Applications :: Finding Advanced Ftp Functions?

May 17, 2009

I have tried several ftp applications, transmit, yummy etc.

I plan to make an update to my site and I would like to know if there is any mac ftp program which supports several ftp functions like the ones described below:

- Rename all files of the remote hosting server, at once (like _old_site_files_filename). Also exclude the renaming of existing folders.

- Add files to folders that already exist, without overwriting/replacing folders themselves, but just adding the new files inside folders. Keep existing folders without replacing them. Some folders have special permissions attached to them, so it would be a mess to replace them because then I would have to set all permissions from the beginning...

I hope there is a solution for these tasks in a mac os x ftp application.

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OS X :: FireVault Is ON - Finding More Functions

Jun 29, 2009

Took about 3 hours it said to encrypt everything...but now what?

Do I have to do like a weekly encryption thing or update it or something ever so often?

I'm guessing everything on my Mac is now encrypted, but will new stuff coming in be as well?

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Applications :: Looking For A More Advanced Calendaring And To-do App?

Apr 2, 2009

I am looking for a more advanced calendaring and to-do app than ical.

Basically, I am a pastor in a church, and I have many things in my calendar.

It is all working for me at the moment, but I would like to massively expand what I do in my calendar and to-dos.

Basically, I want to have an extra calendar item that lists all the sermons and sermon series that have been planned for the year (which I wouldn't want to display them in my normal listing of calendars, as its not as if they are booking me in anymore than normal). I would love then to be able to add to-do items/tasks to calendar events so that each calendar event can act like a bit of a project (so if I am organising a service one week, it would be great to have that service in my calendar, and then have a list of linked to-do's to it).

Does anyone know of anything like this? I hope I have explained myself properly.

I have looked at a lot of the GTD apps, but unfortunately they don't have calendar systems attached (i.e. they only seem to be to-do systems).

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Applications :: An Advanced FTP Client Software?

Feb 29, 2008

I want to upload some files to my website. So I am looking for an advanced FTP client software solution designed for ease of use by both novices and professionals. It should be powerful and secure file transfer solution. It should also have total control, security, efficiency, and simplicity. If you people have any idea then please let me know.

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Applications :: Free Semi Advanced Image Editor For OS X?

May 25, 2009

I'm relatively new to OS X and love it. I've found counterparts to all of my old windows software I rely on except an image editor. I use to love on windows - I do lots of image editing where I need something more powerful than paint on windows (or paintbrush on os x), but don't want the learning curve and extra features of Photoshop or GIMP. Also, I'd like it to be free if at all possible.

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Applications :: Checkbook Register - Quicken's Tendency Of Throwing All Sort Of Advanced Options

Jan 22, 2005

I tried using Quicken for keeping a very basic digital copy of my check register, but I found Quicken's tendency of throwing all sorts of advanced options that I didn't want to use at me kind of unnerving. So, can anyone reccomend a check register-only finance app?

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Applications :: Legacy 1-2-3 Functions In Lotus Symphony?

Mar 1, 2009

My father is a recent switcher to the Mac. Before, on his PC laptop, he used Lotus 1-2-3 a lot, almost, I daresay, religiously. Now, however, as he bought his MacBook Air, I installed Lotus Symphony onto it after doing some research. However, he then told me that it couldn't use the old queries that he used. Not a Lotus user myself, I don't personally understand his problem, but he said he used to be able to type in "/sort" or something like that and it would do the command, without need to go through the menu system. Now he has to relearn things based on the menu system. I'm not exactly sure if that's what he meant, but that's how it came through to me.

Is there some way to reactivate those legacy features/queries in Symphony?

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Applications :: Less Advanced Than IPhone Mail?

Jun 30, 2010

I absolutely love mail on my iPhone. Multiple Exchange accounts is huge. Any idea when on Snow Leopard will catch up? Seems silly that the mail application on the phone is more technically advanced than on the Mac.

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OS X :: App For Advanced Mouse Preferences?

Jun 22, 2009

I've been getting of my oversensitive Mighty Mouse.. the side buttons are way too easy to click so I find my windows constantly rearranging for Expose when I'm doing anything from dragging an icon to scrolling.

Is there an app that can change the preferences for mouse behaviors, such as needing to DOUBLE click the side buttons to activate its function?

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OS X :: Safari 4 - Playlist Not Advanced To Next Song

Mar 10, 2009

I'm using the Safari 4 beta and there seems to be an issue with playlists on music/video sites like Youtube and Imeem. When I start the playlist, the first song will play fine but if I don't have the window active it won't advance to the next one. It'll just sit there loading. I have to select the Youtube/Imeem window for it to progress to the next song.

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ITunes :: Advanced Library Organization?

Jun 16, 2012

I have the 2nd gen macbook air with a 256gb ssd, and I am down to my last 20gbs. I've also got an external hd. I moved my entire itunes library on the external hd, but I didn't like not having the capability to acces my content when I didn't have the hd in possesion. So I moved everything back.  Is there anyway to move certain items into the hd while retaining other items on my mac and still maintaining a unified syncing from both sources via iTunes?     

As an example: Let's say I've got all 3 Toy Story movies. I always want Toy Story 1 to be on my mac no matter what. But soon I will not have space for future content, so I have decided to move Toy Story 2 & 3 onto the external hd.So is there a way to move Toy Story 2 & 3 onto the hd and still have them be considered as a part of my itunes library - so that when I sync my iPad, the items that are on the external hd will only be available to sync when I plug the drive in? 

If so, this is going to save me tons of time, without having to manually drag and drop each movie file from my external hd onto my itunes library whenever I want to sync them. I'd rather iTunes just be smart enough to figure out that theres a movie on my mac that I want to sync to my iPad, as well as several others that are stored on the exteranl hd. 

MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: WD10TPVT Advanced Formatting With 4k Sectors

Oct 27, 2010

I want to upgrade one of the two 500GB HDD I currently have in my MBP 5,3 with a 1TB one. Given that I had good experience with WD, I am looking at their offerings. While their standard WD10TEVT is hardly available around here and if it's much more expensive (for what ever reason), I am interested in the WD10TPVT. Now that HDD has the new Advanced Formatting with 4k sectors which seems to be only a problem for WinXP. But could any Mac user share its experience with that HDD? Is it gonna work the same with Time Machine, backups, file transfer between disks or can issues occur when files are exchanged/transferred between disks with different sector sizes? Only want to upgrade one of my HDDs for now, so is there any preferable setup (in terms of which HDD to have the OS and which the files)?

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Mac Pro :: New Advanced Format Hard Disc Drives

Apr 24, 2010

I bought a new Hard Drive today.

It's a 1.5TB Western Digital GreenPower WD15EARS with "Advanced Format" and a huge, 64mb Cache. I wasn't intending to get anything special, just more space.

Apparently "Advanced Format" means the drive sectors are 4kb instead of the usual 512b.

This has apparently been in the works for some time but is just now being phased in.

OSX back to Tiger (10.4) supports Advanced Format drives with no issues.

The big hold up has been Windows 5 (XP) and earlier. Using one of these drives with XP could cause a real slowdown unless special precautions are taken.

The drive installed and formatted normally under Snow Leopard. According to AJA System Test, the 5400rpm GP drive is indeed slower than my WD Blacks (duh!) and a 7200rpm Hitachi. I have yet to compare it to one of my external "regular" GreenPower drives by mounting one internally.

Here's a good description:[URL]

Any thoughts as to how this new formatting will affect Macs in particular?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Add Printer - Advanced Fields Grayed Out

May 7, 2012

Trying to add a printer with advanced under the add printer. But all the fields is greyed out? Unable to fill in some fields?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Keep Advanced Finder In Child Account?

Jun 18, 2012

I have created a restricted profile for my 12 year old but wish him to still have access to the stored documents held on the administrator profile.

Limited access to websites is set up but I cannot establish how to maintain the finder so all his school work is still accessible.

MacBook Pro

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OS X Mavericks :: Can't Reset Advanced Mail Preferences

Jun 24, 2014

Using Mail 7.3. In response to the piling up emails on all devices I went into advanced setting under Mail preferences and set it to removed emails from the server. I immediately realized this wouldn't work bc now I can't get my email for that email account on my iPad. It goes to my desktop and then no other devices.  

When I go back to reset that so it doesn't delete from the server I get this message: Invalid Directory

The account path /Users/emma/Library/Mail/V2/ is already being used by the account “cmos” 

It won't let me Save the change. Apparently it doesn't like that I have two email addresses (accounts) with that domain. 

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Software :: Advanced Text List Editing Application?

Apr 9, 2008

I was hoping that somebody could recommend a good advanced text list editing application, that I could use to edit a massive text list that I have, in which there is both a leading space and a trailing space at the beginning and end of every item in my text list, which I am trying to get rid of. Normally, I would use Microsoft Word's Find/Replace feature to replace a particular text character with a different character of my choosing, however, if I were to try and use this feature to remove every space in my document, it would also mess things up quite a bit by removing spaces that exist correctly between the words for various items in my text list. How I could go about accomplishing this task?

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Hardware :: Colorimeter Advanced Significantly - Accurate Results?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to calibrate my 23" Cinema Display and am having trouble getting the proper results. I am using a Pantone Spyder from roughly 2002 and have the latest version of the PhotoCal software (which is no longer supported for Macintosh.) So has hardware/software for colorimeters advanced significantly in the last 8 or 9 years? Is it worth investing in a newer colorimeter for more accurate results?

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Hardware :: Advanced Airport / Lan Setup - Multiple Routers

Jan 8, 2008

So I want to setup an (advanced?) network using my existing wired router (sorry, have to use this cause of my IP-Telephone and my ISP), An Airport Extreme for high-speed N wireless to my MBP and an Airport Express for music streaming and slow wireless acces for my ibook and other devices (I don't want to compromise my N-connection for the MBP). I would like to let the existing router handle all the NAT (I barely know what this is) and stuff like that and simply let the Airports act like bridges (or something along thoose lines if possible).. The reson for this is I've heard the extreme has performance issues when going through NAT-handling or using the WAN-port (is it possible to connect the existing router to a LAN-port on the extreme and still have internet acces or does it have to connect to the WAN-port?) The MBP should be able to connect to the express exlusivly for music-streaming to my stereo (if it's possible to connect to the extreme using wireless and somehow the extreme is so smart it routes trough cable to the express that would be even more awsome!). The Ibooks and other devices would connect wirelessly to the express for internet and music streaming.....

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Different Wifi Networks With Difference Advanced Settings?

Mar 10, 2012

I have one mcbook pro running on Lion.

I am using at work a wifi connection that requires fixed ip and specific proxy.

When i go home, i am using another wifi network, so every day i have to change the advanced network settings of my mac.

Is there any way to attribute different advanced settings for each network and save it, so it will be changed automatically?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Perform Advanced Email Search By Two Or Three Criteria

Aug 28, 2014

How can I preform a more advanced email search by two or three criteria. For example search for an email from containing X within the email, with the subject containing Y?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), BudiSalim

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OS X :: Using Functions Such As Page Up/down?

Dec 6, 2008

Well, I bought the new aluminum macbook and have loved every single aspect of it so far. The only thing I have been missing since switching from a Windows based laptop is...there is no home key! (or at least one that I have found yet).

So my question is, is there a way to make a keyboard shortcut which does the same function as a home or end key?

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Software :: X11 And Adobe CS4 - Functions Of OS

Oct 20, 2008

i need to ask a question, what is X11?What is it function on OS X?Other thing, the new macbook's have a new graphics cards and i heard that the new Photoshop CS4 will have something to do with the new graphics cards. my question is: will the new CS4 work

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OS X :: F7 Expose Key No Longer Functions?

Jan 29, 2009

So this evening I finally upgraded my MacBook (1.83GHz, first generation) to Leopard. (I am not a luddite, but rather just really behind the times.) I had previously been using OS X 10.4.11, and upgraded via a retail OS X 10.5.4 installation disk (legally acquired).

Everything seemed to go swimmingly.

But then I noticed that my F7 key, which previously controlled the Expose "All windows" function (indeed, it is labeled as such), has stopped functioning properly. It no longer controls the Expose "All windows" function. That function is now handled by the F9 key.

I have consulted Google, and have tried a number of potential fixes. I've tried to reassign the key function(s) via both the Keyboard & Mouse pane and the Expose & Spaces pane in the System Preferences. No dice.

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OS X :: My Functions Keys Are All Messed Up?

Apr 26, 2009

I was very 'cleverly' trying out all the function keys as I had read that one of them was supposed to be a desktop shortcut i.e when its pressed you see the desktop immediately!

Somehow all the keys have now all messed up - i.e the volume keys no longer work and instead they produce the dashboard key etc - all very weird for me!

I've read a similar post by a user who had the same issue last year and have tried to use the reply that was given to him - but its not worked i.e

System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard > Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys.... (that's checked!)

I don't know what else to try - why isn't the RESTORE TO FACTORY DEFAULT working!

I know i managed to get the right click mouse button option working for my macbook yesterday (and the F keys seemed to have stopped working since then).

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OS X :: No Control Over Basic Functions?

May 17, 2009

Im dealing with a power mac g5 with 10.4.11 installed that is behaving as if the space bar is held down indefinitely. Even when keyboard is unplugged, any text field just takes off running. Also, none of the drop down menus will stay down, they immediately disappear. When single clicking on an icon, it will instantly go to the .ds store icon and leave the selected icon unselected. Is this a bug that can be fixed?

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OS X :: Using Copy/Paste Functions

Sep 1, 2009

My question is about the copy and paste functionality of the Mac while using Safari. For some work I do, I need to copy and paste website content to word documents (for example, in PC, I would select all, copy, and paste into Word). I can do the same thing with Safari and Pages, yet when I am on a site with drop-down menus and have selected the item from the menu and try 'select all, copy and paste' with Safari & Pages, it copies ALL drop down menu options. I only want it to copy the one I've selected. Also, this site allows me to enter free-form text in text boxes, but the select all/copy/paste doesnt pick up the text I've entered either.

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OS X :: Changing / Assigning Hot Key Functions?

Dec 20, 2009

Recently switched to Mac (Macbook Pro). When I highlight something and hit enter, I'd like it to, you know, open the file. But it doesn't, it allows me to rename the file. Can I change it so enter opens the file/folder, app? I can't even change the settings from system preferences? I need 3rd party programme? Also, could I make a DEL key? Can't I use cmd+X for "cut" function for files/folders?

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Mac Pro :: Cinema 24 Inch LED - How To Set Functions

Jan 25, 2010

Have spent quite some time trawling around the net regarding this problem and as yet other send back again have not found an answer.

What I talk of is that when people send back there a 24inch LED ACD for repair when it comes back the keyboard brightness control does
not work and the brightness control in Prefs/Display is missing.

The strange thing is the Display functions as it should when used on a laptop etc, so does the REAL problem lie within the Mac Pro somehow.

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MacBook Air :: Keys Have Different Functions

Jun 23, 2014

im using the keyboard viewer to type this 

i randomly brushed the left side of my keyboard. now the y h n and spacebar seem to have different functions 

this is what happens when i press y 3 times quick IOUYeqrtwIOUYeqwIO

h - ©˙∆˚¬adfghs

n - seems to bring the settings page in chrome

spacebar - seems to activate alt / options 

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