Applications :: Finding Database Software For MBP?
Jul 16, 2010
I am a photographer and looking for Dbase software to keep keep client contacts records, notes etc as well as maybe send clients group e-mails shots (templates easier) and so on.
I have ACT (on PC) which is a fab sales Dbase for the above but they don't make it for mac.
filemaker pro does this but has many more features that i will not use...
does anyone recommend anything or use anything similar for the above features i am looking for?
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Apr 28, 2010
I've been using MS Access for years on PC to keep track of about 500 names between a couple different groups. And then started using on my macbook with Parallels. But I would prefer using a mac native app for this. So I'm wondering if Bento would be a good choice and if so, how I can transfer the MS Access data to Bento?
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Jul 14, 2005
This is an extension of the 'Best DVD Copy Program' but I figured this would warrant it's own thread.
As stated in the other thread, I'm ripping all my DVDs to take with me to college. I'm using handbrake to rip h.264 movies. Now I want to add chapter markers to my movies. Is there any online database that has chapter marker timecode and names for DVD movies that I can use as a reference? I know that you can pull the timecode from the DVD itself, but i have some DVDs that do not list the names of the chapter markers.
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Apr 23, 2009
Thought that I would ask the collective minds at macrumors. I have been playing around with all of the databasing, collection, sorting apps that I could find.
Main goal is a central repository for All of my documents (PDF's, word files, txt files, notes/receipts etc...), all with a user interface so that I may browse my documents.
The problem I am having is that none of the apps i have found have everything I need. Now if i could put 2 or three apps coding into one, then I'd have a winner
� Tagging system (Devonthink Pro is not functioning)
� Accessible file structure (no sparse bundles etc...), so that I may access my files via drop box if away from my computer, without the actual program.
� Smart Folders As Subfolders WITH Tagging. An example would be to make 3 Nested smart folders ( Personal Folder / School Folder / Math Folder) Now if I dropped a File on the Math Folder Tags would be added to the file to satisfy the entire Folder structure. Please let me know if this needs further explanation.
� Shelf would be nice. Devonthink has one that operates as a separate app than the actual program, Together has one, but only when the program is active.
� Decent search ability, but I would think this is easily done utilizing spotlights abilities. I am already manually OCR'ing my PDF's with Acrobat.
I think i mentioned most things, but am sure i missed out on a few points. The best implementation of what I want is a mix of Journler, Together, and DevonThink Pro. Journler nails the tagging, and nested folders perfectly. But does not have a file structure that is usable without the program. DevonThink fales with both nested folders and lack of tagging. I have settled on Together for now, as it works with the file structure I want, and supports tagging. Just does not have smart tagging.
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Apr 30, 2010
I am looking for a mac program that can act both as a database (similar to an excel) and a document manager (where i can put all my important documents).
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Nov 15, 2010
Is it possible to put the iPhoto database in a NAS and access it remotely through my Macbook Pro?
Anyone tried to do this?
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm looking for a Mac desktop application that will allow me to edit MySQL databases that are located on a web server. Kind of like PHPMyAdmin, only as a desktop Mac application.
Do any such applications exist?
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Nov 24, 2010
I'm looking for a free databasing software for my iMac that will allow me to input all of my DVDs and Blu Rays. Is there anything out there that someone could recommend?
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Sep 25, 2007
I'm a coin collector and have mostly American coins, some foreign and other US special collector's coins. I also have some paper money. I've always wanted to prepare a coin database and came up with Liberty Street's Coin Manage and Currency Manager. A year later I'm finally getting to use them but have switched to a Mac. I could use Windows through Parallels but am wondering what Mac solutions are out there.
It appears the company doesn't make a Mac version. I know Filemaker Pro 9 is likely an option but I'm not sure how hard it would be to set up a database.
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Aug 26, 2004
Does anybody know of a good Database design program available for OS X?A co-worker is using DBDesigner 4 for Win XP, and it looksgreat. I've been looking for something similar for OS X, but can't find anything. Does anybody here know of something similar?
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Mar 13, 2010
Is is possible to export a database from Appleworks to a readable sortable file that MS Word or Excel will recognize?
I find nothing telling me how to do it ?
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Jul 27, 2010
Having some issues with mac mail at work. My mac mail is connected to our exchange server. It is working fine. Ran into a problem today. Mac mail quit for some reason and when I fired it back up, it walked me through the process of configuring mac mail to connect to exchange. The odd thing now is the only mail I see in mac mail is new mail, none of my old previous mail. I see my folder structure that I created (held on exchange), but I cannot seem to figure out why I cannot sync my mail to show my emails in mac mail. Is there a way to clean out the old stuff in mac mail and start fresh?
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Sep 23, 2010
As the title says I am looking for database software for my desktop (latest gen 27 iMac core i7). I am a science major and a data monger, so I have tons of scientific papers, articles, blogs, my own documents etc. I have quite a collection, and find my self relying on it more than on google when I want an answer fast. However, I know there has to be a better solution. I have done some filemaker work, but it is too damn expensive so I don't know if I can justify the cost of me buying it my self.
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Apr 20, 2009
I have just configured Entourage and when I went to check mail, it gave any error and suggested that I fix the database. The MS site says you click the Entourage Icon while holding down the option key and it should give you the option to fix the database. When I do so it comes up and asks for a "Fix Clock Key". I'm using the new version of Office for Mac 2008 Home/Student edition.
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Oct 4, 2009
Can I have iTunes automatically add new music that I add to my music folder without having to go to:
FILE> Add to Library
How come iTunes won't monitor the music location folder where I store the music. I keep all of my music in the default iTunes music folder.
This could very well be the way iTunes works but I'm new to macs and comparing it to previous programs I've used like Media Player, it would consistently monitor the music folder you chose and update or add files when it sees them changed or whatever.
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Nov 13, 2009
I was wondering if you all know of any program, thats a password manager. Well basically I wish to have a database, in which I have my own archive and store passwords. But to enter my archive, I want to enter a password, then I can access the whole list of sites & passwords I've stored. Whats the best app. I was thinking of making my own small database like with Microsoft Access.
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Aug 16, 2010
I'm wondering if I should try this? I don't really need it since my library is pretty organized, but there are some capitalization, coverart, and album names I'm not sure of. First of all, how does this work? Does the app take a song and play it over, then matches it with one in its database or something? Also, I maybe have one or two non legally downloaded songs. Will the program report me or something for this?
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Dec 25, 2010
As the title states I'm looking for a program that will let me catalog my ripped DVDs and BR films into a database. Ideally it would give a nice long list with columns showing bit rate, resolution, audio bit rate, audio format, video encoding, file type, video length, size, etc. Obviously being able to sort by these different variables would be necessary.
Also excellent would be if the database could somehow sync with the internet and grab information like director, actors, and writers. Does anyone know of something like this? I've got quite a large film collection and it's becoming unwieldy. I'm not looking for things like Delicious Library because those kinds of apps manage physical products not files.
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Mar 20, 2008
There are several computers here with multiple users, all of which have their own local accounts per machine.
For iTunes, the music will be stored on a network, which will auto-attach at login. Setting up iTunes to point to the network location, that's easy, and it copies music there.
However, iTunes still seems to insist on keeping its library database local, and then of course, moving from machine to machine, that user's library doesn't follow them, even if the music does because it stays on the network.
Is there a way to make iTunes store its library database somewhere other than the local home folder?
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Jan 30, 2009
I have an Appleworks database used for customer info. iWorks doesn't have this feature. (Why, oh why?) Is there a way to export the database to address book? I need the sorting power of a database.
There was a thread on this forum about Bento as an alternative, but I couldn't find a definitive answer. If address book cannot import Appleworks database, can Bento?
In a related matter, I have read of a csv file being used as an intermediate in the process of exporting a database. I can't find a reference to it in Mac Help.
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Feb 3, 2009
I am generally unimpressed with iLife 09 and I would like a refund, but I feel I also have to say a bit more. when connecting my Canon 820 IS, the photos get imported however when I select "Do not delete photos" iPhoto ignores this and deletes them from the camera. The database does not auto-compact even after removing imported photos - is of a monolithic size and is sucking the space from my time machine. As for the Places element - My preferences indicate this - we invented history and placenames - why on Earth would I want to see London, Arkansas as the first option - In fact I wager that millions-more people have seen London, England, UK than London, Arkansas. As for entering in the information for non-GPS chipped cameras - well that is simply a massive pain the in the hole. Your concept of event/location is hosed here. I want to mark on the map venues, in fact I can pinpoint on the map where something took place - but unless the god of Google maps has decided it exists, it seems everything taken within 20 miles of London, England, UK is in the same place. Canary Wharf was apparently in Hertfordshire. meh, I thought it's a beta and will oh hang on, no, it's a full product which cost me 85 quid.....
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May 14, 2009
We run a small travel company, and are trying to create a relational database or something that will help with producing an itinerary for quotes/invoices and manage the bookings (i.e.: paid, confirmed etc). I have the design all mapped out on a lovely piece of paper, and I know exactly what needs to happen. However, I can't get this into computer speak! SQL etc., are beyond me, but am pretty nifty on most Office type applications. Initially the plan was MS Access... but this can't be used on a Mac...
Then I tried Open Office Base, but am finding it very different to Access - not sure if the limitations are within Base or within my knowledge (I am trying to learn). Filemaker may be an option, but it looks as if it may get a bit expensive as we would probably need Advanced (Pro 10 looks a bit basic?) - and hence why I used OOBase.
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Jan 13, 2010
I am using Entourage 2008 on Snow Leopard. I deleted folders in Entourage and when I tried to delete them from the "deleted items" folder, Entourage crashed. I force quit and then tried to rebuild the database, but that also froze. Restarted the computer and was able to open the "rebuild database" window but it keeps freezing at step 5 when I try to rebuild database.
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Sep 13, 2009
Entourage has been playing up recently and on a restart today it said the database needed rebuilding and not being very technical I just did it without reading up first.
I had antivirus running at the time and I think this may have caused problems.
I reopened entourage and have lost all data between April and today which is a major issue for me.
Can anyone help me recover the old data and get it back into entourage? I'm not very technical so step by step would be great.
I was about to do a clean up because my mac is running very slow and I presume it's because I'm running out of space.
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Nov 10, 2009
I've been using Filemaker for years, but I've never had a need for anything too complicated - until now. I am in the midst of designing a vote database. I am hoping to find a way to have a choice made from a drop down menu that would define the text fields. I need this to be accurate as possible.
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Dec 2, 2009
At the beginning of November I opened my stickies and a song I had been working on was gone. I have had data recovery attempt to find the lost stickie, but 1) it was not saved as a text file, 2) it is no longer in the stickies database, and 3) I do not currently have time machine. Basically, everyone told me I was screwed except the top of the line place in California who wants to charge me $1500 to just attempt to get it back, with no gurantee. Is there anyway I can recover a deleted stickie? Or is there anyway to restore the stickies database/my computer back to a date when I know the stickie there?
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Jan 31, 2009
I keep getting an error message "Database Daemon Fatal Error" when trying to open Entourage 2008. I tried removing and re-installing Office, but each time I open Entourage I keep getting the same message: the Database Daemon has encountered an unknown error. The daemon will need to quit, and Entourage may need to be force quit.
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Oct 21, 2010
I recently went through my Applications folder and uninstalled some applications. Now and then, I'll find a file or a folder or a bunch of files and folders from an uninstalled application. Does anyone know of an application that can delete these files that I no longer need?
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Mar 26, 2008
Can anyone tell me where the Autofill database is located? Every time I use Autofill it has my name mispelled and I want to change it. Also is there a keyboard shortcut to Autofill instead of clicking on Edit then Autofill?
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Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to set up a filemaker data base using IWP. I need to open port 591 in mac os 10.5 does anybody know how to do this
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