Applications :: How To Share ITunes Library On LAN
Jun 5, 2009
Out of the box, iTunes lets you share your library with up to 5 client computers. However, 5 is the max.
I need to share my iTunes library (or a music library set up in some other way) with up to 9 clients on a local network. Does anyone know of client/server software that will let me do that? I'm pretty techy, and can work at the terminal level, etc., so it doesn't have to be an off-the-shelf solution.
I thought I'd heard of people doing this, and done a fair amount of searching, but haven't been able to find anything suitable.
All computers are running 10.4.11.
Right now, we don't have internet access, and may not have it any time soon (I know, I know, it's the dark ages, but I'm having to deal with bureaucracy and privacy issues). So, something like SimplifyMedia probably won't work - it seems to be dependent on internet access.
We add music fairly often, and the person who adds music is not techy, so adding tunes/updating what the clients see is either automatic, or at least easy. And, changes need to be seen by the clients immediately, or at least quickly.
I can potentially set up a file share, though this isn't ideal. Has anyone shared an iTunes library this way?
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Jan 30, 2010
My Mac has 2 user, me and my wife and each one has own iTunes library. How can I get some musics from her iTunes library e put into my iTunes library? Is there a way to share the musics?
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May 14, 2010
I have two Macs, MacBook Pro and Mac Mini.I have all my music on MacBook Pro. I want to be able to access iTunes from Mac Mini. But I don't like Home Sharing, because it doesn't really sync my music, and that route keeps two separate libraries.
When I'm home, both Macs are connected to the same network. I want my Mac Mini to access MacBook Pro's iTunes Library, update new music from Mac Mini which gets reflected on MacBook Pro. So that if I consolidate the file from Mac Mini, it gets put into the hard drive of MacBook Pro.
I understand what I'm trying to do, doesn't actually put physical files on Mac Mini. If MacBook Pro is not in the network or is turned off, that I wouldn't be able to access MacBook Pro's iTunes Library.
I don't want to use any third party applications to "sync" my music. I want to be able to do it by using File Sharing and such.
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Feb 10, 2009
I recently installed MacDrive on my Windows Vista X64 partition so that I could access my iTunes Library on my Mac partition. After installing iTunes on my Windows partition and pressing shift while it opened, iTunes asked me for an iTunes library file ending with the extension ".itl". Now, I do not have any files ending with this extension in my iTunes folder on my Mac partition. Is there anything I can do to make iTunes on Windows to read my music library on my Mac partition?
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Mar 15, 2012
Short of copying to a jump drive, is there a better way to share TV shows that I purchased and are in my iTunes library on my iMac with the iTunes library on my iBook G4?Both computers are on the same home network and home sharing is turned on in both iTunes library's.
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Apr 19, 2012
I want to be able to share one iTunes library that will be on a server between a MAC and a Windows machine.I know you have to rename one of the library files but not sure about how to go about it.It will be a brand new library. Not moving anything.
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May 24, 2012
How do multiple users on same Mac share one iTunes library?
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Jun 23, 2014
Since I've upgraded to Mavericks and iTunes 11.2.1, I have been unable to share my library on my admin machine with any of the other iMacs in my class. I used to do this via sharing and my library would show up as being shared in the available column in the classroom machines.
Now it doesn't show on any of the remote machines at all, despite them all having sharing on. I have tried to do this via Home Sharing but the client machines will not allow home sharing (error-3170).
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Apr 18, 2012
I have a single iTunes library on my Macbook Pro. I would like to share between to user accounts, each with Apple ID's. What's the best way to do so? Right now, I've given the second user rights to read/write to the first users "Music" folder. But when one user adds song files, the other must "Add Folder" in order to see the new purchases. It's kind of putsy. Is there a better way?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 20, 2012
I have alot of music, movies etc that i have downloaded and i want my wife to be able to access it on her login.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 29, 2012
I want to set my wife up as a separate user on my mac and share my music file with her so we no longer mix up our iPhone apps. I don't want a second copy on my hard drive. I've tried one method on here HT1203 but it makes a second copy and fills up my hard drive. I do not want to share the whole media library just the music. There must be an easy way to use two iPhones with separate user ids on one Mac so we don't mix up our apps. I would have though that the great Apple would have just sorted this out when you plug in a different device.
Info:iPhone 4, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 3, 2011
Is it possible to share an iMovie library like you can an iPhoto library? If so how? I'd like to be able watch the videos i have saved on my imac and view them on my macair.
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Jan 31, 2008
The goal: To have all computers in the house use the same itunes library. Now the new ReadyNAS by NetGear has the option to put all the itunes music on there, and it shows up on the network as a shared library. Is there a way for multiple computers to share the same library on a external hard drive, or in this case, time capsule. I can see where a networked itunes library (like a shared computer) would work just fine for playing music, but you run into problems when say, you want to transfer songs to a ipod, iphone, etc.
One option would be for one of the computers be the main music server, and have that computer be the one to do the music transfers, but what if that computer is off. Multiple computers on same network, sharing same itunes library, but still able to manipulate the files?
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Jun 21, 2006
I would like to be able to share my iPhoto library with my wife (another user) on the same machine. The only way I have been able to find to do this is to write some unix programming language in the OS. I don�t really want to do this. Is there an easier way to share my library with another user? Will iPhoto buddy do this, or another separate application?
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Sep 27, 2010
Is it possible to sync my iPad on both Mac and Windows, and to share the same library for both devices. I constantly switch between my desktop pc and Macbook Pro and it would be handy to get the same apps/music/movies on both, and being able to either sync my iPad on the pc or Mac depending on which one I'm using that day. Is this possible? Or can I only sync my iPad to one iTunes installation?
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Sep 22, 2009
am new to this and have a new iPhone I was wonder if I can get a simple question answer i tried Google and there seems to be a bunch of ways to do what I?m looking for.So I want to take my friends iTunes library (5300+ songs) and transfer them to my library ( 2000+ songs ) and then once that is done I want to be able to put them on my iPhone / ipod 32g ( 32g 3gs black can anyone tell me how and keep in mind I want to kiss (keep it simple st#$id )
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Sep 21, 2009
iMac and PC in home, both on the same network, will not "home share."
Both computers are authorized.
Both are logged into iTunes using the same login account.
Both have preferences set to share and detect libraries.
Yet neither computer shows ANY recognition of a shared library from the other. Apparently, this is not a rare problem, but I haven't found any solutions for it.
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Sep 7, 2010
I have been trying to set up ITunes to share the library with another user on the same IMac. I have followed the details shown on Apple website but nothing is happening. Does any one have any ideas. I have copied the ITunes media file the public folder changed this in ITunes with preferences and advanced then done the same with the other user but it does not work.
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Mar 21, 2009
I can't seem to make my itunes library available to other users on the same iMac.
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Oct 19, 2009
Hopefully someone will have the answer as I have searched high and low on this one. I have moved ALL my iTunes content (music, videos etc) to the Shared Music folder on my new WD MyBook World Edition 2 (just in case that's relevant info) and everytime my Mac attempts to load iTunes I have to repeatedly direct it to the library.xml file in the Shared Music folder.Surely there's a proper solution for this? Anyone else out there had this experience and has figured it out.I've noticed that it does this only the first time I open iTunes up, any subsequent bootup within a session is fine, but any restart of my Macbook Pro and I have to repeat this.
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May 4, 2009
I have a centralized network location where I store my "iTunes Music" directory. This location contains all the media (music and video), but no library information. We have 2 computers with separate libraries that use the files on this network drive. Each computer has its own set of playlists, podcast subscriptions, and devices (ipods and iphones) that attach to it. I set it up this way so we would not duplicate files, but so that each computer could be customized to each user.
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Sep 27, 2009
I have my files on a Windows machine in the next room, connected via Gbit (AirPort Extreme). The iTunes library is on my MacBook Air right here. But when I'm trying to add artwork to my files it isn't saved with the file. Normal tags (name, year etc) work.
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Oct 19, 2010
I loved the Genius Recommendation Panel on iTunes 9 and found lots of new songs and artists when using itI cannot believe Apple removed it from iTunes 10 and replaced it with a social networking site with the awful title "Ping"
So I replaced iTunes 9 last night, only to find that it wouldn't accept my iTunes library. I managed to reload the songs, but I have lost all my playlists, star ratings, play counts, etc. Its all gone.
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Oct 22, 2009
My iTunes library has apparently filled my entire iMac (according to the computer I have over 97 days' worth of music). I would like to know 1) how to properly save my iTunes library to an external hard drive and 2) how to use iTunes so that it uses the library on the external drive.
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Dec 6, 2010
I have an iMac that I keep all of pics and music etc. I will be purchasing a mbpro and would like to edit photo's in iphoto on the mbpro. I'm assuming you can somehow share a drive? Is this possible. I guess i could also use a virtual machine of some sort.
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Feb 9, 2009
I have my photos on my imac in my user account under pictures. This works fine and is backed up with Time Machine.I also have a MBP and want to access the iphoto library in my user account but whatever settings I use in sharing this will not work.I have heard I can put this in my shared folder but I wonder if time machine will still back this up and also if this will work.Could someone pls help me, its annoying as my itunes library is on an external hard drive and this can be accessed on both macs using the alt key.
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Feb 18, 2012
We just bought our first iMac and we are trying to set it up for three users, my wife, my son, and I. I want to each have our own email and web bookmarks (parental controls for our son), but I want to share the iPhoto pictures between two of the three users, just not our son.
Info:iMac, iOS 5
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Jun 25, 2012
I use 3 macbooks pro with OS X Lion and a macbook pro OS X Lion Server. Is it possible to share one Iphoto library ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Jan 3, 2006
hey what gives...itunes won't let me add to library..I'm still new to this...
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Oct 30, 2006
basically all my iTunes music is stored on my Mac Mini, I want to be able to access it all on my iBook so that it is still playing through my Mac Mini but I control it with the iBook. I am using Chicken of the VNC so far and would prefer something that doesn't use a VNC (Such as ARD, etc) and also something that doesnt use a browser window. I have tried netTunes, but really thats all that does as well, gives you a VNC view of iTunes. Also I have tried TuneConnect (Which is really what I'm looking for, but that crashes when I try to access the Mac Mini Library) Does anyone know a better way or doing it, or basically something like TuneConnect that I can try?
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