Final Cut Pro X :: Changing Horizontal Drop Zone To Vertical
Nov 30, 2014
I'm using Motion 5.1 to work with still photos. I have a FCP X template that uses horizontal drop zones that I want to format for vertical pictures. How can I do this without having to create a new drop zone? Is there a way to change the parameters of the horizontal drop zone without having any blank space or cutting off images?
Where is the drop zone located in the Inspector? I'm using a basic title that should display one clip in he middle of a neon blue frame. Also tied a few others but cannot se where to drop the clip I selected.
I bought my Macbook from the US, but now I've returned to my country and since then ,I think, when I'm not connected to the Inet the clock is way off.
In the PC's the system clock can be easily changed in the BIOS and if I don't have Internet the clock is currect. +- a few seconds aren't that big of a difference.
And here is an example:
I put my laptop to sleep. Go to school, but there is no WiFi, It's ,let's say, 12:34PM. The clock in Mac OSX, Windows 7 shows 10:15 AM. (The times are for example). As soon as I go online, the clocks are adjusted via [URL] or [URL] depending on the OS. And the clock shows the currect time of ,in this example, 12:34 PM.
Is it possible to set the time zone/clock in the EFI boot system similar to the BIOS in the PCs?
I'm currently using rEFIt as boot manager and there there is a Shell console.
I am curious about the antenna radiation pattern for a 2.5 and 5 GHz Time Capsule.
Based on antenna characteristics, should I get stronger signal on a MacBook Pro 3.06 GHz and an iPad, located a few tens of feet horizontally on about the same level of the building, with a horizontal or vertical Time Capsule orientation?
I've got seven external hard drives, ranging from portables to full-size, 120gb to 1TB.
Some came with stands (for vertical placement), others did not. some are advertised as vertically standing units (such as the WD MyBook), and some aren't.
So what's the best position? Vertical or horizontal? The obvious answer might be to simply follow guidelines and place vertically the ones that come with stands and horizontally the ones that have feet on one side or which don't have stands. But I'd like to make sure, anyway.
For example, my Lacie 500gb has feet on one side. I placed it vertically and it was good for 4 months or so. Then it began to make intermittent (and loud) clicking noises. I placed it horizontally and all is well now. Been fine ever since.
I just switched from Snow leopard to Lion and i don't like the way that Lion has the mail preview set up as a 3 column vertical format. I thought in Snow Leopard you could change the set-up so it's either horizontal or vertical, but I can't seem to find that option in Lion. I want to have the list of my email messages in the top, horizontal window and the preview of the selected message in a horizontal window below. Am I missing this option to change the view format from vertical to horizontal somewhere?
I filmed a show with 2 different cameras (one is a canon vixia, the other is a canon dos 7D, i realize the quality is different for them) and I used the multi cam editor to match h up the clips and audio file to switch back and forth. I think i created proxy media to use for the multi cam clip. Whenever i export my movie, the movie plays with horizontal lines, and whenever there is faster motion, the person gets blurred. What is making final cut pro x export like this? How do I fix this? I've tried exporting with Apple ProRes 422, Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy), and H.264, but all video files have the lines going through it and the motion is a bit blurry.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I changed my mind on my workflow and want to link to external media rather than copying them to my libraries.That said...Is there a way to change the clip references?I went into the "Original Media" folder of the library, deleted the clip.
Then when I went back into the library, and went to "relink" the missing media. I navigated to the clip on the external source.However, it automatically created a copy again. I didn't see anywhere where I can opt to relink it as an external link rather than copy to library.Â
Someone edited a sequence for me in Premiere. The audio was recorded 4 channel on a external recorder (four mics were used). At times, he used the wrong channel in the timeline. I believe what he did was take all the channel one audio and put it on the timeline and deleted the other 3 channels. Hence In many cases, using the wrong mic.IS there a way to swap channels in the timeline? I would almost need to do a reconnect, but swap channels at the same time. I use FCP and will convert this to a FCP sequence using 7toX. Â
I recently moved from Illinois to Ohio. Now, when I go to either google maps or the time zone settings on my Macbook Pro, it thinks I am in Illinois. Google maps will update eventually to the correct location, however the the time zone in OS X will not. I have tried deleting .plist files and rebooting.
i Have a a few users that I need to keep as standard users but they travel a lot and they need to constantly change their time zone. i can only seem to do this when a admin username and password is entered. And as such if i leave the computer open mountains of junk gets installes. Is there any workaround for allowing access only to the date/time or even just the timezone pref pane?
For some reason when I create a new event it says my time computer's time zone is Cassablanca. I have checked all the settings I could think of and none of them say Cassablanca. Have you seen this issue?
I have a MacBook Air and when I'm at home or in a hotel I can easily connect to the internet via the WiFi. I am going to be spending some time with a family member and they do not have internet or a computer - what is the easiest and cheapest way for me to be able to use the internet on my MacBook Air at their house? I am thinking a dongle but don't know anything about them.
I'm running Vista SP1 64-bit on a 17" unibody macbook pro. Whenever I start up windows, it sets the time to GMT/UTC. I have set it to the correct time zone, and enable internet syncing. However, no matter how many times I reset the clock, whenever the computer is restarted, it sets itself to UTC again.
Now this could have to do with the fact that Boot Camp is not installed on the Windows side. I find that it takes too much effort to update drivers that way, so I install all of the drivers manually. I have a feeling that this time issue may have something to do with that, as I believe apple's bios is set to UTC, and os x corrects itself via software, where windows sets the bios itself and runs off of it.
I don�t use this feature that often, so I don�t know how long this hasn�t been working, may or may not be related to 10.6.4. I have used it in the past though, so I do know how to use it.
Right now, no matter what time zone I set iCal to, it displays the events in the time zone they were created in. And I can�t change the time zone an event is set to, it just snaps back to its original event. Right now I have two events for different time zones set on the same day, one after the other. In reality, they�re about an hour apart, but they appear to be 2 hours apart, and when I change iCal�s time zone, they don�t shift accordingly.
Ever since we jumped ahead an hour my iCloud calendar has been off by an hour. It shows up with the correct time on my iPhone but not on the Web. There is no place for me to adjust the time zone.
Had a problem with finding back files I just worked on. E.g. I was preparing an email with attachment. I would amend or create a file, save it somewhere. Then when I wanted to insert a file the dialog box would dump the file frustratingly right down below under the 'No Date' heading. I tried disabling the automatic time zone setting and it appears to have resolved the problem for now.
Since upgrading to 10.6.5 I have had DNS problems.Whilst nslookup and ping will resolve the DNS names to their correct IP addresses, safari and other services won't.
The problem seems to be related purely to CNAME entries which are in a different forward lookup zone to the A record.
For instance if we had a forward lookup zone of and an A record of www going to ( = and then a CNAME record of go in a zone ( = then ping and nslookup will resolve to but it seems safari can't.
I've always used VMware correctly, but now I just can't run it. I was trying to instal free program Kerkythea but it has failed too. I've read that I should install de x11, wich I did, but when I tryed to run VMware it just failed. Then I uninstalled x11 and xquarck, keep failing installing kerkythea and the VMware still didn't work. I use Lion OS. Unable to retrieve kernel zone sizes - Failed to initialize montor device - Cannot find a valid peer process to connect to - come up when trying to open my Quickbooks in VMware Fusion.
I admit I was pretty skeptical given the quirkiness and general flakiness I saw in Parallels 4. I used the demo for 2 weeks and ended up switching from Fusion 3. The feature set is now on par with Fusion, and it actually does seem quite a bit faster. I'm undecided if I like the snapshot/time machine setup yet. I'm wondering if anyone has had problems doing full restores using this setup?
The conversion was mostly painless with one two minor hiccups. A blue screen the first day I started using it with my work XP image, and the time zone was apparently set to Central America instead of Central Standard (apparently that bug has existed for a very long time...get on the ball folks, it looks bad).
Okay, so I am running OSX and Vista on Bootcamp. I have noticed that when I use Windows or just even restart OSX that my date and time changes. Today it changed to March 1, 2000. I am curious as to why this happens. My time zone is fine. I think it has something to do with the Vista configuration.
I'm in the UK but the only ICloud time zone I'm offered is the Pacific. I'd be grateful for suggestions on how to sync my calendar in the week view with BST. At present the nearest I can get is the Azores.Â
I use MBP (2,6G, 4Gb DDR2, Leopard 10.5.5), and I want to disable horizontal scrolling because it become annoying when I'm working with spreadsheet (always move right or left by it self....really annoying ). When I used Powerbook (1,5G, 1,25Gb DDR2, Tiger 10.4.11) there is an option to disable / enable this's great. But with this MBP and Leopard 10.5.5 there is no option for horizontal scrolling.
I recently bought a used SR Macbook Pro and I have no horizontal scroll in any implementation of Windows. I've tried using Bootcamp, Virtual Box, and Vmware Fusion to install XP and/or Vista Business and none of my installs have horizontal scroll. I've used all sorts of drivers from 2 onwards, updated all my Windows installs and nada.
Is this normal behavior? IMO, with all the reviews of Bootcamp/virtualization, there have been no mentions of the lack of horizontal scroll which IMO is a big detriment to the implementation of Windows. Without horizontal scroll, Apple has effectively crippled Windows to be unusable...
On my screen when looking at whites or light blues, I seem to notice these faint horizontal lines only on certain places on my screen. For example, on the posting page, the light blue has very lite horizontal white marks on it, only in certain places. (I tried smacking it...(not to hard...I couldn't have damaged it right