OS X :: G Drive Attached Via FW800 Keeps Unmounting Itself
Sep 28, 2009
I have two new G-Drives attached via FW800. One drive keeps unmounting by itself. All of a sudden, I get a screen that says "The drive has been removed, you should always make sure to eject the drive properly from the etc etc.." First time I have ever had this problem. I have tried the eSATA connection and FW connection with the same result. Regardless on how I connect the drive, linked or direct. It's brand new. Could it be bad?
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Jun 8, 2008
I am having problems ejecting/unmounting drives. When I click on the eject button, the drive/disk image disappears from the desktop but stays in the Sidebar but it becomes unselectable. The only way to remove the drive/disk image is to reboot.
MacBook Pro 15.4"
2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Mac OS X 10.5.3
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Dec 7, 2009
I may soon buy one of the newer generation iMacs that drop the FW400, includes 800 only. On my current Mac, I have a FW800 drive and a FW 400 drive. I use the 400 for time machine as speed is less important. My current iMac has a 400 & 800 connector. I have tested connecting the 400 to the 800 drive via daisy chaining, so everything is pulling off the 800 connector, so this assures me I can do this with the new iMac. However, Does it slow down your 800 drive when it has a 400 chained off of it? Or, if the 800 is the first drive connected to your iMac, do you maintain full speed?
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May 16, 2010
I just bought a 640gig Samsung 2.5 inch / 5400rpm drive and threw it in a FW800 case from Other world computing. Running some test using the QuickBench 4 and AJA system test shows me that this little bugger is almost as quick as my internal drive on my MacBook Pro (Model number: WDC WD6400BEVT-00A0RT0). How can this be???? I did a varity of test with different file sizes and the Samsung get 70 MB/s vs about 84 MB/s for the internal drive.
My internal drive is pretty full vs this external drive that is currently empty. I do a lot of video work / large gigabyte files on the drive so perhaps I have a defrag problem? I really expected my internal drive to blow the FW800 connected Samsung out the water?
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Jan 9, 2010
I bought a MacAlly GS350SUAB hard drive enclosure for the firewire 800 port. Before I made the purchase, I looked around for some FW800 drive xbench scores and found a few results:
When I ran the xBench disk test on my drive, I was unimpressed. They weren't much better than when I plugged it in using the USB port.
Uncached Write34.81 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write43.62 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read18.11 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read46.06 MB/sec [256K blocks]
I thought maybe xBench was sucking, so I timed how long it took to write a 831MB file to the drive using both USB and FW800, and it was actually faster (marginally) on USB. FW800 took 30 seconds, while USB took 28. Something doesn't seem right. Does anyone have any thoughts on why this could be? I do have a FW400 audio interface hooked up, but that is of course plugged in to the FW400 port and shouldn't make a difference. The hard drive I'm using came out of a Seagate FreeAgent. Is it possible it's just a really slow drive?
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Dec 7, 2007
Could anyone recommend an external (FireWire 800) Hard Drive that they're using without issues with a Power Mac G5 (mine is a Dual Processor 2.3)?? I bought a couple of WD My Book Studio Edition but have no end of problems on FW800, and looking around here so is everyone else. LaCies seem to have similar problems, plus my own experiences in selling these and seeing FW ports falling off the enclosure's board, etc., puts me off them. Maxtors seem to have different issues and the new brown and orange Seagates are too fugly to even consider. So, anyone recommend a solution (250-500GB) that works fine with FW800 on a dual PMG5??
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Dec 23, 2010
so I am in search of a new 500GB-1TB External Drive for Time Machine, and it has to have FW800 as well as USB 2.
I was thinking of getting an external chassis and buying my own hard drive, has anyone purchased a good external chassis with both ports, or a all in one drive that is worth the money?
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Dec 31, 2009
I bought a brand new Seagate 400Gb hard drive for my PowerMac G4 MDD FW800. I installed it in the back bay, as a slave drive. When I power on the Mac, I get a blank grey screen. The original hard drive with OS 10.4.11 is set as the master, so I don't know why it won't boot properly. I've checked for bent pins, and I don't see any obvious ones, so I'm completely confuzzled.
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Aug 11, 2010
First I wanted to upgrade my new mac mini with a Momentus XT but now I'm thinking about getting a "real" ssd + a FW800 drive for storage to have the huge speed boost of the ssd drive. Does anybody have this combination in his mini? What I want to know: How is the performance like of the external drive connected to FW800? Is it comparable to a standard internal hard drive?
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Oct 6, 2010
I got two questions.
1) What would you guys say the best bang for your buck FireWire 800 is? I hear a lot of differing opinions on this one, so I'd like a couple suggestions, need over 500GB though. 750GB and up would probably be the best.
2) I've got 2 PATA hard-drives from my old Windows PC that crashed, what would you guys suggest doing about getting the data off of them? Most of the hard drive kits I found are for SATA, and the one I found for PATA was like $50 at Best Buy, I just want to get the data off these hard drives and junk 'em. I don't need bells and whistles and fancy enclosures.
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Mar 23, 2009
I have just purchased a WD Studio Turbo extarnal/portable 320GB drive to use as a back-up and spare start-up disk. (I normally run Disk Warrior from an external.)
I have backed up my Macintosh HD to this WD drive using Super Duper and Super Duper indicates that everything has been copied ok.
However, when I plug in the FW800 cable to my MacBook Pro (old version) and restart holding down the Option key it doesn't show up as an alternative start-up disk.
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Nov 12, 2010
This is in regards to the 2010 mini. I have been reading up on SSD, Hybrids and FW800 with a 7200. What is the easiest AND most effective/cost effective solution? If I went he FW800 route, can I use the same drive as my data storage drive? Will there be enough headroom to run the OS over FW and use the drive to stream movies playing in another room on Apple TV2 simultaneously? Will this give me a performance increase over the internal 5400 if I use the external 7200 for everything over FW800?
That is where my thoughts about the hybrid come into play. I know I can stream the iTunes content over USB2, which I have at the moment for the big drive. I would need to go buy an enclosure with FW800 to run it as a boot drive. I could use that same money and go get a 500GB Hybrid drive and install myself and leave the USB2 as data only. If the install is painless but tedious, I might just do that. If the FW800 route would be robust enough to run the OS and stream data to other devices simultaneously (ie use it as I would the regular internal drive), I might just do that and wait for SSD prices to come tumbling down and do a bigger internal SSD in the future.
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Jun 2, 2012
I wasn't sure if it wouls be a bad idea if I wiped the interal hard drive while I'm booting from a recovery disk, then made a RAID 0 with the internal drive and my FW800 external drive. I'm nearing my max for the internal drive. I have a second FW400 drive backing up with Time Machine. I was hoping to just wipe, make the raid volume, and then restore from the Time Machine backup.
I guess even before that, my FW800 is not working in Lion. I reformatted while connected by USB, reset power management, and reset PRAM, but the firewire bus panics and takes out the Time Machine on FW400 as well. Is there a fix for this somewhere that I'm missing? I bought the FW800 drive for the above reason, only to run into a wall trying to make it work. I really don't want to do a RAID 0 with a USB connection.
I'm not going to try setting up the RAID 0 until I get the FW800 drive working reliably, but I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 7, 2009
I have an USB external HD attached to Time Capsule. Trying to find out how one can use diskutil to do a verifyVolume on this drive. I tried something like: diskutil verifyVolume /Volumes/myDrive but it didn't work. The command is (naturally) ok with an USB external HD attached to the USB port on the Mac itself.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have a 2TB Hitachi Backup drive, and a 1TB Verbatim Portable drive, both are USB 3, and when they are connected and the iMac is switched off, it will not boot until I remove the drive.
How can I leave the 2TB drive connected and power up the iMac ?
The 2TB drive was purchased to be a Time Machine backup drive.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.4GHz Intel Core i7 - 8GB
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Nov 4, 2010
I have used my first generation USB Drobo for a few years with relative success with my G5. I've now upgraded to a Mac Pro with OSX 10.6.4. I have 3 volumes on my desktop drobo 1 is for time machine, drobo 2 and 3 are backup files. I have 7.5 TBs total. Ever since the computer upgrade the Drobo (all 3 volumes) unmount and the warning window opens saying a devise was disconnected improperly. I called Drobo, they say run disc utility to repair any time that happens. So I run repair , 2 and 3 volume repair quickly, Volume 1 can take 16 or 20 hours.
I have went over this many times with Drobo, I ran a diagnostic test and sent to them, they say my drives are fine, they sent me a new power adaptor. I took Drobo home to my G5 and it ran fine for a week, I take it to work and attach it to the Mac Pro and poof, disconnects in less than an hour. Drobo wants me to reformat the machine now (I do have everything backed up on G Techs). Should I bother erasing and starting over with this or use it as an $800 paperweight?
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Nov 28, 2010
I downloaded a video driver (size 77.6 MB) and I saw it in my iMAC "downloads".
Now that I've downloaded it, and closed the downloads list, I cannot find how to reopen that download list. How do I do it?
Also, I want to transfer (copy and paste?) that video file downloaded executable file to an attached external hard drive connected to my iMAC which I will use to install the video driver on a PC which is in process of a clean install of Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.
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Dec 19, 2009
I have a 2tb MyBook connected to my 27" iMac (also has a 2TB internal HDD). The external backs up the iMac but I am still nervous and feel like I want one more layer of redundancy. Is it possible to connect an external drive to my AEBS and have that drive back up the drive attached to the iMac? By the way, the iMac is connected via ethernet to the AEBS.
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Jun 28, 2012
I have an iMac with a directly attached USB drive and a Mac PowerBook attached via WIFI to the same network. I would like to have both devices back up to the shared drive via Time Machine. To date I have been able to get this to work, in a limited fashion. As soon as the iMac goes to sleep the PowerBook cannot see the drive and the backup fails. I would think that since I have selected the power option on the iMac to wake up for network access that this should work. This sounds like a simple requirement, I tryed to attach the USB drive to my Airport Extreme and we all know that that does not work.
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Apr 23, 2009
I got this big hard drive and attached it to my Airport Extreme. I can get to it just fine, however, I would ideally like to make it so this drive is ALWAYS mounted on my computer. I've got my iTunes and iPhoto libraries on here, and it seems like every time I wake my computer or reboot, I need to reconnect to the drive, otherwise iTunes/iPhoto freak out because they can't find it. Is there a way I can tell my Mac to stay connected to the drive, and automatically look for it if it's not mounted?
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Aug 24, 2009
I am enjoying my Time Capsule and have kept it in front of me for the last week to see how it behaves. I have noticed that when I attach my other external hard drive to it it will behave exactly like the Time Capsule. By this I mean that after 2 minutes of inactivity they will both spin down but when it is backup time in an hour both will start up simultaneously and my attached external hard drive will get to speed and instantly shut off again while the TC does it's thing. My questions are, can this be stopped and why is it doing this? Surely it would not spin up the external drive along with the TC as spinning it up 12 times a day isn't doing the external drive any favors...
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Feb 28, 2010
I am running a 2007 Imac. Version 10.5.8. 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM and am using my Macintosh HD as my Startup Disk.
I have been starting to have some issues with my external hard drive (500gb Western Digital, connected via USB and power supply).
I've never had a problem with it before, but now it seems that when it "mounts", it stays connected and workable for about 30 seconds and then it unmounts and dissapears and I get a "bad device removal" message.
I don't want to lose anything on the HD so for now I just turned it off. I am planning on using DiskWarrior to attempt to repair it.
If, for instance, it is "fried" and cannot stay mounted, is there any way I can transfer the info onto another HD?
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Dec 19, 2010
I have a Drobo hung via USB off my airport extreme. When I first connected it, the Drobo was formatted to be 2 tb but has since grown to over 6 tb in capacity. Now, one of the great things about Drobo is whenever you add space, it will partion the drives to give you the additional space, but this only really works if you have it connected to your computer directly.I have close to 6 tb of available space on my drobo, and only about 2 being used. My mac thinks the drobo is full and won't copy to it. Any way to get my iMac or airport extreme to recognize there is actually more space, or partitions?
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Apr 2, 2009
I want to wirelessly time machine backup to my time machine hard drive already attached to my iMac.
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Apr 16, 2009
I have plugged in an external hard drive into my time capsule via the usb input. I have a main router for my network and internet and time capsule is connected to this wirelessly. The external drive doesn't show up as being attached to the time capsule and hence I cannot access any files. What do I need to do to be able to access it?
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Jun 23, 2009
does an airport extreme with an attached external hard drive function exactly the same as a time capsule? i would like to know if there are any minute differences because i am in the market for one.
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Mar 19, 2012
I have a hard drive which is attached to my iMac 24*7. I plan to move all my movies & pictures over to it. Would the Time Machine backup (through a different hard drive) backup my Hard drive?
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 25, 2012
Due to some restrictions I can't let my users mount external HDD's/USB Flash etc. in RW mode. Onle read is allowed, so how can I do that without OS X Server installed?
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Jun 20, 2014
I have about 6 external USB drives that are mostly 1TB or 1.5TB. I have been trying to copy files from old ones to new ones but if I plug in more than two they keep unmounting with the message that the drive was not unmounted properly and may now be damaged. I have two so far that are corrupted. I have tried three different powered USB hubs thinking it was lack of power but it made no difference. This problem occurs on my 26" iMac Running Lion and on my new PowerBookPro running Mavericks.
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Feb 21, 2009
Macbook Pro 17" Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz. Following a logic board replacement for a separate issue. I have two external Firewire 800 Hard drives (two separate brands and sizes) which have suddenly started unmounting randomly and giving the 'hardware removal error'. A few seconds after unmounting they mount again, only to unmount a minute later with the error again. It is now doing this in a loop.I have done the following things:
1. rebooted and checked all cable connections
2. I have tried this with the two disks plugged in separately and daisychained.
3. I have tried two separate Firewire 800 cables.
4. running the Disk Utility.
5.installing the system from scratch on a freshly formatted internal disk.
6. reinstalling again with an archive and install.
Everything seems to work fine with a Firewire 400 connection.The only software setting that I changed is to disable the "Put Hard Disks to Sleep when possible" option in the Energy Saver system prefs. Any connection? I have enabled this again and so far (a couple of hours) so good.Should I be looking at a hardware issue
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