Hardware :: Apple Stock Surges On Belief MacBooks "peel Away" Windows Users
Nov 24, 2008
Investors returned to Apple shares in force on Monday and sent the stock climbing a massive 12.5 percent after reports said Apple was likely to profit on a wave of converts to its new aluminum MacBooks. A research note by investment analyst Yair Reiner of Oppenheimer & Co. set the blueprint for the dramatic $10.37 gain in Apple's stock over the trading day as he believed the new, unibody designs and their built-in media features were enough to attract a fresh round of buyers and persuade Reiner to raise his estimates for Apple's earnings per share during the holiday season's quarter from $1.36 to $1.39.
The one-piece metal design is alluring enough that it should "continue to peel away users from the Windows mold" despite many either being short on cash or just hesitant to buy in the current climate, he says. In turn, JP Morgan's Mark Moskowitz was more aggressive still, boosting his own valuation from a cautious $1.29 per share to $1.38 based on the same predictions of strong performance for the MacBook line. Both researchers are nonetheless cautious and still expect a downturn. JP Morgan and Oppenheimer alike lowered their estimates for iPhone sales, while Moskowitz has also downplayed expectations for iPods despite the usual spike in sales that comes with holiday shopping.........
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Mar 20, 2008
In an apparent bid to rapidly gain share of the online browser market dominated by rival Microsoft, Apple is leveraging its vast iTunes install base to recommend that Windows users also download and install the latest version of its Safari web browser.
To date, Apple has sold over 100 million iPods, the majority of which have gone to Windows users who subsequently must install the company's iTunes software for synching files between their PCs and the digital media players. As part of iTunes, Apple also installs its Software Update mechanism on the Windows-based machines to notify users of iTunes updates, in addition to updates to its QuickTime media software required for several iTunes functions.
It now appears that the Cupertino-based company aspires to use the advantage presented by the Software Update mechanism to muscle its way further up the browser charts at the expense Microsoft's Internet Explorer and other third-party Windows browsers.
"Earlier today, Apple released the Safari 3.1 Web browser for Mac OS and Windows XP/Vista. A couple hours later, Apple Software Update popped up on my daughter's Sony VAIO, offering Safari 3.1 for download," noted Microsoft Watch's Joe Wilcox. "I didn't recall seeing an earlier version installed on the laptop. And I made no mistake: The Apple updater offered installation of new software, not something that had been there before. Whoa."
Windows users receiving the notification are greeted with Apple's marketing pitch alongside the download option, which reads: "Safari for Windows is the fastest and easiest-to-use web browser for the PC. It displays web pages faster than any other browser and is filled with innovative features -- all delivered in an efficient and elegant user interface."
In a statement released Monday alongside the release of Safari 3.1, Apple said the browser loads web pages 1.9 times faster than the current version of Internet Explorer and 1.7 times faster than Firefox 2.0. But when it comes to install base, Safari is world's behind.
According to NetApplications, the Apple browser maintains an approximate 5.7 percent share of the market, a distant third to the well established presences of both FireFox and Internet Explorer, which hold a 17.2 percent and 74.8 percent share, respectively. But like FireFox, Safari is slowly eating away at Internet Explorer's commanding lead. Its share has risen nearly a full percentage point over the past twelve months, while the Microsoft browser has shed about 5 percent of its share.
Meanwhile, Apple is also contending on a second front in its charge towards supremacy in the browser market, to which it has witnessed more immediate success. Its iPhone and iPod touch -- both of which ship with a mobile version of Safari -- have served to springboard the company to the top of the US mobile browser rankings in a mere eight months, according a recent report from Ireland-based StatCounter.
But Wilcox, who credits Apple with wisely leveraging its resources to infiltrate Microsoft's territory, questions how well the fledging Safari browser will hold up amongst a PC world proliferated by trojans, viruses and other rogue tactics that threaten to disrupt the stability of Windows systems.
"Safari is fairly new to Windows and has yet to really show that it has can muster the security to withstand the associated attacks," he wrote. "Mac OS X is a quaint neighborhood where little Safari was safe. By comparison, Windows is a gang-ridden ghetto: life is survival, and it's tough going."
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Jul 18, 2010
I went to three stores today (different companies including Best Buy) and they all said that the Apple Remotes are out of stock and there are 0 on order or are unable to order them right now. One employee told me that they always order more and this typically only happens when the item has been discontinued for another model. The only reason I went to a B&M is because Amazon has been out of them for awhile now. So.... is a new remote coming... or is Apple just behind demand?
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Aug 26, 2009
I am planning on buying the upgrade of Snow Leopard from the Apple store on Saturday. Do you think they will sell out fast, or will Apple prepare for the worst and stock on alot?
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Feb 17, 2012
I Have a MacBook pro 17" 2009 with OS 10.7 Lion, I was doing the updates in the middle of the updates give a error and say you need to restart, Now, when I restarted it is showing gray screen with apple logo and spinning gear and is not moving beyond that (even after 3 hours).I tried Resetting my mac PRAM and NVRAM, nothing, I tried Safe Mode, I tried verbose mode(command V) and is show me this,The system bootstrapper has crached: Trace/BPT trap: 5. I don't have originals cd I lose them when I move.and Lion I'm download from app store I don't Have DVDÂ I don't care about information on my mac, I backup everything daily. I just want to make it work again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 17" 2009
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Jun 28, 2012
I cannot put my Apple ID in the users preferences. Full name is as a user is ok, user is administrator. Logging in with my ID works fine on itunes, Apple, iCloud by Safari,.. but I cannot log into iCloud in the preferences (so not synchronize my address book, calendar,..), and cannot fill in the Apple ID in the user preferences. On my other Mac, on my iphone and Ipad all works fine.. Behind the Apple ID: Set.. it gives: The operation could not be completed. Csidentityerrordomain -100.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 12, 2009
I know developer previews have at least one specific goal at giving third party devs early access so they can get a sense of new APIs and start updating/creating apps, but they also serve for bug reporting. Do you think Apple should open up OS X beta testing to a larger community of users?
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May 8, 2009
I'm bad at Photoshop. I really wish for the 3 user customizable keys, personally I would use the top two buttons for previous/next Space, and the bottom key to switch to my iTunes. And the trackpad to the right could be used for customizable multitouch gestures, so you can move around spaces easily, scroll with 2 fingers if you have a desktop and not a laptop, etc. I think it's very important that Apple includes multitouch for desktop users and not just laptop people.
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Jan 29, 2010
Apple has long had a business sales group ready to sell Macs to any interested companies, and with the release of iPhone 2.0, the Cupertino-based company made it very clear that it wanted the iPhone to fit the needs of corporate users.That has helped stoke a healthy interest in the iPhone platform among companies who develop custom mobile software. Apple hardened the iPhone's security profile, added Exchange support, and created mass configuration and deployment tools for the deviceFor the iPad, those same corporate-friendly iPhone features will all continue to work, thanks to the iPad being build on the same software foundation. However, the iPad adds a variety of new things that business users should find very attractive.
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Apr 10, 2012
I resent that Appple forces us to pay for and download Lion in order to switch to iCloud, a system that has many users furious. After downloading Lion, my personal cd archives from iTunes vanished, and several of my friends, on switching to iCloud, lost their mail contacts. YES - they followed the complicated instructions from Apple as to how to save everything, but so much fell apart. I had a chat with an Apple person and even she was mystified. I was going to buy an iPad but now I won't as just having an iMac is enough with so much difficult stuff going on.
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May 4, 2009
I've been having some connection issues with Skype, and would like to know if its possible to use iChat to do audio&video chats with Windows users? I know iChat supports AIM, so I assume these users would need to install AIM to make this happen.
If such a setup works, is it possible to conference with multiple users?
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Jan 25, 2010
Basically I am fed up with powerpoint, I think its a horrible application, dont have the money or any other use for a MAC right now although I can forsee buying one as my next laptop.
My question is
Is there a keynote or similar application that I can use on my pc/windows vista instead of horrible powerpoint?
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Mar 13, 2010
Just wondered if there are any others out there like me, a Mac user and lover in a windows world. all the computers at work are windows, so if I use pages or keynote I cant share with colleagues, i cant print easy from the network, I cant sync my calenders etc. I guess that Macs are used more in other countries but every time I get my Macbook out at a meeting I get funny looks (I don't work in a creative industry) I love my Macbook but it gets frustrating trying to convert documents or having to use office for mac just so I can send the document to colleagues.
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Jul 3, 2012
I have an issue with pdfs that I make in OS X Lion 10.7.4. If I create a pdf through the Print dialog I get a perfectly OK document. If I pass the pdf to a Windows user (Windows XP Pro, Service Pack 3) and they open it using Adobe Reader or Acrobat 9, the pdf seems to be masked with random black rectangles. These appear where there was an indent or tab in the original document, but not in every case, and they are also randomly distributed in other parts of the doc.Â
I have also used the method of taking a screenshot as pdf, with the same result. Using the excellent Skitch to take a pdf screenshot gives a different problem, with Acrobat displaying a uniform grey box, so no joy there.Â
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Dec 11, 2008
C'mon Apple... I know you don't like copying Microsoft and I don't either... but you gotta lose the green + toggle for windows and add a fit to screen button. This is no longer funny. Your only excuse is if there is a copyright, TM or patent issue, but somehow I think it's pure stubborness and you think the green toggle is useful. For those of you who have never owned or used a PC, this poll is not for you. For people who have used both, how many of you would like to see a "Fit To Screen" toggle button instead of a green + for OS windows?
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Mar 21, 2009
I created 4 profiles/users in OS X; when I installed Boot Camp, it was in my wife's profile (she will be the primary user). My son went into his profile last night to use Garageband and I noticed there was no Windows disk on his desktop, nor was the Fusion icon on his dock.
So, can you/should you install Boot Camp for more than 1 user in OS X?
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Apr 2, 2009
I have to supply a generated set of files � a couple of dozen logos as .eps files � in a folder containing some other nested folders to a small enterprise that uses PCs for their day to day work.
The people I'm dealing with are not very IT-savvy and if I could, I'd provide a set of these folders and files without the corresponding invisible files that usually have a dot at the beginning of their file-names.
I'll probably zip the whole lot up and email, rapidshare or yousendit it over to them so they can unpack it and get to business without me having to explain what all those files with the dots are, and how to get rid of them.
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Apr 12, 2009
I have a proposal due for an english class, and I have to email it to my professor. I know he does not have a Mac, much less Pages, so will he be able to read my document that I created in Pages '09 on his PC? I know he has Office 2007, if that helps. Or do I have to save the file in some special format from within Pages?
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Aug 8, 2010
I just did a fresh reinstall of 10.6 after my hard drive crashed on me last week. I'm reinstalling my preference panes, but am running into a problem. Whenever I try to install a preference pane for all users, it asking for my credentials as usual. Then the window becomes unresponsive and starts to pinwheel. When you check the dock, System Preferences is listed as "Not Responding". I've let it sit there for five or so minutes and nothing changes. If the preference panes comes with an installer (like iStat Menus) I have no issues.
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Feb 23, 2012
I have two Lion 10.7.3 servers joined to my company's AD. These servers provide SMB/AFP file services to users. They have been working successfully until a week ago when a change in AD was made. Now Windows (7 or XP, doesn't matter) clients cannot connect to the server using the DNS name, only the IP address. Mac OS X clients are not affected by this, i.e. they can use the DNS name fine. All clients are on AD too. What I observe from a Windows 7 client is, I open Windows Explorer, type \xserver in the address bar, hit enter, & it denies my connection immediately. If I do the same thing with the IP address (\, it lets me in immediately.
For Windows clients, I have tried both the short DNS name as well as the FQDN, & neither work. The DNS name on the server itself is fine, verified by "changeip -checkhostname". Whatever changed in AD caused the Lion servers to start doing this because they both started exhibiting this behavior at the same time. The only info I've been able to get regarding what changed in AD from the domain admins was "We changed the UPN fromuser@domain.example.com to Firstname.Lastname@example.com", in other words, to their email address. In the system logs, here's an attempt to connect from a Windows client using the short DNS name:
Feb 20 09:24:39 xserver rpcsvchost[32619]: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
Feb 20 09:24:39 xserver sandboxd[32620] ([32619]): rpcsvchost(32619) deny file-read-metadata /Library/Managed Preferences
Feb 20 09:24:39 xserver sandboxd[32620] ([32619]): rpcsvchost(32619) deny file-read-metadata /private/var/root
Feb 20 09:24:39: --- last message repeated 3 times ---
[Log] .....
Why only the DNS name doesn't work.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 13, 2012
Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8). Â
When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access.Â
As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint).Â
Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 22, 2012
I am currently am MBA student and must create projects using power point/ keynote, very often. Many of the power points/ keynotes created by students are informative but lack the ability to hold an audience’s attention (boring). Since I have this wonderful Macbook pro, I would like to create a dynamic keynote presentation which would include clips of audio and video files (I already know about converting keynote to power point). The only problem is, the videos I want to use in the keynote presentation are not able to be manipulated in iMovie (due to their format), and if they where able to be manipulated in iMovie, I’m not sure that PC users would be able to properly view them.
What video format (including embedded audio) is able to be viewed and heard by both OSX Lion users and Windows users?  If this is possible, can anyone suggest a safe application that I can purchase from the apple app store that will allow me to convert video files (including embedded audio) so that it can be viewed by both Lion and PC users? Preferably one that does not need access to the internet in order to convert the files ( I’m on the go allot and use an air card for internet access), but I will take it if this is the best option. If the app store does not have this type of application, is there a place that I can download a safe one?Â
MacBook Pro
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May 1, 2012
Problems started after uploading the Lion in March. Now at least Windows 7 users can´t open any pdfs or jpegs that I have included into sent e-mails. They can see that they are included but can´t open them. What can I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 22, 2010
A question about windows 7 and a Mac pro 3.1 edition 2008. I have installed windows 7 and all is fine and dandy everything works, except in the bottom right hand corner there the error flag showing on the tool bar.
This is the error.
Apple Memory Controller GPE event is not compatible with windows 7.
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Jul 2, 2009
Having problems with the Audio, Brightness and eject button keys after windows xp automatic update. Buttons sometimes work after a shutdown and restart, sometimes not. Tried the Bootcamp 2.1 reinstall but didnt help much. Where the heck can i get drivers for the bloody thing?
Apologies for the lingo but im quite frustrated. it takes apple yrs to fix one problem but only for another to appear.
I already gave up on Realtek doing something about their crappy sound quality (despite releasing a new driver every two weeks) and the mighty mouse freezing after hibernation unless u press the left button like a man possesed!!
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Jun 10, 2010
Apologies if there are other specific threads like this, I did do an MRoogle search but couldn't find one.I've just got a new 15" 2.66ghz i7 MacBook Pro, and have Windows 7 64 bit ready to install. My question is, once I have it installed, with all the Snow Leopard drivers and 3.1 update, should I continue to download drivers from the manufacturers's websites, or just stick to the ones that Apple hands out in their updates?I suppose I'm specifically asking about the NVIDIA drivers. Should I install the most recent drivers for the 330m, or again just stick to the Apple ones?
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May 6, 2009
As far as I understand there is a bug that stops Windows 7 or Vista from showing up in the Start Up disk options in the preference settings.
So the only option is to go through the boot menu selection but unfortunately I am using the Apple wireless keyboard and holding the option key down doesn't bring up the boot selection screen. Is there anything I can do ... or am I forced to use a USB keyboard for now ?
For the record I have the Wireless Keyboard and Mighty mouse paired and working in Windows 7 ( The keyboard has occasional lag from the first keystroke input but is fine from then ) Its just that I get no response from keystrokes during boot up.
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Jan 9, 2009
If you had to make an educated guess, when would you guess that USB 3.0 will arrive on MacBooks?
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Jul 23, 2009
Does anyone have 2 macbooks that they use? If yes, why do you have two and what do you use them for?
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Aug 15, 2009
Just wondering why they can't or are not putting the 16 GB or 32 GB ram in any Macs since they put it in ipods and iPhones? I know that Snow Leopard can support up to what like 16 Terrabytes?
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