Applications :: Batch Opening Of Links In Word Document
Oct 4, 2010
I have a document with lot of text inside it. There are also several links. I want to be able to open all links of the document to safari tabs. The only way I have to do it 'till now is to manually copy paste each link from word pages to safari tabs. Is there any way to automate this repetitive task? Either by selecting all links of word and somehow opening them, or using osx automator? I 've not used automator before, I do not know if this task can be automated. Can you please help me to make the whole task faster and simpler?
The default zoom when I open any Word doc is a very small 100%. I prefer to use Page Width. So every time I open a file I have to go View-->Zoom-->Page Width, which is a hassle.I find no prefs for this detail.
I can't seem to find the right preference order to make it so when I click on a link that should open a new tab, it instead keeps opening up a new window. I have the first and third option checked in the tabs preference but it doesn't seem to matter. I might be delirious from playing with leopard all day/night, but I just want to figure this one last option out before bed. I Would like to open links in new tab WITHOUT having to hold down the command key.
how to embed an image with a link, or embed a Microsoft Word document with a hyperlink built within the document -- not as an attachment into my email -- but where it shows as the email content when opened! Does ANYONE know the secret? Can it be done, or not? My PC clients do it all the time easily. Then I want to be able to send the embedded image/document (not as an attachment, but visable within the email when opened) to many email contacts at once, BUT the individuals receiving them DO NOT SEE the other email contacts.
I use Stellar for photos and music and it works out great, but is there such an app that specializes in Microsoft Word documents? I bought Data Rescue and I'm not impressed.
I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.
i just basically screwed it up. When i started writing it i first saved in .odt and later i saved it in .txt and unicode format. I thought everything's gonna be fine so i deleted the .odt files and had cleared the trash bin but that's where the nightmare began.
I went to the printing shop to get the essays to be printed but their windows computer couldn't "read" the chinese characters and it all turns out as "?" sign. I thought it was only a windows problem but when i went back to open it in my MBP, it's all "?" too. So i quickly installed a data recover program and i am just praying that i can recover the .odt files I would be dead if my essays are totally lost. Anyway, the question is: What extension is best to save a Chinese word document? AND, I just deleted the .odt files yesterday, do you think there's still a chance for it to be recovered?
I have a problem with Office 2008. Every time that i receive a word document that has inside a powerpoint presentation and i double click it i get the message: word can not edit the microsoft powerpoint 97-2003 presentation. Also i have a CD that has some adobe and word documents attached to a powerpoint presentation and when i click on them i get a message that the path/object could not be found. But poth these document and CD when i put them in a PC they open without any problems.
My mother is working on an important document with Word 2004, and it's fairly big at ~100 pages. The problem, is that people have sent through their own sections from their PC versions of Word, and their sections have [Type text] in the footer area. We cannot find a way to remove this text, and it doesn't actually show up when we reveal the footer. It prints this on every page, so we really need to find a way to get rid of it!
Here is how it goes, I download the file DMG file and it opens it with DiskImageMounter and it shows up in Finder after it is done downloading, I click on the package to install it and it will never open up; the prompt "There was an error opening this document. There was a Macintosh system error(-1409)"
I have a Word document (Business Plan with lots of tables and pictures) that i have lots of problems saving as one PDF file as it has multiple sections. I was wondering if �Pages� could integrate this Word document effectively and would I be able to save it as one PDF file.
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).
My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?
Every time I open a document in word, the elements gallery automatically opens. I don't use this feature. Anyone know how to turn it off? I tried finding a way in preferences but didn't see anything.
How do you determine what application will open up document links in Safari? I am creating a website with many links to xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, doc, docx documents. When I click on one of these links, it either downloads the file if I have published the site to a host site, or brings me to the file in Finder if the website is accessed from a local drive. In other words, the site was exported and not published. But if I click on a link to a Pages, Numbers or Keynote file, it opens it up the linked document in that application regardless of whether I'm going from the published site or from the exported site on a local folder. I'd like the above Microsoft file types to automatically open up in their appropriate apps as well.
I know how to set what application gets opened on your Mac when you open a file depending on the file extension, but is there a way to tell Safari how to do this too?? For example, I've got doc and docx files set up to open Pages when I open those types of files which works fine on my Mac. But the same behavior doesn't hold true when opening these documents from Links on a web page in Safari. I thought this method would flow through and work the same way when opening document links in Safari, but it apparently doesn't.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4 16GB / iPad 3 32GB
Up until yesterday I was solely a Windows/PC-based computer user. I am now running Mac OS X with my new Mac Pro. Before turning off my PC system, hopefully forever, I downloaded all my MS Word files to a USB stick. I'm a writer and only worked in MS Word for my work.I just purchased iWork '09 and am very impressed with the Pages App and I'm very excited to start working in Pages '09. when I insert my USB stick with all my Word Docs on it into my Mac Pro, is it a case like under Windows/XP where you just open up each file with the Pages '09 program or is there something more to do to get Pages '09 to open the file up and save it within Pages '09? I understand Pages '09 works with MS Word files (as well as formatting to Word docs to send to colleagues).
I have several hundred word processing files I prepared in MS WORD. I moved the folders containing this files from my old computer to my new iMac. Every time I try to open one of these files, I see a box on the screen saying the file cannot be opened.
This is true when I try to use MS WORD for mac, when I try Pages, and when I try other word processors.
I suspect some sort of permissions need to be set for the folders or the files. I hope it can be done in "bulk"
I am using Microsoft Word 2008 version 12.2.0 (last updated 12.2.1) and every time I try to switch to Notebook Layout View it just quits and tells me "Microsoft has encountered a problem and needs to quit."
For the past few days, when I try to click on a URL link from an email, Firefox will open up but not to the link. I have to right click and copy link and then paste it into the location bar. Very frustrating.
I have also noticed that when I double click on a .html file from Finder, I get a pop up window asking me if I want to open it up and I click "yes" (this is normal), however, once I do that, nothing happens, but if I double click it again, it will open up in Firefox. And each time I do that for each file, the file is not opening up in a new tab, but in a new session of Firefox (my preference for this is set to new tab instead of new window).
I have checked both Firefox and Mail preferences but can't find anything about links to assist/guide me. Any and all advice is welcomed because I am stumped.
I'm having trouble opening links on some websites recently. It acts the same on different browsers, click on a link and nothing... I can open the link in a new tab no problem, but don't want to have to do this all the time. I can open the very same pages no problem on my macbook pro, which is running osx lion also and the same browser versions.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I use a MacBook Pro 17" Early 2011. Safari 8.0 (10600.1.25.1) I have had several different difficulties since upgrading to Yosemite.
Processor: 2.2 GHZ Intel Core l7,
Memory: 10GB 1333 MHz DDR3, (recently removed one of the 2GB modules and replaced it with an 8GB module which bumped me u to 10GB.)
Startup disk: Macintosh HD, Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 670M 1024 MB.
Lately when clicking on a link in email or while web browsing the link either acts dead and won't open at all or will open very slowly. Is this my MacBook Pro or internet ? Or OS X Yosemit
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Recently increased Memory to 10GB
I've just switched to Safari instead of Firefox (I don't exactly know why, just giving it a go) and I have noticed that when I open links in Forum Spy, they open in a new window in Safari, not in a new tab like in FireFox.
I'm getting an error that says "No associated application could be found" when clicking on a Date Smart Link on the Date Smart Link is actually the words "Next Thursday" with containing the link x-apple-data-detectors://0
I am running SL and the Gmail Notifier for Mac, and Firefox. Every time I click an email link in Firefox, instead of opening up a "compose mail" page in Gmail like it used to, recently I just get sent to an old-style HTML only Gmail page, as pictured below.
Anyone else experiencing this? it's getting pretty annoying that any time I click an email, I get sent to a useless Gmail page. I've tried googling the problem, but it never turns up results that are relevant.
I made my resume in Word on my Mac (Microsoft Office 06) and when I opened it on a PC with vista it looks terrible. All the formatting is off and the fonts are different.
I'm not a computer whiz (that's why I use mac ) here's my problem I need to convert an e-book that's in pdf format to word and I don't have adobe just preview since this book is 300+ pages I really don't want to do it one page at a time and there's also images, charts, tables, etc. in the book. Any ideas? am I screwed? or will I have to have adobe or something else?
i opened a new file in textedit, put in a basic html code, <html> and </html> saved it as an html file then when I opened it in safari i see exactly what I'd typed in.
I have a microsoft word document that I need to print out and this document is located on my notebook pc. Unfortunately, I can't seem to print this document on my notebook pc either wirelessly or through usb connection. I am able to print wirelessly/and or through usb connection on my imac computer. My question is how to do I convert a microsoft word document into a pdf file so I can print this on my imac computer?
As I am completely new to the mac operating system, I was also wondering if I could send this word document as an attachment to my e-mail address, open up the document and then print it. Is this possible? I appreciate any feedback/info on how to resolve this issue.
Right away when I tried it, it opened up in my microsoft word free trail. Please tell me I don't have to pay another $150 dollars after all this money I spent on this computer.