Applications :: IPhoto And RAW ?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm a recent convert to RAW and have been shooting Christmas, New Years and such in this lovely format. Only problem is the CR2 files generated are starting to make a dent in my HDD space. Is there a way to rip an independent JPEG from the RAW file once I've finished processing them? I've tried just removing the .CR2 files but iPhoto wouldn't show a detailed JPEG so I've put them back for now.

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Applications :: Way To Prevent Iphoto From Loading Errors Without Deleting Videos From IPhoto Library?

Jan 30, 2009

I have about 20 hours of low res digicam videos sitting in iphoto. When I launch Imovie, it loads all 20 hours without asking then proceeds to quit unexpectedly if I try to do anything. Is there a way to prevent iphoto from loading all of them without deleting the videos from my iPhoto library? I have about a 30 minute video I would like to edit I'm frustrated.How about removing all those clips except the ones I care about? Can I do that? (after waiting 20-30 minutes for them to load)

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Applications :: IPhoto 09 Causing Shut Down - Can't Open Current Photo Library Using This Version Of Iphoto

Feb 24, 2009

I just imported some photos into IPhoto 09 and shortly afterwards my IMac did a hard shut down. Now when I open IPhoto I get the following error:

The Photo Library nees to be upgraded to work with this version of IPhoto.

After that I click on upgrade and get the following msg:

Can't open current photo library using this version of Iphoto.

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Applications :: IPhoto Creates Faces Thumbnails Files And Places In IPhoto Library / Data Folder

Jan 27, 2009

Thought I'd start this thread for people to discover/add any info they have on what iPhoto Faces is doing behind the scenes to help with troubleshooting, since Apple doesn't have any preferences for Faces in the iPhoto GUI. This is only for people who like to understand what is happening behind the scenes. Please note this is not for everyone and anytime you do anything to your iPhoto library you risk corruption and should have a backup copy. What I've noticed so far:

- iPhoto scans the library the first time it opens, and creates 2 faces .db files with the iPhoto Library:


- iPhoto creates Faces thumbnails files and places them in the iPhoto Library/Data folder along with the other thumbnails it creates................

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Applications :: Transferring IPhoto Library From Tiger To SL / IPhoto 5

Jan 27, 2010

I am transferring info from an iBook G4 running Tiger to a MacBook running Snow Leopard. Everything is going well, except for my ability to transfer the iPhoto library. I have mounted the iBook to the MacBook via Firewire. When I transferred my iPhoto library from my MB to my new MBP, it was easy: all I had to do was drag over "iPhoto Library" from User>Pictures>iPhoto Library But it isn't set up the same way on the iBook: in User>Pictures, "iPhoto Library" is a folder instead of a small iPhoto icon (which you would need to right-click on to see its contents). When I copied the contents of the folder into "iPhoto Library" on the new MacBook, it didn't maintain all of the organization (eg. the albums). Is there any way to do this so that iPhoto will keep the organization of the photo library on the new MacBook, or am I destined to reorganize my thousands of photos into albums again? Please keep in mind that the MacBook is being set up as a new computer, and I am copying over the files/docs/music/photos that she wants to keep from the iBook. I am not using Migration Assistant.

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Applications :: How To Put The IPhoto Database In A NAS

Nov 15, 2010

Is it possible to put the iPhoto database in a NAS and access it remotely through my Macbook Pro?
Anyone tried to do this?

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Applications :: How To Add Images In IPhoto

Jan 1, 2011

I'm having trouble adding images in iPhoto. I want to create a book. An "event" was created when I downloaded the images from the camera but there are other images I want to add. When I drag and drop the images I want to add to the event ( from a folder on my desktop where I put them) it creates a new event, it does not add the images to the event I want them in. So I created a event with the new images I want to add and merged the two events but the new photos do not show in the bar across the top where the images are for me to add to the book.

What am I doing wrong, how do I add images to a event?

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Applications :: Front Row Without IPhoto

Dec 27, 2007

Is there a way to view photos in Front Row without iPhoto especially for those don't have iLife? A mate of mine's MacBook is running Tiger - he wants to view his photos using Front Row but doesn't own iLife'08 so currently he is unable to view them. Is there a way round this? Our other mates have Media Center on their PCs which they can simply view their photos from any folder/location which is a bit of a drag as iPhoto is required to view your photos in Front Row on Macs - quite ridiculous. They'd have a field day once they know he cannot view his photos using a media viewer software which they can on their PCs! If there is no other way round this, I'll have to pass on my old copy of iLife'04 to him. Hope you all had a good Xmas by the way.

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Applications :: Can IPhoto Be Disabled

Mar 11, 2009

When I get my Imac, tomorrow, I'll be putting Photoshop Lightroom and Photoshop Elements on it. I've been using Elements as an organizer and for editing/projects for years and I like it very much. Lightroom will be my advanced photo exposure editor. I'm a PC person, so I'll be feeling my way around the Mac for awhile.

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Applications :: Any Way To Back Up IPhoto 09?

Mar 12, 2009

Is there any way to back up iPhoto 09. I spent a ton of time organizing and labeling pics. I mean back it up and save what I did without having to run time machine and not having to back up my entire computer..?

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Applications :: Can I Use Iphoto 09 With Lightroom 2?

Mar 17, 2009

I have just received my new imac and i am keen to try iphoto 09 i have used windows XP in the past and keep all photos on a external HD and use lightroom 2 if i import them into iphoto will i have 2 copies of all my pics or will iphoto just move them over to the imac's HD and if so will lightroom see them.

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Applications :: IPhoto And Over 50k Photos

Aug 10, 2009

I have an extensive photo collection, around 50k images, mostly 3-5MB JPGs and around 1k 10MB+ RAWs. I have once tried to start managing them in iPhoto and attempted to import it on an old MacBook Pro with 2GB RAM. It was about 2 yrs ago on an old version of iLife. The performance was very bad - everything was extremely slow and I abandoned an idea at that time. Now I have MacPro with fast HDD and 10GB RAM and was wondering if I should try this again using iPhoto 09? Doe anyone manage that many images using iPhoto here? How is the experience?

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Applications :: IPhoto Zoom Lag ?

Oct 11, 2009

Just picked up my first ever mac (MBP 15" 2.8) yesterday and having fun setting it all up. Is it normal that when i switch to full screen mode in iPhoto the pinch the zoom function is fairly slow and there's loads of lag when dragging around the photo with 2 fingers? Hopefully I'm missing something cause i wasn't expecting any lag anywhere on this thing!

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Applications :: How To Reinstall Iphoto

Oct 28, 2009

It may be due to recent update attempts. I life '09 failed to install so I took it back to the store and got a refund.

How do I now reinstall iphoto 06? which seems to be the only app that doesn't work. Can I use the OSX discs that came with the computer initially, can I select only the ilife'"06 package from this to reinstall that only, or will this reinstall the entire operating system and wipe my computer?

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Applications :: Won't Install IPhoto 8.1.1?

Nov 24, 2009

When I open iPhoto on my new iMac it tells me that there is an update available and that I should goto Software Update to get it. I go there and it says that my software is up to date. I go back to iPhoto and it still tells me there is an update for 8.1.1 but it also gave me a manual install link. I manually downloaded it and it won't install because it needs iPhoto 8.1 from iLife 09'. I even tried rebooting and repairing hard drive permissions. I am using iPhoto from iLife 09 that came on my brand new Mac.

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Applications :: Don't Want IPhoto On My IPhone

Dec 25, 2009

Can somebody please tell me how to disable iPhoto on my iPhone?

Every time I plug my iPhone into my Mac for charging, iPhoto gets launched. I don't want this to happen.

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Applications :: Using IPhoto - How To Add Text To Pic

Jan 5, 2010

i am new to mac. have been using PC all along (mostly).

i would like to add text to my pics using iPhoto. what i mean is adding copyright text to my image - �2009 XXXXXXXX

i this possible with iPhoto? i see 'Fonts' in the menu, but i dont see anyway of adding text.

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Applications :: IPhoto Enough Or Something More Powerful

Apr 26, 2010

I'm new to Mac and just purchased my first MBP.I'm no pro photographer, not even a semi-amateur, all I do is take family shots. Over the last few years, I've accumulated over 12000 photos, mainly of the kids, all organised in folders.I hardly do any retouching, just the occasional red-eye, add brightness or darkness....basic stuff really.What I am looking for is a organiser that can handle not only the current set of photos, but as the collection grows to be able to keep up.And must be easy to use, I don't want a steep learning curve. For video editing I purposely chose iMovie over Final Cut or Premiere, as it's easy to use and serves my purpose.

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Applications :: How To Use Aperture And IPhoto

May 23, 2010

I just purchased my first DSLR camera, a Canon 550D with a 18-55 IS and a 70-200 F4 IS USM. I bought Aperture to manage those pictures, and was wondering what to do with iPhoto.

Currently, I use iPhoto for all my photos, and have a sync with my iPhone.

I would like to know how you use Aperture and iPhoto on the same computer.

- should I put everything on Aperture, what would I lose if I do that ?

- should I keep iPhoto for my casual pictures (taken with my Panasonic FX-55), and Aperture for the photos taken with my DSLR camera ?

- if I import the iPhoto pics into Aperture, what should I copy them all on Aperture, should I just use the iPhoto database, or should I delete the iPhoto database after I import everything on Aperture ?

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Applications :: Where Do The Pictures Go From My Iphoto

Jul 24, 2010

I used iPhoto to import pictures off of a camera instead of manually copying them to my Photo folder and then using iPhoto to get them from there. So, my question is, where did those pictures go? I'm hoping that they are stored in some folder somewhere (which I have been unable to find) and that they are NOT just part of the monstrous "iPhoto Library" file in the Photos folder where I can't actually get at them.

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Applications :: IPhoto Exist On PC?

Aug 11, 2010

Is there a verison of iPhoto that works on a pc?

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Applications :: IPhoto - How To Overwrite Images

Aug 26, 2010

I'm in the process of organizing thousands of photos in iPhoto and I have a few questions. I had it originally set to copy my files to the iPhoto library, but I want them to stay in my original file structure. I disabled that feature, but I'm not sure if my files are already stored in the iPhoto library. How can I check? If they are stored there and I delete them, what will happen to my keywords, faces, places, etc? I guess this brings me to my next question. I edited a few photos using iPhoto, and I noticed that the changes did not reflect on the actual image file. Are these changes being stored some where else? How can I make it overwrite my images?

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Applications :: How To Get IPhoto To Stop Opening

Aug 29, 2010

Where is the setting to stop iPhoto from opening up when I insert an SD card or connect a camera?

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Applications :: IPhoto Keeps Duplicating My Photos?

Sep 1, 2010

For some reason, when I upload pictures onto my Mac from my camera, it makes duplicates of the photo, sometimes even 2 duplicates. This is very annoying as I have to go through my library deleting the duplicates. Is this a known problem?

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Applications :: How To Add Slide In IPhoto Slideshow?

Oct 8, 2010

I am making a slideshow in iPhoto as a birthday present for my mother and would like to make the first slide one with birthday wishes, etc. on it. How do I create and add this type of slide to iPhoto???

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Applications :: Screen Goes Black In IPhoto?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an iMac desktop computer, Intel based, with Snow Leopard running on it. When I am running iPhoto the small photos appear in the right pane as they should. However, when I double click on one of the photos to enlarge it, many of them will show a black screen with a white circle and a black exclamation point in the white circle. When I click it again, it returns to the smaller size and is visible. If I use the slider, the pictures will get bigger but when I double click on them the black screen with the exclamation point appears. Again, when I click the black screen, the smaller picture re-appears. This phenomenon does not happen on all of the pictures, just some. Also, the photos that this occurs on are not copies of the originals. When I highlite the photo to edit it and click on edit the screen also goes black. Does anyone have a clue as to what is causing this and how I might fix it?

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Applications :: IPhoto 9.1 Crashing After 10.6.5 Installation?

Nov 10, 2010

iPhoto crashes immediately and doesn't launch after I installed OS 10.6.5. Anyone else having this problem? I repaired permissions.

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Applications :: Finding Alternative To IPhoto?

Dec 1, 2010

I am looking for an alternative to iPhoto for viewing and organizing photos. I need something that allows for tags like iPhoto does and preferably something with a full-screen mode for editing.

My main problem with iPhoto is that it gets bogged down when you have imported thousands of photos. And I hate having to import photos on external drives before I can view them.

I've seen a lot of recommendations for Picasa, but I can't use that 'cause I'm on a PPC.

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Applications :: Iphoto '11 Won't Load Correctly

Dec 13, 2010

My iphoto is not working. When I open it, the picture loading swirl thing spins and never stops! Like it wants to load the events but it never does. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it twice and no luck! I Just got this computer a month ago. I have also tried the command+option to fix any problems.

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Applications :: Lost IPhoto When Mac HD Crashed?

Dec 30, 2010

I had upgraded my software to Leopard and after a year or so the HD crashed the week before Christmas.

I got a new HD installed and I loaded the Leopard software I had purchased. Today I noticed there is no iPhoto. It came basic when I bought the Mac in Dec 2008, I'm certain.

Do I have to buy the iLife to get iPhoto now? Wasn't it free at one time and came installed?

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