OS X :: No Video Chat IMac 10.5.8 But Video Chat Ok FW10.4.11?
May 11, 2010
My iMac C2Duo 20" gets error messages when attempting a Video Chat in 10.5.8 with iChat 4.0.8. If I boot up from FW drive using 10.4.11 everything works.
When I initiate a Video Chat, after a while I get a pop up "There was a communication error during your chat. (recipient) cancelled the connection."
When I ACCEPT a Video Chat invite, I get a pop up "There was a communication error during your chat. Did not receive a response from (initiator)."
I should mention that there is also a networking problem in 10.5.8 that disappears if I boot up from the FW drive with 10.4.11. The Internet Sharing will randomly stop working for no apparent reason. I'll be connected to interenet using iPhone 3GS or old iBook G4 running 10.5.8 and suddenly I'm "no longer connected to the internet". Sometimes stopping and restarting Internet Sharing solves it for a while, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it will work for days, other times for minutes or quit overnight.
I have successfully managed to integrate facebook chat in iChat. However, I was wondering whether it is possible to video chat with through facebook chat provided both people are using iChat. Does anyone know if this works?
Going on a trip. I am new to the whole video chat. I want to talk/see to my family. I will be taking my HP laptop with me while they will be on the Mac. What do I need to use?
I'm really new to mac. I have a Macbook, equipped with iChat (of course) and the built-in iSight. My boyfriend is a cadet at the United States Military Academy, and has a PC laptop, a Dell if that matters. I want to be able to one-way video chat with him (so he can see me, and we can hear each other) but they are only allowed to use AIM there. In other words he is not allowed to use ANY OTHER messenger program. We used to use Skype until he found out AIM is the only program permitted. How do I get this to work?
My friend has MSN for her computer and i have a mac i got aMSN to use so i could to to her with cam or video but she has an option to do it at the same time now when she tries to run that it says "amsn does not support this" what can i do so i can talk to her and have video at the same time?
I have a mac. My brother has windows. How can we video chat I cant get it to work. He tried aim while I was using ichat and it didn't work. I don't wanna use skype.
I am attempting to connect a one-way video chat using Ichat. My friend does not have a webcam and is using AIM. When we go to connect, the box appears on her computer but it is completely black. It shows that we are connected but she does not see any image. From what I have read it is possible to one-way chat from Ichat to AIM no problem but she is unable to see/hear me.
Unable to utilize webcam with others on PC webcams...continue to get error message that says "connection timed out" . Tried having PC member change firewall settings.... Is it something on MacBook side?
I know there is a simple answer to this that I am missing...
When I log into ichat I can only see myself. The other person sees and hears me perfectly but I do not see them. One time it did work and I could see him. I did nothing differently. What is wrong and how can I fix it?
I'm new to video chatting especially with a mac book. So me and my friend wanted to video chat on meebo, we can see each other, but only i can hear her she can't hear me.
When video chatting on Skype, iChat, or Yahoo! Messenger, it is always choppy on both ends. I am at my college now so the internet isn't the problem, I know (up speed is 3 Mbps constant and constant down is 5 Mbps).
I have friends and family overseas who use msn to chat and are using a PC. I have a Macbook, so how can I video chat with them. What options are available if any. I tried mercury messenger, the text chat is working but video does not work, when they send me invite for video or I send them invite it tried to connect to server but we can't see each other.
Occasionally my friends and I go to tinychat to do a multi-person video chat. Usually when i click "broadcast" there are many video options and I choose the one that has myself on it. It usually says something like "USB camcorder" or something with USB in it. However; the other night I tried to go on, and it wouldn't let me. I noticed that the video options had gone down to about 4, and the one with myself was called "Built-In iSight." I have never had this option before, so I clicked it. the green light next to my camera flicked on and then off. You couldn't see me. Was it something I did? All the video sharing websites do this; however on my photobooth and ichat it works fine...
I just got leopard with my friend and for some reason, iChat wont let us do video chat or screen sharing. I keep getting the message that i didn't respond or that he didn't respond. He was at my house a few days ago and iChat worked perfectly. Is this a bug or is something wrong with my router?. Will it be fixed in a future update?
i haven install many applications, just msn messenger and skype, and everytime i do video chat with my friend, screen becomes so slow.. like, i hear my friend good, but sync between the video and her voice doesn match, video comes about 3~5 min later after the voice.
im using ichat and my friend is using aim on a pc and i want to use the video chat feature and when i send a request it says they decline it and vice versa. Anyone know how to fix this without using another program like msn or skype?
I know you can use iSight as a camera to record in iMovie or Photo Booth...but is it possible to record a video chat? So say me and my bro are chatting, can iSight record that chat, so I would be able to see both me in a little box, and my bro in the main portion of the screen? Or would I need more of a screen capture program for that?
Using a mid-2009 15" MBP, 3.06 GHz. iChat has been using significantly more CPU during a video chat than before the upgrade. Anyone else seeing this? I'm currently using the 9400M and not the 9600GT, but I don't think it would have any effect on this. Specifically, it uses about 100% (out of 200). Screen shot of the activity monitor is attached.
I do notice, however, that during the video chat, it is not using the iChat process AND the vcencoder process that is also used in leopard. It just uses the iChat process. I still don't think it should be using so much CPU to video chat.
When trying to do a video chat, a friend of mine continues to get the same error message with anyone who he tries to video chat with. The computer is a July 2009 MBP 15in running Leopard. The only thought is that it is wirelessly connected to the internet but with speeds around 10Mbits so that shouldn't be a problem.
im pretty much dumb when it comes to my new mac and im having problems with my ichat, it wont let me video chat with my girl, it worked yesterday but now its saying somethign along the lines of, your computer isnt compatable with video chat, or something like that
I've noticed that I have to turn off Internet Sharing in order to video chat with my friends on iChat AV 4.0.3. Is there anyway possible that I don't have to always turn off Internet Sharing to have video chats? Regular text chatting works fine when Internet Sharing is turned on, but not video chat.