Applications :: IWeb And Inserting Meta Keywords
Mar 31, 2007iWeb and inserting meta keywords. I give up, how do I do it within iWeb?
View 13 RepliesiWeb and inserting meta keywords. I give up, how do I do it within iWeb?
View 13 RepliesI have worked hard at creating my businesses webpage with iWeb and now and have a hard time getting it recognized by Google and other search engines. I have an immediate problem and a secondary. First. I am working with Google Webmaster Central and they are trying to verify that I am the owner of the site. I have two options--insert a meta tag on my homepage or upload an HTML file.
After working through the Help menu, I was able to figure out how to add HTML snippets from the media bar. However, when I update the website, and go to the link they ask me to go for, it is not recognized as having it on the page. I think the problem is this: I am putting it on the page, but the directions from google have a very specific area that they want it in the code. So, is there any way of seeing the code so that I can literally copy and paste it in there? I can't seem to figure it out. Second: I want to add meta tags to increase organic search results but have no clue how to with iWeb. How do I add a meta tag? Here is my website:
My question: is there a way to add meta tag information to an iWeb created website? I know iWeb 06 (and I assume 08) does not natively allow you to do this. Is there a workaround? If so, if you could point me to a URL that explains, in some detail, how to do it, that would be amazing....
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am wanting to index all my 9000+ pictures in spotlight by adding meta tags. IPhoto can add meta tags, but they don't add it into spotlight, which is a problem if I ever move my pictures to a different program besides Iphoto. So what I am looking for is something that updates meta tags that you type in right into the spotlight info box, without having to open up info for each individual photo. Hell, I don't even know if something like this exists.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis Mac thing is starting to annoy me - iPhoto just stopped importing IPTC/XMP tags: I tag my pictures using Adobe's Bridge but I like to keep some pictures on my iPod so I started experimenting with iPhoto. It used to work fairly well: Simply import pictures into iPhoto and the IPTC/XMP keywords appeard. However, it just stopped working for whatever reason. I deleted my iPhoto library and imported a few pictures that used to get imported with their keywords but no success. what might be going on here? I am using iPhoto 6.0.6 (322).
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone confirm or not if assigning keywords in iPhoto or Aperture 3, the keyword is actually written into the EXIF metadata of the file (JPEG) or whether it's just a reference within the application. I'm just starting out my organising, and want to know which one if any does write to the image itself, if neither does, any recommendations on a good photo management app that does write to the images metadata. I'd rather it write to the file, that way I'm not tied to the same application for life.
View 1 Replies View Relatedin firefox, if you type two words in the URL bar, it will pickup the site. For example, my firefox will list every url i've been to in order of popularity if type mac - (it will show macrumours, apple, 9to5mac, etc)
if i type mac on safari it will list all url's beginning with the word mac.
How do i get safari to behave like firefox? You can see the benefits of firefox as getting to a url you don't quite remember is easy.
I installed iPhoto 09 today and I'm having a hard time figuring out why does this new version does not read keywords from my image files (IPTC Metadata) All my photos are tagged with keywords "inside" the files (IPTC Metadata) and with iPhoto 08 all I had to do was to import the files to iPhoto and it would recognise those keywords! Now, in iPhoto 09, those "inner" keywords (IPTC Metadata) aren't recognised! Did Apple remove the IPTC Metadata support in iPhoto 09? From what I have read at Apple Discussions, there is a bug on iPhoto 09 that stops the support of IPTC Metadata ONLY when the option "Copy items to the iPhoto library" isn't ticked! If the photos are imported and copied to the iPhoto Library then there is no problem and the keywords are recognised.
View 9 Replies View RelatedSo here's my conundrum: I use the play/skip count as variables in several smart playlists, and I've been closely monitoring it for around 4 years. I just got the new Beatles remixed albums, and I want to insert them into my iTunes but keep the meta data of the old versions of the song
View 6 Replies View RelatedI accidentally double-clicked on a file named "Domain" which was really a backup file of my Site. My problem is that I had backed up my site a long time ago, after which i have made many changes. Now when I open iWeb it takes me back to the original days of the site. I still have the desired folder in "Sites", but can seem to get in onto iWeb. Is there any way to put my latest site back onto iweb?
I haven't setup time machine, I publish using Easy iWeb Publisher, I don't have have a Mobileme account
My old MB got attacked by some tea and died. So now i have a new unibody although the main thing that i have lost from my old MB is my iWeb pages.
I have mobile me, and have the site published to that. How can i download the site to my MB in iWeb format? Iv tried downloading them as HTML but iWeb can't open them.
Here's my situation:I created a site using iWeb '08. Many months passed and I wasn't doing anything with that particular site any longer, so I nuked the pages within iWeb and have since worked on new projects.Now I need to do some work on that old site again.I have all of the created content in a folder that had been stored on my server, but I have nary a clue how to get it all back into iWeb again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've created a site with a theme in iWeb 08 that has been removed from iWeb 09. I've put a lot of work into customizing the theme, and iLife 09 is currently being shipped to me. In iWeb 09, can I still maintain and build on this site even though the theme is not included anymore? And, if not, is there a way that I can find the theme data in Finder and copy and paste that into the theme data files in iWeb 09?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I insert a two-page pdf file into a pages document, I only get the first page. New at this and can't seem to find a work around to show both pages in the doc.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have to fill out a W-9 form for my job and I was sent a pdf. I have my digital signature set up but have no idea how I can import it into the w-9 form through preview.
View 17 Replies View Relatedis there anyway to find where the original picture (from file) came from after you've forgotten where you got it in the first place?
This is when you use Insert Picture From File.
I've created a movie in iMovie HD (v5 I believe) which I want to insert into a PowerPoint presentation created in PowerPoint 2004. I'm using OSX 10.4.11 and have QuickTime 7.5.5 installed on my G4 PowerBook. I've exported the movie from iMovie as QuickTime --> Expert -->Movie to QuickTime Movie --> MPEG-4 Video Compression. The converted movie plays in QuickTime fine, but when I import it into PowerPoint I get a message on the screen saying "QuickTime and a MPEG-4 video decompressor are needed to see this picture. However the movie plays fine once I run the slideshow. I also tried copying a still frame from QT into Photoshop (Edit --> Copy, then paste into Photoshop) and I get the same message. How can I stop this message from occurring and show the still frame as normal in the presentation, prior to running the movie?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs it possible that I can make it look like PDF file. When you open a pdf file on the right part for example it says chapter 15 and when you click it it opens chapter 15. Our instructor told us today that if you use table of contents you can do this. So, when you are writing long reports if you add a table or kind of thing to one part of your report nothing shifts.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there some way to insert a PDF as a text link (click link >> open document) in a Pages document? Pages defaults to an image of the PDF (which is relatively useless). If there is some way to change this default behaviour (or some other way to hyperlink to a PDF that doesn't result in an image.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI save all my contacts in Address Book in the First Name field (not using Last Name Field). When I use Mail to send emails, somehow last name of the sender/recipient gets added to that person's contact. So John Harris becomes John Harris Harris - super annoying!
Someone suggested to delete all from Recent Recipients in Mail - I did that, it helped but only in relation to those contacts who have been deleted from Recent Recipients - is there a way to disable Mail poaching surnames from my emails and inserting them into address book automatically?
Is it possible to transfer meta data from one photo to another, because I edited three photos over in Photoshop to make one wide photo but can the meta data be transfered from one of hte three to the single one so it goes to the right spot on the map using GPS data?
2.93GHz Intel Core i7, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Memory 8GB also Mac OS X now (10.7)
I imported media with "Folders as Keywords" and now I find I don't really need that. I'm trying to delete those keywords, but of course, I don't want to lose the media associated with them. I tried Control-Click the keyword hoping it would give me the option to delete the keyword but no luck. What else can I try? These are some very big files and a lot of them, so I don't want to screw anything up.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacPro2,1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Is anyone having an issue with iWeb '09s FTP connections? I have a server running Windows Server 2003. For a while now I have been using filezilla and it has worked just fine.
Using iWeb 09', I have it configured the same way as i do in filezilla. It connects to my server and logs in fine, but when it try to do the test upload, it says it is unable to write. Now why would iWeb not be able to write by filezilla can?
I notice when I publish my website in iweb it doesn't go on facebook. I have my account set up and everything in iweb for facebook.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to upload my site with Iweb, but i don't use mobileme, and i don't know how to upload my site for everyone!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have my work portfolio on iWeb, and a few other sites and am about to start another site, and wanted to check something:
I read somewhere about there not being recent updates for iWeb, and wanted to make sure that nothing drastic is changing, basically that iWeb is still going strong and will be around for a good long time.
Is it possible to run 2 websites or more now with iWeb 09? I could not figure it out in 08 but I thought I read that you can in 09. This is using one MobileMe account btw.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have been trying for the past week to publish a website using FTP. I have a great piece of software to publish it, but no FTp space, as AOL (my ISP) has shut theirs down. I have been browsing google for ages with no luck, so does anyone know if it is possible to obtain FREE ftp space to publish an iWeb website to, and if so, how and what...?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone had problems with re-publishing to a folder, after updating web pages with iWeb? What happens for me is that iWeb creates a 2nd 'site' folder within the already existing 'site' folder, duplicating all the web pages, which seriously confuses the server! The only way I have so far found to avoid this is to delete everything from my website folder before re-publishing. I'd be grateful if someone has an answer to this.
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