Applications :: How To Restore The IPhoto Delete Warning
Jan 16, 2010
Whenever I used to delete photos in iPhoto, it would first give me a warning... something to the effect of "are you sure you want to do this?" At some point, I lost this (I'm assuming I clicked "always skip" or something like that) warning so now, when even I unintentionally click delete...
how to restore this important warning "double-opt-in" type button?
My mom accidentally deleted all the Christmas photos when she only meant to delete just one of them. She'd already deleted them off the camera. It all happened so fast, before Time Machine or any backups.
Since downloading version 5.1.7, when I click on the red button to close a window, it closes instantly -- even when the window contains numerous open tabs. The prior version always gave me a "Do you really want to close this window? You have X open tabs." message, which I'd like to restore. I looked in Preferences to no avail.
I decided to reinstall Leopard, Erase and Install. Everything runs much faster of course. I'm doing some restoring from my Time Machine HD. I don't want a complete restore, I'm just grabbing folders here and there from my TM HD and restoring it. I'm doing a backup now and so far it has deleted over 20GB of my backups and it doesn't seem to be stopping.
then i thinked of a noob way to do it: in iphoto window, could I just drag all the events' photos i wanna keep to separate temp folders. then delete the iphoto library file alltogether, and then reimport all the backuped pictures again, will that work?
I'm surprising my girlfriend with a 2 week holiday to Cancun in Mexico for her christmas present and I thought it would be a nice idea to get loads of pictures of the resort and cancun itself and make a hard back book in iPhoto to give to her. There are 20 pages in the standard book. I'm looking to get an extra large book. Is there a way for me to delete some of the pages or do I have to use 20? Don't think I'll find 20 pages worth of photos of Cancun!
I'm trying to delete my 'serious errors' fonts and 'warning' fonts from Font Book. I have a silly amount of fonts (something like 3500!) and when i select the 'serious error' ones and click 'Remove Checked' Font Book crashes. Well it gives me the spinning kaleidscope mouse working symbol....for ever.
I have all my photos in folders, and I guess I must have imported some of them into iPhoto a while back because I just found a 2 GB "iPhoto Library" file. I don't actually use iPhoto at all, so I'd much rather use the 2 GB for something I actually use If I deleted that file, is there a chance I'd lose actual photos? All the photos are still located in the original folders, not any special iPhoto folders.
With my new DSLR/RAW shots, I've bloated iPhoto to over 105GB for just over 20,000 photos. Was doing housecleaning, deleting files and the "aw *****" moment hit where I deleted some i wanted. Went into TimeMachine and did a Restore to my external 2TB HD (FW800) as temp place. Now, when I went to delete that 105GB file started last night 10:30 pm, here 7.5 hr later: still churning did I do wrong??
I use a white Macbook running 10.5.8. Alright, so this morning, I tried to restore my iPhoto library using Time Machine to about 2 months ago, since I had deleted some pics. Long story short, it didn't seem to work, so I restored the backup from this morning at 11 am, the latest backup, since I had just uploaded some new photos today. Now my iPhoto library is empty. There are just outlines where my pics used to be, and it seems to remember events and all, but there are no pics or videos at all. Everything is gone. I'm just lost and feeling a bit nauseaus that I may have lost 40 some gigs of photos.
I've had my MacBook for 2 years now, and it still runs good. But I would like to do a clean install, but I don't want to loose my itunes library and iphoto library. Things like play counts and ratings and playlists etc. I've got everything backed up to my time machine but if I do a clean install can I just restore those two programs or is it all or nothing.
I backed up my nearly 90GB iPhoto Library both through Time Machine on an external HD, and manually on another external HD. Upon erasing everything on my MacBook internal HD and reinstalling Tiger, I wanted to restore my iPhoto Library on the Mac internal HD from either of of my 2 external HDs. Now the iPhoto Libray contain around 19,500 photos. When I try to open iPhot and pressing shift and select the iPhoto Libray from either of the two external HD the process of import understandably takes a long time. THE PROBLEM is why iPhoto shows it is importing over 90,000 photos and takes for ever to do it and then it keeps telling me there might be no space on my internal HD (which has 340GB available and the iPhoto Library is only about90 or 95GB)?
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Not sure if this has been reported; a quick search of the forums didn't pop anything.
Safari 4 seems to provide a warning when Google has tagged a website with potential Malware. I don't know if this Malware is Mac or PC but thought it was interesting. I've attached a screenshot to see what I mean.
I know Macs don't get viruses. Here's my issue. I'm running OSX 10.6.3 with Safari 4.0.5. About 5-6 times a day, running Safari, I get the message I'm attaching to this post. It's a fake popup -- obviously fake, because it tells me it's "Windows Internet Security," and gives me a virus warning. The Safari screen behind the image is grayed out, so the message isn't a real popup -- it's part of the screen.
- This occurs on mainstream webpages, including google search results pages, Yahoo, and the Wall Street Journal.
- The only MS products on my computer are Office for Mac apps, which I've had for years w/o problem. They are not running when the problem occurs.
- I can click close on the Safari window (not the red button on the warning) or the back button, and the msg goes away.
- I cannot click on other items on the page when the message is there.
- [edit] Also, I've reset Safari, clearing the cache and the cookies. It's only been happening for about a week, but it happens very frequently now.
Again, I know macs don't get viruses, but does anyone have any helpful suggestions for getting rid of this?
Today at office we were playing with a little remote helicopter, it was hilarious, in the meanwhile we where browsing on safari, but suddenly Safari stop responding, but hey NO BEACH BALL, and then we started hearing some sound, we thought it was from some flash video on some web page, but then we heard our voices, we were like WTF, and then we heard the helicopter, we were amazed, haha, now safari has new built-in func, "Safari 5 records sounds without telling you", of course we just force quit safari, but wait, it didn't quit, we went to terminal and kill the process..
I just wanted to let you know what just happen to us.
Both Google results and Safari warn that contains malicious software. Does the warning dialog appear for you too?
Google Safe Browsing Diagnostics reveals this: which leads me to believe that third-party advertisers may be responsible for this. The developer David Watanabe is very well respected which is why this warning came as surprise.
Curiosity got the better of me and I browsed at my own risk, now I am extremely paranoid. Here's hoping it's one of those 'Windows things'.
I am using an Intel MacBook 2.4 Mhz 2Gb RAM and OS 10.6.5. Time Machine has never successfully backed-up so I have been using Backup which works fine. However I now want to restore just a couple of photos from my iphoto library. Is this possible because it only seems to offer the option of restoring the whole library?
My IPhoto library accidentally got moved to the trash, I tried to drop it back into iphoto, but it will not go where it used to be. I moved it to my desktop, please, how do I get it back to normal.
I guess it's a change with Snow Leopard, but now when I download a .nzb file and try to open it I get the warning message that it's 'an unknown application downloaded from the Internet' (which, of course, it is not) and I have to manually open that. A .nzb file is not an app, but an executable file (launches NZB Drop, for me). The fact is I don't think I've ever had the message fire and not want to open it. I'd prefer to just disable it all together.
I bought my first mac last month , it was 1year old and came restored to factory condition osx 10.5.4 .All was well until after i updated to mac osx combined 10.5.8. I liked the updated safari but lost my iphoto so had to restore back to i have all my programs back but cant update anymore, it just tells me that it will need to restart then hangs for hours saying configuring instillation .If i try updating using installer it tells me that i cant .
My imac has had its hardrive replaced - (unfortunate) - and I am wanting to restore the files fom itunes and Iphoto only. I have tried for many hours following other posts, support, but have so far not had any luck. What is an "Idiots" way to achive this, hort of taking my mac back to apple and get them to do it for me!
I have an aluminum macbook running Snow Leopard. If you open mail, the main "delete" button is gone. When you pop open (double click) each email in its own window, there it is. But that is sooooo inconvenient when you have 100 emails to go though.
when I start to import my photos in to iPhoto it says there isn't enough space for it. I know that every picture I import in to iPhoto makes a copy for iPhoto, there an easy way to delete photos I don't need anymore from iPhoto and from my hard drive in order to clear up space? I can't even find the folder where the iPhoto photos are.