Applications :: Rules For Downloading Certain Filetypes?

Jun 7, 2010

I was just wondering if we could set rules when we download certain filetype so it would be stored into a specific folder, so for example, when you download a music file (via Safari) could you set a rule so it automatically goes into the music folder instead of the download folder?

I know you can do this by right clicking->save as, however this would take a lot of time due to the amount of files that I download.

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Applications :: Working With Mac Mail Rules?

Jan 2, 2010

A wonderful poductivity app -- Omni Focus, has caused me to Abandon Entourage. I'm loving MacMail, especially after having discovered MailSteward for archiving. But I've got one problem.

I use rules a lot. But I can't figure out how to alphabetize the rules I have so I can edit them. Is there some way to do this???

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Applications :: Junk Rules Are Not Applied?

Apr 28, 2008

All of a sudden, no longer applies the Junk mail rules. Although the messages are identified as junk, they are no longer moved to the Junk folder on my iMAP server.

I'm running Leopard 10.5.2 My settings are in the attached screenshot.

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Applications :: Mail 2.1.3 Missing Rules Button?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a rule that I would like to delete and I've looked everywhere but there is no rules button under Preferences.

There are 3 buttons Account Information, Mailbox Behaviors and Advanced.

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Applications :: Making Mail App Rules Un-check Themselves?

May 4, 2009

A few times now I have found my rules suddenly unchecked. I can't seem to find a pattern.

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Applications :: Mail Rules / Smart Mailboxes

Jul 10, 2009

Hi all,

I'm trying to organize my mail by sender (if anyone has better organizational ideas other than deleting mail, let me know).

Right now, I have rules so all new emails are directed towards various inboxes (family, friends, etc.). However, this means I need to go to a bunch of different folders to read my email.

Is there a way to set up a rule so that mail gets routed according to email address after being read? I just want to go to my primary inbox, read a message and have it routed accordingly. I feel like I might be missing something very basic here...

Any help would be appreciated. In case you can't tell, I'm new to the world of mac. Now that I don't spend all my time fighting with a pc, I actually have time to try and organize my life...

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Applications :: Entourage Mail Sorting Using Rules

Jan 8, 2010

I've set up Rules and they work if I go to Messages/Apply Rules and click each of the rules. However, it does not apply the rules if I click All Rules at the head of that list. Someone advised me to check the boxes of each Rule under Tools/Rules so they would be applied when mail arrives, but that doesn't work. All of those boxes are checked and the rules are not applied when mail arrives.

1. Any idea how to make rules apply as mail arrives?
2. If that's not possible, do you know how to make "all rules" work so I don't have to highlight and click through each of the several rules?

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Applications :: Won't Forward HTML Mail Using Rules / Can't Find Settings

Nov 4, 2009

If I forward an HTML e-mail manually, it appears the same to the recipient as it does to me, i.e. properly formatted. However, if I forward using a Rule, it appears to get sent as plain text with all the images in the mail as attachments.

why Forwarding should be different when done via a Rule rather than manually? I can't find any settings that may affect this.

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Applications :: Using AND & OR In Mail's Mail Rules - Use In Outlook Express

Feb 1, 2010

Is it possible to use both AND and OR rules with Mail's [] mail rules? For example in Outlook Express I have a rule which says should: the message body contain ANY of the following words:

AND the account is <insert account name here>
THEN move to <insert folder name here>

However on Mail there seems to only be the option for ANY or ALL and if I apply ANY then it will also move all mail from any account which has the words one, two, three or four, not just from the account I supplied. In additional all other e-mails from the account supplied will be moved as well, even if they don't contain those words.

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Applications :: Downloading IWork 9.0.5?

Jan 5, 2011

where to find it

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OS X :: How Do I Add Rules In Entourage?

May 12, 2010

Really struggling here to figure this out. I had success with Mail but at work we are required to us Entourage. If someone can give me some guidance. I am able to set the rules but when I view the folders I assign them it does not repopulate latest emails that fits that criteria.

Hopefully I make sense and someone can give me some guidance.

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Applications :: Downloading Movies From ITunes?

Jan 11, 2011

I down loaded a movie from itunes on to :apple my ipad and it took 3 hours. So i downed the same movie to my iPod touch and it only took 1 1/2 hr. What up with that?

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Applications :: Mail Not Downloading Messages?

Apr 5, 2007

what's gone wrong with one of my POP accounts in Mail? I was curious that I had not received any messages on one account for a couple of weeks, but it's mainly mailing lists that go to that account and traffic is sometimes light so I didn't notice sooner. Once I realised I'd been missing postings, I eventually discovered a couple of hundred messages on the server that hadn't been downloaded by Mail, but I can't work out how to get them downloaded! If I select Get Info on the account in Mail, it tells me there are 198 messages on the server, and they are all marked as new, ie not downloaded yet. But checking for new messages results in no messages being detected.

I've tried disabling and re-enabling the account and changing the passwords to try to get Mail to recognise a change and check the account properly, but no luck so far.

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Applications :: Resume Downloading With Safari 4

Sep 15, 2009

I have a problem when I Download a file and the Electricity fall I loose the part was Downloaded, that happen always is there a way that I can resume from where was stopped, I am using the default downloader of Safari 4, can I change the option to Download with Trasmismission.

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Applications :: Mail Sometimes Downloading Every Sent Message

Oct 30, 2009

Once in a while when I launch Mail, it tries to download thousands of mails. Not spam ones, but legitimate mails going right back to when I joined .mac in 2005. Why is this?

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Applications :: Stop Downloading All Mails Again?

Feb 15, 2010

I need some help with the mail program on my MBP. For some reason this morning it has decided to keep getting the same emails over and over again and adding them as new. So now I am up to 3000 new emails even though I have already read and deleted them before. Every time I click for it to check for new mail it just downloads the old ones three and four times. How can I get it to stop downloading them again?

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Software :: Downloading Trial CS5 Applications?

May 4, 2010

Any one else having any trouble when they go to download trials from the adobe site? I get on the site and chose the application I want and click download and then it asks me to log in. I do this but then it grays perpetually has a status circle and won't download. I have tried multiple computer (including Macs and PCs) and nothing will seem to download it. I have even looked for the file on a different site but everything redirects to the Adobe page for downloading.

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OS X :: Bug With Rules In Apple Mail

Nov 15, 2010

There is a bug when it comes to rules in Mail in 10.6.4 and 10.6.5 (and possibly earlier versions of Mail as well).

Here are the steps to reproduce the bug:

1. Make sure you have an IMAP account in Mail.

2. In your IMAP account's Mailbox Behaviors, UNCHECK the box that says "Store draft messages on server". This ensures that your draft messages will be saved locally on your Mac instead of on your IMAP server.

3. Create one new rule that would ALWAYS be true of ANY new message that you would be creating in mail, such as:
"From contains (your email address)"
"Sender is a member of group (name of a group that your own card is a part of)"
Don't create both of those rules... just choose one.

4. The action that the rule should perform is:
"Set Color of text (choose a color)"
Make sure that you're NOT setting a BACKGROUND color, but rather that you're setting a TEXT color.

5. Save the rule.

6. Now, create a new message and start typing.

7. Save the message as a draft once.

8. Notice that the message shows up in your Drafts folder with the text color applied that you set in #4 above. This actually is a small bug right there, because rules shouldn't apply to messages in your drafts folder, but this first bug is not a big deal.

9. Continue editing the message.

10. Save the message as a draft for a 2nd time.

11. This is where the major bug takes place. Look in your Drafts folder. Now, your message has shown up in the list of Drafts message with the BACKGROUND COLOR of the subject changed to the TEXT COLOR that you set in #4, which makes the message unreadable if you had chosen a dark text color. Even though you specified a TEXT color, Mail incorrectly applied a BACKGROUND color to the message. This is completely annoying if you're working on a bunch of drafts, because you can't even read the names of the drafts that you're working on without individually opening them up.

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OS X :: Editing Folder Rules?

Mar 19, 2009

When I organize my Photo's I copy all the RAW images into a ' Lightroom imports' folder which is in 'Pictures'. I have also made a similar folder and want it so as soon as I copy files into this folder ' lightroom imports' it will automatically copy them into another folder called ' lightroom imports copy'

The reason been is that I have 2 copies of my RAW Photo's and so one copy will be completely untouched and the others will be imported into the Lightroom libary. I would prefer it to be automatic so that I don't have to copy them twice and also so that I know that what ever I copy into one folder it will automatically go into the other folder?

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OS X :: Mail Rules With A Bit Of Complexity

Mar 23, 2009

My system administrator has convinced me to try OS X Mail rather than Outlook. I believe that Outlook, while having its warts as a mail client (due to its MS heritage), does have a great deal of power that is unappreciated by those who have not used it.

In any case, I am running into some of those limitations. The rules capability appears far more powerful in Outlook.

I need to implement the following rule:

From contains A or B or C
Subject contains D or E or F
Message contents contains G or H

Can this even be done? I am willing to have multiple rules to unwind the logic, but I am not convinced it will get the same result.

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Applications :: Downloading Resize Windows Program?

Sep 3, 2010

I saw it somewhere but i dont know where and i dont know what its called.

you can resize every window using a grid which can be accessed from the top right of the screen, when you can line windows up etc.

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Applications :: Programs To Use For Downloading Free Music?

Dec 13, 2010

Just a quick question: What programs are you using to download free music?

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Applications :: Downloading An Entire Directory Off A Website?

Feb 19, 2008

There's this website that has a bunch of mp3s in one directory. Instead of downloading them one by one.. is there a program that will download the entire website and all it's mp3?

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Applications :: How To Stop ITunes From Downloading HD Versions

Sep 21, 2008

Every time I buy a TV show which has HD, I downloads two versions. I don't even want the HD version as I watch the shows on the way to work with my iPod. When I simply 'delete' the HD shows from my downloads list, they show up again whenever I turn on iTunes or check for old purchases. How can I stop iTunes from downloading the HD versions?

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Applications :: After Downloading A Flv From Safari/the Audio Is Not Synced Up

Feb 24, 2009

it's a little trick that most people know, but you can download flv's and other things directly from the safari browser just by accessing the activities window. however, after the first few flvs i've downloaded, all the rest are out of sync by a few seconds. does anyone know the problem or have a solution? i am using quicktime armed with perian to watch the flv's. i dont think the quicktime player is the issue for the first two flv's i've downloaded from facebook work finr, it's the just ones i download recently that are messing up. anyone have a clue?

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Applications :: Downloading And Viewing Websites Offline?

Apr 28, 2009

On PCs, theres Backstreet Browser.. is there anything like this for osx?

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MacBook :: Mounting Failed When Downloading Applications

Sep 18, 2009

I installed all updates listed on my software update list. When asked to restart my laptop the dock and my applications were missing. I sorted this out after a while and the dock and my applications reappeared. When I restarted again my msn had vanished. When trying to download msn again, nothing downloaded and instead would say 'mounting failed' when trying to mount disk image. Now I am trying to reinstall my TMobile internet modem, and when trying to open the information on the disc that also appears as 'mounting failed'!

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Applications :: Downloading Video Recorded On Different Camcorder

Sep 23, 2009

I used a Sony miniDV camcorder for several years and recorded a lot of video. I bought a Sony HDR-HC7 High Def camcorder and am now trying to download some of the video tapes I recorded on the old Sony camcorder. The video clips chop short and the I can't understand the audio. I'm using imovie 06 and a PowerPC G4 loaded. I think I may need to buy a camera like I had and play the tapes back on it. What do you think? I'm pretty sure I have the setting on the camera and computer set properly.

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Applications :: Re-Downloading ITunes Purchased Content

Oct 5, 2009

I've recently had my external hard drive stolen (police dealing with) which housed my iTunes content I've got all of my music on my iPhone so can easily get that transferred back onto my replacement ext HD, i've already come to terms with having to put another 6 months aside to re-rip all my DVD's to be viewable on my computer and ATV, which just leaves my purchased iTunes movies and TV Shows.

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Applications :: Safari Downloading Flash Videos When I Don't Want It To?

Nov 24, 2009

this happens at least 2-3 times a day. I will click to go to a youtube video, or some video on a site. The download box will immediately pop up and it will start to download the flv file of the video i'm watching. It gets annoying, but it doesn't happen all the time.

is there any way to turn this off?

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