Hardware :: Best Inexpensive FW800 Ext. HDD?
Mar 17, 2010
I'm looking for a mass storage option and I've got about $150 USD to spend on it... I really want to get FW800 for the speed. Anyone have a good drive to recommend? The highest I can find is a 500gb for 139.... that's just not good enough.
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Oct 27, 2010
I'll be picking up an iPhone 4 sometime this week and I'd love to try out the Facetime Beta with my girlfriend. She has a late 2007 Mac Mini and thus no built-in iSight camera. If anyone can recommend a handful of webcams at around the $50 price point I'd be very appreciative.
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Aug 26, 2009
Aside from the fact that when at airports every week I see a good 30% of laptops to be an APPLE, one would think that I must not be alone looking for a simple, good quality Apple-made IP camera to see what my girlfriends are doing in my apartments while I am gone deep sea fishing or otherwise.
I just ordered an AXIS 207MW for tomorrows delivery, but I am still looking for a source of good inexpensive MegaPixel (>5.0) mostly non-PZT running happily on SAFARI. Since Steve is busy getting used to his new liver and has no time for such pleasantries as IP APPLE Cameras with a nice software to spin them around the bedrooms -
I do not want to run Windows, Firefox, nor Explorer...
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Aug 21, 2010
I've been trying to find an easy-to-use, inexpensive bookkeeping/accounting package for the Mac to help me manage my business.
Most things I've found have either been too expensive (several hundred pounds) or too difficult for a non-accountant to use.
A few days ago I stumbled upon a Bristol, England firm called InstantAdmin. The software is very straightforward, easy-to-use, and does pretty much what I need it to do.
The only problem: I can't get anyone to answer my emails about a few questions I have and a couple of problems with functionality that I've found.
Does anyone here have any experience of InstantAdmin? I'm hoping this isn't some fly-by-night outfit as I'd really like to buy this software, but not if I can't get a simple reply to an email.
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Sep 11, 2008
I've take home an unused, unloved Power Mac G4 FW800 from work and would love to hear any anyone may have to get it running @ its optimum without forking out for a new Processor. I wont be doing any gaming on it, plan using it for Media and Design like Final Cut Express4, Photoshop and Illustator and for music and movies.
Its has a Dual 1.25Ghz Processor, 167Mhz Bus, ive installed a new ATI 9600PRO Graphic Card and bumped the RAM up to its 2GB max and have an external 500GB 7200RPM Iomega FireWire HDD. I also got a Philips 19in Wide LCD 1440x900 for cheap.
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May 21, 2009
Has anyone had any luck with not using an Internal Hard Drive and using either a Drobo or external drive to run OSX? I was thinking of getting a new HD that runs FW800 or using my Drobo to creat a partition to load Mac OSX on and run the OS from an external HD.
The Reason I am even trying this, is because the Mini uses Laptop drives with less specs then my External Seagate 500GB 7200RPM with 16 MB of Cache, also 3.5" drives seem to run quicker then even the fastest 2.5" drives.
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Jun 24, 2009
I don't want to waste hard drive space on my MBP's hard drive on games. I have a 16GB SSD ExpressCard as well as a FW800 external hard drive.
Which would be optimum for playing games off of (considering that a game will need a fairly high read/write speed to keep up)?
If the FW800 drive is better, how much better? Would I notice a difference if I used the ExpressCard instead?
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Oct 26, 2010
I want to build Mac Mini media server connected to drobo s. I am wondering if I use the spyderhub (esata to fw800) will fw800 be fast enough to play 3d blu ray with an external blu ray player? The hub lets you connect esata to it and then use fw800 to connect to mac mini. This follows limitation of fw800 speeds though so will this bottleneck? Need to mention I am going to use bootcamp to boot windows 7 and play the 3d blu ray dvd's in windows.
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Mar 8, 2008
Are they running at full speed or do they default down to FW400 when in Windows?
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Feb 20, 2009
I have Western Digital Studio II (2x1TB, configured as 2TB). As I don't feel secure and wanted to make a backup of this HDD, I bought an identical HDD for backup.
1) If I were to get a chance to start over, can I configure these two drives as a RAID cluster, so that whatever written on 1st disk, automatically mirrored to 2nd disk? Bear in mind, I'm using FW800 for both HDD in daisy-chained setup.
2) How reliable is RAID mirroring (software in leopard) using FW800 external drives, as it may subject to different 'connection/attachment' time to my iMac. Internal drives always on at the same time.
3) I tried to use CCC to clone the disk, the sustained speed is disappointingly at 30MB/sec read and write. If I did a copy from my internal HDD to external disk, I get easily 50-60 MB/sec.
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Sep 28, 2009
I have two new G-Drives attached via FW800. One drive keeps unmounting by itself. All of a sudden, I get a screen that says "The drive has been removed, you should always make sure to eject the drive properly from the etc etc.." First time I have ever had this problem. I have tried the eSATA connection and FW connection with the same result. Regardless on how I connect the drive, linked or direct. It's brand new. Could it be bad?
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Dec 29, 2009
What happens when you have a FW400 repeater in a FW800 bus but no active FW400 peripherals?
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Apr 13, 2010
On one hand, I've got an Intel X25M 160GB SSD available that could go into my MBP. On the other hand, it would replace a WD 640GB drive that I really like for the capacity. Oh I also currently have time machine running to an external FW800 drive.
I tend to use a lot of space because for my work I have to use a LOT of unique virtual machines for connecting to all of my clients. I think this alone is pushing me away from the SSD.
I am considering putting in the SSD and having my OS/apps be there. Then adding another external FW800 drive (fast one I guess) for my VMs. I would then chain my time machine drive from that.
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Apr 18, 2010
To get my Multimedia-Data off my MBP i5 SSD I am looking for a small, 1 2,5" hdd enclosure that is FW-800 powered. I was unable to find anything in the forums nor in the buyers guide about this. Any recommendations or tests?
I am looking for something well designed if possible (imho like the LaCie Little Big Disk Quadra, which has two hds (double the power comsumption) and is too big).
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Aug 23, 2010
Mac FW800: 75MB/sec. Win USB3: 150MB/sec.
Also, the Mac USB2 implementation is roughly half the speed of Windows. 17MB/sec vs 33MB/sec sequential read.
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Sep 2, 2010
I got an Intel x25 160GB SSD and I use a Firewire case to carry my old 500GB 2.5 HD. Now the question is, where should I put my Bootcamp for better use. You know, I am afraid, if I put bootcamp in the SSD as well, the SSD will got heavy load.
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Oct 7, 2010
Anyone care to advise?
Would love to hear any past experiences and direct comparisons etc
Have written off the Momentus XT due to endless reviews of noise, heat and battery zapping. Is this just the way all 7200 internals are likely to perform though?
If so, should I maybe continue using my 5400 internal for apps and os, and buy a FW800 7200rpm for my media?
Oh, I'm using my MBP mainly for video editing (FCP, Motion, Shake) and some audio and graphics too.
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Dec 11, 2008
I have been using a MBP for a few months now and I am making a total conversion from PC user to Mac user in January when I buy a nice new 24" iMac but to go with it, I want to buy a couple of new external hard drives. I have currently got a Seagate FreeAgent 500GB USB Drive which is Windows Formatted and I will be keeping that to use with my work laptop (a Dell), and I have been really pleased with its reliability. Anyway, I have been looking around and there are some fab drives on the market but I have a couple of questions. If I get an iMac with a 500GB Internal Hard Drive, how big an External hard drive will I need to use Time Machine without having to delete backups all the time?
Also, I have been primarily looking at the new Seagate FreeAgent drives and the do a PC version (USB) and a Mac version (USB/FW400/FW800), but the 640GB USB version costs �76 whereas the 500GB FW version costs �100. Would you go for the bigger size or the added benefits of FW800? Will I notice much speed difference between USB and FW800?
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Apr 4, 2009
I can't find any conclusive info on this, can anyone shed any light?
I basically thinking of using my external as my main drive instead of the bundled Mac Mini hard drive.
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May 18, 2009
I'm looking to upgrade my hard drive, cloning everything over to the new one via external adapter. Are there any adapters out there that use FireWire 800 so I can get the best speed possible?
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Sep 17, 2009
Got a MPB 13". I need a good external drive, but I'm wondering which is the data bottleneck: FW800 or 5400RPM?
The reason I ask is I have an old iMac with FW400 and an external Hitachi 7200RPM 200GB 16MB cache in an OWC case that's (suppesedly) capable of FW800. It seems to have taken the same amount of speed to restore a very large file to my iMac (FW400) vs. my new MBP (FW800).
I would like to replace this drive with something bigger, but if FW800 is the bottleneck, then I'm thinking I should just get a 5400RPM drive to both save money and get a larger drive.
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Sep 27, 2009
I basically need to connect an older iMac to a new MBP but they both have different FW connections - I always get confused when it comes to cables so if anyone can point me in the right direction it'd be grand,
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Jan 9, 2010
I bought a MacAlly GS350SUAB hard drive enclosure for the firewire 800 port. Before I made the purchase, I looked around for some FW800 drive xbench scores and found a few results:
When I ran the xBench disk test on my drive, I was unimpressed. They weren't much better than when I plugged it in using the USB port.
Uncached Write34.81 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write43.62 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read18.11 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read46.06 MB/sec [256K blocks]
I thought maybe xBench was sucking, so I timed how long it took to write a 831MB file to the drive using both USB and FW800, and it was actually faster (marginally) on USB. FW800 took 30 seconds, while USB took 28. Something doesn't seem right. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this could be? I do have a FW400 audio interface hooked up, but that is of course plugged in to the FW400 port and shouldn't make a difference. The hard drive I'm using came out of a Seagate FreeAgent. Is it possible it's just a really slow drive?
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Aug 7, 2010
Looking for 2.5" HD enclosures with FW800 ports that are verified to spin and mount via bus power.
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Dec 7, 2007
Could anyone recommend an external (FireWire 800) Hard Drive that they're using without issues with a Power Mac G5 (mine is a Dual Processor 2.3)?? I bought a couple of WD My Book Studio Edition but have no end of problems on FW800, and looking around here so is everyone else. LaCies seem to have similar problems, plus my own experiences in selling these and seeing FW ports falling off the enclosure's board, etc., puts me off them. Maxtors seem to have different issues and the new brown and orange Seagates are too fugly to even consider. So, anyone recommend a solution (250-500GB) that works fine with FW800 on a dual PMG5??
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Dec 23, 2010
so I am in search of a new 500GB-1TB External Drive for Time Machine, and it has to have FW800 as well as USB 2.
I was thinking of getting an external chassis and buying my own hard drive, has anyone purchased a good external chassis with both ports, or a all in one drive that is worth the money?
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Apr 30, 2009
I just bought a refurbished OWC Mercury Elite Pro Dual (with the 924 chipset) and can't figure out how to get it to sleep while connected under FW800. Under USB this operates as I expect: shut down the Mac, the drive shuts down. Under FW800 though, nothing. It doesn't matter if I eject, suspend, shutdown the drives just keep spinning (x2 WD Caviar Green). This is connected to an 09 Mini but also tested with an 08 Macbook Pro with the same results.
I've checked with OWC, Apple and the Apple Store as well as numerous boards with no luck. Any suggestions are highly welcome. If anyone has this case and can properly get it to sleep under FW800 I'd like to hear from you! Before I consider any warranty repairs (shipping will kill me being from Canada) I want to know if I'm wasting my time. I may just end up having to leave on 24/7 but ideally would like to have it sleep overnight.
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Jun 21, 2009
1. Can I connect an external HD to both my AEBS (via usb) and my Mac Mini via FW800?
2. If I can't do the below - lets say I connect my external HD to my Mac Mini via FW800 - with the drive be accessible on the network if my Mac Mini is sleeping?
I'm just trying to figure out what is the most efficient/produce the best speed - way to connect an external HD to my network.
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Dec 31, 2009
I bought a brand new Seagate 400Gb hard drive for my PowerMac G4 MDD FW800. I installed it in the back bay, as a slave drive. When I power on the Mac, I get a blank grey screen. The original hard drive with OS 10.4.11 is set as the master, so I don't know why it won't boot properly. I've checked for bent pins, and I don't see any obvious ones, so I'm completely confuzzled.
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Feb 11, 2010
I recently got the mid range 15in MBP. The firewire 800 port is a particular interest of mine which I am expecting to be able to depend on and take advantage of. But much to my dismay it is very irregular, and many times drops down average USB2 speeds or even slightly less.
Now dont get me wrong, the FW 800 port has done almost double the the fastest I have seen USB do, but what I cant figure out is why this is only happening sometimes and sometimes this same FW is performing worse I have three different FW 800 drives now and have tried all sorts of things like switch cables, verify, repair, or check disks/permissions, and basically anything else i thought might help. Still, sometimes its really fast and other times, not.
I would say for the most part FW800 is transferring a little above USB speeds, which is better than nothing, but actually still disappointing. Anyway, if some one has any experience or advice about this, let me know.
I dont see why a drive will act one way once and another the next time. What might be effecting or causing this? Is this normal?
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