Applications :: Viewing Videos From IPhoto In Front Row?
Sep 10, 2010
I just had one of those mac moments (i.e. that's so awesome!!!!) with iPhoto as I loaded some of my recently taken photos and videos up. I also checked Front Row, and it's awesome that it can view the pictures as slide shows and all, but I can't find how to view the videos located in iPhoto via Front Row.
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Dec 27, 2007
Is there a way to view photos in Front Row without iPhoto especially for those don't have iLife? A mate of mine's MacBook is running Tiger - he wants to view his photos using Front Row but doesn't own iLife'08 so currently he is unable to view them. Is there a way round this? Our other mates have Media Center on their PCs which they can simply view their photos from any folder/location which is a bit of a drag as iPhoto is required to view your photos in Front Row on Macs - quite ridiculous. They'd have a field day once they know he cannot view his photos using a media viewer software which they can on their PCs! If there is no other way round this, I'll have to pass on my old copy of iLife'04 to him. Hope you all had a good Xmas by the way.
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Jan 30, 2009
I have about 20 hours of low res digicam videos sitting in iphoto. When I launch Imovie, it loads all 20 hours without asking then proceeds to quit unexpectedly if I try to do anything. Is there a way to prevent iphoto from loading all of them without deleting the videos from my iPhoto library? I have about a 30 minute video I would like to edit I'm frustrated.How about removing all those clips except the ones I care about? Can I do that? (after waiting 20-30 minutes for them to load)
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Jul 10, 2009
I just got a Macbook Pro 13" and one of the problems is when i view a HD video on YouTube, during playback it stops and starts constantly.. Is this a connection problem and if so are there any ways i can enhance it? Or is there a way to change some settings from within the OS?
I am connected to my home wifi network and it works great for everything else. Regular YouTube videos playback fine.
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Nov 27, 2009
Not sure if this is the right section, but I was just wonder which do you guys prefer to watch movies and videos on, Mac or PC?
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Dec 24, 2008
I just got a new Mac after a long long time....
So I want to watch videos downloaded from the internet, either M3U or PLS . The files seem to be automatically transfered to itunes for playing, and yet it is not able (maybe not compatible?) to play these types of files...
I have tried opening these files with other applications: Quick Time or Adobe Flash Player as the video supplier advises...but nothing I assume they are already itune files...
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Jan 12, 2006
i'm trying to play a video on front row, but I'm not getting any sound from it. It's an .avi file, and I know it works as it plays in VLC and on my Windows box fine. There were also a few files that had no sound and no picture and other with sound and no picture.
I know very little about video, but I'm guessing that I need some codecs to play them? It's not a big problem, but I like bing able to play them with out have to get out of bed
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Oct 2, 2009
Some videos show up in imovie . But some dont for some reason . The ones i want , i cant get it into imovie for some reason . Anyone know why ?
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Jan 8, 2010
Made the mistake of emptying the camera memory before importing the movie files into imovie. Now I can't get the videos to import into imovie. This is quite annoying. Have looked at the web and people suggest converting them but then you lose quality- is that correct?
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Jan 11, 2011
I'd like to watch some of my TV DVDs on my iMac, but when I do, it deinterlaces. What I'd like to see is 50 field per second smooth motion, not rubbishy 25 fps "filmised" motion with combing artifacts. Is this possible, and if so, how do you do it?
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Mar 23, 2010
I've amassed a relatively large collection of videos (sporting events, concerts, TV shows, etc.)--all in different formats and most of them not iTunes/iPhoto-compatible as is. My question is: is there a nice, clean app that allows me to manage all of my videos (and perhaps tag them with keywords) just like iPhoto does for photos? I know that I could go through and convert all of them, but like I said, I have a large collection, so that'd be more trouble than it's worth.
I've checked out yFlicks, but it appears to not be 10.6-compatible right now.
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Mar 29, 2010
I'm running iPhoto '06 right now and I don't want it to import videos, since it never can tell that they're duplicates and thus I end up with many copies of the same thing (which is difficult to clean up, since I have to go into Finder to do it). So I have two questions:
1) Can you stop iPhoto '06 from importing videos entirely?
2) If I upgraded to iPhoto '09, would that fix the problem? As in, will it either be able to recognize duplicate videos, or allow me to stop video importing?
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Apr 29, 2010
I am running iMovie '09 (8.0.6) and iPhoto '09 (8.1.2) running on a late 2007 iMac with Snow Leopard (10.6.3).
I have dozens of avi format videos imported from my point and shoot digital camera in the iPhoto library and iMovie used to be able to see them. Not any more. It now recognizes only a handful from a couple of years back.
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May 5, 2010
I was previously running Leopard with iPhoto '08. With this setup all .mov format movies that I took with my digital camera imported into iPhoto along with the pictures. They showed up in thumbnail view along with the pictures and I could launch the movies in Quicktime by double-clicking on the movie thumbnail in iPhoto.
After upgrading to Snow Leopard (but still using iPhoto '08) the video thumbnails still show up, but double-clicking on them does nothing. Double-clicking on image thumbnails still opens the image as normal. I can still view the movies by right-clicking, selecting "show file," and then double-clicking on the movie thumbnail in Finder.
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Jan 2, 2007
I'm running the latest MacOS X on my new MacBook Pro. What I'd like to do is have the screensaver get automatically disabled when I view videos, and then to have it re-enabled when I am finished viewing.
Under Linux, I accomplished this by wrapping the invocation dialog of my video viewer in a script which turns off the screensaver, runs the viewer, and then turns on the screensaver again when the viewer exits. Is there a way to do something similar under MacOS X? ... maybe with AppleScript?
Yes, I know that I can manually turn off the screensaver, view the video, and the turn the screensaver back on. And I also know that I can move the mouse or interact with the keyboard periodically when viewing. However, I don't want to have to do either of these things ... I'd like this to be fully automated, if possible.
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Jun 28, 2012
What has happened to video downloads in YouTube? In the Activity window I used to be able to option double click on the video file and it would download so that I can view offline. Now I notice that video files are broken into 1.7MB pieces and have an expiry time (I think(?)). Is this YouTube's attempt at controlling piracy? So how can someone download these videos for offline viewing? I don't do this to pirate anything.
Its simply that its more convenient to have it on my disk for a short period of time so that I can view it when offline or want to have much quicker access to the video e.g. I have been following some tutorials on playing the guitar. Often I need to start and stop and search through the video for a particular segment. If I have to wait for the video to load from YouTube it takes some seconds or minutes which can be quite frustrating.
iMac Intel, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac (late 2010) Core i7 16GB RAM
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Jun 15, 2010
I have the iMac 27. I want to connect my iMac to my TV so I can use Front Row and play my stored vids via the TV. Can anyone tell me if this is possible. I have Sky+ and my TV has a spare scart and AV inputs.
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Aug 12, 2007
I've takes some videos with my digital camera. When I connect it to my Mac, iPhoto opens up and imports them, and I have all the videos in their own event.
When I open up iMovie 08 to edit these clips, they do not show up in the event library under iPhoto videos.
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Sep 28, 2009
My iPhoto Videos are appearing in iMovie '09 with the wrong dates and times, but the dates and times in iPhoto are correct. Rather than adjust the info manually, is there a way of correcting it?
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Feb 26, 2010
Anyone know if this is known problem? I have loads of my video imported directly into iPhoto (I have compact camera which takes photos and video). When in iMovie I click on 'iphoto Videos' in the 'event library pane' and after a lot of thinking iMovie crashes!
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May 8, 2010
Not sure if anyone else has this problem or not, I noticed on my 2007 model MacBook Pro, that when I view videos through either Safari, Firefox or any other browser, my GPU temp goes up to around 81 degree celsius unless fans kick in OR I set them to kick in.
I observe temp using iStat Widget.
On the other hand, I just finished watching a movie on my very same laptop through VLC, that is through a media player and not through flash and noticed that temperature barely hit 63 degree celsius. I know flash still has issues and that this will not probably improve with my model ever in the future, but is it normal and should I live with it?
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Apr 22, 2012
Service works, except for one big problem:Videos in PowerPoint do not play for people viewing remotely.
How do I solve this problem?Â
iPad-3G 64Gig & MacBook Air 11, Mac OS X (10.6.6), iPad 2 iPhone 4S/IOS 5
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Aug 24, 2009
I'm a new mac user and I'm totally lost when it comes to troubleshooting my problems.
I've been trying to access my iphoto application for the past couple of days and it isn't working as it should. The application is open and when I place my mouse in a corner of the screen, the iphoto screen shows up in my boxes view, but I'm unable to click on it. As soon as I click on the screen it disappears. So the application is open and the options bar appears across the top of the screen, but I'm unable to view it normally.
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Apr 29, 2012
Friends with Iphonez and Ipads are not able to view my photos emailed out of my Macbook Pro through Iphoto. The photos look distorted (too tall and too wide) and if I send multiple emails containing photos, the same set of photos keeps going out. So weird...can't figure it out.
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Oct 23, 2010
Any news of Front Row in Lion? Apple is selling the mac mini without any new interface? Apple really needs to offer us something over front row which I don't think has been updated since 2007. So Apple how about it?
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Jan 8, 2011
I am doing a school project where I need videos. How do you rip videos off Youtube and have them in the format for imovie (free). Also does anyone know how to rip videos off the c-span website?
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Nov 6, 2010
I used my iPhone 4 to record some video taken over a vacation in hopes of making a movie whenever I could. Today, I imported my videos from my iPhone into my Macbook Pro using iPhoto, and then iMovie automatically synced the videos just placed in iPhoto First of all, I posted the exact same topic in the "Digital Media" section, however it's been about two weeks since, and I've received no response due to the section's user traffic, or lack thereof.
Now, my problem is that I recorded about 5-6 hours of footage and iMovie has it all in one location called "iPhoto Videos." Furthermore, whenever I click into that location (folder), iMovie lags ridiculously it's very hard for me to navigate between the various days as it's all compiled into one location/folder.
Also, I'd like to mention that I've made movies before, however they were neatly organized by date as I was able to import the footage straight to iMovie instead of iPhoto (using a digital camera with a video recording feature).
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Mar 15, 2012
I would like to know if someone can show me how I go about emailing video clips in iPhoto?
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Jan 9, 2009
Whats the difference between a g3 with a shiney front to a matt front? (which is earlier/later)
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Feb 10, 2012
I upgraded to Lion and sadly, Front Row is not supported. I somehow found the Front Row app in my systems folder and moved it to my Applications folder. Front Row now shows up in my applications folder, as well as Launchpad. However, when I go into Front Row, it does not recognize any of my media from iTunes. I tried out this website: [URL] to no avail. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make Front Row work in OS X Lion.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Front Row in Lion
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