Applications :: Mailboxes Are Screwed Up

Sep 22, 2009

I added my other email address, and the problem is that it adds a whole new folder for this account, the inbox/sent/outbox folders are not in sync with my Gmail/SBC accounts. I attached images to show what I mean.

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Applications :: Need Help With Smart Mailboxes

May 27, 2010

i just started using Mail 4.2 on OS X 10.6.3. Every so often, I forward email that I receive at work on my Lotus Notes email account. Especially, my payroll information. I created a Smart Mailbox with the rule that looks for consistent string in the subject line. The original email is in the Inbox, but it does not appear in the Smart Mailbox I created.

I must be doing something wrong. I've googled, I've looked in Apple Support, I searched here. I don't see the answer to my question.

Any help is appreciated.

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Applications :: Mail App Different Sounds For Different Mailboxes?

Oct 20, 2009

Tried searching for this but no result yet!

Is it possible to change the "New Mail Sound" for different mailboxes? I mean one sound for my work email and another for my personal?

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Applications :: How To Sort All Mailboxes In Apple Mail

Jun 25, 2005

By default, the mailboxes in Apple Mail are sorted by Date Received, Oldest first. I tried sorting a few of my folders to be 'Newest First' instead, but I would have to do it for all of my folders, and I have about 150 folders.

What is the fastest way to sort all my folders to the way I want it?

And for all new folders?

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Applications :: Mail Rules / Smart Mailboxes

Jul 10, 2009

Hi all,

I'm trying to organize my mail by sender (if anyone has better organizational ideas other than deleting mail, let me know).

Right now, I have rules so all new emails are directed towards various inboxes (family, friends, etc.). However, this means I need to go to a bunch of different folders to read my email.

Is there a way to set up a rule so that mail gets routed according to email address after being read? I just want to go to my primary inbox, read a message and have it routed accordingly. I feel like I might be missing something very basic here...

Any help would be appreciated. In case you can't tell, I'm new to the world of mac. Now that I don't spend all my time fighting with a pc, I actually have time to try and organize my life...

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Applications :: Selected Mailboxes Now Bold (Apple Mail)

Dec 14, 2010

So I noticed this today, and I have no idea how the text became bold. It is on a selected item from the left pane, as visible here:

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Applications :: Backup Restore Mailboxes In Mail Apps

Jul 20, 2005

The thought has never occurred to me - I really should back up my email. My ISP keeps the last three months of messages on the server, but older stuff - if I install OS X, I'll lose it. Is there a handy-dandy utility that will do this? Where are the files kept? I'm learning AppleScript out of boredom and could probably throw together a script to back it up, but I'd need to know what the files were.

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OS X :: 10.6.2- Screwed Up My Sound System?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a MBP 13". I updated it to 10.6.2 a while back and ever there was some kind of auto-detection going on where when I plugged in my MBP's headphone jack to external speakers I could adjust the volume all the way up to max. If I unplugged the speakers and play from the internal speakers I would turn it down to about 1/4 volume. The computer seemed to remember the volume settings for both scenarios and applied them appropriately when I plugged in/unplugged the speakers.

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OS X :: Icon Screwed Up In A System?

Mar 9, 2010

icon screwed up in a system

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Windows On Mac :: Screwed Up Partition Table

Jan 7, 2011

After getting Windows to reorganize my 2TB HFS+ partitions, I decided to create a small 300 GB partition on one of the volumes and format as NTFS for use in Boot Camp. I did this with iPartition (which was very easy), and when I booted into Win7 - all my HFS+ partitions, and the new NTFS partition were visible to Win7. I was a happy camper. After playing around in in windows for a while, I booted back into OS X, and much to my horror, all the HFS+ partitions on that drive, *except* for the new NTFS one, were not there! iPartition just shows a 300 GB contiguous space called Windows Work. In fact, my 2TB drive is now a 300 GB NTFS drive with a little free space. The rest of the 2TB's are OS X that is. I really need to get this data back so I can use it in OS X, so could anybody please tell me what I did wrong and how to get this volume's partitioning back to the way it was.

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OS X :: Entire Address Book Screwed Up / Fix It?

Sep 16, 2009

I just opened my address book and everything is screwed up!

Double contacts, wrong e-mail addresses under the wrong people, contacts gone etc ...

I am syncing with MobileMe and so is my iPhone 3GS and over at, everything is still fine ...

Before you ask, I didn't mess this up myself, 100% sure.

Any ideas as to why this could've happened?

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Time Machine Screwed Up Macbook Air

Feb 13, 2012

I used time machine to transfer all my old Macbook to my Macbook Air and everytime I turn on my computer I get the Candy Spinning Wheel of Death....

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Security Update Screwed Up IBook?

Aug 19, 2006

Hopefully someone here has an idea what's going on with this machine. I haven't had much trouble with the Macs I've owned, so I don't have a lot of experience with troubleshooting.

I got on my friend's iBook yesterday and noticed she hadn't installed any updates in a while. This is a 500 Mhz G3 iBook running OS X 10.4. So I went through all of the udates and installed everything, and today none of the Apple branded applications will open. iChat, Safari, etc. will bounce a few times on the dock when you click on them, but they won't open. I tried running disk utility but when it opens it says a background process that needs to be running did not start properly and then it crashes and I have to force Disk Utility to quit. My friend doesn't have the original Tiger disks, as the person she bought the computer from just installed Tiger on the computer and kept the disks (I know, I would have advised her against a sale like this if I had known about it).

But anyway, the computer has worked just fine until this last update. Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be or how we might go about fixing it without Disk Utilit?

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PowerPC :: Two Hard Drives On G4 But Not Plugged / Screwed In

Dec 9, 2007

A buddy of mine has had a Power Mac G4 sitting around for a while now. I asked him about it, and he told me that I could have it if I wanted. He really only uses his MacBook Pro anyways. So, I get home, plug it all in, and nothing happens. I opened up the side and everything seems to be in place. There seem to be 2 hard drives, one which isn't screwed in. One of them isn't plugged in, I'm not too sure what that's about. Power supply is there, RAM is there. I don't know why it's not coming on. When I push the power button, a light on the front flashes for a second, but nothing happens. I know it needs a RAM upgrade, and probably a processor upgrade as well. However, first, I'd like to get it running first.

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OS X :: Boot Camp Screwed Up Start Up Sequence?

Apr 4, 2009

I tried installing Windows XP on to my MacBook running Leopard last November using an XP installment disk that came with a Dell Desktop. So that worked out well, until Boot Camp told me to print out an instruction sheet. Well, I don't have a printer connected to my MacBook, so I continued the installation without it.

The installation apparently 'finished' so I clicked "finish" but the whole installation process went back to the beginning, so I had to force quit the installation (my MacBook was running from just the disk, not 'Macintosh HD'). By the way, I went through the installation process a couple of times before I thought "this is just keep on repeating."

Well, whenever I go to boot up my MacBook now, a message comes up in a black background with white writing saying "No bootable disk, press any key to continue." Pressing any key doesn't work, so I have to hold down the power button (which I hate doing since it's apparently bad for the HDD) to turn it off, and I now have to hold down the alt/option key whenever I start up my Mac. By the way, the only disk that comes up is 'Macintosh HD', not the 'Windows HD' I partitioned earlier, which I have now deleted. My question is, what else can I do to completely erase this message I get at the start up?

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OS X :: Permissions Screwed After Time Machine Restore

Jul 1, 2009

I recently used Migration Assistant to make my new machine like my old one via TM. Now, all the permissions on more or less everything are messed up, and I can't change anything without going into Get Info and adding myself. I do not want to do this every single time I want to update an Application, for example. How do I do this "globally"- give my administrator account Read/Write permission for all of the normal things?

So far I have tried this: [URL]
Which did not work and returned this error:
Code: $ sudo chflags 0 /Volumes/Macintosh HD
sudo: can't open /private/etc/sudoers: Permission denied
I tried this: [URL]
Which resulted in this:
Code: $ sudo chown -R miles:staff /Users/miles
sudo: can't open /private/etc/sudoers: Permission denied

Why am I being denied permission using sudo? It doesn't even prompt me for my password. And now after restarting, I get stuck on the blue loading screen.

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MacBook :: All Controls And Stuff Screwed After Startup

Jul 7, 2009

What happened was that I just booted my mac up. And suddenly, all the controls and stuff were screwed. What's happening on my mac is that the computer itself just keeps hold either the command or space key and I wasn't even touching anything. So basically, when I try typing in something, it keeps holding the spacebar, so it comes out like t h i s. Just an example. And sometimes, it would just hold the command key, and sometimes drag off menu-bars that I don't want to.

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OS X :: Get Back Screwed Up And Deleted The Garageband Launcher?

Jul 12, 2009

I screwed up and deleted the launcher for garageband, now I dont know how to start it back up. I have all the files to run it, loops, etc, just not the actual guitar logo launcher. How can I get it back quick and easy?

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PowerPC :: Replacement Of Hard Drive With Screwed Up Quicktime

Dec 8, 2007

In the process of uninstalling Final Cut Pro I must have deleting some Quicktime files that are integral to several parts of my system. Can't reinstall FCP, open Word or Quicktime. I did everything I could to get a new Quicktime, but couldn't. Took it to Mac Support and they said I need a new hard drive. They said they'd do it for $378 (Yikes!). I found a lot of internal hard drives on the net and instructions on how to install them, but will this fix my problem? Can you get a third-party hard drive that has all the mac programs/etc on it? What should I do?

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IMac :: Installing OSX Back After Screwed Up On Bootcamp Windows 7

Jan 13, 2010

I can't get windows 7 bootcamp on mine plus I have the keyboard not working, sound, etc. Something about it doesnt support 64bit. NOw I just want to get my OSX 10.5 running again. I get a white screen for about 3o seconds then windows pops up. My boot disc is in there and dont know what Im suppose to do to just get a clean install of my 10.5. I have a IMAC 24" 3.06ghz duo with 1Tb drive.

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OS X :: Screwed Up On Bootcamp - Now Dispay Black With Flashing Underscore

Mar 14, 2010

I was going to download windows XP using bootcamp and I did everything up to the point to the point where you choose FAT or NTSF. Well the only thing there was NTSF so I decided to cancel it. It said it was going to reboot so I waited and it restarted. I ejected the disk and now the screen is black and theres a white underscore flashing. I restarted it and its still not workingand the screen is still black. How do I fix it? I already tried the ctr+option+p+r thing wiht no luck. Do I have to reinstall OSX again?

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OS X :: Dates Keep Changing / Data Modified Section Screwed Up

May 3, 2009

i currently have a white macbook, and i come across a weird problem on my finder. the dates in the "date modified" section are all screwed up. I have no idea how to fix it, i also googled it with no avail

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: When Loaded Computer / Setting Were All Screwed Up

Apr 19, 2012

I turned on my mini, and it loaded as normal, but the date and time we're set to receive 12, 2000. Ny Internet was not connecting, apparently I need to redo it. There are a bunch of things asking for permission to accept incoming network connections (nfsd, named, nmbd, portmap, mDNSResponder) I don't even know what these are. Should I allow permissions? I am hoping that is all that is wrong, at least that is all I have noticed. Do you think I have a virus? Or is this just a glitch with the update from yesterday?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: 9600M GT Screen Capture In Quicktime X - Colors Screwed

Dec 12, 2009

Well today I was using the screen capture (in Quicktime X) on the 9600M GT and the result every time was that the colour was all screwed (see in attachment) I tried it on the 9400M and the screen capture was fine. I'm wondering if this is specifically a hardware issue or something that software may be able to fix. Currently, I have not ran into any other problems with the 9600M GT. Is this happening to anyone else, or can anyone else test it out to see if it happens to them?

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ITunes For Mac :: Overwritten ITL Files And Screwed Up Library After Attempted Duplication

Jun 22, 2014

I have 30GB of music on my external drives at home and 60GB of music on my laptop. I wanted to make an itunes library with the music from my laptop for when I travel without external HDD. I exported my itunes library and saved the .xml in a personal folder.(I didn't know that I needed the .itl file too before this crap happened. Why did Apple programmers need to make it so complicated and why doesn't it also export the current .itl file along with the .xml when you "export library"!?) 

I then quit itunes and opened the exported .xml file using itunes. l went and deleted my the songs in my itunes library containing music from both drives and imported all the music from my user itunes library. 

I did that so I would have all the songs and only the songs from my laptop. However, iTunes must have written a new .itl when I exited from my itunes from my new library. Now when I open the my original .xml itunes library with itunes all of the playlists are blank and the ratings/import dates are missing too! Is there any way I can recover this data? I went to user/itunes/PreviousiTunesLibraries and I was able to recover a .itl from a year ago but much has changed in my itunes library since then. 

Is there somewhere(even in the cache) where previous .itl would be stored even for a short time?(I haven't rebooted since this happened) Are .itl files backed up somewhere else besides /previous itunes libraries? 

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PowerPC :: Dvd Picture Incredibly Screwed Up / Blue Screen With Music Playing At Startup

May 19, 2009

On Sunday I popped a DVD into my 1.5 12" Powerbook (756 ram, 100gb hd) and then picture got incredibly screwed up. I guess the best way to describe it is there were a mess of colors and lines everywhere. Trying to move windows around left a window trail on the screen.

First thing after this happened was that I got all the data off, then I popped in the original Panther disc and wanted to do a fresh install, it installed alright from the disc (albeit with issues on the screen), but when it started again, there was a blue screen while the music was playing (the music that comes on when you first get your mac).

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do? From some forum searching it seems to be a video card issue. I'm hoping to salvage it some how, but if not, it'll probably sell as parts. It's been so good for four years now, I was surprised it conked out so suddenly.

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OS X :: Deleting RSS From Mailboxes

Mar 25, 2009

I purchased a new IMac Intel version which comes with RSS. I want to delete RSS from my Mailboxes. I live in Antigua and get no support from Mac and if I telephone I have to do it at international call rates. Mac have been totally useless in being able to tell me how to disconnect RSS. Does anyone know how to do it?

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OS X :: How To Get More Than Two Active Mailboxes

Feb 18, 2010

I have 4 emails that I check easily with my iPod Touch and I think its pretty easy to check it in mail on my dock but I was wondering if you can put more than two emails on it. Pictures would help if you know.

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OS X :: Smart Mailboxes

Mar 25, 2010

Just playing around with smart mailboxes to organise my emails.

I have set a couple up and the correct mails go to the correct smart mailbox, but they also remain in my inbox. Also when i tried deleting them from the inbox they were also deleted from the smart mailbox.

Am I doing something wrong, or is that just how it works? I'm just trying to have them be automatically moved to the desired smart mailbox and not in inbox.

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Software :: How To Archive Mailboxes

May 7, 2008

I'd like to archive my mailboxes. I want to keep the email messages, but not in Mail. Is there a way to archive them outside of Mail? I'm using Tiger 10.4.11 on a G4 800.

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