Just a few minutes ago, I pulled up iWeb to work on my band's website, only to find that it's nearly all gone. Only one page of the site remains, and everything else just shows a blank screen. When I try and publish it to a folder, it gives me "Publishing error, an unknown error occured." I simply can't have this happen. This website has taken me over a year to create, and now it's trashed. Where does iWeb store the website? Is there some way I can get it back? I've tried everything, but have had no luck.
There's this website that has a bunch of mp3s in one directory. Instead of downloading them one by one.. is there a program that will download the entire website and all it's mp3?
Anyway I let my battery calibrate this morning as I've read this is good for your computer and let the computer be for the whole day. However when I came back the application Garageband was open (I distinctly remember quitting) and even had edited a version of a song I made when I first used it (this music I never saved on my computer).
I'm running Mac OS X 10.3.4 Panther on an eMac, and when I click on Garage Band in the dock, the icon bounces for a moment and then the arrow underneath it disappears. Does anyone know how I can get it to open? I have tried launching it from the Apps folder but that won't do it.
I want to save my first garageband file as an mp3. When I click share -> send song to iTunes, a tube appears, showing that the operation is occurring, but it never arrives. I've tried different names of playlists, but no luck. Either the operation doesn't happen or the file's title changes. I looked in all the folders where newly created mp3's go and no luck. I've searched iTunes and can't find any new files.
I have a cheap little usb keyboard that I use in Garageband. It sounds great but I have a problem doing drums with it. It seems that the bass drum is lower than my keyboard allows me to go. Is there any way of changing the octaves that a keyboard controls so I could lower down to the bass drum? I found the bass using the software keyboard but it is just a few notes lower than my keyboard goes.
I just found some third-party GarageBand loops and put them in my library. I didn't rename them before I added them and now they appear in lowercase with underscores between words. How do I rename them?
my band and I decided the other day to record one of our songs using our mic. Until we were almost done recording we did not relise that we were only recording on the left. We only used an amp to input thing. We were wondering if here was any way to mirror the sond to make it come out of both right and left speaker without recording again it took us 3 days.
when I'm recording/playing a track in Garage Band, I would like that when the "current position" marker reaches the end of the visible area, the view moves to the right so that I can still see what is currently being played.
When using Garage Band I accidently asked it to download the sound files that does not come installed from standard. I do not want these sounds at the moment but now they keep popping up in when searching for software updates.
Im trying to edit a song for a project that im doing but i want/need just the instrumental part of the song and not the singing in the background. can garage band do this or some other program?
how do i plug my guitar into garage band, i mean once i plug my guitar in. how do i switch from my input source from built in microphone when that is the only option under input source?
I am finally upgrading to a MacBook Pro sometime around January, and I am as excited as can be. I do some messing around with audio, but nothing too serious, just things for fun and to show people, every now and then for a school project etc... Mainly playing with samples and I'm looking to get more into it, and start some amateur DJ mixing.
That being said, I'm debating between Logic Express 8 and Garage band (plus several Jam Packs: Remix, Symphony Orchestra, World Music and Rhythm Section) since Logic would be cheaper.
im looking to get a 10,000rpm velociraptor drive and transport all of my current apps and osx from the standard 320 gb drive to the velociraptor. how would i go about doing this? would i need to save everything on an external drive and then transfer it to the velociraptor? or could i just insert the velociraptor into drive bay 2 and then drag everything from the 320 gb hdd in drive bay 1 onto the velociraptor? ive never installed an os on a computer before so this might sound like a dumb question but any information that you might have would be helpful.
My iphone is now linked to my PC iTunes but i wanna get rid of the PC and I want to transfer everything including the itunes account (if there's such thing) to my Macbook iTunes w/c by the way, doesn't have an account yet. How do i do this?
does anyone know if it's possible to copy an entire week in iCal and paste it onto the next week? I've tried fiddling around with it a little bit, but to no avail. The reason for my inquiry is because I have my college class schedule on iCal, and I want to be able to have every week just show up, instead of re-typing it every week.
I'm trying to change an album in itunes. I drag the whole album in itunes: no problem. The artist name is spell slightly different than other albums by the same artist so when I transfer to my ipod you get two artists in your list: problem for me. I select every track in the album, right click and get info. Change the artist name and click ok. The artist name for every track changes however it always leaves the first track on its own while the others move to their own (splitting the album): problem When I check the info/tags nothing seems out of place on that one track? Not the first time this has happened but it seems to be on random albums.
Can anyone explain to me how transfer an entire itunes library from one mac to another(including album covers), I want to avoid duplicate tracks and also want to be able to sift out some crap after, if i just delete a track will it actually be gone or will it still be hanging around in the hard drive somewhere?
Was editing a photo in iPhoto just a few minutes ago and BOOM, I get the "you must restart your computer by holding down the button" prompt and the screen is locked. So I hold it down and restart. Open back up iPhoto after restart and it's like I'm starting it for the first time. It shows ZERO photos. What happened!?!?!
I seek my photos from an external hard drive and the file is still there so how do I reimport them into iPhoto and why did this happen?
I have the Mini iPhoto Library icon which is 70 gigs in size, which has not only my photos in it, but also my preferences. How do I get iPhoto up and working again? Do I just have to tell iPhoto where to look for my library? If so, I forgot how to do this.
I have my iTunes library stored on an external hard drive when using with my MacBook. I've just bought a Mac Mini and want to copy the entire collection over to my Mini's hard drive, but using File > Library > Organise Library and Consolidate files doesn't appear to work. Most files are copied, but some, randomly, aren't. Most of my purchased songs don't get copied either. What's the best way to ensure all of my music files are copied over to my HD so I can copy to my Mini?
I have a hard drive with bad blocks. I backup the data and various other part of the drive to the cloud. However, I want to make a backup of the entire disk but want to be able to access all the data individually as I want to transfer the data onto a new HD and the applications/fonts etc onto an SSD. Also, is it advisable to literally copy the contents of the Applications folder across to the new SSD drive or should they really be re-installed one by one (yikes!)?
This only started happening recently, ever since I added a personal domain. I still host on mobile me, but I just use godaddy for my domain name.
Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a fix for this? because It takes entirely too long to upload my entire site every single time I make any 1 change.
And yes, for the record I am choosing the option "Publish site changes" NOT "Publish Entire site"
I have recently started having a problem in that I don't have administrative write ability on certain folder structures. This problem is predominately in folder structures which are associated with a Sync app that I use called Super Flexible File Synchroniser. I am not able to save new files or edited files into this folder structure from any applications on my Mac i.e. Mail, Parallels, Office, iWork. I have had to save it somewhere else on the hard drive, then drag it into the folder I want it in, then Finder asks me for my password to "Authenticate" this change. Is there a way to give myself ownership of an entire folder structure?
I accidentally deleted my entire iTunes library. What happened was that I intended to delete all the songs from just one artist but for some reason, my iTunes deleted everything in my library which I have collected over the past 6 years. It gets worse because:
1 - I can't get my files back from my iPod because it died about a year ago 2 - I agreed to move all files to my recycle bin (at that point I had no idea I was deleting my entire library) and when I went to check the bin, none of the files were there 3 - I attempted a system restore but all it did was to return my folders with no files in them 4 - I tried to use a couple of undelete files software but none of them found the deleted files.
Pretty much my entire music library is stored in FLAC format, this is something that itunes does not support, so does anybody know of a program like itunes that will file and move around my FLAC files for me.At the moment I am playing them through VLC, but that isn't too practical.
Watch out in Time Machine after you install and upgrade your iPhoto '09 library. My Time Machine just did a fresh backup of it....all 40GB of it! Basically it gave me the same Node require deep traversal on just the iPhoto Library....so I'm guessing it had something to do with the upgrade.
Need some recommendations to doing full image backups of my entire hard drive.I currently use Acronis TrueImage 11 for my PC's but since i have a Macbook, i need to be able to backup both my HFSJ partition (OS X) and my NTFS boot camp partition (Vista).Acronis TI does not read HFSJ partitons and will only backup my NTFS partition.Simply put. I want to have backup images of my entire drive in the event my drive takes a dump.