I have XP installed in my Intel Macbook Pro in the separate partition created by boot camp. Recently while I was running on XP the computer crashed badly and XP system seemed to have been damaged and I can't boot as XP anymore. I would like to simply erase the XP partition and merge it with the main drive. But the problem is that Boot Camp got expired and I can't use the application to do that. Can anyone tell me how I can do that?? I am guessing that Disk Utility would be the one to use but I want to make sure I know what I am doing before I screw up anything.
I am thinkng about upgrading to Lion/mountan lion, but was wondering if it will delete my bootcamp windows partition. I have to use windows for some work that I do, and would rather not have to spend the few hours to repartition and upgrade my copy of XP.
I have 2 mac partitions and a windows 7 partition. The problem is the partitions are in order of OSX, Windows 7, OSX Partition 2. I keep trying to format the final partition which is osx partition 2 and join it with my main installation partition OSX but it wont let me. I really want to add that extra space over and not have it as a separate partition but I dont know how.
I erased my bootcamp partition this morning thinking that was the same as deleting the partition - how do I actually delete the partition and combine it with my MAC OS partition now? I can't do it thru bootcamp
I have a Mac pro and i wanted to partition my hard drive to put windows on it, i have managed to partition it but know cant find a windows disc,How do i merge the hard drive back into 1?
I recently made a clone of my Windows XP Pro SP3 installation (its roughly about 14GB according to Finder/WinClone) so i made a 80GB partition on my 320GB drive and it gives me this error message:
the WinClone came from a 500GB internal drive and ive gotten winclone images to restore to a MBP before but not sure why its giving me this error code, anyway to restore the image to the new partition (which was created with Bootcamp) as i no longer have access to the old machine it was running on.
So my iMac came with a 1TB hard drive and I installed Windows 7 x64 but only gave it some 93GB. I have a two-prong question:
Can I add a third partition to my drive after I partition for BootCamp? My main partition ("Macintosh HD" by default) is over 900GB large and I'd really like to cut that up into 2x450GB, for example, in addition to the 93GB BootCamp partition.
Second, once partitioned, is it possible to resize the BootCamp partition to make it bigger after it has been set up?
Basically, I have 2 mac partitions and a windows 7 partition. The problem is the partitions are in order of OSX, Windows 7, OSX Partition 2. I keep trying to format the final partition which is osx partition 2 and join it with my main installation partition OSX but it wont let me. I really want to add that extra space over and not have it as a separate partition but I dont know how.
I have a 13" MBP with a 250 gb hd, I partitioned the HD 25gb for Windows XP shortly after I bought it. I was unable to install my copy of windows, contacted apple after exhaustive search as to why... Long story short, I now have Vista to install... When I went back to Boot Camp Assistant; partition was gone. Researched... ran disk utility, repaired and erased partition. Bootcamp HD now shows up in desktop, still not in bootcamp assistant. Since I am unable to locate in assistant; would there be any problems with just installing Vista off the install disk by restarting? Any ideas what to do if this is not a good idea (short of restoring)?
currently have 2 partitions bootcamp and lion. and have read alot about how if you create said partition it will mess up windows bootcamp. but have yet to see any actual answer as to how to creat the 3rd partition. correct me if wrong but is it better to delete bootcamp creat partition then install bootcamp and restore from system image?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Used migration assistant to move my Blackbook apps and settings to the Air using a Time Machine backup from my Time Capsule - wirelessly. Two hours later (not terrible) and I'm using my Air with all my apps and setting - fantastic.
Question: My Blackbook also has a Bootcamp partition running Windows - is there a way to take that image and migrate it to my MB Air? I'd rather not have to purchase the Superdrive and re-install/setup the Windows OS on my Air....
had a bootcamp partition which I eventually ended up removing again with the bootcamp assistant.Now I want to create the bootcamp partition again, and when I start up the assistant, there is a 5gb leftover partition of the old bootcamp it seems. I just can't resize it... I've tried anything as low as resizing it to 10gb to 100gb... both fails.I have more than 200gb free space.I have just run a full defrag with iDefrag I've tried to do fileoptimization with techtool pro v5 I tried using camptune (which only works if you already have a working bootcamp partition, which I dont.
im on a goal to resize my bootcamp partition... im running 10.6.4 with Win7 in Bootcamp... i made a mistake of only making a 80GB partition for windows 7.... now i want to make it bigger, i have read up on a number of methods but most are outdated and users report issues with windows 7 and SL so i'm a lil stuck... this is my idea
I have 120GB unused HDD space atm so could i.. back up my 80GB partition to a DMG with disk utility then delete the old partition making the whole 200GB unallocated space... then use the bootcamp utility to re occupy the space then use disk utilities restore option to restore the image of the 80GB to the new 200GB partition... would this work? if not has anyone got any other methods to use with 10.6.4 SL and Win7?
Bought an OEM version to use with bootcamp. Everything works fine up to the point where it is supposed to let me format the partition that bootcamp created. The XP installation just skips right from when I select the C:yatta-yatta/bootcamp partition and starts installing. So obviously the partition is not bootable... Does anyone know if this is because the OEM version of the OS or something else. I tried to reduce the size of the partition because I read a thread about FAT32 not playing well with disc sizes greater than 32Gb. Still didn't work...
I want to try out Windows 7. During this process though I deleted my winXP partition. When I went to create a new BootCamp partition in The BootCamp SetUp Assisstant, it failed to create the partition on my harddrive.
I was greeted with the error, "BootCamp SetUp assistant failed to yada yada yada, please backup and reformat your harddrive."
So my question is do I really have to reinstall Mac OS X? (I backup with TimeMachine so it won't be a big deal but still thats a very long process.) Do you guys have any tips or anything to get Mac OS X to partition my main HDD?
im kind of new to this and i was trying to get bootcamp to run and also the windows partition that runs on bootcamp through vmware fusion. ive installed and uninstalled like 12 times now in 2 days and its driving me nuts. no matter what i do i cant get it to work. maybe someone on here can give me some tips because im lost.
I would like to know the difference between the options 'erase' and partition' in disk utility. Under 'erase' there are several options: under 'security options' there are 4 options: don't erase data, zero out data, 7-pass erase and 35-pass erase.
I can't seem to find any instructions online about how to do this, step by step. Want to make sure all personal data is erased. I'm interested in performing a full format that at the very least zeros out the data on disk.
I have a 2007 Blackbook with Snow Leopard installed. I tried to install Bootcamp but it said that I had to do an erase + reinstall first. I booted my mac up from the OS X disc, got past the language menu, then got a pop up stating "MAC OS X Cannot Be Installed." I can't click on Disk Utility or anything else on the menu bar. How else can I erase my HD?
I had my hard drive partitioned into 2, where one was mac the other windows xp. I received this macbook as a gift from my sister so i wanted to reformat everything into mac. I popped in the Mac OS x install cd and just installed it. Now there is two hard drives and I am not able to re-partition it where i can bring it back to one again...I was suppose to delete windows first before re-formating my macbook.
My Computer: 2.8 GHz intel Core 2 Duo Mac, running OS X Ver. 10.5.8. I've partitioned my hard drive before, but in order to get more space on my Windows partition I have made a disk image using a program called Winclone. I also backed up important files to my external hard drive, and then used disk utility to erase and make a new partition so I could restore the Winclone disk image I made and have everything back. What I'm concerned about is I've been waiting for this new partition (65 GB) to finish being made and its taking a while. I read that if you stop the process it could damage the OS X side and you could lose all your files.
I started to run time machine about 10 minutes ago and set the destination to my external drive for backup (Its a huge drive, it can hold 650+ GB so I'm not worried about running out of space.) Do I stop Disk Utility and risk it? Do I let it run? Do I kiss my computer goodbye and pray that Time Machine backed everything up right onto my external hard drive? I don't know if Time Machine is working correctly because I started it after I began to partition my hard drive. What to do. Should I let Time Machine back everything up, the disconnect my external and end Disk Utility?
I have the Seagate Momentus XT and I have a quick question. If I reformat the Hard Drive portion does that erase the SSD side as well? If not how do I erase the SSD side of it.
I want to downgrade back to Leopard and have a question. Does erasing the HD to do an install, also erase the Windoze partition? Or everything but that?
I am not using Time Machine as Genius Bar at the Apple store told me it was best not to (I was continually having errors and so GeniusBar erased my hard drive and reinstalled Lion). They said to then manually drag over documents onto my hard drive, avoiding the Applications, so no possible errors could be dragged back onto the clean hard drive.
But now I have Mail and none of my folders and previous accounts. Of course I can re-setup my accounts, but then they will just try to redownload all of the millions of emails I had before. None of the very organised folders I previously had, sent messages, etc, etc.
I have a MacBook Pro running OSx 10.9.4 and have been successfully using Time Machine with a WD My Passport External Hard Drive for a while. Now (after 10 days with a successful back-up), the computer will not back-up. I have gone into disk utility and tried to erase, partition, and/or repair the disk, but repeatedly get error messages - it can't erase the disk, re-partition the disk or unmount the disk.Â
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), External Hard Drive
I got a malware virus and want to reset my computer. I have webfoot but haven't installed it. Would that solve the malware virus? If not, how can i move files from my mac to my WD MY Passport and clear up any duplicates? It currently won't allow any changes.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)