Applications :: Won't Open Fan Control / Saying Restart System Prefrances
Apr 27, 2010
(Not SMCFancontrol by the way). I am running Snow Leopard, and every time I had to open Fan Control, it would restart System Preferences (presumably to launch in 32-bit mode). Now however, it still says "..needs to restart System Preferances" but when I press OK, System Preferences does not reopen. Hence I can't access the application.
you are running SMC fan control at a low or medium fan setting, that the smc overrides those settings if the Mac starts to overheat and requiring fans to be above those settings?So far I'm using SMC at Medium fan settings, my CPU fan is constantly at 2150 RPM range. Having your Mac cooler than normal for the price of some lower fans is quite worth it, but I'm worried that if I am using a lot of high CPU apps that the fans won't automatically go up, because right now i'm compressing some 7zip archives of old data and the CPU is around 104 F, 2150 RPM fan still, it didn't change one bit from CPU at 90 F idle and 2150 RPM idle
I've been having a problem with Snow Leopard since I installed it, and it's been bugging me like mad, but I haven't been able to find a solution or anyone with a similar case anywhere. Today, however, I tried again, and I ran across this news article, which perfectly described my problem:
Finally, twice in the past week now I have experienced a very old Mac OS X bug that I thought was gone for good: All of a sudden, when I try launching an application, the application's Dock icon starts bouncing endlessly in the Dock and the application never fully launches. Instead, eventually (after a few minutes of endless bouncing), the bouncing stops, but the application icon stays there without the status light indicating that it's open, and right-clicking on it results in an "Application not responding" message. You can force-quit and try again, but it won't work any better the second time.
And once this starts happening, if you want to get anything accomplished with your Mac, you really have no choice but to restart the entire machine.Has anyone experienced anything similar and/or knows how to fix it? It really inhibits me from doing almost anything with my Mac when I can't open any applications./edit: To add some context, this only happens after my laptop has been running for a while and seems to affect some applications but not others (maybe those that have already run since restart are fine?). I still have over 1.2gb of free RAM while I try it, so I don't think it's a memory issue either.
This is my biggest software design pet peeves. I hate when applications make too many choices for the user. Don't get me wrong, I don't like when a program asks the same question over and over again either. So I'm using firefox and I had about four or five windows open. And it froze up for over five minutes so I force killed it. When I opened it again it automatically tried to open all those websites I had open before - all at the same time. This isn't even a bug, it's the designers bad choice. I don't even need them open. I was only still using one. And I don't know which one caused the freeze (probably a flash heavy website like abercrombie) but I certainly don't want to open that one again. I'm trying to get Firefox to not do this anymore.
could not be sure whether the Admin user - password reset with the CD would be the solution to my question as suggested in previous threads I searched - and have no idea where my start up install CD is
So my question-
I was trying to put parental control to ask for password when my computer starts up. I did something I guess and messed up the info.
I can log in with my own account when I restart my apple - which says now it is a standard account (must have messed that up)- but can not make any changes on system preferences or anything else that requires login and password. It requires Admin info. My own login that I use now used to be my admin so do not have any other info set.
now on system pref - accounts - an account titled "test" seems to be admin but can not even access that and reverse myself to be the admin since I can not unlock system pref. Or cant click on "Login Options" for the same reason.
There are no other users on this computer than me.
I have a Mac Pro and not too long ago I swapped from a fat, heavy and filthy white Apple Keyboard to a new skinny silver one. I like it, and also love that the F7-9 Skip Back-Pause/Play-Skip Forward keys work for iTunes, even when another app is active (what's the word I'm looking for - in focus or whatever). But I use Optical output, so the volume keys (F10-12) don't do anything. I know that, when iTunes is the active app, I can command-+/- to change the volume, but I'd love to be able to map the F10-12 keys to do that - without having to have iTunes active (playing, but not the active window).
I transferred a Powerpoint 2008 presentation using a USB memory stick from my new iMac (latest OSX) to an older iMac (OSX 10.4.11) but could not open the file either by double-click or from the Powerpoint 2004 application on that computer. The file icon as transferred is a Zip file and when I double-click iI get a window saying 'Archiving file ...' but it doesn't open. Neither do I get an unzipped icon to open. I confirmed that BOMArchivehelper is enabled and exists on the computer. What am I missing?
Is smcFanControl still the best to use to increase rpm's on fans for macs? Or is there anything new out?This iMac get EXTREMELY HOT on the top left corner it can burn your hand how bad it is.The atual temps are within limits with istat but that excessive heat on the back left top corner is concerning me. If i keep my hand on it for more then 5 seconds it will actually burn my hand.
After upgrading from OS X 10.5.8 to 10.6(and 10.6.1) my control panel Security does not open but crashes. With the upgrade to 10.6.1 the control panel now says "loading Security (32 bit" but will not open the Security control panel. All other control panels icons work on my duel 2.93 Mac Pro.
I tried to set-up a parental control but set it up wrong. Now when i go to undo the changes a made system preferences crashes every time.What can i do?
I am setting up a mac mini for a friend who is an elderly and I need an easier way to turn on a mac mini instead of having him reach down in the bottom and extend his arm all the way into the back of the mini. Is there a remote control somewhere that can be programmed?
I let my iMac sleep when not in use. I have a logitech harmony 550 remote control for my TV. If I press a button on the logitech remote it wakes up the iMac. I went to the bluetooth devices connected and it only shows the mouse and keyboard. How can I correct this issue. The remote control is infrared not RF. My iMac is a 27" Quad Core i7, magic mouse & wireless keyboard.
When I boot up the computer,I get a grey screen and what looks like a yellow firewire logo slowly floating around.I don't know much about computers but I was told it had something to do withmy computer waiting to be controlled by another computer.
how to open mission control using magic trackpad. I tried swapping three fingers up, but it did not work. Three fingers only highlights, it does not open any application.
System update to 10.5.4 without difficulty. Today I followed instructions for Mobile Me system update. Then attempted restart. Now start up sequence stops with gray screen and spinning gear. I ran disk utility from Leopard start-up disk- no problem found. Still can't start from Mac Hard drive. What to do next?
I'm using Snow Leopard 10.6.8 on a MacMini Server. Just set up the computer up and am trying to get user accounts for all of my family members. I have set up two Admin accounts, and want to set up a standard account for my child utilizing Parental Controls. When I set up the user, there is no box to check that says "Enable Parental Controls" and there is not Parental Control Icon in the System Preferences>System tab next to the "Accounts" icon. I have updated the system software using "Software Update" and have no programs or apps installed that did not come with my server from Apple.
is there a way to keep the menu bar open always, without altering system codes or erasing system folders? when anything is in full screen, it disappears and I want to see the clock.
I'm running 10.6.4. I have noticed for quite a while now (pre 10.6.2?) that after restarting my computer or logging out I have to re authenticate in System Preferences, even just to use Energy Saver! Once authenticated, everything stays normal until my next restart. I am admin and have one other test account which is standard.
This is extremely annoying when I want to quickly change something trivial like my network settings or whatever and I have to type in a complicated password.
hi! Today i started having this bug with iphoto. if i close the window in the x it quites the iphoto instead of closing the window. then i use cmd + tab and iphoto is not running. i thought it was some random temporary bug and restarted the system but i'm still having the bug. anyone know how to fix this?
Im new to these forums. I have just (5 months) purchased a new Macbook pro. I have upgraded the RAM to 4GB, but only recently since ive been in Canada (1 month) experienced this problem. The screen goes grey once a day and the computer asks me to restart the system. I believe its called a Kernal Panic. Ive read on other places that it might be caused by recently installed apps. But i have got rid of these and now nothing has changed! I havnt got my Install CD on me therefore cannot run a reboot. Im not sure if the issues are related but the Mac also kicks me out and makes me log in again. this doesnt happen as frequently but is still concerning and rather frustrating.
I just rebooted my iMac for the second time after getting a system crash (the grey box on the screen that says, "You need to restart your computer..."). After I held the power button, and turned it back on, this message popped up AGAIN, but this time while it was still on the white screen.
Two system crashes... in a row? -once while using the computer -again while restarting it
Why did this happen twice? Overall I've noticed my iMac has been sluggish since installing Snow Leopard. I realized it happens whenever I plug in my Line6 TonePort (which is a USB device which switches the audio to go to my speakers via 1/4" outputs). I don't understand why this is suddenly causing the problem, it's been working fine for the last 2 years.
Ive read tons of threads about system prefs not remembering things and i am still yet to find something that fixes this problem. When i restart, or shut down and reboot, once i enter my password system prefs wont remember a single thing. not my default browser, not the size of my dock or my background. it takes all the songs out of my itunes and forgets all the passwords to my accounts online. it removes icons from my dock for example i added firefox to the computer and when i restart firefox is in the app folder but the icon wont stay on the dock. this is driving me insane. ive repaired permissions countless times.
my MacBook wonT restart I tried a system update but it failed, then said to restart my it won't restar. Just get the beginnings of a restart then to grey apple with spinning...nothing!!
I'm looking for a way to restart a native system service automatically if it ever gets turned off, specifically the screen sharing service. We have a shared Mac Mini running Lion, and sometimes the remote users get click-happy and shut off screen sharing in the middle of the night. I'm not sure if AppleScript or a plist is the way to go, or if there's an alternative solution I don't know about.
I have to repair an external hard drive and disc utility said to restart my computer wit the system disc and thenrepair the disc. Iforget how to do that. I insert the USC and then hold down some keys I believe, but not sure.
After updating the system wants to restart but hangs on the Restarting screen since about 10' - writing on iPad. I couldn't find other topics so I post mine. Will do a hard shutdown and restart. In some minutes.
if this kind topic has been discussed before, i just have no time to check. So i need your help ASAP.So yes i have bootcamp'ed my macbook to windows 7 34bit. And i think i made a mistake during installing it.Well when given the partition, it was 4 partitions , i chose bootcamp partition, but unfortunately it cant be installed on it, so i tried to format the bootcamp partition, and it's ok, so i have done it.But the problem is, i couldn't get into the mac whenever i restart or shutdown and turn on back.
When I quit my programs & then shut down my computer upon restarting my computer the programs open up automatically. Why are the programs not shutting down?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)