ITunes For Mac :: Manually Add A Year In 11.2.2 (3)?
Jun 20, 2014
I just got a new iMac and reinstalled my old mp3s cd/dvds from years gone by (a 1TB hard drive is considerably larger than my old system!).Â
I am now trying to add missing artwork and the like to the files in iTunes. But I can't seem to be able to get a cursor in the 'Year' column.Â
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Jan 3, 2011
Every time I change the artist, iTunes changes the way my albums are sorted. It always reverts to sorting by album, alphabetically. How can I have it sort by year as to give the albums chronologically? I use grid view.
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Feb 23, 2010
For some reason iTunes messes up my complaitions if I sort the albums by anything else than "album", such as year. It "breaks" the compilations up (you know what I mean) even if the year is the same. The weird thing is that some (up to 3 I've seen) tracks keep in bundles (even despite having different artists). Also, if the album stays "intact" by some wonder when I sort by year, the track order usually becomes totally random... (14, 4, 2, 13, 3, etc).
Yes, they are marked as compilations. Yes, album artist is the same (blank field). No, there are no typos.
As a disclaimer, I'm on a Windows machine. Can anyone tell me how to set the "sort by year" a default? It's pain to re-set it every time I launch iTunes.
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May 6, 2012
I've been having problems sorting _some_ albums. I'll give you a specific example: I rip Simon and Garfunkel's 'The Concert in Central Park' which has 19 tracks. I want them to play in continuous mode, and in order. I show track number in the columns, make sure all the tracks are of the same album and artist and I don't specify and sort options. Now I click on the column header 'Album by Artist/Year' and I see that track 16 is first followed by 18, 19 then 1,2,3, etc.
I'm not sure why 16,18 and 19 are out of order, but they are and I don't know what other field it is using to apply this sort order since I've turned off the sort fields. I should say that I think the sort fields are turned off since I selected all tracks, hit command-I and made sure that the artist and album are the same, then went over to the sorting tab and selected each checkbox and made sure that the field was blank. Clicked on OK, then went into each track one at a time and verified that the general info and sort info were as I specified.
If I change the sort column to be just 'Album' then it sorts correctly - I think that the year is messed up, so I add the year column to the display and see that it is 1982. I click on the year and the sort is just fine. I set it back to 'Album by Artist/Year' and the same bizzare sort shows up. The same mis-sort shows with 'Album by Artist' so I do a check on the artist name (even looking for leading or trailing spaces - nothing). I could probably delete the album and re-rip it, but I would rather find out why the sort is messed up so I can correct this problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2010
I inadvertently reached my limit of authorized computers in iTunes, and now I cannot sync my iPhone. I tried to deauthorize all, but itunes claims I used the option last July. I don't remember, honestly, but I might have.
Unfortunately I forgot to properly deauthorize my old computers (I wiped them clean) and now I'm stuck.
Is there any option for this? Would Apple support be able to help me? A genius bar appointment? Is there a department I could call? I really need to restore my iPhone from a back up I have on my computer.
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Oct 20, 2008
I've only recently added release years to all my albums and now I sort by album by year, which is great. However, I'd like to make some smart playlists based on decades, and this is a problem for anything on some sort of anthology or greatest hits collection. For example, the Barenaked Ladies greatest hits CD was released in 2001.
If I tag the whole album as 2001, it sorts correctly, but the individual tracks from the 90's won't show up in the 90's smart playlist. The other option I can think of is to tag each individual track with the correct year, but then the album stops appearing in the right place chronologically within the BNL albums, since iTunes no longer knows it was released in 2001.
So my question is this: is there some way to do a sort of "Sort Year" or "Album Year" similar to "Sort Artist" or "Album Year"?
And while I'm at it, I'm sure there's no way, but it seems like it'd be cool to somehow tie a track to two different albums. Previously, if I had a greatest hits and some original albums, I would erase any duplicates from the greatest hits and only keep them on the original album. However, since the release of iTunes 8 I use a more album-based approach to my music. I use grid view with shuffle off by default, and often just click "Play Album". But if I do that for a greatest hits comp, it of course won't play the tracks that I've deleted from it. So I have to keep two copies of the same recording for two different albums. It'd be cool if there was some way to tie one track to both albums to avoid dupes. But again, I'm pretty sure this'll never happen.
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Apr 26, 2012
I purchased songs from iTunes Store. Files are on my computer, but did not automatically go to my Library. So tried to manually drag and drop files to my Library and they still won't go there. The songs will only play in my Purchase List and Recently Added. I turned off iTunes Match and Genius and still no luck.
Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 18, 2012
with my iPod 5G, I recently switched from automatic synching to adding music manually, because my library exceeds the 60GB storage. Now, in the appropriate iTunes window, I find the options to do so by lists, artists, genres, and albums, and the only option I can use is this last one. However, it does not list them by the name applied to them in my iTunes library, but instead a mixture of artist and album title, which makes it very uncomfortable to handle. I would rather have this list to be sorted exactly by the album names as applied in the title information in iTunes.
iPodclassic, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 28, 2012
I accidentyly clicked "Cancel" when iTunes asked to update Quicktime, now my online movies won't play without Quicktime. Any way that I could manually update it myself?
iPod touch, iOS 3.1.2
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Dec 6, 2014
I manually manage my videos and music. I don't want to sync. However, when I try to add books to my iPhone using iTunes 12, the only option I have is to sync and then an iTunes window opens up and says that I will lose all of my music and videos on my iPhone if I sync. I don't mind syncing my iBooks, but I don't want to be forced to sync my music and videos as well.Â
There is no book tab in iTunes 12.Â
Any other way to add iBooks to an iPhone and iPad manually. Â
There is no option in the iBooks application to add books to an iPhone or iPad that I can find.Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Oct 4, 2009
Can I have iTunes automatically add new music that I add to my music folder without having to go to:
FILE> Add to Library
How come iTunes won't monitor the music location folder where I store the music. I keep all of my music in the default iTunes music folder.
This could very well be the way iTunes works but I'm new to macs and comparing it to previous programs I've used like Media Player, it would consistently monitor the music folder you chose and update or add files when it sees them changed or whatever.
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Jan 12, 2010
One of the drawbacks of Automatically get Artwork function is that even if the proper artwork is in the iTunes database, the program does not download the correct artwork. I've noticed this is a real problem for a number of my Grateful Dead recordings (especially Dick's Picks, and the Download Series). I like the iTunes artwork because it's good quality and properly formatted, in terms of size and how the image displays, for the iPod. Is there anyway to manually go into the iTunes store, and copy and paste the correct album artwork?
Also, I know that I can just go somewhere else to get artwork, and I do when needs be, so please don't just tell me to grab it from Amazon or the like.
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Nov 30, 2014
Since either the new OS or iTunes version, I have no options on syncing music from my computer to my iPad. I want to add playlists I already have to my iPad. Old ones were there but I cannot figure out how to do it manually.
iPad Mini, iOS 8.1.1
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm looking to find a way to change the play count for a track in iTunes other than manually skipping the song to the last second each time. Since I'm sure someone will want to know why, well, I have an 88 play count for a U2 song that was in 128kb but I just bought a newer version at 256 and want to replace the old one. I'd like to keep the 88 plays and apply it to the new, higher quality track and delete the old version. It would be tedious skip to the last second, then repeat, 88 times. I've done it this way for up to 20 plays but this is too much.
Since it apparently can't be done by using the mouse and doing it inside the program, from what I can tell, does anyone know any sort of workaround that could get this accomplished?
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Sep 24, 2007
I'm wondering if there's any way to get the artwork iTunes uses for TV shows for programs that I manually convert and ad to my library. Does anyone know of a method?
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Jun 4, 2010
I wanted a visual representation of all my videos, regardless of format, in iTunes so I've used a combination of QT reference files for AVIs and placeholder M4Vs for DVD rips. To get the placeholders I Handbraked a 7-second clip of a DVD to M4V and applied metadata. This works to get the coverart in iTunes but the minor annoyance to my OCD nature is that the track length shows as 7 seconds (see image). Is there anyway to hack this information somewhere so I can show the actual runtime?
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Feb 2, 2012
When I manually add songs to my iphone 4 from my iTunes library they are not showing up on my phone under when I go to the artist. Oddly, when I search for the song title the song will come up and it plays, and it shows the artist name correctly when it is playing. I updated both iTunes and the phone. I've done a reset. I've deleted the songs in question from the phone and then re-added them, only to have the same problem.
This problem doesn't happen with every song I add, but it always happens to the same songs. When I sync the phone, I can find them in the phone window of iTunes and they're there correctly sorted by artist (and play fine)! These songs are CD imports (not iTunes purchases). I have "manually manage music" on, and iCoud is off.
Info:iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 24, 2012
I have lots of material in my Itunes Library.I want to put only selected songs/tracks on to a shuffle.
iPod shuffle
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May 13, 2012
I have a newish mac with everything transferred from the old. I attempted to transfer some new songs I just purchased to my iphone by manual transfer but I get the message: The iPhone is synced with another iTunes library. Do you want to erase this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library?An iPhone can be synced with only one iTunes library at a time. Erasing and syncing replaces the contents of this iPhone with the contents of this iTunes library. Its the same itunes library transferred onto this mac so i dont understand?
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Jul 5, 2012
Some of my music is duplicated and I want to remove them. How do I remove them directly from the device without any syncing?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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Sep 11, 2014
Every time I log on Itunes is active.. how do you set it to load manually?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 12, 2009
The first fourteen episode of a podcast I subscribe to (Sundays Supplement, yay!) are only available via download from the website. I want them to appear in my Podcasts library.
In my iTunes folder there's a path ~/iTunes/iTunes Music/Podcasts/Sundays Supplement
Containing all the subscribed shows.
So, I d/led all the .mp3s to this folder. No joy. Restart iTunes. No joy.
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May 28, 2012
What are storaged on the "Others" area? I have a 16Gb on my 3GS and 7,9 Gb is on Others
Mac Book Pro 15" 2.53, Mac OS X (10.6.1)
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Jun 12, 2012
I have seen that several people have experienced this, and one 'solution' is to delete the album from the iPad and then move it back from iTunes. However iTunes will not let me move the album again onto my iPad. Why not? (I am having to use manual moving rather than syncing because I have another iTunes on a PC, and the iPad seems to have attached itself to that.)
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 9, 2014
Is this a deeply-buried function, or does it not exist as an option in the latest version of iTunes? Or am I missing something obvious and easy?
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Jun 8, 2012
lost all my music on laptop after trying to manually delete music from ipod. where did it go and how can i restore it?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Dec 27, 2010
I remember coming across a new year's resolution app.. I have no idea what the name of it was tho.. does anyone know which app it is? It was to pretty much keep track of the persons resolution list.. I can use a todo list but I am curious what an app dedicated to New Year's Resolutions has in it
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Mar 1, 2012
can you put face time on a 2-3 year old macbook pro?
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Feb 14, 2012
Lately, my laptop has been freezing for no reason. I've only had it for a year now. Sometimes when I open it to wake it up from sleep, nothing will appear on the screen, but the light indicates that it is on.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 8, 2012
I need the startup disk for my 6 year old intel iMac: how do I do this?
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