Final Cut Pro X :: Sequence Edited In Premiere - Changing Audio Channels
Aug 20, 2014
Someone edited a sequence for me in Premiere. The audio was recorded 4 channel on a external recorder (four mics were used). At times, he used the wrong channel in the timeline. I believe what he did was take all the channel one audio and put it on the timeline and deleted the other 3 channels. Hence In many cases, using the wrong mic.IS there a way to swap channels in the timeline? I would almost need to do a reconnect, but swap channels at the same time. I use FCP and will convert this to a FCP sequence using 7toX.
Specs: IOS 10.6.8 Processor 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3 -- Everything is edited, sourced, and stored on an 2TB external hard drive to make things go faster. Editing with FCP 7
When I export the sequence I edited with quicktime, the playback video is very different from what I edited on the timeline. The playback has the clips with ins and outs that are way off than what I cut, and some of the clips don't show at all or have changed transitions. However when I play in the timeline in FCP, the sequence is fine, just the way I cut it.
The source of the clips was one long .mov that I cut into clips for the timeline. Everything has gone smoothly but the exported .mov is just so different. How can I get the time codes of the clips to be the same in the exported .movs? I just want the quicktime .mov to represent my edit exactly. can I play within the FCP player window and Log and Capture?
I don't do much with tape anymore but a client has provided me with some HDV tape that i want to edit as ProRes in Premiere Pro.
I don't have a third party capture card so therefore in Premiere Pro I am limited to capturing only as HDV from tape.
I'm thinking of capturing as ProRes in FCP 7 (which I had done for ages before switching to Premiere in the wake of FCP X) and then importing the subsequent ProRes files into Premiere from the capture folder.
Is there a plugin that allows you to make HSL adjustments to individual RGB channels in FCPX, much as you can in Lightroom and (now discontinued) Aperture?
I've got a pretty big collection of music on iTunes - almost 1000 albums - and I'm pretty anal about the way it's stored and managed and I regularly change the song and album information to suit my own "house style". All my music was stored on a Dell laptop and was fine - I had no problems with changing and editing the information. I recently bought a MacBook Pro and shifted all the music files from the old machine onto the new one (a lengthy and frustrating process) and since then, I've had a lot of hassle in terms of amending and organising my iTunes collection. A lot of the music I've purchased from the iTunes store has reverted back to its original state, no matter how many times I've changed it.
For example:
Lana Del Rey's Born to Die (Deluxe Version). I've removed the "Deluxe Version" from the title but I quit iTunes or sync it with my iPod, it automatically adds it back. I've changed the information in the song info, I've even changed it in the sort info just to be sure, but it always changes back.
The same with the Anthems Electronic 80s compilation. I want to call it Ministry of Sound: Electronic 80s and remove it from Various Artists (by deleting the album artist from the information). But after iTunes is quit or its been synced, the same thing happens. It appears as two albums on my iPod - a handful of tracks appear under the old title while the bulk of them appear under the new one.
It's happening across loads of albums, all ones I've downloaded (the stuff ripped from CDs seems to be okay). I've done as much as I can in terms of the song info but no matter what I do, it just reverts back when the programme's quit or I sync my iPod. I don't know if it's anything to do with the fact they're in the Cloud or they've been imported from a Dell laptop or there's an underlying problem with iTunes ...
Is there a way to do that in snow leopard? I'm trying to get sound from a game, lets say, from my built in speakers, and quicktime movie sound from the tv that my mbp is plugged into (from the headphone jack basically) is there a way to do it at the same time?
Im an FCPX editor for a local cable fishing show in So Cal (Angler Chronicles) and Im still mailing beta SP tapes to a studio so the show can be aired.
I recently heard that if we covert to MXT files with 8 channel audio and "drop frame"?, in the future we can safely send the files electronically, via the web.
So, how to get my edited shows into the format mentioned above?
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), 2X2.93 GHz 6- core 32 GB 1333 MHz
I've been using FCP 7 for a few years and have just now discovered a problem I can't seem to solve. I have some archive material that I originally injested from HDV tape to HDV 1080 50i 1440 x 1080 and the clip info shows this to be correct. I set up a sequence and and clicked all the settings to match this and no matter what I do, I keep getting either a red render line or a green render line. I'm not entirely sure whether it should be set up for HDTV or just HD in settings, but setting HDTV cause the red render line to appear. Upper field is chosen and 48Khz for sound.
why I can't export my FCP 6 sequence using Compressor 3.0.5.
I have an hour-long 1080p Pro Res 422 sequence that I am trying to export using Compressor 3. Whether I export using the 'Pro Res 422' preset or the 'H.264' preset, transcoding commences but then stops abruptly 15 to 20 minutes later with an error message saying 'Quicktime Error: -50.'
For what it's worth, I have an early-2008 dual quad-core Mac Pro desktop with 6 GB of RAM and two ATI Radeon 5770 graphics cards. I am currently running OS X 10.6.8. The media (including Motion graphics) and project file are on an external drive connected via Firewire 800.
how to properly export this sequence at the highest quality without getting the error message
I need to edit a multiclip squence with three cameras, but all three have different frame sizes. My frame sizes are 680X480, 720X480, and 720X404. What's the best solution?
I changed my mind on my workflow and want to link to external media rather than copying them to my libraries.That said...Is there a way to change the clip references?I went into the "Original Media" folder of the library, deleted the clip.
Then when I went back into the library, and went to "relink" the missing media. I navigated to the clip on the external source.However, it automatically created a copy again. I didn't see anywhere where I can opt to relink it as an external link rather than copy to library.
I'm using Motion 5.1 to work with still photos. I have a FCP X template that uses horizontal drop zones that I want to format for vertical pictures. How can I do this without having to create a new drop zone? Is there a way to change the parameters of the horizontal drop zone without having any blank space or cutting off images?
I have this weird issue with my PowerBook (2nd last revision) for quite a while; whenever I plug my iPod headphones in I only hear audio on either the left or the right side. When I then go to the audio panel the audio balance is also to the left or the right. When I center it the audio is fine. However, when I plug again the headphones in at a later stage the audio balance is again off to the left or the right.
I was export timeline xdcam 35 mbs, 720p 50 fps to MP4 720p 50 fps.
When looking video on Mac everything is ok, but, when I copy MP4 file to USB and put directly to LCD there is only video, no audio? Before on G5 I was use matrox compress card, and always MP4 file was ok on LCD. Where is problem?
Still working on getting audio exported to an AAF, and having problem doing this. So, how FCPX is handling my audio. When it's on the timeline, is it being conformed to the frame rate of the video?
When audio is exported, does FCPX force it to conform to the video frame rate in the project settings, audio properties, or both? Or does it allow the audio to export at whatever rate the original media is at?
I export an XML from FCPX, then open that with X2Pro and it makes an AAF file, but a report tells me that "Conform rates are not supported. The Conform rate at 01:04:49.23 has been ignored." So when I go to that timecode, all I see is video at 24p and a detached audio piece at 23.98. Why are these different?
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 3.5Ghz intel Quad-core i7, 16 GB RM
I'm trying to take an event with me mobile when I disconnect from my RAID. Currently all the original media is located outside of my library on an external drive. My library is located on my Internal HD.
I have deleted generated event files, then set the new media location to my Internal HD, and then prompted FCP to generate proxies. When I disconnect and switch to proxy view, I have all my video but no audio. When I switch to proxy when connected to my RAID, the audio is there. I have repeated the process only to see that no audio clips are present in the media management portion of the background renders window when generating proxies. Also, when I am disconnected from my RAID and switch to proxy, no missing media icons appear, only audio clips with no waveforms.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 2.6 Ghz i7, 1TB, 16GB Ram, Nvidia
I'm working on a large edit with footage imported into FCPX from a SonyXDcam. Three clips have audio that is out of sync. The others are all fine. What happened to those three and how do I fix it?
1. I export and XML from FCP 7. I use 7toX to convert it and import it into FCP X. Does a great job. But I notice that 'some' of the clips on a given timeline (project) are missing their audio. If I 'Find in Browser' and 'replace' the clip on the timeline with the clip from the Browser I get my audio. It's a bit of a laborious process. So the FCP 7 to FCP X is working fine in terms of the actual clips themselves, but the 'sequence' or 'project' being translated over, the audio is missing on random clips.
Maybe it's the clips that I had a slight sound adjustment on, I'm checking. But still, it would be nice to know how to export the XML properly so as not to have issues.
2. I have the audio dipping behind the voice-over in the original FCP 7 sequence. When I import the sequence into FCP X I can still HEAR the dip, but I can't see any keyframes to adjust. I'm wondering what the protocol is here ..
The audio in the timeline is distorted. The clips play well in the browser and the waveforms look ok in the timeline. When I click on the volume line in the timeline it becomes a double yellow line that I don't recall seeing before. This all happened after an auto update to 10.1.2
I'm creating audio fade in and out transitions on my voiceovers. I want them all to fade from -3dB. Is there a easier way to apply this on every audio track without applying it manually / one-by-one?
I tried selecting them all and change it in the inspector, but it did not work. As in, it did not have any effect.
A friend is cutting a film 3,000 miles away. She's just received a stack of video files, AVCHD I think, along with .wav audio files recorded simultaneously on a Zoom. Whoever shot the footage didn't think to number the Zoom files to match the video files. So my friend will have twenty video files with matching Zoom recorded audio files - but no clue as to which goes with which.
I'm wondering how the sync mechanism in FCP X might be employed to solve her problem? I've often linked a single known video file with its single known audio file - made a synced clip. Easy peasy. I'm wondering, does my friend have to highlight a video clip and then each of the audio clips in turn until she finds the two that will sync up properly? I'm also wondering if FCP X will artificially (inadvertently) sync whichever two (video & audio) you highlight even if they don't match -- making one messed up synced clip.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I know there have been a couple other threads on this from a couple months ago but I need to bring this back up... has there been a final verdict that the reason the mini displayport doesnt support audio is due to a hardware limitation or a software limitation?
Recorded audio with a good sony wireless mic in a room that didn't have much in it to absorb sound, the audio is great except that it sounds like it was recorded in a large hall or something. I'm editing with FCE 4.01 on a macbook with OS 10.7.5 and I'm not very familiar with audio filters, how to get rid of the echo?
I updated to final cut 10.1.3 and none of my videos show the waveform in the timeline. How do I get the audio waveforms back? If I bring in a new video it also doesn't show the audio waveforms in the timeline. The waveforms do show in the browser but it is hard to edit them from here.
Just updated to 10.1.3 from 10.1.2 and video files import without audio into library. Audio shows and plays in media import window. Everything from before update is fine.