Applications :: Getting Mac To Work With An ISA Proxy Server?
Nov 13, 2004
i can use safari and msn messenger fine just setting the web proxy to the address given to me by my school admin with the port number 8081 that works great but my admin has told me that there is no mac proxy client so i cant use other services like ichat and IRC, he told me to try using SOCKS but ti dosen't work, any ideas?
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Mar 4, 2010
I have a MACBOOK and I am facing some dramatic problem with web browsing THIS IS THE THING1)I use proxy server to use net on my macbook I gave proxy setting in Ethernet advance setting tab but its not working with safari my ip is proxy server end setting are all ok but when I change my ip to or some else it is working.2)At the same time with IP I use Firefox when I gave it the setting from Ethernet it wont work but when I use Firefox own setting for proxy it is working with same ip Safari not workingI thing that changing the IP all the time without knowing what is happing behind is not the thing
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Jan 22, 2009
I was checking out various proxy servers with Firefox, trying to find a fast, reliable server. After testing one, my homepage [URL] came up as an "Apache Tomcat" page. This keeps happening even if I type [URL], it redirects to [URL], which displays the Apache Tomcat page. It says I have successfully set it up, despite never having even heard of it before. I have used the Terminal to check for recently modified files, and have looked through Firefox's preferences. Little Snitch reports no network connections by Firefox as it loads [URL] and displays the Tomcat page. I can still do google searches from the search bar in Firefox.
Below is a transcript from part of the page. I think that there's a UNIX file on my drive that has been modified somehow, but I haven't found it. If you're seeing this page via a web browser, it means you've setup Tomcat successfully. Congratulations! As you may have guessed by now, this is the default Tomcat home page. It can be found on the local filesystem at: $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/index.html
where "$CATALINA_HOME" is the root of the Tomcat installation directory. If you're seeing this page, and you don't think you should be, then you're either a user who has arrived at new installation of Tomcat, or you're an administrator who hasn't got his/her setup quite right. Providing the latter is the case, please refer to the Tomcat Documentation for more detailed setup and administration information than is found in the INSTALL file.
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Jul 17, 2009
I'm trying to setup a proxy server so that my computer appears to be accessing websites from the UK - but I have no idea how to do this...
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Jul 2, 2010
ok well im trying to use a proxy server in my browser because my dumb brother went on my accounts on some forums and posted stupid things and got me banned. i made a new account but i guess that forum must check your ip and or other info.
i would like to setup a proxy server so that my ip and any other info is hidden or shown as a different ip than my normal.
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Jun 6, 2014
I can't connect to the App Store because of a proxy server. I can't manually enter proxy settings in prefferences, is there a way around this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Feb 29, 2012
I've recently joined/binded to our domain. All appears to be working as expected. Although one message keeps popping up in the finder at random moments. Doesn't seem related to anything that is being done at the time. It says Proxy authenication required. Authentication for HTTP proxy  and has username and password to be filled in.Â
Where/what logs can be viewed to determine what program is wanting to get thru the proxy? I'm guessing it is an auto-update of something but I've turned everything off that I can find and it still is popping up. Hoping a log somewhere will tell me what is trying to gain access so I can turn off the attempt.Â
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Jul 4, 2010
i write an AppleScript for MACOS(SL tested) http and https Proxy on and off set.
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Apr 9, 2010
do you know a http proxy server software (osx or linux) with gzip compression ? What I want to achieve is connect with my iPhone via this proxy to limit the 3G data usage.
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Apr 19, 2010
I installed this proxy extension in chrome (cant remember what its called) but i couldn't get it to work properly so i removed it. However now i have a hotspot shield banner at the top of my browser and i cant figure out how to remove it!
when i installed that chrome extension it made no mention of hotspot shield and its REALLY pissing me off! I dont know what it is, i dont care, i just want rid of it.
Also, google thinks im a robot, telling me im sending out automated queries and Iv'e got to do a captcha every time i want to search.
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Aug 25, 2010
I am looking for some guidance. Work were terribly nice to me last week and bought me a macbook pro 13". I have owned apple products for years and finally bent their ears. I am now becoming stuck though. In entourage I have set up my account through the LAN at my workplace, but when looking to update my emails at home over my wifi network, it wont connect. Also I would like to access my documents and root folders from my profile on the XP work network, without running Parrealells or bootcamp (as I dont want to install XP on this machine). Basically I would like my mac to do everything my profile does at work, but on the OSX platform...
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Mar 8, 2009
I am studying for a year in South Africa and using internet behind a college proxy. Beyond the annoyances of only having 300 MB/month of internet, I am especially frustrated because I can't use skype, ichat, or google talk to stay in touch with people back home. I've tried everything; With skype, i downloaded authoxy, which corrects for the fact that skype takes its proxy settings from the network settings (I'm not a computer expert so I may have that wrong, but regardless, I followed the directions and tinkered with it some more and it failed). Then I downloaded the beta version of the latest skype, per customer support directions, and still no luck--i can't even sign on.
The same goes for iChat. Even google talk, which operates within the browser, will only allow text chat. When I try voice or video, it fails. None of this happens to students with a pc.
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Mar 12, 2012
I am desperate for help because whatever I do I cannot get my own certificates to work. When I first set up Lion Server a so-called Intermediate CA and a corresponding SSL server certificate was automatically installed and that works fine. Now, I wanted to create my own Certificate Authority (CA) and a leaf SSL server certificate.[URL]First I created my own CA, and then I created a new certificate with the Server App (ID type "leaf", certificate type "SSL server". (see screenshots below), and I had it signed by my own CA. When I checked the certificate it said "valid".Next, I exported the certificate from the keychain (as .p12) and then I went to Server App's "Import a certificate identity" to drag and drop the certificate onto the window. So far so good.
When I opened the list of certificates (Server App -> Hardware -> SSL -> Edit ) the new certificate showed up once, and after the Server App had tried to install the certificate it simply did not show up any more. I have copied the important parts of the certificate below (private parts have been cropped).The common name and the DNS name are "myserver.domain.private", and yes, DNS is working fine.(I stopped started services and re-booted in between creating and importing the new certificate.)Â
Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 5, 2010
I have been given the attached one-pager with screenshots of how to configure a Windows Outlook client to work with our corporate email system (Exchange).
I want to configure the Mail client on my Mac, however.
Can anyone give me a clue where these things are entered? When I add a new account in Mac Mail, and choose Exchange 2007, I don't see similar fields. My guesses so far have resulted in "the server cannot be contacted on port 443
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Jun 5, 2009
I've checked the box "Send all traffic over VPN connection" because that's exactly what I want to do.
However, as people have experienced, and as expected, you can no longer browse the web or any other web traffic when you are connected to VPN with this enabled.
There are plenty of help articles telling us to uncheck that box to get web access again. But that's exactly what I do NOT want to do. I purposefully want ALL of my web traffic to go through VPN, so that it is encrypted between me and the OSX Server. (i.e. i might be out somewhere on an untrusted network and want to chat with someone, so why not VPN to my OSX Server where I know it has trusted internet... )
So what do I need in order for the OSX Server to "redirect" all of my VPN'ed web traffic out thru its real internet connection and then back to me over VPN?
A Proxy program running on the OSX Server? if so, which one? Is there a simple, already-built, ready-to-install program that will route ALL internet traffic, not only , but also chat, email, ftp and others? Perhaps one or two terminal commands or maybe even just a setting in the network system preferences?
I've looked at SQUID, aside from the fact that it is incomplete, not built, missing some pieces, and not easy to make or install, as I understand it only works for www port 80 traffic anyway, so that still doesn't help for other types of traffic such as chat, ftp, etc.
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Sep 2, 2010
I've recently bought a macbook and I love it, but am trying to connect to my outlook server and having a few problems. Firstly I can't access OWA through Safari at all, every time I type it in it says 'Safari can't find the server' - it is sbs2003, and this works fine in IE Ideally I wanted to set up access through Mail or Entourage (2008) however I've read that it is not possible to connect to exchange through this. Frustrating as I have just bought this and have a free upgrade to 2011 but only home and student so apparently this won't have outlook on here either. I have been trying to connect for days and I just can't figure out the best way to get to my emails? if you could point me in the direction of a good walkthrough that would be great.
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Sep 14, 2010
Alright, this has been going on for about 2 weeks now? I finally got fed up with it today, did a lot of searching, found people with the same issue, but no ways to fix it. Basically, I have two gmail accounts. I can receive email just fine, but I cannot send it. When I do, it comes up saying can't use the server It offers to let me use another smtp server, but being gmail, it doesn't work either. Mail Diagnostics show connection to the internet, but has issues with the smtp server at times. It is sometimes listed as Offline, sometimes not. I have "Use default ports" selected, those being 25, 465, 587 under under the "edit smtp server list" on account information. Nothing under "IMAP Path Prefix" Port: 993 with use SSL checked. authentication is password, and works. That's all the info I can think of to provide you with, if you need anything else, just ask.
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Oct 28, 2008
I work for a big company where we have PCs, MACS and iPHONES. We've tried syncing our calendars in many ways and after thinking we found the answer (via mobile me) realized it was a mess because odd appointments kept showing up. So I have two choices. Either make my MAIL and ICAL app sync to the exchange server, or find a way to sync both work (laptop) and personal (the one that would be used as the server at home) without having weird appts coming up on everyone's calendar.
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Feb 19, 2009
I have a PC laptop and I'm trying to connect to a work Mac OS X server. I read notes from Mosguy on 10.20.06 and followed those steps. I am not connecting. I need to be able to connect offsite for when I travel or work from home.
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Nov 18, 2010
Has anyone been able to set up an http proxy in Mac os ? I want to set one up at home.
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Sep 19, 2009
I'm looking to use a proxy or anonymization service with Opera. Jap and Tor are both quite slow.
What would some good alternatives be? I know I can google "proxy" and find something but typically those are just temporary, right?
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Jun 20, 2010
I want to set up an encrypted proxy and i am not sure how to do it. Also i am not trying to just shield what i search i want to be able to use it systemwide.
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May 22, 2012
I run a bunch of labs at a university and we have been recently forced to move to mac OSX 10.7 as the newer imacs will not boot to older systems.On the surface this all seems fine except for the annoying App Store issues. Apart from the bulk education purchase problem (ie. there is none) - there is a really annoying Bug with some kind of background update check, this window pops up at random: (I finally identified the culprit as the App Store)Â Clicking 'Cancel' only causes the window to pop-up again a minute or several seconds later.Yes the Students and Academics could put in their personal proxy details, however this seems like a major flaw as there is no way to turn it off.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 21, 2009
We've got two laptops in the house (my Powerbook 12 and wife's Macbook) and I've just bought an old 500Mhz AGP Power Mac G4 from eBay, partly to mess around with, partly because it was a great deal, and partly because I want to use it as a media server. What I'd like to do is have:
- iPhoto running on the server - cameras would be plugged in there, photos downloaded etc and photos streamed to the Apple TV
- iTunes running on the server - other machines in the house plus the Apple TV accessing the shared server
- printer sharing running through the server
- Time Machine partitions set up on the server for both my wife and I - set up as double our raw drive space (so 160GB and 320GB)
I've already upped the RAM to 1.25GB and swapped in two 120GB IDE drives. I'm looking to add a Sonnet PCI SATA card and a couple of 1TB Samsung drives, one to host the media and one to host the Time Machine partitions. The media drive would then be backed up weekly to an offboard brick.
So before I go ahead with this grand plan, I thought I'd solicit views on whether it's likely to work, where the bear traps are etc. I guess some of the specific questions I have include:
- is there likely to be a performance issue with the PowerMac in this role?
- can I stream photos to an Apple TV? I know it works with iTunes but thought I'd check on iPhoto
- would Time Machine work OK over a network? Any issue with hosting two TM partitions on the same drive?
The Power Mac is running Tiger, the others are running Leopard.
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Aug 13, 2009
Is it safe to download files through a web proxy?
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Nov 22, 2009
We have several mac G4's running tiger.
They are setup to connect to an AD server using iHook.
I also have an xserver, but i'm not sure exactly what its configured to do, as i've only recently taken over from the previous network admin.
I can't work out how to set the global proxy settings that will affect all of my users. Is this a setting thats applied via the xserver, or is it something thats been manually configured locally?
How would i go about changing the global proxy settings, so that any user that logs in receives the same proxy settings?
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Feb 19, 2012
how to create a script to simply set a proxy using AppleScript?
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Apr 13, 2012
I am using Safari 5.1.5 behind a corporate firewall with a proxy server. I have proxy settings for http, https, ftp, and socks, that require me to login and authenticate. Everything works fine until I try to connect to my local development webserver running on Apache Tomcat on localhost port 8080. Whenever I try to connect Safari redirects to "" I have localhost*, localhost:8080*,*, all in my proxy bypass settings in Network Preferences yet Safari seems to ignore these? Chrome, Firefox, et. al, all work fine hitting localhost.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 22, 2012
i want to setup a proxy port?Specifically outbound port 5060 for both TCP and UDP?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 6, 2012
In Text Edit, when I drag the little proxy icon (the little page symbol in the title bar next to the title) to a new location such as a folder or a disk, it creates an ALIAS of that document rather than moving or copying the actual document itself.  Why would I want to create an alias of the file on a disk? I NEVER want to do that!In the past, you could MOVE or COPY the document my dragging that proxy, depending on your desire. If you just dragged it (with no modifier keys) you moved the document. I can hold down the option key to COPY the file now but I see no way to simply MOVE the document to a different folder on my HD by dragging that proxy icon. First Apple removed the ability to drag a document to the trash by dragging the proxy, and now it eliminated the ability to move it to another folder. Apple has basically broken the functioning of that little proxy icon, which was a useful feature in the past. Is there a way to change it back?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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