Applications :: Web Based Mac Interface?

Nov 14, 2009

Looking for a web based interface with Mac. A Go To My Mac if you will. I was wondering if anyone knows of one or how to jury rig mac OS X into doing this? (the best solution I came up with was to share on my mac using VNC software and then GOTOMY PC to the windows machine.

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Applications :: Xcode / Interface Builder For Mac OS 10.6.5

Dec 2, 2010

So, I'm making an app for Mac OS 10.6.5 in Xcode. I want to add an IKImageView and I drag it in. But when I Build & Go in Xcode, it wont open. Just keeps jumping. Is there a framework I need to add?

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Applications :: Cant Stand Cyberducks Interface?

Jan 27, 2009

I cant stand Cyberducks interface, does any have a better suggestion?My favourite FTP client on windows was FlashFXP, is there a similar program for OSX?

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Applications :: Remote Control With Web Interface?

Oct 26, 2009

Does anyone know of a way to remote control a mac from a web page (with a Java applet or something) that is actually on your computer. I know LogMeIn can be used, but then all of the data goes through the LogMeIn server, and I would like a server that I can run on my mac, independently from any other server.

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Applications :: Mail - Use It Over Gmail's Web Interface?

Jan 24, 2010

This is by no means a "new" topic, as both the Gmail interface and have been around forever, each increasing in simplicity of use and features since their inception. I have a blackberry, but also use the gmail web interface. I've been noticing many productivity freaks stating that they use, and I don't understand why? The way gmail handles conversations is much neater and tidier, and the instant search is fantastic. The only thing I can see is the use of folders, which Gmail can nearly do with tags. So what am I missing? Can increase my productivity and efficiency? Or would I just be downloading extra junk to my hard drive to be viewed and managed in a less efficient way?

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Applications :: How To Turn Off The Theme So Have A Much Brighter Looking Interface

Sep 11, 2010

yet the default theme is a very dark gray theme much like Safari but much darker. I have tried looking for other lighter themes with no luck. how to turn off the theme so I just have a much brighter looking interface?

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Applications :: Word Processor For Mac With Spellchecker Interface?

Jan 11, 2010

Can anyone tell me if there is a word processor available for the Mac with a spellchecker interface similar to the one used in WordPerfect? I have recently purchased a Mac and would like to install a word processor on it. I am dyslexic and I have found the WordPerfect spellchecker interface to be the best one I've come across for my needs, far better than MS Word. This also includes being better than Text Help System's Read & Write, the spellchecking application designed and recommended for dyslexics! In WordPerfect, if you don't spell a word correctly, you can retype the spelling. Instead of having to hit suggest, it automatically makes suggestions as you retype.

This way, after only typing part of the word, you may see the correct spelling come up. If your new suggestion is wrong you can then simply retype the word until you get a suggestion which works. Much quicker than hitting suggest 4-5 times and it takes into account the original misspelt word when making the new suggestions. In comparison the version of Read and Write I have, which was released in 2006, didn't even have a suggest option. So much for specialist software. In fact it didn't even have the word dyslexic in it's dictionary, until I point out this omission to them! If there isn't such a word processor available for the Mac, I might consider buying and installing WordPerfect X4 in my virtual Windows 7. However having purchased a Mac, I would prefer where possible to use Mac based software.

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Applications :: Logic Versus Pro-Tools Also Usb Interface?

Mar 16, 2010

i know threads on this subject have probably been posted before, but i was hoping to get some more personalized help rather than reading and making a choice.

I'm eagerly waiting for the new MBP updates and when it finally arrives, i will be purchasing it for 2 reasons, school work and recording software. i have done i little bit of research on both Logic and Pro Tools and they equally interest me, but i was wondering which one would be more versatile for my needs: ill be recording guitar, bass, and vocals and mixing them, mostly Death Metal genre, but i dont want to drag my amp to school so i was going to use a USB interface, which program has better/more realistic amp tones?

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Applications :: Full Screen Skype User Interface For Mac?

Mar 8, 2009

I think the latest 'full-screen' Skype for Windows (4.0) is the most efficient user interface for a chat program that I've ever seen. I can't stand having all my chats cluttered over my desktop. Now I just can't wait until they bring the same user interface to Mac. Does anyone have any idea on when the full-screen version of Skype will be available for Mac?

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Applications :: Rapidshare / Megaupload Client With Web Interface - Exist?

Feb 24, 2010

Is there a client like jdownloader or speed download which has a web interface like Transmission or SabNZB+? I want to be able set up remote downloading while I'm at work.

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Mac :: MacBook Air Impression - New Based Applications

Jul 28, 2008

Thought I would take a couple minutes to summarize my thoughts on the Macbook Air after 3 months of use. For comparison, my prior machine was a Sony Vaio TR Series machine that I had for 4 years. I use the machine primarily for web-based applications, and Microsoft Office applications.Overall, I would buy again, but there are a few pros and cons I would point out. For most of what I do, it works fine. But if you are routinely using a lot of applications at one time, or working with large programs, I?m not sure it would be for you. If you buy, get the external DVD drive. You won?t use it that much, but it will be useful for installing software. While cool, the remote-disc feature makes these tasks more complicated than they need be, particularly when it?s only a $99 added cost.

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Applications :: Cool Interface For Kids Games In Apple Store

Nov 11, 2010

You know the iMacs they have setup in the Apple Store with the cool kids game interface where you can select a game by clicking on it? No menus, no way to mess it up? Is that "program" available so I could use it at home for my kids? All they use their iMac for now is to play games.

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Applications :: Trying To Create Pie Chart (Based On MCQ) In Numbers

Mar 1, 2009

Got Numbers 08 installed, never really used it as didn't have a need. Created a spreadsheet the last day with some survey results for a project and saved it.

My spreadsheet looks like:
(A1-Grey) - Sex - Age - Multiple choice question
(Blank-Grey) - Male - 30 - Answer1
(Blank-Grey) - Female - 25 -Answer2

With a blank column on the left that's grey and the top heading thing being grey. Bit lost though with turning say the "Multiple choice question" column into a pie-chart (or any sort of chart tbh). I choose the header and all the 30 or so replies in that column and select chart -> pie-chart. It presents me with a pie-chart "Chart1" with just blue - 100% and the legend stating : blue - Untitled 1. How would I go about making the chart with the data I need? (I know I'm selecting it wrong or have it laid out wrong or something) or editing a chart manually.

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Applications :: POP/IMAP For Web Based School Email?

Aug 10, 2010

I consider myself pretty savvy and this problem arose when I tried to add my school's email to I took my computer into the Apple store and they were unsuccessful after about an hour of trying.

Now, I've read on Titan Apps (the section on the CSUF school portal) that you have to create a password solely for POP/IMAP access, and I did that, and I made a new Mail account with the new settings and I'm still receiving errors about the password not being right to get new mail.

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Applications :: ITunes Will Not Play Songs When US-122L Audio Interface Is Connected?

Jun 24, 2009

I am using iTunes with a Tascam US-122L audio interface. It worked perfectly fine until yesterday evening, and now iTunes absolutely refuses to play any music when the Tascam is connected. I click a song title and the diamond slider does not move, the song stays at 0:00, and the "play" button doesn't change to the "pause" button. It seemed to have started doing this after I exported a song into iTunes from Audio Hijack, which I downloaded to capture some audio from Logic Pro.

I've tried everything, from restarting my computer, to reinstalling the Tascam drivers to reinstalling iTunes.

iTunes works just fine except for the "playing songs" part, which is it's major selling point. It works perfectly fine when the Tascam isn't connected.

I've heard of a lot of people with similar problems but none of the solutions I've seen have worked. Anyone got any ideas?

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Applications :: Iweb-iphoto Interface Suddenly Stopped Working (can't Add Photos)

Nov 22, 2009

for about a year i've been using iweb to create a simple web page, which includes photo album pages, each with several albums that were put there simply by dragging and dropping an "event" from iphoto via the media browser. about a week ago, i tried to add some new photos and iweb won't take them. when i drag an event from the media browser to the albums page i want to add it to, i see a lightened image of the thumbnail, the green circle with the "+" sign, and the red icon with the number of images, but when i let go of the mouse button, the image bounces back to the media browser and nothing gets added to the web page. i've tried creating new, blank pages and adding them there, all with the same result.

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Intel Mac :: Move Accounts From PowerPC Based To Intel Based?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm sure this has been asked before so please forgive me. I have found arguments that say just use Migration assistant to some saying I need to cherry-pick certain items.

Info:PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 4 GB Ram

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Applications :: Running Windows Based Image Mount

Dec 9, 2010

How can I run it without WM Ware Fusion or Parallels? Is there an app where I can run it somehow without such programs?

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Applications :: Looking To Connect To A Windows Based Media Server?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm trying to turn an old Windows machine into a media server and file server, but not sure which Windows apps are Mac compatible. This is sort of hit and miss to post here, as it mainly involves looking for Windows applications, but the mac would be using them so it's sort of suitable.

I have setup a DLNA server for PS3 already which is working correctly. I've setup a UPNP server called Air Video for use with media for the iPhone and iPad.

I tried to setup an FTP server for use with files from both machines but the mac would not connect to it. It kept saying the login was wrong but it was right. I also setup a VNC server which the iphone using iTeleport could connect to but the Mac just would not connect.

So the main question is: Is there a FTP and VNC server for Windows which works 100% with a Mac as the client? After these two are working the server is completed.

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Applications :: Pages / MS Word Converting To Web Based Document

Apr 10, 2009

I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.

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Applications :: How To Create Chart Based On Date / Time And Value

Nov 18, 2009

I can't seem to figure out how to create a chart based on the following info: I have 3 columns: Date, Time & Value Looks like this:

Date Time Value
10/1/09 12:00am 35.5
10/1/09 01:00am 33.4
10/1/09 02:00am 17.5
10/2/09 12:00am 27.4
10/2/09 01:00am 44.5
10/2/09 02:00am 3.5
10/31/09 12:00am 56.5
10/31/09 01:00am 15.7
10/31/09 02:00am 10.4

I want to create a chart that shows the highest given value for each day (regardless of which hour it occurred) and another chart with the highest given value by hour. In the above sample the chart would show:

10/01/09 56.7
10/02/09 44.5
10/31/09 56.6

12:00am 56.5
01:00am 44.5
02:00am 17.5

I am able to do this in excel very quickly by using a Pivot Chart, but can't seem to figure this out in Numbers.

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Applications :: Automator To Delete Files Based On Date

Apr 27, 2010

I'm new to the Mac world but have been successful in creating a few Automator workflows to simplify certain tasks. However, I'm stuck on the flowing; I'd like to create a workflow that searches a particular folder for items created 30 days before today's date and the delete them. I'm assuming I need to create a variable of today's date and then subtract 30 days from it and so on. Haven't been able to figure this out.

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Applications :: How To Uninstall Lynx (Text Based Browser)

Jul 26, 2010

I've been posting alot of threads lately but this one is a last resort. I've googled maybe 10 times, read numerous forums, checked help guides and I still cant figure out how to uninstall the text based browser. I just want it off my computer.

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Applications :: Need To Uninstall Trail Before Installing Disk Based Version?

Jan 11, 2011

I have just purchased a copy of iWork and received the disks today. Previously I had downloaded the trial version from Apple and was wondering should I uninstall the trial version before I install the new disk based version.

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Applications :: Can I Boot Leopard From An External USB Based Hard Drive?

Mar 19, 2009

Can i Boot Leopard From an External USB Based Harddrive ?

the harddrive is powered with an external power supply and is not bus powered...

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Applications :: Iweb Based Website Not Loading In Internet Explorer

Apr 23, 2009

H have published my iweb created site via cyberduck FTP and it works great in firefox and safari but when i go to this on a PC (internet explorer) the layers are all messed up and the flash menu and banner hyperlinks become inactive.

Also the yellow paypal image has been pushed behind the flash banner instead of appearing in front, who am i doing wrong

my website created in iweb [URL]

NOTE - I created hyperlinks over the flash menu and banner by adding a text box (which is transparent) over each circle button and the whole banner and added hyperlinks to them but for some reason internet explorer has pushed these text box layers behind the flash images so now the links dont work. Is it something to do with the z index layers??

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Applications :: Create Special Itunes Smart Playlist Based On Artist?

Jan 30, 2009

I want to create a smart playlist in Itunes like this:

-NOT contain recently listen ARTISTS (1 day)

So if Itunes plays and ARTIST then the Smart Playlist will refresh and extract all Songs with that artist.

Is it possible?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Java Based Applications Taking Long Time To Load

Mar 27, 2012

For quite a while, any Java based applications on my Mac have been taking a long time to launch. When I start them, the icon just bounces on the dock for about 2 minutes and then once it stops I force quit it, start it again and it loads fine. I have the same problem with both Minecraft and Angry IP Scanner so I'm near certain that it is not application specific. All other applications load almost instantly and there is plenty of memory available (8GB installed) for them to launch. Just for reference: all of the updates available on Software Update are installed as well.

Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB DDR3 RAM

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Applications :: Can OSX Change "lock Screen" Settings Based On Available Wifi Net

Sep 21, 2010

If I'm not at home I would like the MBP to lock the screen after 15 mins, but not while I'm home. So if my home-wifi isn't detected I would like the "lock screen" to be enabled. Is this possible?

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Applications :: Recovery Speed Based On The Hard Drive Speed?

May 21, 2010

I'm using Data Rescue III on a USB powered hard drive with and it's taking a very long time with my iMac G5... It says 42,291 hours remaining (about 5 years) If I did it on my Mac Pro would it go faster, or is the recovery speed based on the hard drive speed?

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