Software :: Apple Pushing Safari Downloads On Windows Users?
Mar 20, 2008
In an apparent bid to rapidly gain share of the online browser market dominated by rival Microsoft, Apple is leveraging its vast iTunes install base to recommend that Windows users also download and install the latest version of its Safari web browser.
To date, Apple has sold over 100 million iPods, the majority of which have gone to Windows users who subsequently must install the company's iTunes software for synching files between their PCs and the digital media players. As part of iTunes, Apple also installs its Software Update mechanism on the Windows-based machines to notify users of iTunes updates, in addition to updates to its QuickTime media software required for several iTunes functions.
It now appears that the Cupertino-based company aspires to use the advantage presented by the Software Update mechanism to muscle its way further up the browser charts at the expense Microsoft's Internet Explorer and other third-party Windows browsers.
"Earlier today, Apple released the Safari 3.1 Web browser for Mac OS and Windows XP/Vista. A couple hours later, Apple Software Update popped up on my daughter's Sony VAIO, offering Safari 3.1 for download," noted Microsoft Watch's Joe Wilcox. "I didn't recall seeing an earlier version installed on the laptop. And I made no mistake: The Apple updater offered installation of new software, not something that had been there before. Whoa."
Windows users receiving the notification are greeted with Apple's marketing pitch alongside the download option, which reads: "Safari for Windows is the fastest and easiest-to-use web browser for the PC. It displays web pages faster than any other browser and is filled with innovative features -- all delivered in an efficient and elegant user interface."
In a statement released Monday alongside the release of Safari 3.1, Apple said the browser loads web pages 1.9 times faster than the current version of Internet Explorer and 1.7 times faster than Firefox 2.0. But when it comes to install base, Safari is world's behind.
According to NetApplications, the Apple browser maintains an approximate 5.7 percent share of the market, a distant third to the well established presences of both FireFox and Internet Explorer, which hold a 17.2 percent and 74.8 percent share, respectively. But like FireFox, Safari is slowly eating away at Internet Explorer's commanding lead. Its share has risen nearly a full percentage point over the past twelve months, while the Microsoft browser has shed about 5 percent of its share.
Meanwhile, Apple is also contending on a second front in its charge towards supremacy in the browser market, to which it has witnessed more immediate success. Its iPhone and iPod touch -- both of which ship with a mobile version of Safari -- have served to springboard the company to the top of the US mobile browser rankings in a mere eight months, according a recent report from Ireland-based StatCounter.
But Wilcox, who credits Apple with wisely leveraging its resources to infiltrate Microsoft's territory, questions how well the fledging Safari browser will hold up amongst a PC world proliferated by trojans, viruses and other rogue tactics that threaten to disrupt the stability of Windows systems.
"Safari is fairly new to Windows and has yet to really show that it has can muster the security to withstand the associated attacks," he wrote. "Mac OS X is a quaint neighborhood where little Safari was safe. By comparison, Windows is a gang-ridden ghetto: life is survival, and it's tough going."
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Nov 8, 2007
so now that i have my dl stack in leopard i dont need the download window to pop up in safari since i can just access the stack. is there a way i can get rid of the downloads window?
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Dec 1, 2008
Apple is offering no-fee Mini DisplayPort licenses to anyone interested in designing products around the new specification, a move the company hopes will take the fledgling display connector mainstream.
The Mini DisplayPort is a small form factor connector invented by Apple to fully support the VESA DisplayPort protocol. Unlike the Mini-DVI and Micro-DVI connectors common on previous generation Apple products, the port is capable of driving resolutions up to 2560x1600, which is commonly used on 30-inch displays.
In an update to its software licensing page spotted by ArsTechnica, Apple announced that it's not charging for Mini DisplayPort licenses, which can be obtained by filling out a Mini DisplayPort Implementation Agreement [PDF].
The Cupertino-based company notes that Mini DisplayPort is "particularly useful on systems where space is at a premium, such as portable computers or to support multiple connectors on reduced height add-in cards."
Mini DisplayPort can already be found on the latest family of MacBooks, MacBook Pros, and MacBook Airs, in addition to the new 24-inch LED Cinema Display. Apple has also said it plans to implement the connector on all of its future Mac designs.
By offering no-fee licenses, the Mac maker hopes other PC vendors will adopt MiniDisplay port and help build a market for compatible devices. The move also presents the possibility that third parties will develop some well sought-after solutions, like a Mini DispayPort to HDMI adapter for hooking MacBooks up to HDTVs and a connector that will allow older Macs to connect to the new 24-inch LED Apple Cinema Display.
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Apr 26, 2012
This problem I've been having started when the latest version of Safari moved from a Downloads window to a Downloads pop-up pane. My expectation as to how the pane should work is this: the 20 most recent downloads are shown in the list, and when a new download begins, the oldest download is removed from the list, thereby keeping the new list updated with the 20 latest downloads. My problem is that while the pane still keeps 20 past downloads listed, they're not always recent downloads. For example, when I download a file, the file will typically remain in the list until I begin a new download, at which point the slightly earlier download will be removed from the list, while even older downloads remain listed. So at the moment, listed are five recent downloads and fifteen downloads from many months ago, while downloads from days or hours ago have been removed from the list.In Preferences I have (and always have) "Remove download list items" set to "Manually." Currently I am running the lasted versions of OSX (10.7.3) and Safari (5.1.5).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 24, 2008
Investors returned to Apple shares in force on Monday and sent the stock climbing a massive 12.5 percent after reports said Apple was likely to profit on a wave of converts to its new aluminum MacBooks. A research note by investment analyst Yair Reiner of Oppenheimer & Co. set the blueprint for the dramatic $10.37 gain in Apple's stock over the trading day as he believed the new, unibody designs and their built-in media features were enough to attract a fresh round of buyers and persuade Reiner to raise his estimates for Apple's earnings per share during the holiday season's quarter from $1.36 to $1.39.
The one-piece metal design is alluring enough that it should "continue to peel away users from the Windows mold" despite many either being short on cash or just hesitant to buy in the current climate, he says. In turn, JP Morgan's Mark Moskowitz was more aggressive still, boosting his own valuation from a cautious $1.29 per share to $1.38 based on the same predictions of strong performance for the MacBook line. Both researchers are nonetheless cautious and still expect a downturn. JP Morgan and Oppenheimer alike lowered their estimates for iPhone sales, while Moskowitz has also downplayed expectations for iPods despite the usual spike in sales that comes with holiday shopping.........
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Mar 12, 2012
I am running Safari 5.1.4 on a Lion MacBook Pro (latest version of Lion), but for some reason it won't play mp3 files - it always ends up downloading them.However, if I try the same web page with the same mp3 files on, say, Chrome, they play just fine.
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Mar 2, 2009
Can i download the apps listed on with a powerbook that has tiger? If not, where can i find the old official Apple app downloads for tiger?
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Dec 30, 2009
I have no idea what happened but all of a sudden my SAFARI stopped proceeding downloads. If I try to download for example SAFARI 4.0.4 I won't see any window showing downloading process. Or when I have tried to download anything else there wasn't any window showing download or even warning message, nothing. I don't have a clue. I even reinstalled whole OS but nothing...
I'm running iMac, Leopard,10.5.6, Safari 4.0.2
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Feb 16, 2012
i need to update my mac mini, but the apple support downloads page never loads.
Mac mini
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May 19, 2012
How can I tell if my downloads are up to date?
Mac mini (Mid 2011), os 10.7.3
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Aug 9, 2008
Can this be done? Its annoying as hell and makes me want to drop kick the computer when I come across tons of images when searching through google images. It pretty much boggles the mind how potentially dangerous this is anyways. I want an option to cancel like all the other browsers that let you choose where to save a file.
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May 25, 2012
Using Safari 5.1.7 on Snow Leopard.I landed on Website today that i had never visited. An .exe file immediately started downloading automatically to my Downloads folder. I was as a little unnerved by this and thought there had to be a simple setting in Safari Preferences to at least pop up a opt-out dialog. Well, if there is one, I couldn't find it.
Info:MacPro, MacBook Pro, G5s, G4, iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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Jun 28, 2012
I cannot put my Apple ID in the users preferences. Full name is as a user is ok, user is administrator. Logging in with my ID works fine on itunes, Apple, iCloud by Safari,.. but I cannot log into iCloud in the preferences (so not synchronize my address book, calendar,..), and cannot fill in the Apple ID in the user preferences. On my other Mac, on my iphone and Ipad all works fine.. Behind the Apple ID: Set.. it gives: The operation could not be completed. Csidentityerrordomain -100.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 30, 2010
Recently, safari/chrome have not been able to open downloads. Nothing happens after I click start download for various file types. I have repaired disk permissions and both browsers are up to date.
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Nov 10, 2009
In preferences, I set safari to clear my downloads manually but it still clears it automatically. I've already tried reinstalling Safari 4 but the problem just cropped up again a week later.
Is this a virus or something?
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Apr 19, 2010
When I'm downloading, say, PDF files in Safari (4.0.3), at times it will download IN the browser itself, at other times to the 'Download' folder ... I can't seem to control when it does whatever it does; it seems entirely random. When it downloads IN the browser, it slows everything down, so I want to enable it to ALWAYS download to the folder instead (meaning I can do multiple downloads concurrently without slowing things down to a crawl on 1 GB Ram ...).
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Sep 24, 2009
I can't use links like buttons to download up-dates on sites.When I do that an another window opens and become at once dark with no router in the good window of downloads, so it's impossible to download (even i use right click of my mouse, no more menu to download).
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Apr 14, 2012
Why do I collect a bunch of 151 byte files with names like "B5521401-6.18" into my Safari download folder???
How do I stop this? I'm using Safari 5.1.5
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May 29, 2012
When I hide the Toolbar (to conserve space) I can't open the Downloads list neither from menu nor with a keyboard shortcut. When I temporarily show the Toolbar by pressing cmd + l and press the downloads button, the list pops up but then hides and scrolls the window up.
When I show the Toolbar permanently and click on the Downloads icon, the list appears partially in my screen's bottom left corner. This is definitely a bug but I don't know where to submit it.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 12, 2009
I know developer previews have at least one specific goal at giving third party devs early access so they can get a sense of new APIs and start updating/creating apps, but they also serve for bug reporting. Do you think Apple should open up OS X beta testing to a larger community of users?
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May 8, 2009
I'm bad at Photoshop. I really wish for the 3 user customizable keys, personally I would use the top two buttons for previous/next Space, and the bottom key to switch to my iTunes. And the trackpad to the right could be used for customizable multitouch gestures, so you can move around spaces easily, scroll with 2 fingers if you have a desktop and not a laptop, etc. I think it's very important that Apple includes multitouch for desktop users and not just laptop people.
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Dec 21, 2010
Last night, I was trying to download Xcode 3.2.5 and it wouldn't show up in my downloads window.
This is what it looks like. as you can see, it says the number of DLs at the bottom of the window.
The file DOES download, but for some reason, it just wont show up in my download window.
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Mar 23, 2012
This has been going on for about two months and I have tried everything including a trip to the Genius Bar. What I found out at the Genius Bar is that when the new internal hard drive was installed in my iMac the repair people just transferred everything from my old disk to the new disk. So, Lion was not properly "installed" and the Genius re-installed Lion so that I would have the extra disk space should I need to start up on the C drive for repairs. It was not long after the new disk installation that Safari stopped playing Youtube videos properly. I uninstalled and reinstalled Java, but I still feel like the proper plug in is not installed to run videos. I have no problems running youtube on Chrome or FireFox, so it is just a Safari problem. How can I find out what is missing and where can I go to get the program to install?
iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3), I keep all software up-to-date
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Aug 27, 2014
I accidentally deleted my downloads option for safari on my dock. It is also no longer in my finder. Is there a way for me to get it back?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jan 29, 2010
Apple has long had a business sales group ready to sell Macs to any interested companies, and with the release of iPhone 2.0, the Cupertino-based company made it very clear that it wanted the iPhone to fit the needs of corporate users.That has helped stoke a healthy interest in the iPhone platform among companies who develop custom mobile software. Apple hardened the iPhone's security profile, added Exchange support, and created mass configuration and deployment tools for the deviceFor the iPad, those same corporate-friendly iPhone features will all continue to work, thanks to the iPad being build on the same software foundation. However, the iPad adds a variety of new things that business users should find very attractive.
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Apr 10, 2012
I resent that Appple forces us to pay for and download Lion in order to switch to iCloud, a system that has many users furious. After downloading Lion, my personal cd archives from iTunes vanished, and several of my friends, on switching to iCloud, lost their mail contacts. YES - they followed the complicated instructions from Apple as to how to save everything, but so much fell apart. I had a chat with an Apple person and even she was mystified. I was going to buy an iPad but now I won't as just having an iMac is enough with so much difficult stuff going on.
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May 6, 2008
some users on our OS X Tiger server network (imacs, mac books) freez when using Safari. It seems to be when entering information in a web page such as a form, or with our library search which runs on safari. Clients find this starts, then they log in to another computer and find it again. I think it is permissions related, and is user based
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Apr 27, 2012
Dear all, i installed the latest lion on my computer (imac) and the safari program has disapeared, so i find safari in my applications and it says this safari does not work as not working on this operating system, and it appears this username does not have the latest lion on it? weird, all weird. Oh and so fed up with my trackpad not working with my computer and costant re-sync needed i decided to smash it to bits with a hammer, anyone else wish this piece of useless backward equipment an early departure from the world?
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Nov 7, 2009
I started having an issue with Safari this afternoon with the Downloads windows not showing the files that are downloading. The Downloads window will show the number of files downloading at the bottom of the screen, but the window is completely empty of files. The files do download, but I would like to be able to see the status of the downloads.
Any ideas on how to get the downloads to display again? I have tried resetting Safari and rebooting, but no luck so far.
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Mar 6, 2012
I would love it if my downloads simply opened using their respective programs (e.g word documents, powerpoint slides, PDFs, etc) after they completely finished downloading in Safari.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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