Applications :: Shira Users - Command For Tabbed Window Expose
Jun 5, 2009Does such a command exist? And/Or is there any way to place that "expose tab" button at the top of the toolbar?
View 1 RepliesDoes such a command exist? And/Or is there any way to place that "expose tab" button at the top of the toolbar?
View 1 RepliesAny app for MAC OS that will display my active windows? The app can run in the menubar or dock, or mount next to the doc. Basically, something like the taskbar from Windows XP and Vista. Not Windows 7 as that shows the active programs, but not specific windows. I'm basically looking for an Expose alternative. So if I have 10 different windows running for Firefox, I can quickly look at my menubar or somewhere near the dock, and just click the window I want to see. Yes, I know that is what Expose is for, but I prefer to see me active windows without using a shortcut.
So far here's what I've tried:
-Going to System Preferences, and unchecking "Minimize windows into application icon" in the Dock settings. This offered a partial solution as the icons could not be distinguished for the same program. 10 firefox windows minimized would just show 10 firefox icons.
-Googling the following terms:
app switcher for mac
mac expose apps
show running apps in menubar
show expose items in menubar
pin active applications to menubar in mac
always show expose for mac
application management for mac
I've also tried running these apps:
alunch: [URL]
WindowFinder 1.4: [URL]
Running Applications for Mac: [URL]
XMenu: [URL]
Himmelbar: [URL]
All of these apps more or less place one icon in the menubar, which when clicked on shows your running apps, favorite apps, and system folders. This is fine, and is very similar to the windows start button. However, they all fall short because they only place one icon in the menubar, which must be clicked on to show active apps or active windows. Can someone please point me to an app that will always be on my screen, and will show icons or labels of active windows.
Again, similar to Windows taskbar before Windows 7. I know this is a difference in Mac and Windows, and that I can use the dock to see my active applications, and use the various shortcuts to see my windows, but there's got to be an app that will just always shows my active windows. So if I have Apple Mail Open, and have 3 compose new mail windows going, I would like to see 4 icons or labels somewhere in the menubar or near the dock. I'm on a Macbook Pro - OS 10.6.4
With Safari 5 if I open a second tab and choose a bookmark folder and "Open in Tabs" the original active tab disappears. I can get back to the original tab if I go back in the history and thus closing the tabs from the bookmark folder. So my question is there anyway to keep my current tab while still loading all the bookmarks in that folder in tabs?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thought from the keynote this function was available. I can't figure out how to do it and didn't see any info about it anywhere. For people with big screens it could really be useful.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there was a way to close windows while in expose mode. For example, I hate it when I go to a site and a few pop ups come up and i turn on expose mode and i have to click on each one and make it come up and then press exit and then reopen expose and then click on another pop up and then exit and reopen expose and etc etc... To be more specific its kind of like the new windows 7 feature where you hover your mouse over the icon at the bottom and those little windows come up (kinda like expose) but those little windows have little x's where you can just exit the window without having to click on it and then exit and then go back down to the little icon and etc etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedExpose rocks! but apple should make the three buttons in the upper left corner of every window accessible when the window is shrunken by expose. That way you could close the window without having to select it first. On a side note, they added the ability to close a finder window by right clicking on it when its minimized in the dock, but this appears to be a feature that is left up to the developer of the ap to include (all the other aps don't have a close menu)
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a key command to minimize every window that is open? I used to use Win+M on Windows to do this, but I really miss being able to do this since I switched to OS X.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs this just how the OS works or is there a setting I can configure. I'm used to being able to alt-tab on Windows and open a window and bring it to the front regardless whether it is minimized.
When I command-tab (or do the four finger thing on Macbook) it sort of opens it. The program bar at the top becomes active for that program but the window doesn't come out of minimize.
Seems odd. Am I doing something wrong? Or do I just need to get used to Mac and learn another way to do things?
When I restart my computer, not all of the users are shown in the Login Window. Only the Master account is shown. When I LOGOUT only then are all of the users shown. How do I get all of the users shown in the LOGIN window when the computer is restarted?
View 5 Replies View RelatedRecently, my newer (last year) iMac probably running 10.5 started speaking and wont shut up... there is no obvious way to turn it off. I usually figure problems out myself but there are no system preferences that effect it. I even changed the voice in preferences as a test and it is still the same guy reading everything clicked in all applications except when I am in system preferences so far. Usually when I run into a dead end like this there is some mystery key command that works... anyone know?I also noticed that some of the top line (f) keys are not doing what they are supposed to any longer as well... volume up opens the window for expose & spaces it looks like and does not control the volume monitor brightness controls are not working either... I went to the key and mouse preferences and set the key strokes to default and still the same.
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View 7 Replies View RelatedToday when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).
When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access.
As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint).
Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am currently am MBA student and must create projects using power point/ keynote, very often. Many of the power points/ keynotes created by students are informative but lack the ability to hold an audience’s attention (boring). Since I have this wonderful Macbook pro, I would like to create a dynamic keynote presentation which would include clips of audio and video files (I already know about converting keynote to power point). The only problem is, the videos I want to use in the keynote presentation are not able to be manipulated in iMovie (due to their format), and if they where able to be manipulated in iMovie, I’m not sure that PC users would be able to properly view them.
What video format (including embedded audio) is able to be viewed and heard by both OSX Lion users and Windows users? If this is possible, can anyone suggest a safe application that I can purchase from the apple app store that will allow me to convert video files (including embedded audio) so that it can be viewed by both Lion and PC users? Preferably one that does not need access to the internet in order to convert the files ( I’m on the go allot and use an air card for internet access), but I will take it if this is the best option. If the app store does not have this type of application, is there a place that I can download a safe one?
MacBook Pro
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Using Command + M means minimised a window. But in CS3, pressing Command + M out comes the curves. Is there a command key to minimise the image. When image open in CS3, it automatically occupy a small space at the top left corner but leaving a large space that I still can see desktop folders or files in the background. How do I default it so that it autmatically occupy the whole screen.
View 3 Replies View RelatedStarted using a mac through work and bought my first 20" imac 8 months ago. Haven't looked back.However, since the update to 10.5.7 my imac has crashed applications every time I select the print command in any application that can print.
I'm printing to an Epson Acculaser C1100 via USB, which worked perfectly before the 10.5.7 update.
I've searched forums and other sites for a solution but drawn a blank. Here's what I've done so far:Twice reinstalled the 10.5.7 update using the Combo update option, repairing permissions before and after.Removed the Epson folder from the Printers folder in the library and reinstalled the drivers from the original Epson disk, from the OS X disks that came with the mac, and from the latest driver posted on the Epson site. Each time, no effect.Removed all references to Epson from my machine (via a Finder search) and reinstalled the drivers in the three ways listed above.
Each time the result is the same; when I click the print command or the print icon in any application the application spins the coloured wheel for a while then crashes.Some applications (such as Pages) report that the crash may be related to a file called EpsonPagePDE.plugin, which I've found and deleted from the library several times, to no avail.Updated to 10.5.8.The printer works perfectly from my Mac G4 laptop and from a Windows Vista laptop.In just about every other way I'm delighted with my conversion to mac 9 months ago, but this has me beaten.
Does anyone know how to do this? I've installed many Applications (compiling from source) with the command line, but how do I uninstall them?
View 16 Replies View RelatedWhen I hit Command Q, in normal cases it should fully close the app, but in my case its only minimising it and restores previously active sessions (eg. on Safari) However when i hit the x button it fully closes the app instead of minimising it.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm very new to the Mac world.
I just installed Office '08, and noticed that all the various programs within it, such as Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc, are all now in my dock, yet if my wife or daughter log into their account, it is not there, so they must go in through the "applications" and click on "office" then click whichever program they want. I'm not sure why it does not come up on their dock, but it is there on mine. If I drag the program onto their dock, will it stay there, and, will it affect anything else?
I've been having some connection issues with Skype, and would like to know if its possible to use iChat to do audio&video chats with Windows users? I know iChat supports AIM, so I assume these users would need to install AIM to make this happen.
If such a setup works, is it possible to conference with multiple users?
I've just created another user account on my mbp, and the problem I'm having is that there are certain applications of mine that the 2nd user doesn't want or need, however when I go onto that account and remove the application it also deletes it from my account?
Is this normal, and is there any way around this? So that I can pick and choose which applications exist on the 2nd account?
Basically I am fed up with powerpoint, I think its a horrible application, dont have the money or any other use for a MAC right now although I can forsee buying one as my next laptop.
My question is
Is there a keynote or similar application that I can use on my pc/windows vista instead of horrible powerpoint?
I recently got this new job where I have to video chat with clients living in China. The company wants me to use the Chinese QQ chat client; however, for macs, you can't video chat. Does anybody know of a chat client I can use on the mac (windows messenger?) that will let me video chat with somebody using QQ? I'm afraid if I don't solve this problem, I'll be out of a job. Note: I do not have windows installed on this computer, nor do I really want to splurge the money to get it since this is a low-paying job.
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View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Macs and was in the middle of renaming a song that was currently playing on my itunes. I accidentally hit control + tab and iTunes froze/won't respond to any of my commands. I tried quitting with command + q but that won't work.
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have been trying to set up ITunes to share the library with another user on the same IMac. I have followed the details shown on Apple website but nothing is happening. Does any one have any ideas. I have copied the ITunes media file the public folder changed this in ITunes with preferences and advanced then done the same with the other user but it does not work.
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