Applications :: Revisiting The Infernal Logitech Control Center?
Oct 17, 2009
So I have a Logitech VX Revolution mouse. Best mouse ever, had it since 2006. Three years old, still going strong, still couldn't find a mouse that's better.
But there's one small problem: I can't use all of it's features with OS X's generic mouse driver. Not a huge deal obviously, as I've lived with that the past three years.
Nonetheless, I have this tendency to download the LCC every once in a long while, to see how they've progressed. It has always brought me pain. Maybe I'm looking for punishment. But either way, I went and checked the Logitech site, and saw that 3.1 was released, bringing with it Snow Leopard and 64-bit compatibility. So I went and downloaded it and wondered what pain would come this time. Previously, it would cause Expose to stop working entirely, cause the Spotlight window (that was back in Tiger) to appear randomly, even when there's nothing assigned to search or any such in the LCC settings, caused a program (I couldn't remember what it is at the moment) to unexpectedly quit at launch every time, and other such signs of truly craptastic coding. It improved after Logitech *finally* ditched Application Enhancer, but still.
Well, it's been two days now with LCC 3.1, and I'm thoroughly shocked to say, I've had no problems since. Assigned all sorts of functions to my mouse buttons and all works, no programs has wiggled out on me yet, no weird slowdowns or issues. It's all pretty much normal. In fact the only problem I have is the tracking speed and the scrolling speed/acceleration - I like OS X's default behavior, can anyone give me the settings for LCC to make it behave similar?
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Oct 25, 2009
So I bought a Logitech MX Revolution -- I can't get used to its feel. The G9 is so much nicer n the hand...
I had installed the control center software, configured it, used the mouse for half a day, wanted to cry.
So I'm about to return the mouse, but I can't remove the System Preferences applet and can't find any official uninstall mechanism.
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Sep 14, 2009
Actual Logitech MX Mouse software does not work with new Snow Leopard, any news on new version available
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse and it is great with my Mac. Out of the box, it "just works" to about 95% of what I need. The button on top initiates Expose which is what I want. The "back" button initiates dashboard. I would rather have the back button be, well, back, and the forward button initiate dashboard. To do this I think I need to install the Logitech software - Logitech Control Center.
So, my question, is it worth it? I'm kind of a minimalist and prefer to not put software on my computer unless it is absolutely necessary. If the LCC is considered bloat (or even halfway bloat) it won't be worth it to me.
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Aug 29, 2009
Logitech Control Center for my logitech mouse not working now i have updated to snow leopard.
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Apr 9, 2008
My first experience with the Logitech Control Center wasn't very good with my V470, so I installed Steermouse. Then I bought the MX Revolution and I didn't even bother with Logitech and just used SteerMouse. Well my trial is up and I don't want to pay $20 and the scroll wheel wasn't functioning correctly so I unistalled SteerMouse and installed the Logitech Control Center.
So I opened Logitech Control Center in preferences, but all I get is "No Logitech device found"
What is wrong? This is why I don't like to use Logitech's software!
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Sep 25, 2009
I just noticed Logitech Control Center was updated to 3.1 earlier this week. This version is supposed to be compatible with Snow Leopard. Has anyone tried it out yet?
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Mar 8, 2008
I've been using my Logitech MX1000 for a long time now with USB Overdrive and it's been fantastic. Being able to use the extra buttons to serve different purposes on a per-application basis has been amazing.
I just bought a Logitech Wave keyboard, which is great, but I ended up installing the Logitech Control Center since I couldn't find a way to configure the extra keys and I wanted volume controls, etc via the keyboard. The LCC software took care of this with flying colors, but it seems to also take control of my mouse and replaces the settings I had from USB Overdrive.
Basically what I'm asking is... is it possible to disable the mouse settings in LCC so it only sets up the key configurations on my keyboard? If not... is there some software available similar to USB Overdrive, but instead lets you configure all of the keys on your keyboard?
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Oct 2, 2009
Ever since I downloaded the Control Center my mouse is screwed. When I scroll it goes REALLY REALLY slow, used to go fast. The only thing I changed is what the 2 buttons on the side do.
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Jul 9, 2009
. Ok so I installed Logitech Control Center so I can change the function of the buttons on my mouse. So when it was done installing it said that the computer had to restart, so I pressed ok, right when my Mac shut down, this pop said something about Boot Cache or something. The pop up only showed up for about 2 seconds and disappeared. I think Logitech Control Center reset my PRAM because I had to retype my network password and my date/time when my mac restarted. Is this normal? I deleted the Logitech Control Center icon in the System Preferences pane because it may be interfering with my Mac. Is there anything wrong with my Mac or is there nothing I should be worried about?
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Sep 17, 2009
So I've got three Logitech mouses:
MX 510
MX 518
MX 1100 (wireless)
I used to own the Logitech S530 keyboard/mouse combo as well. What I've noticed is this (and it drives me insane). Both my 510 and 518 move perfectly, as in, its the same consistent movement, whether its fast motion or slow with the mouse. The MX 1100 has the same 'issue' as the S530; the control is god damn weird. Moving across the screen quickly feels like there's some kind of 'smoothing' (kind of like in some games where it would enable smooth mouse), and I just can't get used to pressing on onscreen buttons and such that require a bit more precision, because slowing down mouse movement gives me completely different control.
For example, if in photoshop and using the lasso tool to precisely cutout an object, it completely screws me up, because a slight jerk will send the mouse flying, there's no 'in between' it seems, and there's definitely no consistency. Both the 510 and 518 (gaming mouse!) have the same speed no matter what the situation. Is there any way to have any of the Logitech Wireless mouses behave the same as my other two? Or is this a technology issue with the internals? I keep going back to my wired mouses.
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Jun 5, 2012
When using the trackpad on my MacBook Air running OS X Lion v 10.7.3, I can easily access Misison Control with a three-finger swipe up, and then use the three-finger swipe left or right to view each of my individual desktops (while in mission control). I hope to gain similar functionality using the wheel button and wheel of my Logitech mouse (when I am at work and am using a keyboard and mouse).
I have downloaded the Logitech Control Center for Macintosh® OS X (available at [URL]) and configured Mission Control to load when I click on my wheel button. I currently have the wheel itself configured for vertical scrolling (e.g., for navigating web pages in Safari).
how I can specify a different role for the mouse wheel when in Mission Control - namely rotating wheel up will do the equivalent of the three-finnger swipe left, and rotating wheel donw will do the equvialent of three-finger swipe right?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 1, 2010
I cannot uninstall the TV Center Toolbar from Safari. I used the uninstall feature on the toolbar, and the uninstall feature in "applications" "toolbars" "uninstal" folder. I have even re-installed the application and then tried to uninstall (as per the companies instructions). A good 3rd party software to uninstall perhaps??
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Feb 18, 2009
For some reason my iTunes keeps snapping back to the center of my screen whenever I switch to mini-player. It used to snap the location wherever I had it before. For example, lets say I place the mini-player to the bottom right of my screen. If I were to switch to the full-size player to change something real quick, then swap it right back to mini-player mode, it would snap back to the bottom right of my screen. Now, whenever I switch from mini-player to full-size player, back to mini-player, it defaults back to the center of my screen...
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Nov 11, 2008
I got a notice of an update for SMCFanControl to version I installed it, and when it ran my fans went faster and louder than ever before! Normally surfing the web they were around 2000rpm. After the update SMC reported 7300rpm! I didn't even think they could go that fast.
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Nov 3, 2008
I have a MacBook pro (pre-2008 update), and recently had to reinstall smc fan control after trying out another fan control app i thought might be better. After finding out that smc was the way to go, i reinstalled it. After reinstalling smc, it was never working properly like it was before i uninstalled it. When I make a favorite and then set that favorite on the menubar, the fans kick up to the speed i set it to for about 3 seconds then they return to the normal 2000 rpms. nothing I do can fix this. i have tried reinstalling, reinstalling different versions etc.
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May 4, 2009
ways to use osx and its applications, besides keyboard and mouse.
I know about speech recognition. Recently I found about opera browser gesture-based internet surfing.
Maybe there are other programs that use isight in order to take commands from our face expressions. Of course, from hardware side, there is also trackball, tablet surfaces etc
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May 17, 2009
I find that, more often than not, my MBP (late 08) gets incredibly hot and overheated). So I heard about this program smcFanControl and have been using it since, and it really does a good job keeping my computer cool.I have the left/right fans running at 6000 RPM (the max), is is SAFE for my fans to be running that fast? Will it significantly lower the longevity of the fans/computer at all?
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Dec 13, 2004
How do you control the margins in TextEdit?
I am trying to create a manual which includes some screen snaps which fit on A4 paper, but TextEdit persistently has fat margins and won't print the images that are wider than width allowed by the margins.
The screen grabs appear on screen but when I print the document the wider images do not print although they leave a gap in the text equal to their height.
I have:
Adjusted the preferences:
� for window width which is in No of Characters (how wide is a character when you are using rtf?)
� checked Wrap to window which shows a page view but the margins don't change
� I have created an entire new page in Page Setup with fixed margins and selected it but nothing changes
Mac Help says the margins can be altered by dragging the page margin markers in the ruler, but they will not drag outside what seems to be the default margins, This wouldn't help with top and bottom margins anyway.
I have tried using Acrobat PDF as the printer but again I get no further options and nothing changes.
I am at my wits end. TextEdit is almost temptingly useful except for the weird UI.
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May 10, 2008
A while back I installed Fan Control on my MacBook Pro 2,4 GHz. Since then I have processed to at least two clean install of Leopard. From what I have read, the application is located in the MBP firmware. So I have a couple of questions for you:
- How do I uninstall Fan control?
- Well should I be stuck with it then, I am not sure I really understand how to use it:
I am reading:
Fan control:
Base speed: 1500RPM
Lower Threshold: 50C
Upper Threshold: 80C
Current values:
Left fan: 1593 RPM
Right fan: 1600 RPM
Temperature: 47,5C
Are these settings OK? What types of configurations would be dangerous for my machine?
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Dec 26, 2008
I have plugged a Windows XP notebook into my home stereo, installed iTunes on it and have it streaming music from my other Windows XP box upstairs. Everything works perfectly. What I'd like is a suggestion on a make/model remote control (you know, like the tv remote you use every day) that will allow me to do simple operations in iTunes like Next Song, Back, etc.
I have the Apple Mac Mini remote control but it, by default, will not talk to my Windows hardware because there is no Infrared Port (as far as I know). It's not the easiest thing to google. I would assume I could find a Remote Control package that includes the Remote, an Infrared Receiver (that plugs in via USB), and some baseline software for under $30 somewhere.
It needs to be a USB port because I do not have an RS232 jack on my laptop (Dell Mini9). On a side note, I have to say, this setup I created is THE BEST way to stream iTunes music down to my stereo. I have tried numerous products for the past 10 years ranging from Tivo to Logitech's Squeezebox2 and nothing compares to simply 2 computers sharing iTunes. I got the Dell Mini9 for $302 to my door!
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Oct 26, 2009
Does anyone know of a way to remote control a mac from a web page (with a Java applet or something) that is actually on your computer. I know LogMeIn can be used, but then all of the data goes through the LogMeIn server, and I would like a server that I can run on my mac, independently from any other server.
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Nov 3, 2009
I have a macbook and an apple remote and an iPod touch. Is there any way that I can control pdf slideshow (through preview) from an iPod touch app / mac apps that controls the remote? My iRed Lite does not work with snow leopard anymore =(
I tried googling and couldn't find anything useful...
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Nov 4, 2009
Vista and 7 have built in functionality to allow the user to control the application volumes independently of each other. For example, if I'm watching a video, and also am browsing websites that randomly emit noise, it allows you to mute your web browser while still having sound from your video. Can this be done in Mac OS X? Or are there free programs?
I work online through a website that has annoying and non-essential sound, so I want to mute this in order to listen to music through iTunes.
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Jan 20, 2010
I really like the Remote app on my iPhone, but I want to be able to do the same thing but instead of my iPhone, use my MacBook to control iTunes on a Powermac G4 hooked to my stereo system Music is stored on the G4 and I do NOT want to use Airfoil... Is there some other Solution?
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Jan 30, 2010
What is that bar? I couldn't control it, as it hides instantaneously after I release F7 or I click on it.
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Apr 11, 2010
Does anyone use a fan control for their laptops? What is a good fan control app thats easy to use?
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Aug 19, 2010
you are running SMC fan control at a low or medium fan setting, that the smc overrides those settings if the Mac starts to overheat and requiring fans to be above those settings?So far I'm using SMC at Medium fan settings, my CPU fan is constantly at 2150 RPM range. Having your Mac cooler than normal for the price of some lower fans is quite worth it, but I'm worried that if I am using a lot of high CPU apps that the fans won't automatically go up, because right now i'm compressing some 7zip archives of old data and the CPU is around 104 F, 2150 RPM fan still, it didn't change one bit from CPU at 90 F idle and 2150 RPM idle
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May 18, 2012
how to control the startup applications?
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Sep 2, 2010
In iTunes 9 i was able to disable the volume control for remote speakers in Airtunes. In iTunes 10 this option has disappeared in Airplay. Is it somewhere else in the menu or have they just threw this option out of iTunes 10. Is there some sort of workaround?
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