Applications :: IMovie 09 - Best Format For Exporting Video?
Feb 3, 2009
What would be the best format to export video in iMovie 09 using quicktime when the source is NTSC DV format? Something that wont take as much space as DV AVI, but still looks very good.
What is the best export method (file type and settings) for exporting HD video to be converted using Handbrake? I use handbrake to convert my HD video to be played on my iPad. And I want to edit the video first in iMovie, then export the movie to handbrake to be converted to play on my iPad.
My biggest concern is exporting from iMovie, I want the best possibly quality.
I have a bunch of videos that I recorded on my windows computer, they're in an uncompressed AVI format (huge files). Since I wanted to use iMovie 09 for the editing I decided to convert them to mp4 using VisualHub (to compress them and so they would work with iMovie) and they seemed to work fine, I could still see the video on Quicktime. The problem is that I still can't add them to iMovie. Whenever I add one of these videos as mp4 or dv (I've tried both) they go through the process of adding them to iMovie (copying, creating thumbnails, etc.) and then when it's finished, that's it. No video is actually added to the event. It happens all the time no matter what other options I change when converting the file. And by the way, I noticed the "Show All Clips" option at the bottom of the iMovie main window, it's not that. Anyway, here's the info on one of the files (from the Quicktime X info page of the video):
File: Video 4.mp4 Format: H.264, 800 x 600, Millions, AAC, 2 channels, 44100 Hz FPS: 30 Data Size: 84.3 MB Data Rate: 4,505.10 kbit/s (This file goes through the process when I add it to iMovie, but doesn't actually get added). Some of them have an 840 x 524 size instead of 800 x 600, but they still fail to get added to iMovie properly.
First, I finally understand "how" iMovie wants to work with audio ducting apposed to iMovie HD. But when a clip, a still to be precise, has no audio option so I can continue to duct it. How do I control the audio? I have read Ken Stone's biography on the program but I don't see the answer. Last, anyone else have uploading issues lately? I have uploaded a file to YouTube twice but YouTube gets nothing. Started out of the blue.
say you got some mpegs you wanna edit in iMovie, you can't because imovie wont let you now with this program im about to tell you about (free) you can export those mpegs into dv! its great and works 100% it encodes the audio as well as the video too.
I'm a Mac newbie. I switched from Windows a month ago. I need to covert some videos that are in the .WMV format to any (preferably, the best) iMovie 09' supported format. I searched for a mac video converter on google and this forum. All the software that turned up aren't free and the trial versions place watermarks, limit the time and mute the audio, etc.
You see, while working in iMovie I accidentally exported a movie when I wasn't finished with it, and I wasn't able to cancel the action. And now, since I'm not done with the project yet, I was wondering - can I, and if so, how, can I import it back into iMovie? I am operating in iMovie '09 I am not new to Macs - just the '09 applications.
I am running a Macbook 2.4GHz with 4GB of RAM and Snow Leopard.
I have an issue using Keynote 09.
I have created a presentation that has a m4v video playing in the background.
The video was the first thing I put in and was just placed on the slide and set to play when the presentatation starts.
The video starts at the beginning automatically and plays for the entirity of the presentation. The presentation is only 2 mins long. Over it are a number of different words all with various animations. There is also a music file playing in the background.
I have then recorded the show with manual timings and now when I play it in Keynote it runs smoothly from start to finish. The video continues to play and the transitions are smooth.
HOWEVER, when I then try and export the presentation as a Quicktime file I encounter a problem. The video starts initially at the beginning of the presentation but the minute any other animation kicks in the video freezes and does not restart. I have tried a large variety of export settings but to no avail. I have also spent time trawling the internet to try and solve this problem but no solution found.
It is very frustrating. I need to export it because I need it as a movile file rather than a keynote presentation.
is there a way to export a movie from imovie to a watchable format without actually opening imovie. My computer is severely breaking down, and i cant open half of my apps.
I have a new panasonic HD camera that records full HD (HDC-TM200-K). What format do you recommend I import movies into iMovie? Full or the large options.
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
I have a video that I am trying to import into iMovie '09. Its it a .MOV file. The file shows up in iPhoto, but when I go to iPhoto movies in iMovie, the file does not show up. What type of formats does iMovie let you import? Perhaps I can't import because its the wrong type of file? If so, is there a (free) way to convert the .MOV file into a file that can be imported into iMovie?
How to export all the mailboxes (many) with all the emails that I have in my Mail programme in a form they can be imported by other email clients (Thunderbird, Outlook etc.).
I need to throw a iMovie I made to my friends HD from my computer, but I only have it saved as a iMovie Project and he wouldn't be able to watch it. How do I export it as a .mpeg or .avi? It's not under file in iMovie either. I only have the choice to import and no export.
Had the Macbook for a few months now and Apple TV for a year or so. Just upgraded to iMovie 09 and thought I would put a few of my 720P video files together to make a holiday video. All went well until it came to outputting to my Apple TV in a format it likes? I seem to be able to out .mov, but for reasons unknown Apple have decided the ATV won't support this, slowly understanding that the whole "Apple" family of gadgets may well not be as compatible and wonderful as they first appeared.
I am soon going to be buying a Sony HDR-XR520V and I already have iLife 09 installed on my Mac Pro. I will also be buying Roxio Toast 10 Pro and a Bluray Drive to be able to watch my videos on my HD television. Now I need to know if I can export to Toast 10 in 1920 by 1080 Interlaced or not? I'm sure its possible but when I look at the Share option for iMovie 09 the largest resolution is 960 by 540 which is half of what I want. Any ideas on how to do this?
What video format is best when using the "dvd video from video-TS" option in Toast 7.0.2? My goal is to burn a video onto a dvd and then watch it on any tv. So far, I've tried the .mpg and mpeg4 video formats. I find that the video quality with .mpg is poor with a jittery picture when watching it on tv via a dvd disk. The video itself plays fine on the computer, and the dvd-r disks that I use are of high quality. Comparatively, Toast did not accept the mpeg4 format when dragging this video into the "dvd video from video-TS" window.
I'm an old-school Visual Hub user when it comes to converting video formats. Unfortunately, that app is no longer being made and it doesn't solve my current problem so looking for some advice. My nephew won an MP3/video player as part of a contest at school. Its not an iDevice but its a prize and he's enamored with it. The problem is, although it supports video, it only seems to support files formatted in the "MTV" format which I understand to be really limited technology.
Can anyone recommend a decent media conversion program that will let me convert MP4's, AVI's and such to the MTV format? Its likely time I upgrade from Visual Hub anyways so I don't mind spending some money on a useful app. The problem is most of those I see mentioned in the forums here don't specifically mention the MTV format.
I installed iLife 09, and just recently tried iMovie 09 for the first time. Pulled some videos off of my Flip and dragged them into iMovie as I did with the Flip videos and iMovie 08. It looks like it imports them fine, but then in the preview panel it says "No Matching Video, choose a different option from the Show pop-up menu at the lower left corner". So i made sure that THAT menu says "All Clips" but still nothing is showing up.
I tried using quicktime pro to convert the avi files to mov files and still nothing is showing up. I dont know what I could be doing wrong but this is awful! I was so excited to have the new BETTER iMovie and I can't even use it for the only thing I want to use it for.
I read through the information provided by iMovie, and searched around on Google, but I'm not getting anywhere. I have iMovie '08, and have never used it until today. I tried to import some videos (Mp4) that I have on my computer in order to edit them. I imported them, selected the project to import them to, where to save, etc. Pressed import. iMovie said it was importing the video and then uploading thumbs or whatever. After that, nothing. Nothing shows up in iMovie, and I don't know how to access the video clips, or how to make them transfer successfully. Am I doing anything wrong?
I have about 2GB's worth of mpeg-2 video files and I am looking for a program with a lot of different format options and that can handle a huge amount of files.
After you have downloaded say 10 movie clips from a video camera into I- Movie, is there a way to connect 2 or more of the clips and make it into one clip? When making movies every time you pause the video camera it creates a different clip. If you pause it 15 times at the same event you download 15 clips which in turn you have to create a button for each clip in I- DVD. I would like to combine some of them to somewhat fewer.
I am trying to put together a project where I would like to at a certain section of the video silence the video audio play some music then re intreduce video audio. Is it possible to do this and if so how do I do it?
Is there a way I can crop my movies before importing it into iMovie. I have a long video on my recorder and I only need like 30 seconds of it, I don't want to have to import the whole movie (it's HD, so it'll take a while). Is there a quicker way to do this? If iMovie can't, just out of curiosity, can more advanced programs like Premiere Pro or FCE/FCP do this?