920x1200 (which it has been doing fine on my Dell monitor).

I am connecting it using the Apple mini-display-port to DVI converter, then a DVI cable and finally a DVI to HDMI converter which plugs straight into the TV.

It looks great except that it doesn't fill the screen entirely. It seems the resolution is correct (text looks normal, not stretched in any way), but when Overscan is turned on the image is slightly too big horizontal-wise. When Overscan is turned off I get black borders around the image (horizontal as well as vertical). We've tried different settings both on the TV and on the MacBook, but we can't get the right view.

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MacBook :: Internet Options When Connecting System To External Screen?

May 14, 2010

I have connected my Aluminium Macbook (2008) to my HDTV via a Mini Display to HD port.This works fine when I mirror the image from my macbook. When I turn off mirror image however (IE effectively having two seperate screens) my internet slows down drastically. In some cases it also disconnects. This issue is resolved by turning on the mirror screen button, or unplugging the cable from the laptop.

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MacBook Air :: (10.9.3) Grey Flickering Screen After Connecting To External Monitor

Jun 2, 2014

Recently I connected my macbook air (bought it in 2011, now on Version 10.9.3) with a Panasonic TV (TX-32LM70F) via Thunderbolt to HDMI adapter. After I disconnected the external device, the macbook air's screen still worked normal, but when i restarted it, it was only flickering grey.  

I found out that it actually boots normally and i can use it with an external monitor (in fact I am using it right now), but that the built-in macbook screen simply doesn't work anymore.  

I tried to restart while connected and while disconnected to an external screen, I have reset the SMC Controller, I have reset the PRAM Controller, but it hasn't changed.  

This is actually the second time something like this happenend (it was another external device i connected it to), and last time, about a few weeks ago, it just worked again after a few days for no reason, all i did was wait until all energy was gone from the battery and the reload it. So might it be a battery problem? Or is it some controller i don't know? It was the same phenomenon two times: connect to external monitor - disconnect - built-in screen still works - restart - built in screen only flickers grey - macbook still boots and works fine with the very external monitor that might have caused the problem.  

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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