Applications :: How To Turn Off The Theme So Have A Much Brighter Looking Interface
Sep 11, 2010
yet the default theme is a very dark gray theme much like Safari but much darker. I have tried looking for other lighter themes with no luck. how to turn off the theme so I just have a much brighter looking interface?
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Apr 12, 2009
I have seen many screenshots (like the one below) of modified menu bars that have probably been made using some application. I like how you can change the WiFi icon to cell bars. And I have no idea how they got links to Macintosh HD, movies and TV shows on the desktop. Does anyone know what app that is?
And on the desktop, I have seen that some people have their iTunes album artwork and the song playing show on their desktops. I have many different commands, like the date and time, running on my desktop using Geektool. But I have never thought that geektool would be able to show the artwork though. Is there another app that lets you have this or is it also geektool?
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Apr 19, 2012
i just got this Imac G3(second Hand) when i turn it on it makes theseound and starts loading ( just like normal) but then it says: disk: 0x8 (UNDEFINED) and then it is more like a command promt rather than a user interface
ps: this is my first mac so i am not used to it.
Imac G3, Mac OS X (10.2.x)
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Aug 26, 2010
Is there any application that can create an iOS theme on a os x computer? This would let you use the mouse as your finger to swipe through different pages (not like spaces)? I have heard chatter that when (if) MacBooks get touch screens, then Apple may produce an iOS like system for them.
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Sep 10, 2009
In Tiger, you have the app Uno, that unifies the look throughout osx.
Is there any app available that unifies the look in Itunes 9 in mac osx?
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Jul 14, 2010
So I've downloaded both geektool and bowtie. The default bowtie themes are boring and I have downloaded more that are compatible with geektool but have NO clue what to do. I could use some tips.
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Jun 13, 2010
I'm trying to edit the Bowtie theme Curl, which can be found below.[URL]
I'm not very good at editing the scripts and what not, but basically as you can see from the screenshot at the link above, there are the 5 rating buttons and the X, I was able to remove those so it's just the album cover.
Every time a new song starts playing the theme will have the band and song title scroll by. What I want to do is have the song/band title constantly scrolling by instead of just when a new song is played.
I'm not sure if im posting this in the right section or if I worded this right
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Feb 16, 2009
I bought a BlackBerry Pearl 8110 and also download PocketMac from BlackBerry's official site. I put the latest OS on the BlackBerry and installed the latest PocketMac version + the USB drive as instructed to by the BlackBerry site. I'm trying to install this bphone theme (iPhone look-alike) and PocketMac just hangs. I checked it, and it is not responding. Seems to have a problem opening /dev/cu.blackberry as it hangs thereafter in console.
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Nov 1, 2009
I have two questions/issues with iDVD. I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to iDVD but I have checked all over the internet for the answers.
First I am using the soft frame theme and I am using all three drop zones with video filling them. When I play back the dvd in the dvd preview the video plays very choppy. It is almost frame by frame. The effects of the menu are also slow (in fact the whole preview of the dvd seems to be slow).
My second problem is that when adding background music the dvd takes the whole length of the song to loop, and in the short time is takes someone to choose a button the first drop zone is still looping.
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Nov 14, 2009
Looking for a web based interface with Mac. A Go To My Mac if you will. I was wondering if anyone knows of one or how to jury rig mac OS X into doing this? (the best solution I came up with was to share on my mac using VNC software and then GOTOMY PC to the windows machine.
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Dec 2, 2010
So, I'm making an app for Mac OS 10.6.5 in Xcode. I want to add an IKImageView and I drag it in. But when I Build & Go in Xcode, it wont open. Just keeps jumping. Is there a framework I need to add?
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Jan 27, 2009
I cant stand Cyberducks interface, does any have a better suggestion?My favourite FTP client on windows was FlashFXP, is there a similar program for OSX?
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Oct 26, 2009
Does anyone know of a way to remote control a mac from a web page (with a Java applet or something) that is actually on your computer. I know LogMeIn can be used, but then all of the data goes through the LogMeIn server, and I would like a server that I can run on my mac, independently from any other server.
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Jan 24, 2010
This is by no means a "new" topic, as both the Gmail interface and have been around forever, each increasing in simplicity of use and features since their inception. I have a blackberry, but also use the gmail web interface. I've been noticing many productivity freaks stating that they use, and I don't understand why? The way gmail handles conversations is much neater and tidier, and the instant search is fantastic. The only thing I can see is the use of folders, which Gmail can nearly do with tags. So what am I missing? Can increase my productivity and efficiency? Or would I just be downloading extra junk to my hard drive to be viewed and managed in a less efficient way?
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Jan 11, 2010
Can anyone tell me if there is a word processor available for the Mac with a spellchecker interface similar to the one used in WordPerfect? I have recently purchased a Mac and would like to install a word processor on it. I am dyslexic and I have found the WordPerfect spellchecker interface to be the best one I've come across for my needs, far better than MS Word. This also includes being better than Text Help System's Read & Write, the spellchecking application designed and recommended for dyslexics! In WordPerfect, if you don't spell a word correctly, you can retype the spelling. Instead of having to hit suggest, it automatically makes suggestions as you retype.
This way, after only typing part of the word, you may see the correct spelling come up. If your new suggestion is wrong you can then simply retype the word until you get a suggestion which works. Much quicker than hitting suggest 4-5 times and it takes into account the original misspelt word when making the new suggestions. In comparison the version of Read and Write I have, which was released in 2006, didn't even have a suggest option. So much for specialist software. In fact it didn't even have the word dyslexic in it's dictionary, until I point out this omission to them! If there isn't such a word processor available for the Mac, I might consider buying and installing WordPerfect X4 in my virtual Windows 7. However having purchased a Mac, I would prefer where possible to use Mac based software.
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Mar 16, 2010
i know threads on this subject have probably been posted before, but i was hoping to get some more personalized help rather than reading and making a choice.
I'm eagerly waiting for the new MBP updates and when it finally arrives, i will be purchasing it for 2 reasons, school work and recording software. i have done i little bit of research on both Logic and Pro Tools and they equally interest me, but i was wondering which one would be more versatile for my needs: ill be recording guitar, bass, and vocals and mixing them, mostly Death Metal genre, but i dont want to drag my amp to school so i was going to use a USB interface, which program has better/more realistic amp tones?
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Mar 8, 2009
I think the latest 'full-screen' Skype for Windows (4.0) is the most efficient user interface for a chat program that I've ever seen. I can't stand having all my chats cluttered over my desktop. Now I just can't wait until they bring the same user interface to Mac. Does anyone have any idea on when the full-screen version of Skype will be available for Mac?
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Feb 24, 2010
Is there a client like jdownloader or speed download which has a web interface like Transmission or SabNZB+? I want to be able set up remote downloading while I'm at work.
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Nov 11, 2010
You know the iMacs they have setup in the Apple Store with the cool kids game interface where you can select a game by clicking on it? No menus, no way to mess it up? Is that "program" available so I could use it at home for my kids? All they use their iMac for now is to play games.
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Jun 24, 2009
I am using iTunes with a Tascam US-122L audio interface. It worked perfectly fine until yesterday evening, and now iTunes absolutely refuses to play any music when the Tascam is connected. I click a song title and the diamond slider does not move, the song stays at 0:00, and the "play" button doesn't change to the "pause" button. It seemed to have started doing this after I exported a song into iTunes from Audio Hijack, which I downloaded to capture some audio from Logic Pro.
I've tried everything, from restarting my computer, to reinstalling the Tascam drivers to reinstalling iTunes.
iTunes works just fine except for the "playing songs" part, which is it's major selling point. It works perfectly fine when the Tascam isn't connected.
I've heard of a lot of people with similar problems but none of the solutions I've seen have worked. Anyone got any ideas?
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Nov 22, 2009
for about a year i've been using iweb to create a simple web page, which includes photo album pages, each with several albums that were put there simply by dragging and dropping an "event" from iphoto via the media browser. about a week ago, i tried to add some new photos and iweb won't take them. when i drag an event from the media browser to the albums page i want to add it to, i see a lightened image of the thumbnail, the green circle with the "+" sign, and the red icon with the number of images, but when i let go of the mouse button, the image bounces back to the media browser and nothing gets added to the web page. i've tried creating new, blank pages and adding them there, all with the same result.
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Feb 15, 2009
I've created a site with a theme in iWeb 08 that has been removed from iWeb 09. I've put a lot of work into customizing the theme, and iLife 09 is currently being shipped to me. In iWeb 09, can I still maintain and build on this site even though the theme is not included anymore? And, if not, is there a way that I can find the theme data in Finder and copy and paste that into the theme data files in iWeb 09?
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May 31, 2008
I've noticed the display on my MBA is much brighter when I am running in Windows XP SP3 bootcamp. Big difference with OS X. Did anyone notice the same? Why could this be? I've tried checking settings, calibration and performance seem to be right.
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Jun 24, 2009
I'm quite impressed with the colors, deep blacks and vibrancy of my new 13 inch MBP. Overall, it seems like a much needed improvement over the unibody MacBooks of last fall (I had one, but sold due to crappy screen).
Since using my new MBP, I've noticed that the screen doesn't seem as bright as other Mac laptops I've used.
Today I cranked the brightness up on both my iPhone 3G and MBP and put the two side by side. I really noticed how dim the MBP seemed compared to my iPhone 3G.
Is this normal? Anyone else out there that could confirm my test? My MBP has a 9CBD screen and auto-brightness adjust is off.
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Jul 11, 2009
I know it's ancient tech... but I've reverted to a 12" PB after selling my uni MacBook. I've owned two of these 12" PB 1.5ghz previously, both bought new (combo+60gb hd/superdrive +80gb) and the latter one cost me some bad business deal points because I was in a meeting outside in the sunlight and I could not read the screen. I sold it with Applecare to someone on MR last year. The one I bought is used, obviously, and the screen is "fine" no dead pixels or cracks or anything, it just will only be workable inside. Does anyone have any tips on the brightest or best screen replacement I can get for this? This one has a build date of August 2005 so it's been around, though in great condition. A bit "dim" and it might be worth it if I could get a new screen that is somewhat brighter.
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Dec 5, 2014
The brightness is turned all the way up on my MacBook Pro, but the screen still seems to dim out. How to get it brighter again?
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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Jul 27, 2009
I was recently using my backlit keyboard of pretty much the first time and I realized that middle right side of the keyboard is slightly dimmer that the other side. I can still see the keys and its not a huge difference but its enough to be noticeable and somewhat distracting.
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Jan 20, 2010
I tried various calibrations, but none seem to top the original settings. I have the 9c98 screen. If I turn it down just one notch, it�s not bright enough for me.
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Aug 21, 2014
MacBook Pro Retina 13" screen is brighter on left side than on the right. Entire screen is readable, but not uniform.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 28, 2009
I just did a clean install of Snow Leopard on my MacBook Pro 2.26. My screen is much much brighter now than it was. On battery I am running it on one click above dark. On AC power on less than half what I had it set to before for the same brightness. Really an unusual outcome I would say.
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