Applications :: Quitting Word / Excel 2008 Takes Forever
May 24, 2009
My Office 2008 apps (Word / Excel) take forever to quit. When I quit the app, the documents are closed quickly, but then the app stays around for a minute or so, unresponsive, enough to cancel a logout. If I quit the app and wait long enough, it finally quits.
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Feb 8, 2012
I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 7, 2012
After upgrading to Lion, I can no longer see the text in my word documents or excel worksheets. I know the text is there because it appears in the formula bar - it just isn't visible in the cells. I can also see the text if I quickview the excel files. In the word documents, all I can see are the pictures/ text. Weird. I have the latest version of Office 2008 and Lion OS.
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Sep 27, 2009
Microsoft Word Mail Merge launches a file converter when using Excel files as the data source. Nothing new about that. However, when using Mail Merge in Word 2008 and an Excel xlsx file as data source under OS X 10.6, the file converter will not recognize the file unless the extension .xlsx is actually appended to the file name. The file converter used by Word 2008 still recognizes xls files with or without the extension appended, as did the file converter used by Word X.
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Jan 20, 2010
I've got a 1.5 GHz 15" PowerBook G4 with 2 GB RAM. Despite its age, this machine is quite good and, though slowly, does everything I need it to do. Within the past week or so, it's suddenly decided to take a very long time to go to sleep... about a minute or so. It does not matter whether or not I simply close the lid or give it the sleep command from the Apple Menu. Before this happened it took the computer about 1 second or so to get to sleep mode.
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Mar 21, 2012
I just upgraded my Macbook Pro 13.3 (late 2011)'s RAM to 8gb i did everything correctly and rebooted it worked great, i then downloaded a new software update and restarted it and took forever to reboot.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 11, 2012
When I empty the trash in Lion it takes forever. There are 15000 -20000 files in the trash. They look to be coming from the Time Machine backups. Everytime I clean them out they come back.
IMac 27', Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 25, 2014
I have one of the fastest macs available at the moment with full RAM and this new update is crippling my machine. I first dealt with the audio plug ins issue - then deleted those - now I have full functionality BUT - an incredibly slow export time on a 7 minute timeline. This thing should be zippy. I think this update is not so great.
Mac Pro (Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 6 Core
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Dec 16, 2010
-Got the iMac refurbished in mid-2010 (2009 iMac i5)
-Originally planned on mainly using Windows, so I partitioned the drive to 750gb for Windows and the rest for OSX
I eventually got fed-up with certain things about both Windows and certain limitations/glitches within Bootcamp itself and decided it was time to go OSX, and use the machine properly in all it's Apple glory.
I removed the 750gb of the Windows 7 partition, restoring the whole thing back to OSX. At this point, my computer seemed to be working fine still- OSX would boot up in about a minute or so, nothing that seemed out of the ordinary. After that, I still wanted a small partition with Windows 7; so I partitioned 100gb of my drive and proceeded to install Windows 7. During the Windows 7 installation, as had happened the first time I installed Windows 7 with Boot Camp, I got the "Black Screen" issue. If you are unfamiliar with the issue, see here:.......................
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Feb 23, 2010
Uploading my site to my computer (also to my husband's iPhone -- the newest model) takes forever, the slide-show won't work most of the time -- as if it's frozen, clicking on individual images, does not work repeatedly. It is as if the sit has uploaded incorrectly. When I re-load (exit the site and attempt again) because the uploading icon is spinning, it takes, again, much too long and the problem is not corrected. Is there anything I can do? [URLs]
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Aug 30, 2014
I have a macbook pro mid 2012 non-retina (2.6 GHz Intel core I7 processor, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3) . I installed mavericks 10.9.4 and windows 7 through bootcamp. Almost every time I have to restart the computer, in order to use Windows, it just takes forever to do so. It is permanently stuck in the grey screen with the loading icon and eventually I have to shut it down manually.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 2, 2012
I bought a new macbookpro and tried to move my large Iphoto library with migration assistent. The assistent created a new user account.It wasn't nessesary because I will be the only one to use this computer. The process of removing (not only the user, but also the 45gig home folder) takes forever... Now more than 24hours and I can't shut down system preferences.Can I interrupt this process, without affecting my admin account, and re-delete the user in the normal way? (Without the safe-option that overwrites 30 times the things I want to delete) And how? I know it's best to leave it alone, but time is a factor.
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Mar 23, 2012
My 13" Macbook Air (Late 2011) takes forever to resume from sleep. The screen is almost instantly on, but my mouse and keyboard will not function for another 10-15 seconds, anyone else have this problem? It's very annoying as the MBA's claim to fame is a two second resume from sleep.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 26, 2014
my work computer (Windows), but my 2012 iMac that I've had for 2 years has worked flawlessly up until recently. A few days ago it started taking forever to display files in finder. I had to keep relaunching, and it would freeze. I tried the workaround that was posted here but that didn't work either. It went away for a few days, but last night it really came back with a vengeance. The relaunch finder trick only showed the current folder, while navigating to other folders would simply show the loading icon forever.
Also, my iMac was shutdown for over an entire day yesterday, and when I turned it on the " Your computer restarted because of a problem". came up. I've never experienced this problem before, but after 3-4 tries it finally logged in to the Home screen. This is when I noticed the above (finder problems) returning from a few days ago after being absent. The finder issues continued, so I restarted the mac, and it just kept cycling over and over (reboot, try to load, auto-reboot, etc.).
Is this an issue with the HDD? I did a disk utility check the other day and it said everything was in great shape.
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Jan 21, 2008
There are absolutely no add-ins for Excel 2008 for mac! I really need the data analysis toolpak for school and work. Does anybody know if it's possible to download this toolpak from somewhere and install it? I've tried looking and have come up with nothing so far.
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Sep 2, 2014
spinning ball with movement and clicking cursor. spins forever. temporary fix running disc utilities, clean my mac and roboot. Same error found in safari preferences but recurs frequently and requires repeating fix for brief correction.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.66 Ghz processor
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Jan 4, 2010
I'm having a problem where whenever I change a particular cell in a relatively complex spreadsheet I built, Excel crashes. The cell is a trigger cell that changes a list of assumptions to calculate a particular scenario. The spreadsheet was working fine and then, all of sudden, this problem arose. I had this same problem about 3 weeks ago and ended up copying individual tabs into a new spreadsheet and globally replacing the links so it was working. That worked okay until this most recent incident. The stranger thing is it seems I can open the spreadsheet using Excel for Windows and it doesn't crash.
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Jun 17, 2010
One of my favorite functions doesn't work - really weird. When I get to line 50 of the workbook it stops working! It doesn't matter if I cut n paste, drag or manually input the formulae it just stops ! Every row above row 50 - it works - below 50 ... nope #value appears. So an argument is wrong - but I'm inserting the same argument that works above !!!!
Is this an Mac Office glitch or am I losing my mind
Any advice appreciated . . . Stu
edit: just realised that if I increase the lookup to row 75 the reference works up to row 75 but not beyond - weird. I can't replicate the problem on MS Office on a pc !
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Sep 24, 2010
I have been trying to insert a simple monthly calendar into an excel spreadsheet, but cant find a way to do this on the mac version that im running. Any hints would be great. Idealy i would like to be able to just insert a calendar for that month but if i had to insert the whole calendar each time that would be fine too
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Dec 6, 2010
Some content in Name.xls may not be saved because it is not compatible with the Excel 97-2004 Workbook (.xls) file format. Do you still want to save the workbook in this format? To save the workbook in a new format and preserve all content, click No, and then on the Format pop-up menu, click Excel Workbook (.xlsx). To save the workbook in the current format and remove all incompatible content, click Yes." Somehow I managed to not read the popup properly and just went ahead and saved (clicked "yes"). I then closed the spreadsheet and now all the work from the past 4 hours is gone.
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Jan 28, 2008
I know Excel 2008 does not support VB macros, but did anyone notice that "Macros..." is still available under the Tools menu? I wonder why it's there? BTW, I saved an old file in Excel 2008 that had macros and then opened it in Excel 2004 to see if the macros are still there. They are. That's a big relief, because I know I can at least work on files that have VB code in them without worrying that if I save the file in Excel 2008 format the macros will go poof. Ooof
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Feb 1, 2008
Is anyone else getting this problem? When I hit Command+S in a worksheet, Excel unexpectedly quits. Very frustrating as backing up is kind of a problem.
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Feb 17, 2008
I need to make a very, very simple line graph. In column A, I have a list of years. In column B, I have the data....numbers that correspond to something in that year. Simple, right? It really couldn't be any less complex. I selected both columns, then I went to create a new line graph, and it created a graph that had the years (from 0-2500 even though the actual range is 1973-2005) on the Y axis, and the data on the X axis. And each column of data was its own series, so I had 2 lines, which, due to the scales, was basically 2 horizontal lines. I removed the extra series (the year series), and was able to get the line to look right. It also put the column B data on the Y axis like I want, but on the X axis, it just counts from 1-33. But I want the years on the X axis. How the hell do I do this? I'm 99% positive Excel 2004 let you set the X axis labels.....did they really remove it in 2008? This seems like something that should be so simple, I shouldn't have to post on a forum to figure out
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Feb 28, 2009
I have a very limited knowledge of Excel, but generally find that I can figure things out eventually. However, this time, I just can't seem to tweek it so the result is what I want.
I have a spreadsheet for tracking parts ordered, and simply need to display how many days a part has been on order. I have a column for date ordered, and one for date received. Is there a way to program the formula to tell me the days that a part has been on order without displaying today's date in the spreadsheet (leaving it blank), and still be able to enter the date that it does arrive for our records?
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Nov 7, 2009
New to Mac and new to Office 2008. When i try to save an excel file once I click the little upside down triangle to choose where the file should save to the dialogue box which opens is larger than the screen with the save box to the right of the screen. How do i resize this so that I can see, and use, the whole dialogue box?
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Dec 30, 2009
In my old old old excel 2003 when I was searching for some words in excel sheet (e.g. in the column) I could choose "to find all" option. So I saw all the results in the "find" window. In excel 2008 for Mac I can see search results only one by one not altogether. On microsoft site
I couldn't find tha answer also. Does anyone know how to make it in excel 2008 for mac so i could see all search results in the "find" window?
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Jan 7, 2010
How do I get data analysis in excel 2008 in mac?
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May 21, 2010
This might be the weirdest software bug I've ever seen. It looks like maybe a programmer for Microsoft was having some fun. Here is what happens:
A spreadsheet that a coworker uses for purchase order requests has several cells in a column with a SUM field that calculates the number of units to purchase multiplied by the unit price (not sure why they use SUM for just a multiplication, but I don't know if that matters).
If you delete the contents of one of these cells and type in something else (or just type something else without deleting first), then exit the cell, an error message pops up that says, "You can't do that!!!!! So quit trying!!!" with options Cancel and Retry.
Retry doesn't do anything, Cancel clears what you put in the cell. Copying and pasting the cells into a different row creates the same issue.
I've attached several screen shots to show steps to reproduce:
Picture 1 - column F has the suspicious cells
Picture 2 - the calculation
Picture 3 - after deleting the contents
Picture 4 - enter some text, before exiting the cell
Picture 5 - error message after exiting the cell
The only workaround was deleting the entire row and entering those calculations again. I have no idea what to make of this, and internet searches have come up empty.
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Mar 19, 2008
The left edge of my excel formula bar is not showing-almost as if it was pushed off the left side of the desktop (see picture). Unfortunately, the only part of the formula bar that allows it to move is now hidden, so I can no longer move the formula bar. I have tried switching the formula bar on and of in "View" and also tried re-loading excel, but it is stuck. Does anybody know how to reset the formula bar position?
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May 20, 2008
I'm trying to use Excel 2008 (I wish I still had my old 2004 CD with me) to do some plotting and it's near impossible. I'm plotting spectrum data off of an optical spectrum analyzer, so we're talking some 3000 data points. I select the data, create a chart (annoying as hell in itself) and once the chart shows up I can't do anything without at least a 10-20second wait, I can't select an axis, move the chart, rename it or anything. Why is this so slow and is there anything I can do to speed things up? Doing such plotting using an old school Excel on an old computer running Windows 2000 was no problem at all.
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