Applications :: IPhoto 09 - How To Create Sub-folders

May 8, 2010

So if i import my pictures to iPhoto but not copying them to the iPhoto Library what happens if i edit a picture in Photoshop will it corrupt it in iPhoto? Or if i edit a picture by selecting photoshop through iPhoto will it change the image thats in the original location or will iPhoto create a new picture and store it somewhere else?

Can you create sub-folders on iPhoto?

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Applications :: Create A Automator Workflow To Copy Exact Folders?

Mar 24, 2009

I want to set up a Automator workflow so that whenever I move Photo's to a certain folder, it will automatically copy those files to another folder, how can I do this ?

I have already created one, but after the first ' sync' it has failed and now does not work.

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ITunes :: Create Folders On One IPad And Sync The Folders To Multiple IPads?

Jun 6, 2012

Is there a way to create folders on one iPad and sync the folders to multiple iPads? I have 23 iPads and I want to have all the folders match for easier access for students.

iPad 2

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Applications :: Can I Create Subfolders In IPhoto?

Jul 21, 2010

So I've generally avoided using iPhoto for my pictures, mostly due to the familiarity of the old school method, which is just putting different folders and the like in the "Pictures" section of finder. So, if you click on "Pictures," you'll see various categories: family, friends, celebrities, sports, wallpapers, etc. Then when you click on, say, family, you'll have other folders of the various family members of families. Then you click and you see the pictures, etc.

Is there a way to organize this in iPhoto in the same fashion? Where I can have various main categories (i.e., family pictures), but various subcategories (i.e., the Smith Family, the Doe family, etc.) within the folders? Or am I fine with how I have it now?

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Applications :: Iphoto Names Some Root Folders Not Others?

Feb 16, 2009

my iphoto 6 saves some of my root folder names in the finder window and not others. any help for how to name all folders for finding pics easier.

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Applications :: Is It Possible To Rearrange The Folders In The IPhoto Library

Dec 28, 2009

I have been handling my family's photos for some time now, using iPhoto on my mac. Now I am about to buy a ReadyNas. I want to store the iPhoto library there and give the rest of the family access to it. The problem is that I am the only mac-user, all the others have windows.

The plan is that they will use Picasa when reading from the iPhoto library. There is a problem though. I am afraid that it will be all messy since iPhoto stores both modified pictures and the originals. I addition to this the subfolders to these main folders have got inconsistent names since the photos were taken before I started using iPhoto. The result will be that the person using Picasa will see tons of folders with just a few pictures in them.

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Applications :: How To Move IPhoto / ITunes Folders To Another Partition

May 10, 2009

I'm running Leopard

I have 2 partitions on my hard drive, and would like to clear a little space on my startup partition.

So I'd like to move them across to my secondary partition, but to still work normally.

My secondary partition has it's own Tiger system.

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Applications :: IPhoto Picture Folders Disappeared - Picasa Ate Them?

Jul 14, 2010

I have had my Macbook Pro for only about 2 months, and I'm relatively new to this Apple world. I've had no problems with using iPhoto and uploading photos to other websites... UNTIL last night! I downloaded Picasa for Mac (I've been trying to find a good photo sharing website that doesn't cost me money. I use gmail, so this seemed reasonable.)... and I swear, something has happened. I'm fairly certain it is connected with downloading the Picasa plug-in.

I have searched high and low in every corner of this Macbook, and my picture FOLDERS are nowhere to be found. My photos are still in iPhoto, and the APPLICATION shows up in my Pictures folder, but no folders with the photos themselves. Does that make sense? The photos are in iPhoto, but not stored in any folders anywhere on the computer. This is rather distressing. Has anyone heard of this happening before??? Or does anyone have any advice for me??? I can't share any of my photos anymore until I find a way to fix this! I keep trying to upload photos, but they are nowhere to be found when I do so!

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Applications :: IPhoto And IPad - Can Sync IPad And IPhone Without Having To Create A New Library

Apr 27, 2010

Also, is it possible to share an iTunes library between my MBA and my PC so I can sync my iPad and iPhone without having to create a new library? The library file is currently on the NAS and just wanted to use the same one. Would it allow me to sync my iPhone with the PC and the iPad with the MBA using the same library on the NAS? I know this is more of an iTunes question, but figured I would post it here instead of starting another thread.

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OS X :: Cannot Create Files/folders?

Dec 3, 2009

My Macbook has been much slower than usual lately, and today it just stopped creating files. When I try and open Skype, it tells me it cannot create the users file, when i try to open itunes, it tells me it cannot create the itunes folder.

I have repaired the disk permissions and verified the disk. Verification came back okay. I'm now at a loss as for what to do. I can't download any new files (it tells me that I'm out of disk space, while I have 50 gb's free), so downloading anything to fix the problem won't work.

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OS X :: Using Terminal To Create Md5 Of Folders & Subfolders?

Jun 23, 2010

I can't find a third party app to create a MD5 checksum of folders and subfolders. The closest I got was checksum+, but the programs doesn't handle large folders; it freezes.

So I would like to go into Terminal and do it manually. Can someone share the command line to create:

�a MD5 checksum of a folder and its subfolders and output it to a txt file.

�a way then to use that outputted text file for file verification. My initial thinking is that I would have to create another MD5 checksum of the copied folder and then use a difference type command to compare the text files?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Create New Folders In Mail

Mar 13, 2012

How can I create new folders in Mail? 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud :: Create Folders Across Apps?

Apr 15, 2012

I know how to create iCloud folders on my mobile devices for Pages, Numbers… 

But is there a way to put different files into one iCloud folder? I need to sort my documents not by app, but by topic!

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Applications :: Iphoto 09 - Create A Folder With Sub Folder?

Apr 29, 2009

Within iphoto library, how to create a folder with sub folder?

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OS X :: Create Watermark Icons On Folders Like The Ones In The Home Dir?

Oct 28, 2009

Is there a way to create folders with the specialized icons like the ones in the Home Folder, eg a Music Folder with the music icon, Picture folder with the "watermark" camera icon?

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OS X :: Create User Accounts And Moving Folders?

May 16, 2010

i want to create some user accounts on my would i move folders from the desktop on my admin home page to these new user accounts?

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OS X Technologies :: Create Folders And Sort Applescript?

Mar 15, 2012

I am using a script that Jacques Rioux kindly helped me out with a couple days ago. I altered his script a little to complete a different task I needed to create a shortcut for. The script below first creates two folders (TIFF & JPEG) and then it sorts files with an extension .tif into the 'TIFF' folder and files with the extension .jpg into the folder named 'JPEG'. This works great but I would like the script to effect multiple folders. Can anyone help me add to the script so when you click it, a prompt will pop up allowing you to choose multiple folders to apply the script too? As of now it will only work on one folder at a time.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes :: How To Create Folders On IPhone / IPad Screens

Feb 9, 2012

How do I create folders on my iPhone/iPad sacreens?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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ITunes :: Create Folders For Movies Like Playlists For Music?

Jun 11, 2012

I have a lot of TV series that I have ripped into ipad compatible format.  I want to be able to put them into a folder like a playlist for movies so I don't have to scroll forever to find them.  If I need to use genre how do I tag the movies so they get sorted?

Powerbook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.9)

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MacBook Pro :: Create New Iphoto Library

Apr 19, 2012

Ive copied my current iphoto library to an external hardrive because my hard disc is full. Now I want to creat a new library on my mac, but by pressing and holding either the alt or options tab,then clicking on iphoto does not give the option, only quit, remove from dock, show in finder etc.

iOS 5.0.1

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Applications :: Silently Sync Local Folders With Remote Webdav Folders?

Jan 21, 2009

I'm looking for software that can silently sync local folders with remote webdav folders.

It would also be nice if I could just relate to the local folder, and the software would automatically synce new files in both directions.

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OS X :: Way To FigureOut IPhoto Pictures And Folders

Dec 25, 2010

I just got my wife a digital frame as one of her Christmas presents and had high hopes of uploading a load of pictures via USB today. The software included with the frame (from Brookstone) has both PC and Mac apps. If I go into my users/*name*/Pictures folder, I don't see all the photos I would normally see in iPhoto'11.

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Software :: Create New Iphoto Library On Computer?

Jan 10, 2009

i copied the iphoto library from my computer to an external Hard Drive, and deleted the one on my computer, the external HD has been stolen, but in iphoto there still apear photos, but when i click on them it doest show the big image, only a expression mark (!) in a circle.

1) How can i create a new iphoto library on my computer?
2)Can i recover my photos with time machine?

In another computer i start it and it apears a folder with a question mark, what should i do?

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OS X :: My Applications And Documents Folders On Dock In Stacks Not Folders?

Oct 1, 2010

My Applications and Documents folder on my dock dont seem to have the folders with there symbols on it, they seem to other material. How can I get them to show the folders. Im running on Snow Leopard!

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OS X :: IPhoto - Folders Renamed Now Pictures Not Shown

Mar 7, 2008

I have just recently decided to take the photos from my MacBook to my father's Dell to backup my files. However, most of the folders have slashes like this - "/", and windows will not accept these, so I had to rename every single folder (hundreds). What I did was just type in something random. Anyways, the pictures in my iPhoto Library show up for a split second and then they turn to white perforated boxes with exclamation marks because the source of the image obviously cannot be found.

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OS X :: Merge Modified And Original Folders From IPhoto

Aug 9, 2010

I'm constantly taking pictures and have finally bought a 1 TB hard drive to store my photos in. The only problem is that, a few months ago, I was in a crunch for space on my Mac and needed to move my pictures to a different (older) external hard drive for the time being until I was able to buy a new one. In the process of copying all of my pictures from my laptop to my old external hard drive, I went to Macintosh HD>Users>Username>Pictures>iPhoto Library and clicked on "Show Package Contents" to open up the actual picture files in my iPhoto. (I know now - not the best method) So I copied all of my files to my old external hard drive from the "Originals" and "Modified" folders on my Mac.

Is there a way I can move all of my pictures back to my iPhoto library so that it only shows the pictures in regular iPhoto method? (as in, iPhoto displays the original photo, but if modified, iPhoto displays the modified photo and keeps the original in the background folders). I tried to copy and paste the Original and Modified folders contents from my old external hard drive into my respective Original and Modified folders on my Mac and then open iPhoto to see if it would automatically register it, but no luck. Right now, if I were to simply import all of the pictures, I would get 4 copies of each photo, since I shoot in RAW+JPEG, and I have close to 70 GB of photos, so going through all of those individually would not be fun. My ultimate goal is to combine the files in my current iPhoto with my existing photos on my old hard drive and be able to use my new hard drive as my main library in iPhoto in order to free up a lot of space on my Mac.

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Intel Mac :: IPhoto Just Keeps Loading - Side Folders Gone

Jun 9, 2012

Random keys on my keyboard have stopped working, or I have to press them really hard... right now I am just copy pastin letters from the internet... this is happening with my wireless keyboard I got in 2010 with my iMac computer. My iPhoto will not Stop loading. It just keeps loading... and there is nothing on the sidebar? And My side folders are gone?! I noticed since my iPhoto stopped working so did my side folders?!

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010)

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OS X :: Iphoto Pictures Not Showing Up After Using Option Key To Create New Library For Eh?

Aug 18, 2009

i recently got a new LaCie external hard drive in order to store photos from iphoto to free up space on my hd. However after researching how to do this i used the alt/option key when opening iphoto in order to create a new library, once i did this i directed the new library to my external hard drive. Now when i open iphoto there are no images and if i open my external hard drive to the new library it just opens iphoto and no images show up! What do i do? is there any way i can reverse the process?? Why is there nothing in my new eh library?

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OS X Mavericks :: IPhoto 9.5 - Create Second Library And Place On External Drive?

Jun 27, 2014

I would like to create a second iPhoto library and would like to store it on an external drive. When I log in to iPhoto, I would be able to select which library.

Is this possible?

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OS X :: IPhoto - Pictures From Two Events Folders Opened Upon Restart

Aug 1, 2009

I have tried checking with people at Apple store but they have failed to come up with the solution. Here is the problem everytime I restart my computer all the pictures from two of my events folders in the iphoto opens up at same time, meaning I have around 25 pictures or so opens up upon restart. I need to close them by using the function command and Q to close all at once. Often Time I hook up my computer to give presentation at work and its quite embarrassing that every one can see my pictures.

MAC OS X 10.5

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