I recently started using the Final Cut Pro X and i want to know how to export the file in the format that will be accepted by youtube as if it is exported with default settings youtube says to upload faster use the given formats.
iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am new to FCP (I also have Motion and Compressor). My computer is new (specifics below in the error message). I have been trying to upload a 10 minute video to YouTube for 2 days without success. FCP drops a lot and last night I tried to compress the video via Compressor and received the message I did not have the YouTube ID or password (after it spent 30 minutes compressing). ?
I have had luck exporting to YouTube before from FCP so it isn't a password problem per se. Granted, those videos were ony 2 minutes long. I do not have a lot of graphics within the video.. it is just long. I shot the video with a Rebel T5i HD 1920x1080 24p. I accidentally changed the settings from 23.98 to 24p prior to uploading this video footage and am unsure whether or not that has affected the upload.
Regardless, I will not do that in the future as I believe I should have left it as 23.98. I also created a 7 second introduction via Motion and imported it into the movie. Would it be better to upload to YouTube on my own? Outside of FCP? I was thinking exporting via Compressor might work, but no luck.
Process: Final Cut Pro [27080] Path: /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Final Cut Pro Identifier: Final Cut Pro Version: 10.1.1 (240682) App Item ID: 424389933
In order for FCP to be able to log and transfer my video from my panasonic camcorder, I shoot on a camcorder setting that creates great video, but the files sizes are huge. Almost 1gb a minute. The video comes in 1920 x 1080, apple prores 422, 29.97 fps. I want to edit the footage and then export the timeline using a setting that will drastically reduce the file size.
So i've recently gotten in the uploading to YouTube craze with my Flip Mino HD but i'm not too happy at the way i've been doing this and am hoping there is an easier way.
As of late i've been importing what i film into iMovie. In iMovie i'll edit the video to my liking. In iMovie i'll "export" to the media browser so it'll show up in GarageBand. Then i'll open GarageBand and edit my film further, dealing with sound; adding music. After that i'll export it as a .MOV to my desktop. Then i'll open iMovie again and import that .MOV file and from there in iMovie will have it upload to YouTube in its original HD format.
My normal workflow is to shoot HDV 1080i60 and import via a Sony HD-700 clamshell via firewire into FCP 6.0.6 working with a sequence set to HDV 1080i60. Depending on my next steps, I'll either export straight from here, do a QT conversion, or transfer the sequence to a Pro Res sequence and export from there. I'll often send a compressed (H.264) file to the client via yousendit. Never has there been a problem with the workflow or the client opening the file on a PC...
Now the other day, for the first time I had to work off of my portable set-up....FCE off a macbook pro and an external 7200 rpm hard drive. I imported with the only available choice (apple intermediate codec) and went about my edit. I exported and sent the file....While the file was fine on my laptop the PC user could only HEAR the QT file but got no picture. I was able to burn a DVD and move the operation to my desktop.
But after countless attempts at troubleshooting, including printing to tape and reimporting, recapturing all the original footage from tape, using my standard sequence settings, etc. I still can only export a QT file that is unable to be properly viewed by PC users.
Information: Mac Pro (2006), FCP 6.0.6, iWeb 09 Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I was working on a project and trying to export my project.I tried to to export by using 'Export Media', Share>Media Browser, Share>Apple device and nothing works and comes up with an error dialogue like below. I'm using iMac late 2012 with Mavericks.
I'm having trouble with the new quicktime pro. I'm trying to export a video with specific settings when exporting. It seems that in this version of quicktime you export and the only options i get is how to format : for ipad/pod/phone or 480p which is not what I want I need to change the settings to make my video 480x360 and fast start for web.
I have QT Pro 7.6.6 installed on a system running 10.6.8. When I try to export a file as a Quicktime movie, the setting button doesn't do anything. I doubt anyone will be able to reproduce this, but here are the steps: - Open a file with quicktime 7 - Go to File > Export... - Change the Export dropdown menu to Movie to QuickTime Movie - Click Options… - Under Video click Settings… That's it. When I click Settings in that last step, the button changes color to indicate that I've click it, but nothing happens. The other buttons (filter, size, settings) on that same dialog box work. As I said, I don't believe anyone will be able to reproduce this, but what I'd like to know is are there any pref files or other files that I can trash to see if it helps? I've already deleted my quicktime preferences, and that did nothing.
export codec that can give me .mov files that can be used in any quicktime player (mac or pc). Currently exporting to h.264, but it is taking ages...
Second question:
Having troubles too, getting the camera to record in native FCP .mov's. Despite setting to .mov mode in the camera's file format option, it still seems to pump out xdcam ex files...What I want is to record straight sony xdcam files, is there some setting in the camera I am missing?
Information: G5 DP 2.7 Mac OS X (10.4.5) LaCie 120G, 40G iPod,
I click on File> Share> Master File, Nothing Happens, Not even an error message. I have tried restarting the application.Also the project seems to render when I click (Render All) but the orange bar does not disappear. I am running FCP 10.1.3 on a Macbook Pro mid 2012
A client asked me to remove a word from a title (I'm using the Lens Flare title). I removed the word, let it render, and playing back in FCPX, sure enough the word is not there - but when I export it using Share > 720p, the word is back! Three times I've exported the project and each time the word is still there.
I have having ongoing trouble with green frames in the export. I have read it could be a rendering problem, however i do not see it when playback in the time line, ONLY when after I complete the edit.
I made a movie on FCPX 10.1 and exported it to iTunes. A few days later I try to play it from iTunes and it doesn't work. The original project in FCP is now missing.
I also shared my video with some friends but it doesn't play on thier macs either.
Just updated to Mavericks. Everything worked fine before then.
So I finished my project , go to export, and no response. When I try and export to vimeo or you tube I get this error -
"The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.Compressor.CompressorKit.ErrorDomain error -1.)"
Its not a camera import issue. I actually made another project with clips that I know to have exported, with no problem. And again, there is no response when I export project.
And I can't uninstall fcpx because I have clips saved to the program. And hard drive is dead.
I have been having an issue exporting my project from FCP X, in which it fails at 75%. I have tried different types of experts from exporting to an apple device to master file and have plenty of space on the Hard Drive/Export destination. I am using a 21.5 inch 2013 iMac. I am connected to a Mac Mini server on a network as well. The video is only like 2:30 long.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 2011 Module
I don't know if this is the right thread, but it was the closest I could find.I have problems with my settings configuring the SMTP server on my iPhone 2G.So I was wondering if it's possible to delete all the email accounts on the iPhone, and the through MobileMe get my computers email accounts with settings and all email synced over to the iPhone?
Final cut express is stopping exporting at 100% and hanging there for an indefinite amount of time. What is going on? I am using simple Quicktime Exporting options.
I'm a drummer and use a few different camera's to record my drumming. I have one camera capable of recording 720p or 1080p, but my other 2 only shoot 480p. I want export the whole video after editing in all the different shots, at 1080p or 720p. My problem is, the camera's that shoot 480p, have a border around them, so can I fill in that border somehow?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 2.2ghz i7 quad-core
why I can't export my FCP 6 sequence using Compressor 3.0.5.
I have an hour-long 1080p Pro Res 422 sequence that I am trying to export using Compressor 3. Whether I export using the 'Pro Res 422' preset or the 'H.264' preset, transcoding commences but then stops abruptly 15 to 20 minutes later with an error message saying 'Quicktime Error: -50.'
For what it's worth, I have an early-2008 dual quad-core Mac Pro desktop with 6 GB of RAM and two ATI Radeon 5770 graphics cards. I am currently running OS X 10.6.8. The media (including Motion graphics) and project file are on an external drive connected via Firewire 800.
how to properly export this sequence at the highest quality without getting the error message
export from fcp 7 to compressor 3.5 took over 30 hrs. sequence was 95 min. 1920x1080 60i pro res 422. i did use the sharpen filter on the entire sequence. export was using the youtube setting (h.264) w/ same source size. i'm using a 2x2.8 ghz quad core intel xeon mac pro w/10 gb ram 4 x1tb hard drives. source files are on external fw 800 drive and i export internally to my hard drive. 30 hrs is ridiculous. i also tried first exporting sequence as a prores 422 same setting file. that took 20 hrs and then exporting that using the youtube setting which took another 15 hrs for a total of 35 hrs. what can i do to speed this up?
I have one of the fastest macs available at the moment with full RAM and this new update is crippling my machine. I first dealt with the audio plug ins issue - then deleted those - now I have full functionality BUT - an incredibly slow export time on a 7 minute timeline. This thing should be zippy. I think this update is not so great.
Info: Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 6 Core
I've been working on some making some video clips that are ipod commericals (to eventually do the whole thing on imovie) but after 4-5 videos being finished, I work on the next one and right in the middle of rendering, it just freezes and doesn't do anything else, or when I try to just export it it does that, but before it works fine. I tried removing a couple extra effects I aded, and it still does it.
I have just finished editing a video that I made and when I go to click to Export literally nothing happens and when I try to share to youtube an error message pops up. This isn't my first time as I have exported videos before.
Ive noticed this has been happening recently on a lot of my projects since updating:
Been getting very sporadic color grades upon export, as in some clips will receive the grade while others won't. I can't seem to find an issue related to any of my media, as Ive tried multiple tests of optimizing the media, trying to start a new project, reimporting all of the media, deleting the render files, and nothing seems to work. Ive noticed it does happen more often when I paste attributes but I've done a test of going through and applying a preset manually and it still wont export with the grade.
Deleting the render files on one project seemed to work well although I found there was a clip or two that still didnt export with the grade.