I've been looking in to setting up a blog in iweb & there seems to be problems with all the solutions/widgets I've come across, in terms of various browser issues & security. What I want to do is to set up a system so that comments are emailed to me for approval prior to posting - the reason for this is that a number of people have said they've had to disable PHP due to the quantity of incoming spam without such a system in place?
I have had a website running off of iWeb 08' for some time now with two blogs. Both I have enabled so people can leave comments. But All the sudden I am having problems and people get an error when they try to post a comment. This is what they get :We're sorry. We are having a problem processing your request.
I accidentally double-clicked on a file named "Domain" which was really a backup file of my Site. My problem is that I had backed up my site a long time ago, after which i have made many changes. Now when I open iWeb it takes me back to the original days of the site. I still have the desired folder in "Sites", but can seem to get in onto iWeb. Is there any way to put my latest site back onto iweb?
I haven't setup time machine, I publish using Easy iWeb Publisher, I don't have have a Mobileme account
My old MB got attacked by some tea and died. So now i have a new unibody although the main thing that i have lost from my old MB is my iWeb pages.
I have mobile me, and have the site published to that. How can i download the site to my MB in iWeb format? Iv tried downloading them as HTML but iWeb can't open them.
Here's my situation:I created a site using iWeb '08. Many months passed and I wasn't doing anything with that particular site any longer, so I nuked the pages within iWeb and have since worked on new projects.Now I need to do some work on that old site again.I have all of the created content in a folder that had been stored on my server, but I have nary a clue how to get it all back into iWeb again.
I've created a site with a theme in iWeb 08 that has been removed from iWeb 09. I've put a lot of work into customizing the theme, and iLife 09 is currently being shipped to me. In iWeb 09, can I still maintain and build on this site even though the theme is not included anymore? And, if not, is there a way that I can find the theme data in Finder and copy and paste that into the theme data files in iWeb 09?
After upgrading to Lion I found I could no longer upload photos to Facebook from my iMac. I am brought to what I think is the Finder dropdown menu and cannot maneuver anywhere from there to find and choose the photo I want to post. I have run Lion Cache Cleaner with its optimizing and maintenance programs to no avail. This posting I was always able to do readily with Snow Leopard.
I have the weirdest problems. Every once and a while when I receive a new email, the text of the email is from a year prior. It is the weirdest thing. Anyone know what the deal is and how to fix this?
I love firefox, but it is so slow. Slow in everything, loading, typing, posting. I finally went to Safari which is better but I love firefox and hate to give it up. I have done searches, it appears to be a problem, but most of the fixes are either over my head or for a pc. My computer is not the fastest but Firefox is unbearable. OSX 10.5.8 processor 1.8 GHZ PwerPC G5 Memory 2 GB DDR SDRAM
Je n'arrive pas de trouver l'onglet pour importer le ficher(.cuix) sous Autocad pour Mac,pour windows il est dans le menu Outil/Personnaliser/menu/transferer/ouvrir le ficher de personnaliser.Merci auparavant pour la reponse.
The new 5.1.4 is not working with Facebook games. How can I go back to the prior version until there is a fix for this? Is there a reliable site that keeps earlier versions available?
We purchased a new imac from the Apple Store online which will arrive in a few days. Our G5 iMac has been sold and we would like to prepare it so that all personal information and files are removed before the new owner picks it up. Please assist us in removing anything of personal nature on it. We are leaving the application programs we installed in it.
I keep having trouble with Safari, the web pages randomly and spontaneously pop back to prior or previously viewed pages. This gets pretty frustrating, especially if doing online shopping or banking.Â
to two blue screens.. I was told to Re install.. "archive and install" to be specific .. Snow leopard.. In a tragic fire i lost alot of things.. one of which was my key code to abletonlive.. If i archive and install snow leopard again to fix my boot up problem.. Will it ask me for a keycode for abletonlive?.. Or will all my applications run as they did prior to having my boot up problem, after archive and install is ran with snowleopard again
Just bought a new SSD I plan to swap into my MacBook pro (mid 2010 6.2). I plan on clean installing osx Lion and thought I would try to make the installation go as smoothly as possible by updatingthe firmware, if needed, on both the new drive and the MacBook pro.
-Model: MacBook Pro 6,2 (mid 2010) - 15" i5 2.4ghz
-Current Boot ROM: MBP61.0057.B0C
I'm wondering if I need to wait until os x Lion is installed before I install this update? Perhaps it will automatically via "software update" after Lion is installed. It looks like the fix is pertains to osx Lion functionality, so maybe it would've already been downloaded via software update if Lion was installed as opposed to snow leopard which is what I have currently.The article says " If you are unsure whether your computer needs a particular update, simply download and open the update installer. The installer will alert you if the firmware update is already installed or not needed." Which update installer are they referring to and where can I get it? I thought it'd be better to update the firmware prior to installing the os, but maybe that's just an old habit I picked upnwhile using windows.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), mid 2010 6,2 15" 2.4 core i5
Is anyone having an issue with iWeb '09s FTP connections? I have a server running Windows Server 2003. For a while now I have been using filezilla and it has worked just fine.
Using iWeb 09', I have it configured the same way as i do in filezilla. It connects to my server and logs in fine, but when it try to do the test upload, it says it is unable to write. Now why would iWeb not be able to write by filezilla can?
I have my work portfolio on iWeb, and a few other sites and am about to start another site, and wanted to check something:
I read somewhere about there not being recent updates for iWeb, and wanted to make sure that nothing drastic is changing, basically that iWeb is still going strong and will be around for a good long time.
Is it possible to run 2 websites or more now with iWeb 09? I could not figure it out in 08 but I thought I read that you can in 09. This is using one MobileMe account btw.
I have been trying for the past week to publish a website using FTP. I have a great piece of software to publish it, but no FTp space, as AOL (my ISP) has shut theirs down. I have been browsing google for ages with no luck, so does anyone know if it is possible to obtain FREE ftp space to publish an iWeb website to, and if so, how and what...?
Has anyone had problems with re-publishing to a folder, after updating web pages with iWeb? What happens for me is that iWeb creates a 2nd 'site' folder within the already existing 'site' folder, duplicating all the web pages, which seriously confuses the server! The only way I have so far found to avoid this is to delete everything from my website folder before re-publishing. I'd be grateful if someone has an answer to this.
i am looking to export my web design onto my host site. the only way i know how to do this is to copy and paste the source code, which is how i have been editing my current site in nvu. I created a new site in iweb and saved it to a folder but am unable to find the source code. my hosting site is [URL].
This is literally the first time I've opened iWeb so I'm very new to using it, although it doesn't look too complex. I'm pretty sure I have iWeb '09 seeing as how I bought my Mac in early 2010.I'm supposed to help make a website for a friend's business and he wants me to make sure that it is backwards compatible to iWeb '08 which he has. (So he can update things on it and such)Are there any special things I need to do with iWeb to make it backwards compatible?
I accidentally double-clicked on a file named "Domain" which was really a backup file of my Site. My problem is that I had backed up my site a long time ago, after which I have made many changes. Now when I open IWeb it takes me back to the original days of the site. I still have the desired folder in "Sites", but can seem to get in onto IWeb. Is there any way to put my latest site back onto IWeb? I haven't setup time machine, I publish using Easy IWeb Publisher, I don't have have a Mobileme account.