Applications :: OS X 10.6.4 - Cannot Install Flash 10.1 Nor Can Uninstall Flash 9,0,151,0
Oct 17, 2010
I cannot install the newest Flash on my system. I have tried the following; Installing Flash - Everything appears to download and install but it doesn't..Uninstalling the current version - The application says the version is removed yet it is still on my system
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
watch Youtube vids using H.264 MP4 codec instead of flash. As most of the videos I watch are recent uploads (last year or so) they have SQ and HQ H.264 version available. As Flash eats up system resources worse then anything I can think of at the moment, I am trying to find a way to force the videos to play in MP4 format. I know ClicktoFlash has this option for Safari, but I am trying to find out if there are any other ways to do this without user input (for playlists). I use YousableTubeFixURL for Chrome and Firefox which has the option to do this, but no matter what option I choose, it always plays using Flash. I know FF doesnt have a built in MP4 player, but I though I heard of a way to get VLC or Quicktime to play it.
My MacBook Pro 8.1 (Mac OS X 10.7). It started when i download Mackeeper, i was late when i read all messages thru apple communities that mainly cause of running slow is due to mackeeper. Now am having problems to uninstall it, cannot be remove anymore.Â
I'm trying to read news sites and my eye is distracted by things bouncing around in adverts. It's even worse when they're playing obnoxious sounds until you click the mute button in them.Therefore I just thought I'd let people know about this wonderful piece of software. I've seen it mentioned a few times here but even if this thread only helps a few people I think it'll be worth it:[URL]Not only does it hide these horrific insults to humanity (ok a bit strong perhaps), it actually prevents them loading, therefore your pages load quicker! And it's completely unobtrusive! If you want to watch flash file, simply click on in.
A friend of mine is having trouble playing flash videos on his 1.33 GHz PowerBook G4 (256MB of RAM). He has version 7 of flash player and is unable to upgrade to a newer version.
After 4 years of no problems when I log onto Yahoo/AT&T email it says Flash is blocked-you must unblock Flash in an openmail app. I have reinstalled Flash to no avail. The email app seems to work fine. How do I make this message go away?
I have upgraded from a OX 2.8 to 3.9. I now have to use two browsers to use the internet. Safari to have access to my yahoo mail account, and fire fox 2.020 to load information on my business website.
I have not been able to use shockwave flash or flash player on the up load. When I was using OSX 2.8 I could add pictures to my business website and etc., I had no problem viewing the slide show I had on my website, other than the system was a little slow. I have an ibook G3 128 +512 ram, total. 900 mhz, 12. inches and white case. The systems requirements indicate that I need to upgrade to tiger OSX 4.0
I know there are some issues using Fire Fox with OSX 3.9. When ever I tried to access my yahoo mail from Fire fox, the system would crash.
Other than getting a new laptop, any suggestions? I tried to down load Shock wave from the old apps web site called Camino. I get an error message that the plug in cannot be loaded sussfully I have tried load flash Player 7.09, but get a message that it can not load. Could this be because of not enough space on the drive. Maybe I am not loading it correctly. Shouldn't I be able to click it to install it in the right place without having to try the different files.
i have an old eMac os 10.3.9 that i have finally got working. To access many websites I need adobe flash player.
i have been t the adobe website and downloaded the flash player 9 for os 10.3 but how do you get it to install ? I just have a bunch of plugins and files?
I have a Macbook Air, an 8gb flash drive, and the Windows 7 .iso. I want to do a full install of Windows without Mac OS (please hold back the flames).[URL] Everything went ok, but when I hold down -option- when booting, the flash drive doesn't show up.
I tried to install Flash 10.1 that's just been released. It hangs at 95% and then does jack all. I can uninstaller but I can't for the life of me get it to install. I flaming well hate Flash but I need it to view the F1 on the BBC.
Prosessor 2,53 GHz Intel Core i5 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50) This machine is not willing to install Flash player. Have tried to follow instructions on Adobe forums, tried to remove flash, tried to install flash, but no luck.I only get the message flash player will not install...
I have installed the latest OS update and Safari update, as of 13th May 2012. Flash player will not install.I select the yellow download control from the Adobe site, a grey screen is displayed and nothing happens. There is no record of the application downloading. Under System Prefeences there is not Flash Player icon.
I uninstalled FP a few weeks ago because it was crashing Safari 5.0.6 on a regular basis. This morning, I ran the flashback security update sent out by apple a couple of days ago. I decided to see if that update might reduce the flash crashes with Safari + Flash Player, so I have been trying for hours to install FP 10.3. I go to the correct Adobe page and follow the instructions. Nothing happens. The tiny spinning wheel in the internet address line does not stop spinning, even after 30 minutes. I have thoroughly reviewed the adobe pages dealing with installation problems to no avail. Â
I took my Macbook Pro into the store and they had to delete everything and then reinstall the OS and all my data. I have not had any problems redownloading various applications, but no matter what I do, I cannot install Flashplayer. I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, opening the installer directly from the package, etc. There is no version of flash currently on my computer, but still, I cannot download and install it (even an older version).
possible it install Windows using a USB Flash Drive configured to function as an Install Disk? Using the generally accepted method for converting a USB flash drive to act as an installation disc my 2010 iMac 27 will not recognize this drive using the boot drive 'option' key method. After formatting the drive as an MBR disk to act as in installer the iMac will not recognize it as a bootable drive. This works fine on other Intel based computers and my GUID USB Flash Drive OSX install image works just fine and is recognizable as a bootable drive.
I am trying to install windows 7 to my bootcamp partition from a USB flash drive. I looked up some other forums that talk about how to do this but they started throwing in all kinds of fancy computer terms that I don't understand.
My MacOS partition recently crashed, fortunately my bootcamp Windows partition still works.The next problem I'm having is that my Mac OS cd is lost and I only have an image of it on my harddrive and dont currently dint have the possibility to burn it.This is what I want to do, I want to put the installation files on a USB driver I have to boot the "installation cd" from there. The problem is that all the guides show how to install it from a flash drive configured from Mac OS. I have MacDrive installed in Windows but im not able to format it to be bootable.
I put my Leopard install DVD (DVD drive is down) onto a flash drive to install on my 12" PowerBook G4 1.5ghz but when it restarts it just boots back into Tiger. I attempted to reboot and hold option but the only boot choice is the HD. Even if I go to Preferences>Startup Disk there's no option to boot from the Flash Drive.