Applications :: Installing Snow Leopard - Inserting The DVD For About 10 Second It Eject It Back?
Dec 5, 2009
I want to install Snow Leopard on my Note Book after inserting the DVD for about 10 second it eject it back, I try with another Mac Book and its appear on my screen, so the DVD is not damaged any idea how to resolve that.
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Aug 12, 2010
i have a intel core i 5- 27 inch imac running snowleopard and i am trying to instal final cut pro 4 but the program is saying my pc is not powerful enough and i need a g4 what can i do to get it running it also has a really weird start up bug with qmaster saying it is a start up security breach... This is the first time i have ever had mac act like a windows machine everything has been so plug in play this program is not
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May 13, 2012
I've just finished a clean installation of Snow Leopard on My MacBook Pro. I've got a cd, called "Applications Install Disc", from which i was supposed to install Iphoto etc. But when i start installing, it says "Installation Failed". It says that an unknown failure has occured. Now i can't install these programs, and it's pretty sad.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 14, 2012
There is no dvd icon on my monitor. How do I eject my dvd?
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Mar 6, 2012
All DVD's are ejecting after few seconds. Macbook white 13".
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 31, 2012
My kids HD just started to fail. Apple replaced it this AM, however my kid's TM backup is about 5 months old. I am trying to recover the data from the old disk.
She put the old disk into an enclosure and connected it to her MBP. As I try to copy as much of the drive as possible it gets an error, ejects, then reconnects and give an annoying message that I didn’t eject properly. This is making it very difficult to get all the data off.
I figured if I mounted read-only that it’d stop doing that, but it does not. I’ve run fsck, etc…
All I need is for this stupid machine to log errors and move on just like single user mode. However, I cannot use single user mode because I am 2000 miles away from the machine. And using Facetime to remote control my kid has pushed me to the edge. There has to be a way to make OSX as “unfriendly” as Linux. OSX needs a “pro” mode.
So, I ask again. How do I stop OSX from auto ejecting a disk when it errors?
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May 24, 2012
Both my daughter and I have an imac and the disc keeps coming out. It takes 1 - 2 hours to get the disc to stay in and be recognized.
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Jun 24, 2012
How do I eject a disc that is not supported by My DVD player? I cannot eject a disc that is currently in my computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 4, 2009
This is a major issue for me, as I feel like I'm going to end up damaging my hard drive.
I am downloading a legal torrent to my external hard drive, however when I quit Transmission and try to eject my external drive, nothing happens. Snow Leopard doesn't even say it is in use like it is meant to. It just does nothing to eject the drive.
So I end up having to yank the USB plug out.
What gives? It ejects normally as long as I don't download to it.
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May 8, 2012
I just recently purchased Snow Leopard and everything seemed to be going well. The installer popped up after I put it into my External DVD Drive and the installation was going smoothly but soon my MBP would restart and the installation would continue. The problem is that at around 35% completion, or in my case 32 minutes left, the disc would come out of the drive and any attempts to put it back in would result in the DVD drive promptly spitting the disc back out.
I don't think it's the MBP that is at fault since I would have received an error message or something of the like. My only guess is that either the Installation DVD is faulty or the External DVD Drive is causing the issue. I'm leaning towards the DVD Drive especially since it suddenly stopped reading the disc entirely while I'm typing this. I'm using an AmazonBasics USB 2.0 8x DVD Writer External Optical Drive which should be fully compatible with Macs.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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May 26, 2012
Hard drive failed when trying to perform disc repair. Can't eject Snow Leopard disc from screen or keyboard.
Info:1st. gen intel mini, 110 gig iTunes library on ext. drive
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm planning of sending in my white macbook to AppleCare for a few repairs regarding the white casing (cracks) but do not want to send in my Western Digital 500GB Hard Drive.
I called AppleCare and they said they prefer it when you send in the original hard drive, for whatever reason they stated. My personal reason why I don't want to send in my 500GB Hard Drive is that I have a ton of files in there that are important and don't have another 300+ hard drive lying around to back everything up. Another reason is that my Leopard Family Pack disc I purchase years ago is at my parent's house in New York and I live in California, so getting it would be a huge hassle considering it's somewhere in boxes of storage and my folks are in Venice till the 15th of June.
Look, essentially what I'm freaking out over is that I've heard many cases that when you send in your computer to applecare, its not uncommon to get a macbook back with an erased hard drive.
I just don't wanna deal with the hassle. So am looking to avoid it altogether. Doing so bytaking out my 500GB HD and popping in the original 80GB HD that the Mac came with. I thought I had Leopard in there but when I put in the 80GB HD in the Macbook and turned on the Mac, a confused faced folder came on and turned off.
I want to send in my Macbook with the 80GB HD and that HD to have Leopard on I decided to do the same method I used when I transferred everything from my 80GB HD to my 500GB HD when I first purchased it.
I used SuperDuper! application, free version...but it didn't work.
I set it up to "Copy: Mac HD to Untitled" (Untitled was the name of the 80GB since I erased it when I got my 500GB HD hoping to use it for Time Machine but never did)
I tried this twice, each time taking about 2 hours to transfer and copy to the untitled HD. I tried "back up all files" & "back up user files." But after this process was done and I popped in the untitled HD into the Mac I continued to get the same confused folder face..twice.
Any help on the matter is really appreciated as I'm highly considering not even sending my Macbook in with the 500GB HD to completely avoid any possible frustation if that HD was to magically erased.
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May 26, 2012
After loading software osx snow leopard my imac has frozen.
iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Oct 17, 2009
I have a tower Mac Pro with Snow Leopard running on it.Unfortunately one of the software that I use doesn't have yet a Snow Leopard update. So I am thinking maybe I can install older version of Leopard on one of the internal drives (i have 3 additional internal drives), so I can boot my computer from either Leopard or Snow Leopard, depending on needs (i don't want to get rid of Snow Leopard).
I never installed OS X system before, so I am a bit scared.The internal drive is ready, I have the old Leopard on disks, what are the next steps to take?
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Nov 26, 2008
Question in the title - just wondering if I will need to upgrade to Leopard before Snow Leopard.
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Apr 23, 2009
Anyone have any idea of a feature that was originally going to be in Boot Camp, allowing it to switch very quickly between a hibernated version of Windows and a sleeping version of Leopard, is gonna be back for Snow Leopard?
Apparently the feature was dropped before the final version...
This would've been awesome, would love to see it back...
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Aug 28, 2009
Hey peeps. I got my retail copy of Snow Leopard. Unfortunately, my Super Drive seems to not read Dual layered DVD's (including Snow Leopard, my regular Leopard, etc) Is there a way I can install booting from a USB drive? Or a Firewire drive?
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Sep 14, 2009
Im having a few problems with my new instal of snow leopard
1. When ever i shut my mac down and restart it says insert a bootable disk, i have to then restart again and hold down, the alt button and manualy select the macintosh hd
2. Time machine is taking longer o backup, and icon on the menu bar is always grey and not black.
3. system is running extremely slow
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Jul 31, 2010
Well in my quest to upgrade my MBP 5,1 I got my memory and a 500 GB Seagate Momentus XT from Newegg. I'm enjoying 4 GB of RAM now. So, I'm debating with myself about what to do. Obviously, a new HDD is a great opportunity to install Snow Leopard and start from a clean slate. Or I was thinking about cloning my current Leopard install to an external HDD with CCC, but I'm having trouble understanding how I would accomplish getting it back. I'm thinking you can do this by booting from the install disc, but I'm not sure. So, if I go the SL route, will I be able to use Migration Assistant and an external enclosure (if anyone could recommend one, that would be great!) for the old boot drive to move my important stuff over?
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May 11, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro running 10.6 and a Mac Pro running 10.5.8.
Can I install 10.6 on the Mac Pro from the Installation DVD that came with the laptop or does Apple require me to buy the software twice?
Logic Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Mac Pro 8 core/ Apogee Rosetta 800
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Jul 1, 2012
Some weeks ago I accidentally deleted the app x11 from my iMac (I have the version 10.6.8). Now I am trying to install a game that needs that app. I've tried to download and re-install the x11 from the Apple website, but when I'm installing it, a message shows up saying that "x11 can't be installed. a more recent version of this software is already installed". but that's impossible, since I deleted it! I've been looking through my iMac with the Finder and the app x11 doesn't show up, so it is definitely not in my computer. What can I do to install the x11 in my iMac again? I don't think it's possible that the app still remains in my computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 21, 2010
I'm trying to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on to my macbook but I keep getting this error.
"mac os x installation couldn't be completed" I get this message usually within 5 minutes of installation.
My macbook specs are...
Mac OS X Version 10.5.8, 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
I've already tried repairing the disks. (I repaired my leopard with the snow leopard CD because I couldn't find the leopard CD.
I heard it was fine to do.) I would have tried to verify and repair the partition but the buttons seemed to be grayed out for some reason.
Here is the error log...
(sorry for the download, forum rules. "the text that you have entered is too long (123483 characters). Please shorten it to 20000 characters long.")
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Jul 8, 2009
Will it install like the OS does on the iPhone, as in the existing data isn't put in a new folder? What exactly happens when you install a new OSX?
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Apr 6, 2008
I've just ordered a Mac Pro and have been thinking of inserting a SSD-disc to install Leopard and some often used programs. Have anyone tried this? I got a suggestion to just buy a (much cheaper) 10k-rpm disc instead, which is a viable option, but I'm really interested in this "new" ssd-stuff I know, it ain't that new, but it's almost affordable now...So, have anyone tried this and did you see a rise in performance?
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Oct 29, 2009
After 5 years with 10.3.9 on an iBook, I've bitten the bullet and bought one of the new iMacs. The transfer has gone fairly well, but I'm having trouble moving my address book and keychain data across to the new machine.
They didn't come across using the Migration Assistant: the Snow Leopard Keychain won't accept anything exported from the Panther version. If I export the address book as V-cards from the old system (the only means of export, the new systems asks me whether I really want to import n cards, but after I say yes nothing appears in the bbok.
It's al very frustrating, (and not very Apple-like!) I'm on the verge of doing the whole thing manually, one address and one keychain entry at a time, which seems quite daft.
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May 27, 2009
I just replaced the hardrive in one of my macbooks. i am trying to load snow leopard on it and it just skips through the installation and says Intallion failed?
anyone have any thoughts. i am installng it from an external harddrive!
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Aug 28, 2009
I've read it is possible to partition your hard drive so you can have leopard and snow leopard installed at the same time on one computer, correct?Can I partition my current drive without having to reinstall leopard? or lose any data? I will of course have a back up but is it possible to create another partition if I have room while keeping my leopard install intact?If later I decide I love (or hate) snow leopard can I get rid of the other partition and expand one of the partitions to take up the entire hard drive (like how I have it now) again without reinstalling or losing data? (on the partition I intend to keep not the one i get rid of obviously)
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Aug 31, 2009
I am in a library and have my disc to upgrade to Snow Leopard. I want to do it now while I'm reading, but I'm afraid maybe there's some sound effect that will happen when the installation is complete (like there was when I booted up my macbook for the first time). I have the volume set to mute--will it stay on mute?
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Aug 31, 2009
My wife's Macbook (2.0 Intel Core Duo) is not recognizing the Snow Leopard disc, and I'm not sure why. I initially thought that even though Apple is saying that all Intel's are compatible with SL, they focus on the Core 2 Duo's and since her computer is technically a single core, it wouldn't work. Everything I have read has stated that SL will just run in 32 bit mode with Core Duo's - so I'm pretty confused. As for it being a bad disc, it's recognized immediately in my MBP...
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Aug 31, 2009
So I bought the $29 single user version. When installing it didn't ask for a serial code or anything. Can this disc be used to upgrade other systems?
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