Hardware :: Any Point To Putting 8 GB RAM In Mac Mini?

Jan 27, 2010

I've seen the OWC info on being able to put 8 GB of memory in the mini but I've yet to see why this might be useful. Here are a couple of questions the answers to which I think will help me better understand what's what:

1) Has anyone figured out how to get a current generation mini to boot into a 64 bit kernel?

2) If the kernel is locked to 32 bits, does the mini have any capability of taking advantage of more than 4 GB memory? If yes, under what circumstance would that be?

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Hardware :: Putting SSD In Mini?

May 5, 2010

I'm considering getting a Mini for web programming. I do a lot of text searches so I want to put a SSD in it. Does the Mini have any limitations that might effect the performance of a SSD?

I'm trying to decide if I should get a Mini Server. I'd like to be able to have two internal drives so one can be SSD for OS and the code I'm working on, and the other can be my storage drive. However, I'm not sure if I'll be using the extra functionality of the server edition OSX or not, so I'm reluctant to pay the $200 premium. In a "regular" Mini I could put the SSD internal and use an external big drive, but would the external drive be fast enough via Firewire?

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Set-up A Mac Mini As Download Point For IOS Devices

Apr 3, 2012

I would like to set-up a mac mini as the download point for IOS devices (instead of have 30 devices access the Internet for the same download, just have the Mac mini access the Internet for the download(s) and the devices would, in turn, download the updates from the local Mac.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Putting A 1tb 2.5" Hdd Into A G Drive Mini Enclosure?

Jul 21, 2010

I've taken my G Drive mini enclosure apart, and I am pretty sure there is no way it is going to fit with the heat sink taking a couple of millimeters of space. But has anyone actually tried? I don't have a 1tb 2.5" hd on hand.

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Mac Mini :: Delay Time Putting To Sleep Manually?

Mar 24, 2012

I am using an early 2011 Mac Mini running OS 10.6.7, which I have had for a little over a year. A new problem cropped up in the past week. When I put it to sleep manually it takes 2 minutes or more before it actually goes to sleep. I have "wake for network access turned off." The computer goes to sleep automatically at the time set in energy saver without a problem. The manual sleep delay happens whether or not I have applications running or not.

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Mac Mini :: Finding A Customizable Retail Point Of Sale Software For 5.1.1?

Jun 22, 2012

I own a small business, day spa services and retail sales, and need to ditch my paper receipt books and get a POS system.  I need to be able to customize the invoice, use a barcode scanner, track sales by employee and get inventory reports. 

iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: What's The Point Of The Eject Key

Aug 20, 2010

I have an external drive image on my desktop. when i highlight it and press the eject key for 1 second, it doesn't do anything. however i can drag it to the trash and it'll eject. This occurs for usb or anything that mounts. So what's the point of having a dedicated key then if it doesn't work for anything else besides disks?

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Mac Pro :: Putting 2 SSD's Into My Mac Pro

Nov 21, 2010

I've got 2 SSD's left over from a G-TECH Mini SSD RAID.

What is the best way to add these to the Mac Pro? I do have 2 drive bays open but it makes more sense to use these in a RAID 1 or 0 in one bay.

I know about ICY DOCK MB982SPR-2S as a possible option but what else is there? I'm worried the speed won't be that great in the ICY DOCK. Does anybody have any testing to say better?

The two SSDs are 128GB's Samsung's.

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Mac Pro :: Way To Get To Point Where Can Use Firmware Restortaion CD?

Apr 8, 2012

I've got a Mac Pro that stops recognizing my BD-ROM drive after it goes to sleep. I've been trying to reset the PRAM and NVRAM, per applecare's suggestion, but everytime I plug my Mac Pro in, it automatically starts up. I've turned off the "automatically restart" option in System Preferences, but it's as if all of that is stuck! So, I'm trying to reset the firmware using the firmware restoration CD, but when I hold down the "power" button, the computer's LED light flashes much more than three times, the computer gives a non-chime beep, then gives the chime, and then starts up using the Macintosh HD like I'm not holding down the power button.Is there another way to get to the point where I can use the firmware restortaion CD? It's driving me crazy. I thought it was because I was plugged into an Uninteruptable Power Supply, but I plugged it into a normal power strip and there was no change.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2009 2.66 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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MacBook Pro :: Putting Owc Ssd In My Mbp?

Jan 11, 2011

I originally got a 120 owc ssd for a mac pro I was about to buy but at the last moment decided to hold off for a bit.

This leaves me with a ssd laying around gathering dust. Im thinking about putting it in my MBP but have read lots of horror stories on various forums about ssd problems.

Has their been any resolution to these issues (probs waking from sleep etc) ? I dont want to go to all the effort of reinstalling everything only to enter a world of hurt.

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MacBook Air :: Putting SSD Into Non SSD ?

Aug 25, 2008

Is it possible to put the 64GB SSD into a 1.6ghz/80gb macbook air?

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OS X :: Putting Leopard On My Mac?

Feb 14, 2009

I am pretty new to apple and I just got Leopard for mine and was wondering if it was like windows in anyway, If i have to use a cd key or not, or if it is just the disc that installs everything? any help would be appreciated!

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OS X :: Noise When Putting In DvD Or Cd?

Apr 9, 2009

Is it normal for the mac to make such a loud noise when even just inserting a cd or dvd?

My lap top has always loaded like this from day one

So I thought it was normal until my friend said it sounds really odd

So my question is does everyones mac make this crunching noise when putting in a dvd or cd?

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Mac Pro :: Putting A SSD In The 2nd Optical Bay?

May 17, 2009

is there a "hard" 4 HD limit? (In other words: by putting a SSD in the 2nd optical bay, would the Mac Pro only recognize 3 of the 4 internal bays?)

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OS X :: Putting Files On Mac OS 7.1?

Sep 16, 2009

i just bought my first mac and it's a Macintosh Classic with 4 MB RAM And 80 MB Hard Drive. It has a (i think) SuperDrive and right now i tried putting stuffit expander in it but it seems to not work. Right now if you guys can help me put 1 file on "Grandpa Mac" then i have progress. Programs I tried (HFV Explorer, WinImage, And TransMac).

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OS X :: Seeing Files On NTFS Share Point From Mac?

Oct 5, 2009

I am running a MAC pro with OSX 5.8 and I'm trying to read/write files that are on a NTFS windows share point. Th eshare point is on an IBM AS400 machine. My problem is this, I can connect to the share point via the "connect to server" apple-K command and I can see the files and folders on the share point.

Recently another windows user has created a folder on the share point with some excel files in it. From my Mac I can't see this folder, it doesn't appear in the finder. I have Parallels 3 (windows XP) installed on the mac as well and when I connect to the same share point I can see and use the new folder.

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OS X :: Restore A Previous Point Release?

Nov 15, 2010

Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

Is it possible to restore a previous point release? If yes, how easy will it be and how to do the restore? My MBP is on 10.6.4 now, and I'd like to try 10.6.5 in the next few days. If it doesn't work well with some of my apps, I'd like to restore.

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Applications :: Plot Point In Grapher?

Aug 31, 2009

How do you plot a point in grapher? For instance place a point at (2, 4).

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OS X :: At What Point Use Migration Assistant In Restore

Nov 2, 2009

Long story, but apple tech said I should do an archive and install to correct a problem I have been having. I have first gen. macbook, so disks are probably Tiger (or whatever came before Leopard). If I do the archive, will it keep my updates to things like Snow Leopard, iLife 09 etc? Or will I need to use Migration Assistant to get info back from a SuperDuper backup on an external drive? Or will I need to update all software first? As an alternative, I thought I might just go ahead and do a complete clean install. Same question, will Migration Assistant bring back updates from an external, or would I need to do the clean install, update to Snow Leopard, iLife, etc., and then use Migration Assistant to bring the rest back?

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ITunes :: Snap To Point On Scrollbar

Mar 21, 2012

As of iTunes 10, I have noticed my scrollbar no longer snaps to the point I click on. I have to drag the indicator to the point I am looking for. I'm refering to my music catalogue and in the view as "album list" and sorted by artist. Anyone else have this issue? I really liked being able to snap to a point when looking for artists and radio station links.

Mac OS X (10.3.9)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Point To A Different Program To Download?

Apr 1, 2012

Will someone clever please tell us newbies how to fix the problem: I have been using Filezilla (before that, Cyberduck) to upload files to my older style HTML website. I just installed Lion and there is a big cross sign through the latest Filezilla icon saying "PowerPC programs don't work under Lion." I read posts from people saying it works, other posts talking about another kind of FTP on the Mac itself,  and lots of talk of SFTP and command line stuff.

For we who just use these apps by pushing buttons and moving on when they work, can you list step by step what we need to do to get Filezilla working again, or point to a different program to download? If I need to go back and reinstall my entire previous Snow Leopard machine from my bootable clone, tell me that and I'll do it. I have a long lost of to-do's and can't spend days experimenting with clean installs (however you do those).

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ITunes :: Can't Move Progress Bar Beyond A Certain Point

Apr 5, 2012

Strange things happening with the progress bar when playing mp3 files in iTunes (v 10.6.1 (7)) on MacBook Pro with 10.6.8.  The great majority of the tracks I've added since Feb 28th have the following problem:  They play fine all the way through the whole track, but if I try to move the progress bar position to somewhere near the end, it will only go to a certain point.  For example, I have a track that is 7:39 long.  If I click the progress bar to 0:15, it goes to 0:15.  If I click to 0:45, it goes to 0:45.  But If I click to 1:15, it goes to 0:55.  In fact, If I click anywhere after 0:55, it will go to 0:55 and play from there.  i cannot skip to anywhere beyond 0:55.  If I play from the beginning, and use the fastforward button instead, I can FF until 0:55, and then it hits a wall and won't go beyond.  As soon as I let go, it will continue onwards past 0:55 to the end. This is happening on a variety of tracks from completely different sources.   

Some points: 

- All the tracks that have this problem in iTunes do not have this problem on my Touch.  I can jump around just fine there.

- The time to which it jumps is different for each track, and can be anywhere in the song.

- None of the tracks imported before 2/28/12 have this trouble, that I've found

- Happens to VBR and CBR equally, and bit rate is not a factor

- Track length is not a factor

- Start and end times in the options are set to 0 and track end time.

- The few tracks that do let me scroll to anywhere say "Encoded with: iTunes 10.x.x"

BUT, some that are encoded with iTunes are also not letting me skip around.  Still, this might be something?  A problem with LAME encoding?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Open Power Point

Apr 20, 2012

I have problems opening PP. It looks as though it tries to open a couple of files that were left open when I logged off, with no success. Do you know how to block the opening of previously left open files when I launch the program?

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ITunes :: Point New Mac At External Library?

Apr 24, 2012

it's a replaced hard drive in my old iMac, but I'm setting it up as new to keep it as trim as possible. Pre-replacement I had my iTunes Media library set up on an external hard drive; the iTunes folder and it's inhabitants (Extras, Genius, Library.itl, etc) all resided on the iMac in the Music folder, but I'd moved the Media over to the external drive. 

What's the method for telling my 'new' copy of iTunes that I already have a media library, and it's 'over there' on the external drive? I know iTunes can be funny about this sort of thing so I don't want to get it wrong! I considered changing the location using the Preferences, but I wasn't sure if that was going to wipe out anything. Also, given that I do have a complete backup of the original iMac drive (I just don't want to clone it back to the new one, junk and all), is there any way of doing this in such a way that I can preserve the playlists, play counts, etc? Can I copy over old preferences or library files?

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Putting A B&W With G4 Upgrade To Use

Sep 19, 2010

My buddy just gave me a B/W PowerMac G3 with a Sonnet Tech G4 1GHz upgrade kit and OS X 10.4.10.

I've been wanting to setup a proxy to bypass the content filters on the WiFi networks I find on the road. For instance, I can't go to the iPhone Dev Team website with the network I'm currently on.

Do the parts exist to also turn it into a Gigabit +Draft N router? It would sure be nice to kill two birds with one stone.

I don't know anything about setting all of this up, how would I go about it?

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Applications :: Mac - Why Keep Putting App In Parenthesis

Jan 12, 2011

I am new to the Mac Rumors website, so I hope I am posting in the right place... but I have recently been working on an "App" (If your wondering why I keep putting app in parenthesis I used AppleScript Editor and know its not real coding) for mac and was wanting a little feedback. As of right now it can turn on and off "Mega Zooming" and the old tiger/2D dock... and that's it, I was just wanting to know if anyone else liked it...

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Mac Pro :: Putting Old Superdrive Into Second Slot?

Feb 25, 2008

I have a new Mac Pro coming tomorrow. My current PowerMac is dead, so I'm planning on doing the Migration Assistant by putting in my old Drive into the new Mac Pro. The question I have is: Is it worth putting in my old Superdrive into the 2nd slot? Even it is not the newer 16x speed?

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OS X :: Is It Better To Keep Putting My Mac To Sleep Or Just Let It Turn Itself Off?

Feb 17, 2009

I keep hitting Suspend Activity... to save my old HD... then 5 minutes later I suddenly remember something I needed to do and fire it up again.... I manage to do this about 20 times a day and was wondering if it might be better for the HD to leave it to go to sleep all on its own. Does the physical effort of re starting each time put more strain on my HD than leaving it on. I have an "OLD" Pismo G3 and have night mares about it crashing for good, 'cos i cant afford a new Mac for the moment.

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OS X :: Putting Terminal In Menu Bar

Mar 13, 2009

I've been using terminal a lot lately and it would be much more sufficient if I could have it up there with the rest of my important controls?

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OS X :: HD Can Be Accessed By Putting In Other Computer?

May 6, 2009

I have important and private information on my Mac Pro, could someone simply remove the hard drive, and put it into there Mac Pro, and have access to all my files?

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