Hardware :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Will Not Pair With IBook?
Nov 18, 2006
I just got a new Apple Bluetooth keyboard and it will not pair with my iBook. When I use the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, it sees the keyboard, and then asks me to type the passcode. I type it, hit the Return key, and it just sits there forever. I didn't have an issue pairing the keyboard with my new Mac Pro. What am I doing wrong?
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Jul 6, 2009
We have a 20" monitor that my wife mainly uses, but I like to use it sometimes too. We have just been using the built in keyboard with the external display.
We want to buy the bluetooth Apple keyboard, but we are wondering if it's possible to pair 1 keyboard to 2 Macs. Is it as simple as turning bluetooth off on the Mac that's not using the bluetooth keyboard at the time? Or would we have to set up and go through the process of pairing them every time it needs to be connected to the other Mac?
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Feb 27, 2009
Several months ago, my white Apple Wireless Keyboard began malfunctioning - for example, typing 'a' would result in 'ahz'tu' or something to that effect. I thought perhaps the keyboard needed a thorough cleaning, so I turned off my computer and keyboard, removed all of the keys and brushed it clean with a stiff-bristled brush.
I replaced all of the keys (with the help of a diagram) and turned on my computer. However, my keyboard would not connect, and remained in 'discoverable' mode (the light on the back was blinking three times in succession). I turned it off, unpaired the computer and keyboard and replaced the batteries. Nothing changed.
Using the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, I tried to make a new pairing. The Setup Assistant recognised the keyboard as a discoverable device, but when it came to typing in the passcode and hitting Return nothing happened, and the connection timed out. I tried several times to enter the passcode; I closed and reopened the Setup Assistant; I restarted the computer and keyboard; and tried more than one fresh batch of batteries.
Since then, I have tried:
- repairing the keyboard everyday
- deleting all Bluetooth pairings (mouse, mobile phones etc).
- installing the latest Bluetooth firmware update
- deleting Bluetooth preferences in Library > Preferences
- running permissions repair on HD
- pairing with a separate D-Link dongle (tried every USB port, too)
- resetting PRAM
My Apple Wireless Mouse still works (connects and pairs). The keyboard wouldn�t pair with another computer (MacBook running OS 10.5).
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Jul 9, 2009
,I would like to know,if I buy a Bluetooth Dongle (macos X compatible of course) I could plug it in my ibook g3 and use for example apple bluetooth keyboard.keep in mind that Ibook G3 has usb 1.1 not 2.0.if it was an "ordinary" windows pc I would say yes,but as it is a mac I am not sure..
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Feb 14, 2012
I have two MacBook Pros, each about 6 months old. They are both running the latest version of Lion. Neither one will pair with any bluetooth device. I always get an error message saying "this device does not have the necessary services".I have a Canon printer that won't pair, and I thougth it was just a compatibility issue until I tried to pair a Jawbone Jambox (which used to pair), and a brand new Bose portable speaker. I get the same message every time.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 3, 2012
when my macbook discovers my iphone and i pair them via the numerical code i get a message saying tht the macbook is not supported. iPhone is a 4S and the MacBook is MacBook Pro 15' only a week old running OS X Lion 10.7.3
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 15' running OS X Lion
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Dec 9, 2008
Every time I try to "discover" my new MBP with the Apple bluetooth keyboard, to wake the laptop up from sleep, it fails and I have to go through the process of setting up a bluetooth device. However the pairing takes forever, sometimes doesn't work at all, and I have to type in a new pairing code each time. The whole process takes between 3 and 20 minutes, depending on how quickly the MBP can find the keyboard. I have the same problem with both Apple wireless keyboards at work and home, so it's not the keyboard.
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Aug 29, 2014
How is it that Apple didn't fix this? I have all the current software and hardware and there is no way that Apple didn't foresee people wanting to use applications to sync and work across platforms with their $3000 investment in Apple products.
iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.2
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Apr 13, 2012
I currently own one of the first iMacs built in 2006 that were originally built for the education sector. This model doesn't have a Bluetooth card so obviously I can't use any wireless peripherals with it. Â But my question is whether I can use my iPhone 4 as a substitute. Is there any way to pair the iPhone with my iMac and use it as a Bluetooth access point?I'm planning on getting a Magic Trackpad for it and I don't really want to buy an adapter if I can somehow do this.Â
iMac 1.83Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Combo Drive
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Jul 5, 2012
I bought a bluetooth speaker called Monster iClarity and it works magically with my iPhone, but I tried pairing it with my macbook, and won't. Is there a way to get it to work? Has anyone else tried? It would so great to this pair to work together.
ProI bought a bluetooth speaker called Monster iClarity and it works magically with my iPhone, but I tried pairing it with my macbook, and won't.
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Jan 3, 2011
I promise, I know how crazy this sounds. And no, I don't think I'm a candidate for one of those hoarders TV shows. I absolutely cannot locate my Apple bluetooth keyboard. My iMac can locate it. And apparently be connected to it. But it's a mystery to me where in my home it is. Some time ago, I decided I wanted my numeric keys back and switched to a wired keyboard. And then I put the BT keyboard... somewhere. Any ideas on how to locate it easily? Can I make it beep? Can I triangulate its location? Anything? What is its range? Could it be as far away as my garage? As close as my attic?
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Mar 31, 2012
I've tried two different Bluetooth speakers (Jambox abd Big Blue) and both don't pair with my MacBook Air.
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Sep 11, 2009
I've been looking into buying an Apple Bluetooth Wireless keyboard (MB167LL/A) for use with my new Macbook. I'm going to be using an external monitor and mouse for more of a desktop setup while I'm at home.
But I wanted to know if the Bluetooth keyboard will still be compatible with my computer when I am running Windows Vista on my mac? I realize that not all of the buttons will be perfect (aka the F keys), much as I'm used to when using my laptop keyboard, but will it work fine for normal tasks and connect correctly?
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Jun 16, 2009
I'm currently considering getting an Apple keyboard, but haven't been able to decide yet whether to take the USB one or the bluetooth one.
I went to a local Apple retailer today and was told that the bluetooth one wouldn't work in Windows. Now, I mostly use OS X, but I do some occasional gaming too, and would need the keyboard to function properly in Windows too. Btw, I have Win XP Pro SP3.
Will a bluetooth keyboard work then?
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Jun 28, 2009
I currently use the apple bluetooth keyboard with my mac mini setup. It is not on a desk but I use they keyboard in my lap because the mini is hooked to the tv. All I can hear when using it is the battery's rattling around inside the holding tube. Is this normal? If not Im definetly going to the store and have it replaced.
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May 4, 2010
Obviously there's always a chance that installing software on unsupported hardware may break things, but has anyone out there installed Bootcamp and the wireless keyboard update on a regular old PC? I'm using an Apple bluetooth keyboard in windows 7 and I would like Fn key support.
I'm just afraid that installing Bootcamp on my PC will somehow brick my windows install.
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Aug 5, 2010
I have an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard that I usually have paired to my MacBook Pro. Sometimes, I want to use it with my iPhone 4. To do this, I first have to unpair (essentially delete) the keyboard from my MacBook Pro, then pair it to my iPhone 4.
Is there an easier way to do this? I can't be the only one who thinks this is incredibly annoying and time-wasting.
The ideal situation would have the keyboard paired to my MacBook Pro until I taped on the Keyboard under the bluetooth settings on my iPhone.
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Nov 9, 2010
I just switched to an Apple bluetooth wireless keyboard. My old keyboard had the numbers on the right and I was able to use an on screen calculator for doing simple additions and subtractions. The bluetooth doesn't have this which I'm okay with just using the numbers on top of the keyboard instead. But every time I have to make several additions i.e. 10+2+4+9+5, I have to hit the shift key each time for the + key to function. This is a p.i.t.a! Does anyone know if there's a way to "lock" the + key while doing calculations?
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Nov 27, 2010
I was thinking of purchasing an Apple Wireless Keyboard, and an Apple Magic Mouse. I'm absolutely sure it'll be a wise investment, and an awesome Christmas gift. My current Mighty Mouse is quite horrible, I don't even have the ability to scroll up. Of course I don't bother to waste my time cleaning it. Oh well, they don't have a scroll bar for nothing.
The only problem is that I'm not sure if my Mac has the proper capabilities to enable usage for the wireless perpherials I'm planning to buy. This is somewhat how my Mac looks, though I'm running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 (I purchased the disk). I believe my computer has Bluetooth, there's an Icon for it in System Preferences. In my System Profiler, it also has a Bluetooth tab (here's the information is shows, I just cropped out some info. at the top, and my name).
How do I know if my Mac is set for these two items?Looking forward to your responses.
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Jan 4, 2009
i got a kensington bluetooth usb 2.0 adaptor since my mac pro desktop does not have boothtooth...
when i reboot or lose power to the computer, i lose the connectivity of the keyboard when i turn on the computer back on...i cannot find any downloads or help from kensington nor apple..
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Apr 3, 2009
I try to use my new Mac Mini has a HTPC. However, when in the middle of watching video, say 20 minutes in a show or something, the warning keeps coming up on screen "lost connection," with the keyboard. Anyway around this? Doesn't seem like you should have to use a wired keyboard, for a computer that so many use in the living room?
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Apr 18, 2009
A friend of mine was cleaning out his garage and found a couple of apple aluminium bluetooth keyboards (the brand new ones that don't have the number pad; model A1255 I believe). After cleaning them up and connecting them, I was happy to note that both of the keyboards work - the only problem preventing their daily use is that two keys (the white parts) are missing. I was wondering if there was any way to purchase these keys separately and install them. If so, where should I look for them and is there a difference between these white keys and those for the white macbooks?
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Nov 6, 2009
I recently received a bluetooth ultra-thin keyboard to use with my laptop while I have it hooked up to it's external monitor, the only trouble is that I can't seem to get the function keys to work properly. I've managed to go in and reset the dashboard control / brightness using the keyboard pane in the system settings, but I can't seem to set the volume / media control buttons. Any ideas how to get my keyboard working properly? If it matters at all, I'm running this on a 2.4 unibody MBP.
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Jan 18, 2010
My Magic Mouse works fine but I can't get my wireless keyboard to cooperate. It recognizes it, but doesn't give me a chance to enter a pass key.
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May 20, 2010
I really need to free up one of the USB ports on my iMac, so was looking at the bluetooth keyboard. Now, I can probably get used to the lack of the number pad, but I'm more concerned about the lack of the delete key. Backspace is great, but I'm a full-time writer and sometimes the delete is a heck of a lot more useful. My local Apple store is a LONG way away, so I've got a couple of questions:
Is the keyboard itself the same size as the regular full wired keyboard? That is, are the keys the same size, spaced the same, etc (eg, the regular full keyboard with everything on the right-hand side chopped off)? Secondly, is it possible to map the delete key function onto another key that I don't use? Looking at a map of the bluetooth keyboard I'm not sure which key exactly I'd want to map it to as they've got rid of all the extras on the fullsize which I don't use.
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Feb 6, 2012
I updated to 10.7.3 48 hours ago and my Apple bluetooth keybaord does not work. My Mac Pro system is several years old and does not have an internal bluetooth. I have been using a bluetooth dongle successfully. The keyboard goes through the pairing process normally and appears connected in the System Preferences (Bluetooth) application but no characters appear when typing on the keyboard in any application.Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 29, 2008
I have the beta installed on my aluminum MacBook and most things are working okay. I can't get the eject button to work for some reason and I can't get my bluetooth apple keyboard or mighty mouse to connect. Is anyone else having bluetooth issues?
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Jan 7, 2009
I've tried to run the wizard and it's not working for me. Either it fails right from the start or it says it connected but neither work. Anyone who has done it successfully please help. I'm using a new unibody MacBook.
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Jul 17, 2009
My macbook pro has the most annoying problem. Sometimes, in a totally random fashion, my bluetooth mighty mouse and apple keyboard just freeze. Bluetooth shows them as connected but they do not respond. Sometimes redoing the ?set up a Bluetooth device? option works but other times the computer refuses to see the devices and only a restart, followed by the setup assistant will fix the problem. Am I the only one with this problem or is it common? Hardware or software? Any fixes?
btw, I think it started doing this since 10.5.7 so I would say it is software...
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Mar 15, 2009
Sorry to mention the 'W' word, but wondering if anyone has had this issue.
Basically Apple wireless keyboard works perfectly in Windows, but the Bluetooth power management kills it after just a few seconds, which is extremely irritating. It works after you've 'woken it up' again though.
I can't find anywhere to change this, and no joy with a forum search / Google.
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