Hardware :: Logitech Control Center Not Recognizing MX Revolution?

Apr 9, 2008

My first experience with the Logitech Control Center wasn't very good with my V470, so I installed Steermouse. Then I bought the MX Revolution and I didn't even bother with Logitech and just used SteerMouse. Well my trial is up and I don't want to pay $20 and the scroll wheel wasn't functioning correctly so I unistalled SteerMouse and installed the Logitech Control Center.

So I opened Logitech Control Center in preferences, but all I get is "No Logitech device found"

What is wrong? This is why I don't like to use Logitech's software!

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Software :: Using Logitech Control Center - Not Working With New SL

Sep 14, 2009

Actual Logitech MX Mouse software does not work with new Snow Leopard, any news on new version available

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Hardware :: Is Logitech Control Center Bloated

Oct 22, 2010

I have a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse and it is great with my Mac. Out of the box, it "just works" to about 95% of what I need. The button on top initiates Expose which is what I want. The "back" button initiates dashboard. I would rather have the back button be, well, back, and the forward button initiate dashboard. To do this I think I need to install the Logitech software - Logitech Control Center.

So, my question, is it worth it? I'm kind of a minimalist and prefer to not put software on my computer unless it is absolutely necessary. If the LCC is considered bloat (or even halfway bloat) it won't be worth it to me.

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MacBook Pro :: Logitech Control Center Not Working?

Aug 29, 2009

Logitech Control Center for my logitech mouse not working now i have updated to snow leopard.

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Hardware :: Finding Compatibility Of Logitech Control Center 3.1?

Sep 25, 2009

I just noticed Logitech Control Center was updated to 3.1 earlier this week. This version is supposed to be compatible with Snow Leopard. Has anyone tried it out yet?

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Applications :: Revisiting The Infernal Logitech Control Center?

Oct 17, 2009

So I have a Logitech VX Revolution mouse. Best mouse ever, had it since 2006. Three years old, still going strong, still couldn't find a mouse that's better.

But there's one small problem: I can't use all of it's features with OS X's generic mouse driver. Not a huge deal obviously, as I've lived with that the past three years.

Nonetheless, I have this tendency to download the LCC every once in a long while, to see how they've progressed. It has always brought me pain. Maybe I'm looking for punishment. But either way, I went and checked the Logitech site, and saw that 3.1 was released, bringing with it Snow Leopard and 64-bit compatibility. So I went and downloaded it and wondered what pain would come this time. Previously, it would cause Expose to stop working entirely, cause the Spotlight window (that was back in Tiger) to appear randomly, even when there's nothing assigned to search or any such in the LCC settings, caused a program (I couldn't remember what it is at the moment) to unexpectedly quit at launch every time, and other such signs of truly craptastic coding. It improved after Logitech *finally* ditched Application Enhancer, but still.

Well, it's been two days now with LCC 3.1, and I'm thoroughly shocked to say, I've had no problems since. Assigned all sorts of functions to my mouse buttons and all works, no programs has wiggled out on me yet, no weird slowdowns or issues. It's all pretty much normal. In fact the only problem I have is the tracking speed and the scrolling speed/acceleration - I like OS X's default behavior, can anyone give me the settings for LCC to make it behave similar?

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Applications :: Installed Logitech Control Center - Now Can't Remove

Oct 25, 2009

So I bought a Logitech MX Revolution -- I can't get used to its feel. The G9 is so much nicer n the hand...

I had installed the control center software, configured it, used the mouse for half a day, wanted to cry.

So I'm about to return the mouse, but I can't remove the System Preferences applet and can't find any official uninstall mechanism.

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Hardware :: How To Disable Mouse Config In Logitech Control Center

Mar 8, 2008

I've been using my Logitech MX1000 for a long time now with USB Overdrive and it's been fantastic. Being able to use the extra buttons to serve different purposes on a per-application basis has been amazing.

I just bought a Logitech Wave keyboard, which is great, but I ended up installing the Logitech Control Center since I couldn't find a way to configure the extra keys and I wanted volume controls, etc via the keyboard. The LCC software took care of this with flying colors, but it seems to also take control of my mouse and replaces the settings I had from USB Overdrive.

Basically what I'm asking is... is it possible to disable the mouse settings in LCC so it only sets up the key configurations on my keyboard? If not... is there some software available similar to USB Overdrive, but instead lets you configure all of the keys on your keyboard?

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MacBook Pro :: Downloaded Logitech Control Center - Now Mouse Scrolling Is Slow?

Oct 2, 2009

Ever since I downloaded the Control Center my mouse is screwed. When I scroll it goes REALLY REALLY slow, used to go fast. The only thing I changed is what the 2 buttons on the side do.

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OS X :: Logitech Control Center - Interrupted Installation And Showing Boot Cache Messages

Jul 9, 2009

. Ok so I installed Logitech Control Center so I can change the function of the buttons on my mouse. So when it was done installing it said that the computer had to restart, so I pressed ok, right when my Mac shut down, this pop said something about Boot Cache or something. The pop up only showed up for about 2 seconds and disappeared. I think Logitech Control Center reset my PRAM because I had to retype my network password and my date/time when my mac restarted. Is this normal? I deleted the Logitech Control Center icon in the System Preferences pane because it may be interfering with my Mac. Is there anything wrong with my Mac or is there nothing I should be worried about?

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Hardware :: Unable To Use Logitech VX Revolution

May 15, 2009

I have downloaded the software on logitech but I can't set the microgear (click on scroll) button to auto scroll where I could click and move mouse up and down to autoscroll.

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Hardware :: Unable To Use Logitech VX Revolution Scroll

Nov 24, 2006

I've just bought a Logitech VX revolution mouse and got it all set up fine, apart form the scrolling. If I have the ratchet mode enabled, it scrolls very slowly, even if I have the scroll speed set to the fastest setting . I can get faster scrolling by using the free wheel mode, but this doesn't seem to give much of an improvement in World of Warcraft . Has anyone else managed to solve this?

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Hardware :: Logitech Problem Mouse MX Revolution?

Dec 31, 2008

i have a very good mouse logitech MX Revolution that i like very much so that I have bought another equal.

I have bought the second because, since some weeks, the first makes sometimes the double click with the left button instead of the single click.

The problem now is that I have to change the usb receiver too (it seems they are not compatible each other) but doing this all the Logitech SetPoint setting will reset.

I was arguing if there is a way to export the SetPoint settings and import again with the new mouse; it would be a useful backup for the future in case of Pc or mouse changing or variuos problems.

I could write them on a paper and insert again but it's long and unconfortable because there are a lot of button with a lot of function.

Is anyone of you able to import-export the setting?

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Hardware :: Logitech MX Revolution Mouse Settings?

Jun 7, 2009

Just got this mouse and love it so far. Has a much better feel than the mighty mouse and many more options.

To those who use this mouse, what settings do you set yours to.

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Hardware :: Razer Mamba Or Logitech MX Revolution

Jul 25, 2009

Just got a new 13 Macbook Pro! And even though I love the trackpad, this is my first laptop so I'm just too used to the oldskool mouse, confused between the above two, I want a proper full size one, I was trying out my sisters logitech mobile usb optical, don't really like it. I just want a good mouse + mousepad, wireless or bluetooth preferred. Unless its a rock solid wired option which will be more then enough for a regular user, should I just get like a mx518 and spend money on a ram upgrade?

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Windows On Mac :: Bluetooth/Logitech MX Revolution Pairing Problems

May 6, 2009

First off, I'm doing this on a MBP bought in June of '08, running Windows XP in VMWare fusion off of my bootcamp partition. Also, my Logitech MX Revolution mouse pairs up perfectly fine.

Well, my MX Revolution used to work on my XP partition a while ago, but I hadn't booted up directly into Windows for a while and was just using VMWare Fusion. I recently installed a new game on my XP partition and used bootcamp to directly boot up into it, but it wouldn't work.

I kept trying to use the Bluetooth Devices program in the Control Panel, which kept leading me to using the "Add Bluetooth Device Wizard." I keep using "Don't use a passcode" and it tells me it pairs (when I press the connect button on the bottom of the mouse), but the mouse does not work.

I then kept searching for updates for the Apple Bluetooth drivers, but everything was up to date.

So I decided to go into control panel and go into Add/Remove Programs and tried manually uninstalling that said "Bluetooth Drivers." Unfortunately, I may have screwed something up here haha. I can't find anything to replace those drivers I uninstalled now. I think I've created more problems than I've solved...

Also, when I try and use Logitech SetPoint and use the connection wizard, it just tells me "Please connect Bluetooth USB device" so it's obviously not recognizing the internal Bluetooth receiver (and I made sure it's connected in VMWare, AND I've tried it booting directly into the XP partition!)

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OS X :: Logitech MX Revolution - Some Times Move Up Extremely Slow?

Aug 2, 2009

Not really directly Mac related, but I seem to be having a problem with my mouse. It worked fine until a few days ago. Scrolling up on the wheel would work fine, then all of a sudden it would move up extremely slow, and it happens when the wheel is pressed into the click position and when its not.

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Hardware :: New Logitech Mice - MX Revolution Replaced By Performance?

Oct 21, 2009

I was all set to pick up a Logitech MX Revolution wireless mouse, but it seems they've been discontinued and replaced by the Performance Mouse MX. Does anybody have one of these, or is the Revolution still available and I'm somehow looking at the wrong site?

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Hardware :: Wireless Logitech Mouse - Cannot Control Movements

Sep 17, 2009

So I've got three Logitech mouses:
MX 510
MX 518
MX 1100 (wireless)

I used to own the Logitech S530 keyboard/mouse combo as well. What I've noticed is this (and it drives me insane). Both my 510 and 518 move perfectly, as in, its the same consistent movement, whether its fast motion or slow with the mouse. The MX 1100 has the same 'issue' as the S530; the control is god damn weird. Moving across the screen quickly feels like there's some kind of 'smoothing' (kind of like in some games where it would enable smooth mouse), and I just can't get used to pressing on onscreen buttons and such that require a bit more precision, because slowing down mouse movement gives me completely different control.

For example, if in photoshop and using the lasso tool to precisely cutout an object, it completely screws me up, because a slight jerk will send the mouse flying, there's no 'in between' it seems, and there's definitely no consistency. Both the 510 and 518 (gaming mouse!) have the same speed no matter what the situation. Is there any way to have any of the Logitech Wireless mouses behave the same as my other two? Or is this a technology issue with the internals? I keep going back to my wired mouses.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Configure Logitech Mouse Wheel To Cycle Through Desktops When In Mission Control?

Jun 5, 2012

When using the trackpad on my MacBook Air running OS X Lion v 10.7.3, I can easily access Misison Control with a three-finger swipe up, and then use the three-finger swipe left or right to view each of my individual desktops (while in mission control).  I hope to gain similar functionality using the wheel button and wheel of my Logitech mouse (when I am at work and am using a keyboard and mouse). 

I have downloaded the Logitech Control Center for Macintosh® OS X (available at [URL]) and configured Mission Control to load when I click on my wheel button.  I currently have the wheel itself configured for vertical scrolling (e.g., for navigating web pages in Safari). 

how I can specify a different role for the mouse wheel when in Mission Control - namely rotating wheel up will do the equivalent of the three-finnger swipe left, and rotating wheel donw will do the equvialent of three-finger swipe right?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: MX Revolution Versus VX Revolution

Aug 2, 2008

The MX is rechargeable, has side wheel, and automatically switches from precision scrolling to hyper-fast. On the other hand, the VX has a zoom slider (which I heard in an Amazon review can be programmed to do almost anything), is cheaper, and when the center button is clicked, it functions as a center click. I'm leaning towards the VX, mainly for the center click (which I love and use all the time when I'm on the internet). I've just got a couple of questions regarding assigning buttons different tasks.

1. Should I use Logitech software, USB overdrive, or Steermouse?

2. Can the search button on the mouse be assigned to perform a keystroke (such as Expose, Spaces, Dashboard, etc.)?

3. Was the Amazon review I mentioned earlier correct in that the zoom slider and the forward/back buttons on the VX be programmed to perform almost any task?

4. Can the buttons (on either mouse) be programmed for different tasks depending on the application?

5. Does the VX have a manual power button to turn it off, or do you have to put in the USB receiver?

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Hardware :: How To Know About New MX Revolution

Aug 22, 2009

it seems logitech has redone the old MX revolution and is calling it the Logitech Performance MX that features a micro adapter and uses double AA's batteries so no more rechargeable crap.


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Hardware :: Disassemble A MX Revolution?

Nov 9, 2007

lately the thumb wheel "rubber strip" has worn down, to the point where it's very difficult to use it. I want to pull this mouse apart to fix this issue - I'm just wondering if anyone has done this already and may be able to save me some grief.

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Hardware :: How To Know About MX Revolution Bluetooth

Sep 27, 2008

I own the MX 5500 cordless desktop keyboard/mice combo from Logitech, just wondering if anybody here in the forum who paired the MX Revolution Bluetooth with their Macs.

At first I intentionally bought the combo just so I can have the Bluetooth MX paired with my MBP, replacing the G5. There's a connection between the mouse and the laptop (as in I can use the mouse), but the many of the features and buttons on the MX has been disabled. My Search button won't even activate anything, and every other buttons other than the left and right click only triggers the scrolling.

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Hardware :: Downside To Bluetooth - VX Revolution Over MX?

Feb 1, 2009

Well, choosing between the Logitech mice (wow, what a brilliant company) has made me confused as to which models to buy. I'm looking for one for my Alu MacBook - leaning towards the Logitech VX Nano Also looking for one for a desktop - leaning towards MX Revolution, but I too wish it was in Bluetooth. But, you can get a Bluetooth one in a box deal, right? Is there any way to get it without the keyboard pricing? Is there any downside to Bluetooth? And would anyone recommend the VX Revolution over MX?

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Hardware :: Unable To Use VX Revolution Mouse

Jul 4, 2009

I have a problem with my mouse (vx revolution) and LCC (logitech Control Center). Creating/changing a settings for an application ( like sketchup, firefox etc) doesnt work, the mouse still uses the "global settings" and not the settings ive defined for the application.

im running os 10.5.7 and the lates LCC (2.7) which i dowloaded today from logitechs home page. Ive been using the mouse with my pc (vista) without any problems. The drivers auto detects the active application and uses the right profile/settings, i assume this is the way it should work on mac as well.

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Hardware :: How To Use MX Revolution With Snow Leopard

Sep 1, 2009

I do, and ever since I upgraded to Snow Leopard, the Logitech Control Panel doesn't recognize my mouse and so I don't have the function/programable keys.

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Hardware :: VX Revolution Scrolling In Safari Very Slow?

Sep 22, 2007

Before I installed the Logitech software, it was perfect. But without the Logitech software, the other buttons didn't work.

After installing the software, I noticed the scrolling to be very very slow in Safari. Even after maxing out scroll speed in system pref. and the logitech soft, it's still slow!

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Hardware :: Time Capsule And VX Revolution Mouse?

Sep 3, 2009

This is a very strange problem I've had since Leopard. I use a VX Revolution mouse that I love and works great...except when Time Machine is running.

As soon as Time Machine starts backing up, the left mouse button only works intermittently. I cannot fathom why this would be.

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Hardware :: Finding MX Revolution Button Settings

Oct 28, 2009

I just got my MX Revolution today from Newegg and I'm working on configuring it (especially the scroll, which I can't seem to nail). I've been using Logitech Control Center, which seems to do everything I need...

This is what I have so far:

L click: left click

R click: right cilck

scroll: smooth scroll in firefox/safari, alternating scroll globally

scroll click: middle click in firefox, switches scroll modes globally

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