Applications :: Possible To Make A Shortcut To Insert An Equation Instead Of Clicking
Nov 11, 2009
I have recently bought Mathtype to use as my equation editor in Pages but I have wondered about if it was possible to make a shortcut to insert an equation instead of clicking 'Insert > MathType Equation'
I'm using Mathtype 6 and office 2008 (on a brand new MBP) but I can't inset equation the menu possibility is there but i can't click on it.I installed Microsoft office first and the mathtype
Whenever I try to insert a new equation or edit an existing one in Word 2011, it instantly crashes. As an engineering student, this is obviously a major problem for me.
Is there any way to make a shortcut to the desktop of a mounted network drive? like when you map a drive in windows XP but its in "My computer" instead of the desktop?
When I want to open a new document in Microsoft word quickly, it takes a while to load up the "Word Document Gallery" screen and then from there I'd have to click "word document". Is there a way for me to open a new word document immediately from the Microsoft Word icon in my dock?
I have purchased a new Macbook Pro and am at set up stage yet. I can't go further because the pointer is not working when I am clicking. I can't click on "Start using Mac OS X Lion." I have become so frustrated now! Please let me know if I can fix it or I have to return it to apple centre for fixing.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac OS X Lion
I am used to XP's shortcuts where I can put a link to anything on the desktop. I have not been able to find this for OSX. Here are some examples of shortcuts I would like to create:
1. A shortcut to a document 2. A shortcut to an Xcode project 3. A shortcut to a folder 4. A shortcut to a web page
I forgot to test this in Page '08 before the trial period expired, so I hope you don't mind me asking here!
Can you insert mathematical equations into a Pages '08 word processing document, like you can in Word '04 with the Microsoft Equation Editor (and similarly in AppleWorks with Equation Editor)?
I am using Pages '08. This task was pretty simple in MS Word but I can't duplicate it in pages.
I am trying to use bullets with long text. I want the additional lines of text with that bullet to be indented so that all of the text lines up vertically. Here's an example. (The line represents the empty space I would like to have.
Is there a way to insert a selected template after, for instance, the cover page of a document, or anywhere else for that matter?If not, can I merge the template with an already created document?
I have been trying to insert a simple monthly calendar into an excel spreadsheet, but cant find a way to do this on the mac version that im running. Any hints would be great. Idealy i would like to be able to just insert a calendar for that month but if i had to insert the whole calendar each time that would be fine too
On pages (Apples version of Microsoft office) how do you insert a venn diagram? I need to know asap because I have a big test tomorrow and it will help me study.
I'm using iMovie 06 and I need to get a flash animation into it, how to make these files compatible so that my animation can appear in my iMovie project?
This is my first post, I've been using macs for at least 3 years now and wouldn't class myself as clueless BUT I do have a question...
When I insert a hard drive or memory stick into my macbook, it always mounts on the desktop. That is quite useful but I'd also like it to pop up in finder, or with options to open the files on the drive (like windows does).
Trying to figure out why my new 2010 MBP is getting kernel panics. As a Mac newbie i consulted the manual + internet. Apparently if I hold down the 'D' key whilst booting then the machine should start the AHT, but mine doesn't.I need to insert the Applications DVD in order for the AHT to start.Is there any way I can install the AHT? Was it removed when I reinstalled SL?I also wish that Apple added some more information to the startup screen (like most BIOS based computers) - e.g. press 'C' to boot from CD ROM, press 'D' for AHT etc, because right now there's just no feedback or information for the user :-s
This is an issue w/ every word processor I've ever tried to replace Word w/- the only reason I still use it is because it has an easy way to start a new chapter w/ a page number other than one. I am very saddened to see that Pages is also incredibly complicated in what should be a simple task.
I write novels. I prefer to have my chapters as their own document. I am not interested in "master documents" or any of the Open Office "solutions" that were so annoying (and confusing). When starting a new chapter- let's say "Chapter Five"- if Chapter Four ended on page 126, obviously Five should start on 127. I have spent the last hour trying to figure out how to do this, on several different message boards. Can it be done or not? I can't believe MS is the only company in the world to make this an easy task- of all companies to make something "easy". Word is my last piece of ANY MS software- I'd love to be done w/ it, and Pages looks great and is very, very intuitive- but this issue has driven me nuts for years. Again, I am not interested in any solution other than what I'm asking about. If it can't be done, I will continue to use Word, although I've paid for Pages and really feel suckered by this.
I am making a presentation for one of my classes and I need to insert equations into Keynote. The type of equations I need are one's that use theta's, delta's, lots of greek symbols, and they have to be in variable form with stuff on both sides of the equal sign. I can't find a way to do this. I've tried creating them with Word then cutting and pasting, but they don't show up. Anyone able to do this or have an idea?
I am using the latest Keynote version and office Mac X.
P.S., I thought about using PowerPoint, but everyone will be using that so I want have my presentation stand out, so I am going to use Keynote.
I want to insert numbered equations into pages that are centered with Mathtype. In pages there is only an insert Mathtype Equation command, not a full toolbar with different alignment and numbering options as in Word. There seems to be nowhere within Mathtype itself I can see where I can make the equation centered and numbered. Inside Pages I cant center the equation as the option is greyed out and no visible option for numbering.
I may have found a solution for all the people out there who upgraded their hd's to a 7200rpm and have the clicking noise. Apple released a firmware update for the 7200rpm drives that shipped with the uMBP. You can get the file from here.I don't know if this will fix only the hd's shipped with the MBP or any 7200rpm drive but its worth a try.PS: Also i ask that anyone who tries this please report back on your results.
I tried moving the applications shortcut from the left side fo the finder window to my dock so I can access my applications with one click, and it went up in smoke, gone, can't undo.
So I have 2 questions, first how do I get the Application icon back in my finder and how do I create a shortcut to it on my doc?
Recently, I have discovered a quite strange shortcut � first in Safari then in any cocoa apps. If you select some text in browser url bar and press Cntrl+L then the text will be shortly highlighted. It looks very similar to the keyword highlighting during search trough web pages. Take a look on short screencast and you will get what I mean � on my blog (in russian) or youtube.
Such yellow few seconds highlighting happens also in Google search bar of Safari, in TextEdit and so on. Interesting is that the Control+L shortcut disapear in Safari 4.0 Preview.
I have no idea what is the reason to use this shortcut. Is it programmers error? Easter egg?