I am trying to restore my MacBook Pro to its factory settings.All data were erased and tried to reinstall the Lion.When my apple ID and password were entered, the following message came out: "This Apple ID has not yet been used in iTune Store" Then, I was not allowed to reinstall the Lion. Yes, I did not buy anything from the iTune Store. How can I reinstall the Lion.
I purchased quite a few apps on my husband's iTune because we synched on the same computer. Now that I am using the iCloud I want my own iTune account so that my husband's devices don't synch with my devices. Do I have to purchase the apps again in my new account or can I transfer them from my husband's account?
I can't see purchases made by my wife when I log in to iTunes (and vice versa). We have one account and we'd like to share a few songs. We both use the same machine, however we each have our own log in
my wife and I both use itunes and we both have itunes accounts. I was wondering can I share my music and videos I bought from itunes, so that she can play them on her own itunes account on her computer?
I am in process of setting up a new computer system. I've purchased a Windows 7 PC and am migrating my music from a PowerPC Mac. Both systems are active authorized iTunes computers. I set them up to share and used the share utility to import my entire library into the new system.
Every single non-iTunes songs transferred without issue - 27,000+ of them but every single iTunes purchased songs, only 400 of them, did not.
So like many people I have (had) a very unorganized iTunes folder. I decided it was time to basically put all my files in the same format and add a bunch of the missing information to the files, most notably the artist name. I have always saved my files in the following format: Artist name - song name .mp3. then I would just add the files into itunes and of course it would not add any info into the artist field for those songs. Through windows explorer, I added artist names to all of my files and changed some of the file names but how do I go about updating iTunes to reflect these changes?
So this is weird. the USA apple store website is crashing safari 4 on my imac running 10.5.7. I did the update today from safari beta 4. I reset safari and emptied the cache with no luck. when it tries to load the site things freeze up for a few seconds then the app tanks
I used a bad application Pollux to fix all my itunes tags and titles and alot of them are wrong now! is there anyway to recover old itunes track titles and data?!
not sure if this have been asked, i couldn't find anything in the forum search... I've noticed since i've done the latest OSX and iTune updates on my Macbook, that iTune will often freeze, esp if i have it running along any other apps, such as safari, firefox, or just even if my screen saver comes on while the music plays. The activity monitor will show iTune as Not Responding.. therefore i always have to Force Quit the application. if I dont do so, the whole system will freeze and i'll require to reboot it with the power button..
anyone else noticing this problem? I noticed that my other macbook pro does the same, thought I'd throw the question out there and see if other ppl are experiencing the same issue.
I am considering for new backup storage because my old seagate freeAgent is almost full. TimeCapsule is the 1st choice in my list. I hope that the nDraft wireless+internal harddrive will improve the transfer speed more than connecting USB with external harddrive. I'm using Asus WL-500W+external harddrive as a NAS in my home network. It data transfer rate is extremely slow, eventhough my NIC is 802.11n.
However, I have 4 macbook pro, 1 iMac, 4 ipod touch connected to my ADSL router so, it will be great if TimeCapsule is able to be the iTune server.
Many review indicate that the TimeCapsule is spontaneously dead after warranty date is expired T_T. Have apple fixed this point?
Anyone has any idea of merging your current Itune library with the previous library?
I have a backup my old Itune library into my backup disk (I copied the whole folder in the HD>Music>Itune into the disc). Now that I have reloaded my machine and subscribe to some of the new Itune podcast that I am interest in. Now I end up with 2 library (one in my machine and another one in my backup disc). Is there any way to merge 2 library together? I really doesn't want to redownloaded everything again.
My Daughters computer has just died she had her itunes account on it. I have signed her into itunes on my mac if I connect her ipod will it transfer all of her songs and apps or will she lose them?
About This Mac: Mac OS X Version 10.2.8, Memory 896 MB and Processor: 400 MHz PowerPC G4
MUST FIX: I CANNOT MOVE any icons or folders whatsoever (except to the Trash)! I checked the log too, but I have no idea what to look for there. This happened right about 1-2 days ago (11/20-22/2009).
BONUS FIX: As for iTunes, well it got bugged (clicked and didn't activated), so I deleted it and I don't know how to reinstall iTunes. This happened some years back, so I almost forgot about it.
I have a long oversea flight coming up, do you guys know if the below setup will work? google result is inconclusive, some say it does others say it doesnt..
1) download itune movie rentals to my macbook pro at home 2) once on the plane, with the internet off, play the downloaded itune movie.
Will it play? does it require internet? some of the reports are saying they get error message saying cannot connect to itune store etc... but those are from early 2009. Anyone know for a fact if this works, or not work?
I bought macbook pro 13 inch 2.4 base model, i found that media keys (f7 f8 f9) only work with front row and not working with iTune or QuickTime, how to make them work?
also they work as a function keys when i press fn+Key , so i think it is not hardware problem.
have just purchased an I-Pad and downloaded Pages from I-Tunes account onto my MacBook Pro, with the intention of syncing documents between the Macbook and my I-Pad via the Cloud... however, without noticing it at the time, I must have had a different user ID when I first registered in I-Tunes a couple of years ago [on the Macbook pro].When I bought my I-Pad a few weeks ago, I registered in the Cloud with a nice shiny new ID and now, of course, when I want to download the Pages App I've just purchased on from the MacBook onto my I-Pad, it won't recognise on the I-Pad interface that I've already bought it [under my old ID].
Suddenly in the last few weeks my Safari preferences won't stay. I set a home page and "a new window opens with the same page" and within a few minutes, Safari has forgotten it and when I open Safari I just get a blank page. I have tried deleting the com.apple.Safari.plist file which works temporarily, then it forgets everything again.
I am also having a problem with my monitors holding a calibration. I use a monitor test kit and the monitors aren't retaining the icc profile information. I mention this as it could be related?
I have a Mac Pro 3,1 with a quad-cor intel Xeon running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
I was wondering if anyone can help?! I've had my MacBook Pro for around 3 months now with no problems but today my Safari decided to stop working! When using it quickly this morning it was slow at loading up pages and it even booted me off the wi-fi but after restarting the laptop it was fine. Used it for a couple of hours tonight and again it was sluggish to load up pages but then basically froze on me. I restarted it a few times but nothing. I've tried deleting the Safari history and even put the Safari cache file into the trash and then tried rebooting it but still nothing? I cannot use Safari or the App Store - Internet based things! ...all wi-fi connections are fine too?
Suddenly in the last few weeks my Safari preferences won't stay. I set a home page and "a new window opens with the same page" and within a few minutes, Safari has forgotten it and when I open Safari I just get a blank page. I have tried deleting the com.apple.Safari.plist file which works temporarily, then it forgets everything again.I am also having a problem with my monitors holding a calibration. I use a monitor test kit and the monitors aren't retaining the icc profile information. I mention this as it could be related??I have a Mac Pro 3,1 with a quad-cor intel Xeon running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
Safari used to store passwords just fine but now it's not working. "User names and passwords" is checked in preferences. Which keychains need to be where?
I keep getting this message. I just installed Leopard, but the problem began right before the install. Keychain "login" cannot be found to store "Safari", with the option to Restore Defaults or Cancel. It's driving me freaking crazy, I'm sure it's an easy fix. Let me know what to do. My Keychain Access is empty, showing no passwords or "login" I usually store passwords into my keychain, why aren't they still there? How does this problem start?