Applications :: IPhoto 6.0 Stopped Importing IPTC / XMP Keywords
Aug 21, 2007
This Mac thing is starting to annoy me - iPhoto just stopped importing IPTC/XMP tags: I tag my pictures using Adobe's Bridge but I like to keep some pictures on my iPod so I started experimenting with iPhoto. It used to work fairly well: Simply import pictures into iPhoto and the IPTC/XMP keywords appeard. However, it just stopped working for whatever reason. I deleted my iPhoto library and imported a few pictures that used to get imported with their keywords but no success. what might be going on here? I am using iPhoto 6.0.6 (322).
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Jan 28, 2009
I installed iPhoto 09 today and I'm having a hard time figuring out why does this new version does not read keywords from my image files (IPTC Metadata) All my photos are tagged with keywords "inside" the files (IPTC Metadata) and with iPhoto 08 all I had to do was to import the files to iPhoto and it would recognise those keywords! Now, in iPhoto 09, those "inner" keywords (IPTC Metadata) aren't recognised! Did Apple remove the IPTC Metadata support in iPhoto 09? From what I have read at Apple Discussions, there is a bug on iPhoto 09 that stops the support of IPTC Metadata ONLY when the option "Copy items to the iPhoto library" isn't ticked! If the photos are imported and copied to the iPhoto Library then there is no problem and the keywords are recognised.
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May 29, 2010
Can anyone confirm or not if assigning keywords in iPhoto or Aperture 3, the keyword is actually written into the EXIF metadata of the file (JPEG) or whether it's just a reference within the application. I'm just starting out my organising, and want to know which one if any does write to the image itself, if neither does, any recommendations on a good photo management app that does write to the images metadata. I'd rather it write to the file, that way I'm not tied to the same application for life.
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Jan 31, 2009
My new iPhoto '09 is quitting after downloading about 5/five/pictures from desktop or folder or other files. The number of photos in the folder is about 80. I did try not to use import cmd. and just slide few /8/ from desktop into iPhoto - is not taking - quitting after download of 3. Was no problem with download of original software. Was no problem with iPhoto '08 ever. My next step will be to uninstall whole iPhoto'09 and download again from the disc, but I am hoping for shorter solution.
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Oct 15, 2009
I'm unable to import RAW files from my new Canon 7D into either Aperture or iPhoto. Both are up to date.
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Mar 29, 2010
I'm running iPhoto '06 right now and I don't want it to import videos, since it never can tell that they're duplicates and thus I end up with many copies of the same thing (which is difficult to clean up, since I have to go into Finder to do it). So I have two questions:
1) Can you stop iPhoto '06 from importing videos entirely?
2) If I upgraded to iPhoto '09, would that fix the problem? As in, will it either be able to recognize duplicate videos, or allow me to stop video importing?
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Aug 6, 2010
I can't import my photos from my iPhone using iPhoto. I used to plug in my iPhone and iPhoto would open up automatically and ask me if I wanted to import my photos, but now it won't do that anymore. So, I open it manually and sometimes my iPhone shows up in the program, but now it doesn't even show up anymore. It showed up yesterday but it said I had no photos on my iPhone, (which is wrong being I have over 300 ready to import).
I tried updating iPhoto but the only update is for iLife 09 and I don't have the money for it, (nor the want). I also looked in iPhoto's preferences and there wasn't anything relating to importing from devices.
My iPhone is recognized by iTunes, and I am able to Sync it, but iPhoto won't even acknowledge it currently.
Right now, I'm going to update my iPhone 3G to the current update and see if that helps iPhoto recognize it.
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May 8, 2008
I used to think it was my imagination but I checked last night and I have files that appear darker when imported to iPhoto than they do when I open the original in Preview... what setting can I change to stop it doing this?
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Oct 16, 2009
When I import photos from my camera into iPhoto, their date/time (when they were actually taken) is shown with you Get Info in iPhoto, but when I copy the images or view the actual files, the Date Modified is when they were imported, not taken. How can I copy the images with the date/time they were actually taken?
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Aug 7, 2010
When importing photos into iPhoto, does iPhoto make an exact copy of the photo when importing it into the database? Or does it compress the file to a certain degree?
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Mar 31, 2007
iWeb and inserting meta keywords. I give up, how do I do it within iWeb?
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Nov 22, 2009
for about a year i've been using iweb to create a simple web page, which includes photo album pages, each with several albums that were put there simply by dragging and dropping an "event" from iphoto via the media browser. about a week ago, i tried to add some new photos and iweb won't take them. when i drag an event from the media browser to the albums page i want to add it to, i see a lightened image of the thumbnail, the green circle with the "+" sign, and the red icon with the number of images, but when i let go of the mouse button, the image bounces back to the media browser and nothing gets added to the web page. i've tried creating new, blank pages and adding them there, all with the same result.
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Jun 12, 2009
in firefox, if you type two words in the URL bar, it will pickup the site. For example, my firefox will list every url i've been to in order of popularity if type mac - (it will show macrumours, apple, 9to5mac, etc)
if i type mac on safari it will list all url's beginning with the word mac.
How do i get safari to behave like firefox? You can see the benefits of firefox as getting to a url you don't quite remember is easy.
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Jul 10, 2010
He has a rather large photo collection on his PC, and he has everything in precise Folders as far as Named Folders and even Named Folders within Folders.
Does anyone know of a way to maintain the folder names and keep the folder relationships he currently has?
My first attempt was to import his whole library, but iPhoto did not do a good job of keeping form. What it yielded was a massive amount of "events" but still did not Ring true to his folder namings.
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Jan 14, 2011
I am running iLife 11 with the latest iPhoto 9.1.1
I try to import it to Aperture 3.0
However it will not import as Aperture says I am running an iPhoto earlier than 7.1.5
This is not true my software is all up to date.
How can I import all my photos?
Nope still no joy I will just have to import pictures as I need to work on them, no big deal really.
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Dec 17, 2007
we are trying to transfer many iphoto albums from iphoto5 to the new iphoto8.We have probably spent 50+ hours making our albums, that consist of 8000+ photos.Of course I can easily import the photos into 08.But the folders are unrecognizable.I have tried to many drag them, and still the same problem.
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Jun 27, 2014
I have just tried to import from the card reader on my iMac some RAW images and it comes up with an error message saying it cannot read the format or the files are corrupt how can that be I thought iPhoto could deal with RAW images. I am using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ72 bridge camera.
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Sep 29, 2010
I just imported some pictures from my portable HDD, but the MBP got frozen in the process so I had to do it again. Now I have all my pictures imported and i'm happy with it. The problem is that every time I open iPhoto, it shows me this window: I tried importing them, but the only thing that appears is a "Recovered photo album" on the left column in the iPhoto, and it's empty. I tried finding the files in order to delete them, but couldn't find them in the directory (/users/id/pictures/iphoto/recovered...). Is this folder invisible? If so, how can I "see" invisible folders?
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Apr 16, 2012
i have a problem, iphoto won't stop importing photos in iphoto. It has been importing for 2 weeks now and i doesen't finish. That means i can't shut my macbook down, so is running out of electrsity constantly... ive tried to hit the "stop import" button, ive tried to shut the pogram from the procesline..
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 6, 2012
It seems iPhoto cannot import the raw file from my new camera.
iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2008
I am seriously annoyed about an otherwise excellent application: I just imported a couple of pictures from my camera into iPhoto using the Image Capture app. I sometimes like to do it this way to review the images and movies before importing. Now I had serious problems on two occasions:
1. There was a raw file on the camera, which iPhoto couldn't process, of course
2. Apparently I closed the Image capture application too soon - after I did so, iPhoto complained about not having enough storage space, although there's more than enough space on the hard drive
Regrettably I had the "delete after import" box checked. Meaning, my photos are gone now! Or, are they? Where does Image capture put them and will they still be there? If not, where can I file a bug for Image Capture?
MacBook Pro 15" (2.4 GHz)
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
Canon PowerShot S95
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Sep 8, 2009
I have a new MacBookPro using Max 10.6 and IPhoto 8.1. I am trying to import photos from my old computer (a 2007 MacBook) but IPhoto is quiting unexpectedly.
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Apr 16, 2012
iphoto froze after importing while deleting photos from card. Then when i force quit, the photos were not on iphoto and were also deleted from memory card. what can i do to get photos back?
iPhoto '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 20, 2010
My iphoto stopped working a little while ago, it wouldn't open. I would press the icon and it would jump, but nothing would happen. So I tried copying one from someone elses mac, same thing. it is there, all my photos are there but it will not open. So I found my discs and I reinstalled the programs, all the other ilife programs were and are still fine after the reinstall, but then again iphoto is not working. Just jumps when I click it and does not respond. I found a thread on here about a similar problem, so I followed the instructions and repaired the disc and then went to look for to trash it and its not there. I really am at a loss I don't know what to do short of reinstalling my entire operating system.
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Jun 24, 2008
iPHOTO has stopped functioning. My system is 10.4.11. About a year ago, I would attempt to launch it, and I'd get a "malfunction" message - frankly, I can't even tell you what it said now - and the program would just "not load.", I tried to reinstall from my DVD disks and I relaunched. Still the same problem. Any idea as to how I can get iPHOTO back? It works on my G4 iBook and MacBook. Any way to copy and paste? :-) And, if not, is there anyway to get the photos out of the iPHOTO library and get them to where they would be available in iMOVIE or other programs? (When you use iMOVIE, if you want to add a photo, the only library that comes up is iPHOTO. So, I am trying to figure out how to add photos into the available dropdown for iMOVIE since I can't add them through iPHOTO since iPHOTO doesn't work. Make sense?
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Jun 1, 2012
While using iPhoto last night it stopped attaching any photos to my e-mails. It sends the photo number to the subject line but will not attach thre photo to the message.
A new photo taken today will attach as normal but all old ones in the Events folders of iPhoto refuse to attach by any means available. I have tried using the 'Attach' facility in my Apple Mail (version 4.5) but although it brings up thumbnails photos it will not allow selection for attachment.
I have re-booted to no avail.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 1, 2014
I imported media with "Folders as Keywords" and now I find I don't really need that. I'm trying to delete those keywords, but of course, I don't want to lose the media associated with them. I tried Control-Click the keyword hoping it would give me the option to delete the keyword but no luck. What else can I try? These are some very big files and a lot of them, so I don't want to screw anything up.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacPro2,1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon
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Jan 30, 2009
I have about 20 hours of low res digicam videos sitting in iphoto. When I launch Imovie, it loads all 20 hours without asking then proceeds to quit unexpectedly if I try to do anything. Is there a way to prevent iphoto from loading all of them without deleting the videos from my iPhoto library? I have about a 30 minute video I would like to edit I'm frustrated.How about removing all those clips except the ones I care about? Can I do that? (after waiting 20-30 minutes for them to load)
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Feb 24, 2009
I just imported some photos into IPhoto 09 and shortly afterwards my IMac did a hard shut down. Now when I open IPhoto I get the following error:
The Photo Library nees to be upgraded to work with this version of IPhoto.
After that I click on upgrade and get the following msg:
Can't open current photo library using this version of Iphoto.
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Jan 27, 2009
Thought I'd start this thread for people to discover/add any info they have on what iPhoto Faces is doing behind the scenes to help with troubleshooting, since Apple doesn't have any preferences for Faces in the iPhoto GUI. This is only for people who like to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Please note this is not for everyone and anytime you do anything to your iPhoto library you risk corruption and should have a backup copy. What I've noticed so far:
- iPhoto scans the library the first time it opens, and creates 2 faces .db files with the iPhoto Library:
- iPhoto creates Faces thumbnails files and places them in the iPhoto Library/Data folder along with the other thumbnails it creates................
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