Applications :: QT Pro/Divx And IMovie - Working Together
May 17, 2010
I have some files from a CVS disposable camcorder that are Divx encoded. I got them to play on my Mac with the Divx codec and/or Perian, but I can't import them into iMovie.
Will QuickTime Pro solve this problem by allowing me to convert to a format iMovie likes?
Is there a freeware solution involving less than two steps?
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Aug 30, 2009
This is what I hate about osx. On windows I could install a codec pack and it works the way it should. I tried installing both the divx web player and divx 7 for mac on my new SL machine, but whenever i go to a website that needs it, nothing happens.
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Oct 25, 2008
I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this query - moderately new user - well had my imac for 2 years but havent spent a lot of time getting up to speed with it - needs basis only.
query - i have eyetv elgato about 2 years old running vers 2.5.3 of the related software - I have a hard disc full of recorded material and want to convert it to divx - bought Divx Pro - mind you only $30 Australian- in the understanding that it would easily and quickly!! (toast takes about 3 days!) convert .eyetv files to divx avi - that function is available on the pull down menu in eyetv and it did it once when i used a trial version of Divx Pro.
Now it refuses to do it saying that the version i have is not supported and to go back to divx - i have the latest version of divx though.
I do notice that eyetv are selling their own divx converter for $100 and suspect this may be the issue
Does anyone else have this problem or know a workaround to it - do i have to go back to older versions??
Divx have told me that they dont have any agreements with or information about eyetv and to go and ask eyetv. Eyetv have not so far responded to my requests for an answer.
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Oct 28, 2007
Installed Leopard and everything has been going great until I tried Divx player. So I deleted it and reinstalled a newer version and still does not work at all. However, I'm still able to use VLC. Anybody else having problems with Divx player and Leopard?
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Sep 17, 2009
I have been editing a movie for hours, now, and iMovie has decided to stop working. I am able to skim the raw video that is displayed on the bottom, but my edited video on top does nothing. I can't play it back in the preview window, either while skimming or selecting whole clips to play. It will not open in full screen, either. I have restarted my computer, and I have repaired disk permissions. This is a very important movie, and I do not want to start over. What steps can I take to fix this problem and, more importantly, make sure that it doesn't happen again?
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm in SL using iMovie (not iMove HD). When I make a project I can't seem to save it. Apple S doesn't work and there is no save option under any menu in it. Also, if I quit without saving there is no save prompt...
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Jan 15, 2010
It seems even after the latest software updates to DivX for the Mac, they are still not offering the DivX Plus HD profile in the DivX converter. I have already invested a significant amount of time and processor resources on my PC converting hundreds of my DVD's to this format, as I believe the video quality versus disk space are the best in its class. A typical DVD takes about 1.2 gigs of hard drive space with very minimal loss in quality!
With that said, can I use Handbrake to get the same results? If so, do you have any suggestions on the options I should choose ? I should note this is what DivX says their Plus HD is:
DivX Plus HD (MKV/H.264/AAC)
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Sep 17, 2006
does anybody know how to uninstall Divx? (or disable it temporarily)
i installed Divx on my MP to watch movies. then i installed WC3, but it keeps crashing. it seems that divx is the reason.
(i figure WC3 plays a small clip when we run it for the first time, and there might be some sort of conflict in the video codec, so WC3 crashes)
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Jan 28, 2010
i cannot get the program to uninstall , it seems there is no such function ...
i deleted some of it thru the library , but its still on sys pref and other locations i'm sure...
and no 2nd 3rd party apps , i won't spend as much as divx would have cost me to remove it...
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Jun 1, 2010
I've got an AVI file which I want to play on my DVD player which accepts a USB hard drive plug in. Thing is, it doesn't read .avi. However, on the player it does have a DIVX logo on it so what can I use to convert this .avi so that it plays?
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Nov 4, 2009
soo, i have attempted to watch several videos via safari that require DivX that say I don't have it installed. It is installed. I decided to try Firefox and it worked. Does DivX just not work with Safari?
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Sep 25, 2009
I am using OS 10.4.11. I am up to date on everything -- java, quicktime, and divx. I have checked and double checked everything I know how and I have emptied all caches I know of.
And yet, after working perfectly for years, about a week ago, every time I went to a certain site on which I usually watch much video (embedded divx player,) instead of the player in the window, I see (no video.)
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Nov 7, 2009
I just bought a new Kenwood DNX-9140 for my car that plays DivX files. I also bought a 500GB external hard drive. My Kenwood unit can play files from external hard drives. I want to rip my DVDs to my external hard drive and play them on my Kenwood unit. I want to be able to keep the menu functions on the ripped DVD file.
Keep the ripped file to ONE DivX file. It would be best if I could keep the final file under 3GB. Basically, opening the file and acting like it's playing a normal DVD. I know it's a lot to ask but if this can be done in as little steps as possible it would be awesome. I spent many hours searching and experimenting for the answer.
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm a big handbrake user, but its very tedious to have to manually queue everything. Its just not practical when you've got 50+ files to do at once.
Does anyone know of a converter that just lets you bulk convert say an entire directory to h.264 from a bunch of different filetypes?
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Mar 28, 2008
With the advent of the PS3 getting Divx subtitle support in it's latest firmware revision, I'm trying to encode a Divx file to add subtitles. I can't for the life of me find a Mac application that will add a subtitle stream to a Divx file - usually this results in the creation of a .divx file. (.divx file containers support multiple audio and subtitle stream, and that is the format the PS3 requires the file to be in to play back the subtitles).
I do not want to "burn in" the subtitles to the video stream as this would require transcoding the video, which I do not want to do (time consuming, and can ruin a perfectly good encode). I've found the following programs for Windows, but can't seem to find a Mac equivalent:
As you can see by those bits of software, they simply take the avi file, the srt file and combines them into a .divx file with no transcoding. Has anyone got a similar solution for the mac world? I tried using the AVIAddXSubs via Darwine but it didn't seem to work.
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Aug 24, 2008
how to open several avi. movie files I have downloaded onto my Mac (version 10.5). First, I tried to open them just simply on QuickTime player, but a got a 'this is not a movie file' error message, so I Google'd and found advice telling me to download VLC in order to open avi files to QuickTime player. So, I downloaded VLC and tried to open one of the files with that - except when it opened on VLC there was no video and only the audio sped up really fast (you know, where they sound like chipmunks xD) and then it stopped. So, baffled, I then tried to open it again on QuickTime, but got that error message again *
So I Google'd a bit more, and found advice telling me to download DivX Player, which should open/play avi files - so, I d/w'd it.... but alas, the files wouldn't play audio or video, it didn't seem to show up.
I've looked on the info when it's opened on VLC, and it describes the streams (not sure what these are) as having both mpga and mpgv codecs.... so do I need to download a program that can open these files? Is there a codec program I need still?
* OR, am I not using VLC player correctly?
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Jan 31, 2010
I was wondering if it is possible to use VLC media player or video LAN to stream divx videos off the internet. I like to watch divx videos on stagevu but i dont like to use divxs player because it seems buggy. I have downloaded VLC before I had the divx player and couldnt figure out how to get it to play streamed videos. Is VLC capable of this or is it just for media on the hard drive or a disc.
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May 2, 2009
I love the old iMovie HD, and would like to keep working on projects with it. If I install iLife '09 , will it erase the old version of iMovie HD?
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Jun 2, 2010
I have a very old purple iMac, circa 2000, with an old version of iMovie. I copied the files onto a USB and tried to open/import them onto my new Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz iMac. However my new iMac with iMovie '09 won't recognise the files when I try to import them. They stay greyed, not allowing me to import them.
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Nov 28, 2006
I have a concert I recorded and I would like to extract the audio from either the MPEG-2 file or the DIVX file. Is there any program that will extract either the AC3 or MP3 audio? If it is the AC3, what else do I need to use to convert it to MP3 or AAC or WAV?
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a project file that was created using iMovie 5 HD. In this project file were a large number of unused clips and also the final film, edited with transitions, backing music, end credits, etc.
However when I import this project file into iMovie 8 I cannot find the final edited film anywhere, just all the clips that were both used and unused within the project file.
How can I get the final film back without spending about a week re-editing everything?
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Jan 16, 2010
So i've recently gotten in the uploading to YouTube craze with my Flip Mino HD but i'm not too happy at the way i've been doing this and am hoping there is an easier way.
As of late i've been importing what i film into iMovie. In iMovie i'll edit the video to my liking. In iMovie i'll "export" to the media browser so it'll show up in GarageBand. Then i'll open GarageBand and edit my film further, dealing with sound; adding music. After that i'll export it as a .MOV to my desktop. Then i'll open iMovie again and import that .MOV file and from there in iMovie will have it upload to YouTube in its original HD format.
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Aug 22, 2014
I have the version of iMovie that comes with OSX Maverick(10.0.3) and I've created the movie I want and everything, but when I go to hit share it won't even let me click on it. I've tried going to support but all it tells me to do to export is to click share and obviously that's not working.
MacBook Air
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Jun 4, 2014
My iMovie hasn't been working and it wont let me get the new ox update. What do I do or how do I stop iMovie from running?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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May 8, 2009
So, I have all of my imovie projects backed up on my external harddrive, as well as the imovie program. I accidentally deleted all of the imovie projects and events from the imovie application on my laptop. When I try to re-import the imovie files into imovie, it doesn't recognize the files. I have tried to convert them with iSkySoft Video Converter. That converter program does not recognize the files either. I also tried burning the files onto a disc and then pulling them off the disc with the Handbrake program. This doesn't work either. I also tried importing the files into iMovie HD, which I have on my desktop, but to no avail. Are these files alll useless now? I'm at my wits end because I have spent literally months compiling footage for a documentary.
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Jun 3, 2010
I need to work on iMovie projects from that external portable drive. Would you have any recommendations?
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May 17, 2012
While working at a new projekt iMovie stopped working and shows the colored disc for processing. When I try to restart the Mac I get the information that a program named backup-helper prevents the restart. I can't find a program with this name.
iMovie (iOS), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 6, 2010
How do you get DivX web player off your Mac? I just installed the latest version for DivX Labs and I can't even find it in Applications, it doesn't show up at all and I want it gone!
I desperately need to go back to an earlier version so it will work with my favorite site, and I can't get at it at all, or get it off my Mac. Now I can't watch anything at all on my favorite site, it just flat does not work and I'm desperate!
I could watch videos on that site all day long until I upgraded, and now I'm so totally bummed out! I looked for three years to find that site, and I only found it three days ago!
This new version of DivX web player will not let you download or save anything at all, so I guess I know what their agenda was and who was funded by.
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Feb 6, 2010
I've burnt a few .avi files onto a DVD and I'm having problems viewing them on my DVD/Divx player.
I can view the files on my computer, but not on my DVD/Divx player.
I've never had this problem before.
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Dec 21, 2008
I've been trying to stream DivX video from the internet and it's been working ok except for a handful that play the video with no sound. The site I was on suggested I install the K-Light codec pac, but, of course, I'm on a mac so I installed Perian which I understand is the equivalent and still no sound. could the Perian audio output option make a difference?
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