Applications :: IMovie Project - Adding Audio Clip Over Still Image
Mar 8, 2010
I have a project I'm working on from a birthday party. What I'm trying to do is take a 5 second audio clip from a piece of video (a bunch of 3 year olds screaming happy birthday) and use it as audio over a still image to start the video. I detached the audio that I want to use, highlighted it and copied it. I can't figure out how to use it elsewhere. Maybe it's not possible to do this in iMovie 09?
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Aug 15, 2010
I took a video on my iPhone 4, uploaded it to my computer, and imported it into iMovie so I can edit the sound. At a few points throughout the one minute clip, my voice is overbearingly loud since I'm holding the phone nearest to me... and I'd like to adjust the sound (I guess simply decrease the volume?) at these few points where my voice overpowers the rest of the video... so as to make it less awkward for myself, really... before I share the video with any of my friends and family. How would I go about this to just edit the volumes of a few short segments?
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Jul 7, 2009
Alright so I was making this video that was really really really difficult to do and I got to like 3:00 of it today and I've been saving, then it just freezes and refuses to do anything. I then realise my external drive somehow turned off for a random reason, so I plugged it back in and it started working again, but then I reopened my project and I get this error
I click on ignore all and it's all in the trash, and what really pisses me off about this is that it took me weeks and weeks and weeks of time to do, there's no way I can redo this all over again. What can I do to get rid of the skipped message and make it all work again�
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May 19, 2009
How do I speed up a clip with iMovie '08. After reading I found that this can be done in iMovie '06 but I can't find any documentation for achieving this in iMovie '08.
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a project file that was created using iMovie 5 HD. In this project file were a large number of unused clips and also the final film, edited with transitions, backing music, end credits, etc.
However when I import this project file into iMovie 8 I cannot find the final edited film anywhere, just all the clips that were both used and unused within the project file.
How can I get the final film back without spending about a week re-editing everything?
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Nov 23, 2007
-Downloaded a movie from a torrent site (Dont shoot me, I rented it like 6 times)...
-After download was complete, i opened it up...
-it was an .mp4 file and it played in Quicktime and I could see it AND hear it, everythings' fine...
-I drag the file into iMovie HD...
-After the clip (or movie) was imported I played it and it doesn't show video, i can only hear it.
ive been wondering what it could be, i upgraded to quicktime pro to try and convert it to .mov and still, same thing happened...
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Feb 1, 2008
I'm sorry if this has already been posted. I looked for the answer on here and couldn't find it. I NEED HELP...BAD! I have Leopard and I was working in iMovie on a project and when i finished i went to save it and then the color wheel came up for over 5 minutes and then it automatically shut down imovie! i lost the whole project that took me over 5 hours to do! i still have the DV files that i imported, but not the editing that i did! i havent used TIME MACHINE due to the fact that i dont have a external HD. I wanted to know if there was anyway i could get that back! i know windows had a setting that you could go back to a certain time and date on your computer, but im not sure if mac does or if there is anyway i can retrieve the edited version of my movie project that i created! someone please! help me!!! i am in need of assistance and this project is due tommorow! if you can help, please send me a direct email to i would be in your DEBT! thanks!
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Jan 22, 2010
I was making a mix and I was almost done, and iMovie '09 crashed on me. I see it in the iMovie projects folder, but when I click on it, it loads up iMovie, shows the clip for a second, then disappears.How can I get my mix back??
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May 8, 2009
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
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May 23, 2009
I'm importing 720p HD video from my new digicam, a Panasonic DMC-ZS3. After importing the video into iMovie, the speed of replay is way too fast (2-3x normal speed). I think it may have something to do with the fact that I'm downloading 720p and somehow the progressive scan is confusing iMovie: [URL]
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Jul 20, 2010
Ok so I have my project in iMovie 09. I select a portion of the project, hit clip adjustments so I can speed it up, and then it just reselects the entire clip. Is there any way I just get a part of a clip and speed it up once it is my project?
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm in SL using iMovie (not iMove HD). When I make a project I can't seem to save it. Apple S doesn't work and there is no save option under any menu in it. Also, if I quit without saving there is no save prompt...
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Apr 1, 2009
I'm using iMovie 09 with the very latest updates applied and I am having trouble with audio skimming in just one of my projects. The project is only 8 minutes long and is just a collage of pictures to music.
The audio skimming button is toggled to on but no green bars show in the equalizer when I skim over the video. The audio works fine when playing the project and in other windows around the project such as the event viewer. I have plenty of free hard drive space and the thumbnails slider is set to '5s'. ALL of my other projects skim no problem.
Now this is the strange part. If I click to enter the precision editor on any part of the video and then click done (even without altering anything) the skimming comes back. It thus disappears if place a new item in the timeline until I go back into the precision editor where it re enables itself.
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Dec 28, 2010
I am trying to export a two hour movie to watch on dvd after editing for 4 months, and was running on 12gb left on my macbook. I then tried to export it HD (8gb) and it eventually failed, saying it had no space left. Even though the movie wasnt exported, it took my 12gb left down to 4gb, so I tried high quality exporting, and it almost finished but failed right at the end, complaining of no space, and even when the file wasnt where I asked it to be it still took my memory away, now leaving me with 400mb. I am so annoyed, and
I want to know if I can export the movie to my external harddrive (plug in usb) as an mp4 file, and if so how? This would be a HUGE help as I dont want to have wasted so much time!
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Apr 14, 2009
Hi guys im trying to censor out profanity in my iMovie project, so far i put the little beep sound at the part where i want to block but as it plays it plays the beep AND the curs word so you can hear it, how can i make it so that ONLY the beep can be herd and not the curs word, like mute that part of the clip.. Someone help? i can't seem to find a way.
Oh and by the way im using iMovie '08
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Nov 12, 2010
So i finished my first ten-minute long short film, i'm really proud of it. I wanted to share the whole thing in 1080p HD and then import it into after effects for some finishing touches. I did sharing < media sharing < 1080p hd.
1. Where did my movie go? it doesn't show up in iMovie anymore, and I found a big file over 1GB which appears to be my movie (but no way is it in 1080p, and I filmed with a sony HDR xr520v). I cant put that back into iMovie nor after effects.
2. Can I import this file into after effects cs4 and then re-export it in an equal quality?
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May 23, 2010
So I literally just spent hours putting together a video for school. I exited out of iMovie knowing it was supposed to save the file on its own. I open it back up to check on it and *poof* it's completely gone. I searched my hardrive and the file exists but it will not open with iMovie or Quicktime. Is there any way to recover this video?
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Jun 20, 2008
I have converted a movie from a Flash format to MP4 format and now I would like to add some music to the movie clip. How can I do That????
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Jun 4, 2005
Okay, I was working with iMovie and did something cool...but I don't know how I did it or how to repeat what I did.
I managed to make one "clip" which consists of 6 or 7 photos (imported from iPhoto)...and on top of (inside of?) that clip is the "far far away" title (the Star Wars one). I tried to do the same thing again, and couldn't figure out how I did it in the first place! Oops. Any clues would be great (I tried highlighting several pics and dragging them down to the timeline together...didn't work. I also tried a few other things, but no luck).
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Oct 28, 2010
I'm a newbie coming over from MS for 12 years. Last week I recorded a short clip in neat is that
Tonight I recorded one again and now there is no sound when I played it back. I know I've fiddled with things in system preferences so maybe I set something that has now affected the sound in iMovie
I've checked all the obvious volume controls, they're all up and on.
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May 29, 2009
Right now I'm trying to make an anime music video for my younger brother. I've taken some of the clips from my dvds and i've imported them already. Also I've divided the clips into certain parts. I want to edit the duration of each clip but I don't know how. I'm using iMovie HD by the way since I have a iBook G4
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May 26, 2012
After importing HD video (from a Canon Vixia HV40) into iMovie 11 (v 9.04) at 960x540 resolution, you get a bunch of .mov files. Does anyone know why those .mov files, as they come out of the import process,will not import into iTunes? Here are the details. My brother wanted to put a small one onto his iPad. I told him the simplest way (or so I thought) to do it would be to import the .mov file into iTunes (v 10.6.1) and then sync his iPad. There was no need to make a project from the single clip, then share it. However, iTunes will not import any of the .mov files made with the iMovie import. Does anyone know why? This happens on my iMac (core i7) and his (core i5). Of course, if I open the .mov file in QuickTime Player (v 10.1) then export to a .m4v file (export setting "iPad, iPhone & Apple TV"), the new file imports into iTunes just fine. In case iTunes thinks you shouldn't be importing clips from the iMovie events folder, I dragged the clip to the desktop and tried the import, but that did not work either. I guess what this comes down to is given that iMovie, QuickTime Player and iTunes all come from Apple, why can iMovie and QuickTime Player read the file while iTunes cannot? I would think the same code would be in all three products (do the iMovie and QuickTime Player developers refuse to share, while the iTunes developers are lazy?).
iMac i7, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 25, 2012
Im looking to make a trailer with some video footage on you tube. Is there any way I can take this off you tube and edit it with imovie.
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Mar 14, 2012
I was just finishing up a video, and I noticed a slight mistake in my voicing during my recording of the video. I wanted to remove it, and it was small, but there's no hope. It just deletes the whole clip, making me undo it, and making me clueless.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Nov 11, 2010
I am trying to put together a project where I would like to at a certain section of the video silence the video audio play some music then re intreduce video audio. Is it possible to do this and if so how do I do it?
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Jan 28, 2008
I'm sure there used to be a way to remove the Audio from a Video in iMovie 06, but in this 08 version I can't seem to find it. I'd rather not use ffmpeg if I can get away with it, anyone know any other ways to do it if not in iMovie?
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Apr 3, 2009
I made a short movie in iMovie 09. Into the project I imported a song from my iTunes. Then I wanted to fade the music because it lasted longer than the video. So I clicked on the little gear that brings up the clip trimmer. But rather than bring up the clip trimmer the software crashes. Again and again and again.
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May 5, 2009
I'm having this issue with imovie 09 where when I export the movie project, the audio and video is out of sync starting at this specific area. What's odd though is that it plays fine while I'm editing in imovie but when the movie is exported, the file is messed up. I tried exporting using Quicktime and exporting the movie normally. I also tried replacing the clip where the problem with the audio started but it's still the same. I'm really upset because I spent hours editing this project but.
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May 6, 2009
I've never used iMovie 08 but I have a Mothers Day project I want to try. Will this work?
I want to take a bunch of photos from iPhoto, make a slideshow with them using dissolves, fades and cuts for the video. For the audio I want to use a song I have in iTunes.
Can I do this using iMovie 08, or even another app from iLife 08?
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Jun 1, 2009
I am trying to have a song playing in the background of a movie I am creating. It needs to change volume part way through. Its my understanding this has been removed in imovie 09. How would I go about doing this? Is there any work arounds?
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