Applications :: Download Windows 7 From MSDN To Install On IMac?

Oct 1, 2010

I'm new to the Mac world and am thinking of installing Windows 7 on there (not sure why, but think I might need it at some point!) - the question is..

.. can I download a copy from MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network I think it stands for) to my Mac, then rip it to a DVD and then install it? I assume I'll need something like parrallels, or boot camp?

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OS X :: Install Windows From MSDN DVD?

Feb 17, 2010

So here is the problem. I am trying to install Windows from the MSDN DVD which has like 8 different Windows OS and gives you the option to select the OS when you boot using the CD on a PC.

I tried using the DVD in Bootcamp and it erred out and will not let me continue. Is there anyway I can get to work around this?

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MacBook Pro :: Install Windows 7 From A Download For Use With Parallels?

Apr 11, 2012

I had installed Parallels and Windows 7 to my Macbook when I first purchased it.Had some issues and uninstalled both. Now I'm trying to reinstall and I can seem to get Windows installed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Where Can Download BootCamp In Order To Install Windows 7 On MacBook PRO

Apr 13, 2012

Where can i download BootCamp in order to install windows 7 on my MacBook PRO? 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: How To Use An External DVD To Install Windows On A IMac

Nov 23, 2010

My internal DVD is not working anymore and I want to install Windows.

I know it is possible to install Windows using an external DVD on a Macbook Air.

But is it possible on an iMac.

Since I have problems doing this, I ask the question in this forum ?

To be specific: my problem is that the screen remains gray, when I select to boot from an external DVD containing a bootable iso of windows 7.

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Windows On Mac :: How To Install Windows 7 On 27" IMac?

Jan 5, 2010

how to Install Windows 7 on 27" iMac?

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IMac :: Windows 7 Won't Complete Install On 27" IMac?

Oct 24, 2009

I just spent the past 5 hours trying to install Windows 7 via BootCamp on my new 27" iMac.

It would get past the initial installation and then after the final reboot just before it runs off the hard drive and asks you for a serial number, the screen would go black and I couldn't do anything.

So I found this solution here:


Except the instructions on that site are for an iMac with an NVIDIA Graphics Card. The 27" iMac has an ATI card. So at step 6 I deleted the file named: ATIKMDAG.SYS from the same directory.

Then clicked restart and was able to finish through the install process.

Summary: (from a response below)

The way the iMac 27" DisplayPort works in the system, when installing windows it will output to BOTH the iMac screen and DisplayPort.

When Windows 7 install is reaching a certain point it is making a choice as to which display it believes it the primary display. ]

If you have a display plugged into your iMac's display port or have that ability you will see your install is working just fine, the problem is just that windows believes the active displayport on the back of the iMac is the primary display and moves all video to the port..

that is why you see a black screen. Rebooting and doing the driver deletion steps does work as it will allow windows to run on a generic driver unable to make that choice.

Note: you will need an additional monitor and a Mini-Display Port adapter to plug the monitor into the iMac to use the above method.

The BootCamp driver that loads only give a max resolution of 1980 X 1440 so everything looks stretched. Installing the ATI drivers from ATI did no good. (See the update below to fix this)

Also be aware that only the keyboard will be active during the install so you will need a usb mouse unless your really good at navigating Windows with only a keyboard.


After installing Windows 7 if you run windows update there is an update available for the ATI card. Once installed and restarted the resolution is now fixed.

When you go into the resolution settings in Windows 7 the display now shows up as a color LCD and the max available resolution is 2560 x 1440.

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IMac :: Unable To Download Through Firefox / Speed Download Became Standard Download Client

May 10, 2009

When downloading small files online they will download through Speed Download. Before I installed Speed Download it would just download through the regular downloading client. How do I change it back to using the regular one as standard? I use firefox btw

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Windows On Mac :: Way To Install Bootcamp 3 X64 On IMac?

Oct 13, 2009

I have an alu iMac, the kind that apple says could not support x64 bootcamp 2.

Having done a bit of research, I followed the instructions on installing the x64 mac pro bootcamp drivers on this computer, and since then have been using Vista x64.

Now, with snow leopard, I'd like to upgrade to bootcamp 3, and once again I am faced with apple's "this machine isn't supported".

Can someone point me in the right direction to get bootcamp 3 x64 drivers installed?

Would I have to dig up the first gen mac pro x64 drivers?
Is apple supporting x64 on the first gen mac pro?
Should I just install every single x64 driver off of the snow leopard installation disc?

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IMac :: Wants To Install Windows 7 64bit

Nov 11, 2009

Has anyone had success installing Win7 x64 on a new iMac?

I know the previous gen didn't support it. I am wondering if the new ones do.

Because of some of the gaming I do, I would really like support for more than 4GB of RAM in Windows.

I searched around and found some limited references to people attempting it.

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OS X :: IMac HD Ruined After Trying To Install Windows?

Nov 26, 2009

I was trying to install Windows 7 onto my machine and now it appears that the hard disk is ruined. Instead of the Apple logo during startup there is a question mark that flashes. I was told by the Apple people that it was a hard disk problem and that it now needs replacing.

The DVD drive in the iMac has not been working for a while now. I'm currently contemplating how to go about fixing this. I do have an external blu ray player from which I should be able to boot but I don't know how. Can someone please tell me how I can fix this problem? I currently have a non functional iMac.

If I open up the Imac and replace the HDD will the problem fix itself? Will the iMac want to re-install OS X?

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IMac :: Keeps Shutting Down Midway Through Windows 7 Install?

Sep 9, 2010

I can't figure this out. My iMackeeps shutting itself down part way through the Windows 7 Boot Camp install. I can't get it completed. Usually about at the point were files are copied it turns off.

Is it possible the fans are not working properly while booted to a CD causing it to overheat and shut down?

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IMac :: Parallels Won't Let Me Install A Windows Program?

Jan 22, 2009

I just purchased a new IMac 20 for my home office and I had it set up from MacMall with a number of pieces of software including Parallels and Windows XP Home. I really want this Mac to work (I love my MacBook Pro), but I can't seem to load a piece of Windows software that I HAVE to be able to use. After I put the disc in I keep getting the same error message "The application failed to initialize properly (0x000135). Click OK to terminate." I have tried this same disc in a few pc's and it works it has to be my new Mac. BTW the software is something I use that is specific to the funeral industry and the vendor does not support MAC, so I have to work this out on my own.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Install IMac/m74 Gddr3_16mx32?

Dec 16, 2009

Newish 20" iMac (black border around glass).

Wiped clean and installed Snow Leopard, ran boot camp wizard and gave the windoze partition 100 GB, then rebooted.

No matter what disc I try to boot from (Windows 7 burned, Windows 7 pressed from microsoft, Windows XP SP3) I just get a black screen with white lettering in the top left that reads:

113-B22505-011 M74 GDDR3_16Mx32 64bit

Haven't been able to find anything on google. I figured the win7 might be problematic due to the way microsoft makes their discs (have had to burn mac-friendly dvd versions in the past) but I can't figure out why the XP cd wouldn't work...

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Windows On Mac :: How To Install Win7 On IMac 27"?

Jan 8, 2010

Seeing that Apple are dragging their feet on Official support for Windows 7 I've decided to follow the un-supported route of installing it on my iMac.

The question I have, if I install Win7 now using the work around methods what happens when Apple do update Boot Camp to officially support Windows 7.

Is it a case of just running the updated Boot Camp program to install the necessary / officially supported drivers or do I have to do a full clean re-install of the Windows 7 OS.

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Windows On Mac :: Install Win7 Off USB Drive To IMac?

Apr 15, 2010

Anyone tried to restore a Win7.iso installer (with Disk Utility in 10.6) to a FAT32 or NTFS partition on a USB flash drive then try to install from this after booting from it rather than installing from optical media?

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Is It Sensible Enough To Install Windows 7 On IMac And Use For Architecture Purpose

Jul 3, 2012

I am an Architect and i am planning to buy an iMac soon. Unfirtunately not all architecture software works on Mac OS.Is it sensible enough to install windows 7 on iMac and use for aechitecture purpose ?

Hp, Windows Vista

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IMac :: Unable To Fix Boot Camp / Can't Install Windows

May 1, 2010

I own every piece of software and hardware from Apple there is and I cannot understand that it seems that everything is about the iPad and iPhone right now. I have been having these issues since I got my 27" iMac. I can install Windows 7 just fine on my MacBook Pro and my previous 24" iMac.

Ever since I got the 27" iMac I get a black screen when installing Windows. I have found some posts that have a way around it, which seemed to have worked but now I am getting the blue screen of death. Doesn't matter if Windows 7 is supported by Apple or not but Boot Camp is and it should be corrected.

There is no excuse that after 6 months this issue has still to be addressed, all Apple talks about now is iPad and iPhone, I am sick of it.
BTW I own an iPad and I don't see the big fuss about it, I bought it mainly to read books and watch Netflix on the go.

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IMac (Intel) :: Install OS X Instead Of Windows 7 Home Premium

Sep 8, 2014

I have installed Windows 7 Home Premium on my I Mac and now most programms don´t work and this is the reason why i want to install OSX again but I don´t know who this works.

iMac, Windows 7

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OS X :: IMac Only Booting Black Screen After Attempting To Install Windows 7?

Nov 20, 2009

what can I do about his to boot back into OS X again. Holding down buttons (eg option) will not do anything.

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows Xp / Stuck With White Screen

Mar 29, 2010

My brother got an iMac and yesterday he tried to install windows xp with boot camp. But unfortunately he made a mistake and the iMac shut down. Now the mac is stuck with a windows xp in it, and when he tries to start up the computer, it says "the start-up sound" and just stays with white screen. It sounds like the mac reads from the xp cd when it starts, but I can't get the cd out.I have looked everywhere and tried everything:

Hold down the primary mousebutton while it's starting,
Hold down "fn" and the "eject" button while it's starting,
and hold down "alt" while it's starting

I can't find any "pin-hole" to a paperclip or something.

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Windows On Mac :: Tryed To Install Windows Xp On And Disk Was Too Scratched So The Install Failed?

Jul 31, 2009

I tryed to install windows xp on my mac and my disk was too scratched so the install failed. So i held down the power button on my mac until it turned off. Big mistake. Now whenever it boot up, it says press any button to boot from cd. I tryed installing rEFit, it installs but doesn'ty boot into the boot loader.

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Applications :: Connect To IMac - Use Installation Disc / Download Anything?

Dec 9, 2009

Do I have to use an installation disc or download anything? Should I just plug in and record with garageband?

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Applications :: Parallels Won't Install Windows XP?

Sep 23, 2009

I just installed Parallels and am having trouble installing Windows XP. I get a message saying that it can find the ASMS file, even though I checked and its definitely on the installation cd.

I tried saving the cd on my desktop and manually typing in the location, but that doesnt work. Unless im typing the wrong location in?

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IMac :: Unable To Install Windows 7 Premium / Bootcamp Black Screen Appears

Feb 1, 2010

iMac 27" i7 with OS X v 10.6.x when I create the bootcamp partition for windows 7 and I install from my original DVD of Windows 7. I format the partition during the install of windows 7 and on the first reboot after windows 7 first part of the install, the screen shows the Windows 7 logo and says continuing installation and then a black screen and then nothing.

I have to hard power off the iMac and then it starts over says the thing about the system didn't shut down properly and gives me the option to start safe mode etc. and does the same thing each time.

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Applications :: Can I Use A Windows Install Disk That Came With My Vaio For Parallels?

Jun 6, 2009

I'm very new to macs and I've been able to purchase most of the applications I need to use in mac formats (quickbooks, office etc.) but there are some things that still need windows like all of the software for my Garmin units as well as some marine navigation software. My question is rather then having to purchase more software, and give more money to MS, can I use a copy of windows that came with one of my old dell or vaio laptops to run windows on parallels so I can run those few programs i need?

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Applications :: Unable To Install Windows Xp On Parallels 5 Desktop

Jun 12, 2010

I have installed parallels 5 desktop onto my macbook pro and am trying to set it up to run win XP. All goes well untill it gets to the part of the windows installation that highlights "installing windows" the everything just stops, and stays stuck on "setup will take approximately: 36minutes" At the very bottom in the grey area it says: "Parallel tools are not installed, when I click to install these, nothing happens!

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Applications :: Crossover And .Iso Files - Cannot Install Windows Vista On Bootcamp Anymore

Mar 24, 2010

when I lost my entire collection of PC games, I've gone through the process of making a .iso file of all of the games I've purchased. I have a few games in .iso files sitting on my mac desktop. For some reason, I cannot install Windows Vista on bootcamp anymore, as whenever I try to start up, I get an error saying something like the file "Wmilib" is missing or something, and I can't repair it using the startup disk no matter what. Which leads me to crossovers. I spent my money on it, and am hoping I didn't waste it. Whenever I tell Crossover to load from my mounted .iso file, and hit the "proceed" button, it takes me to the top drop-down menu, where it asks me to select a program to install.

The only problem is that I want to install from my mounted .iso file, and not from the list of supported programs, which is stupid. I've also tried just directly opening the "Setup.exe" file right with Crossover, and that still does nothing, which is very frustrating. Is it even possible to install games on crossover using a .iso file? And if so, what am I doing wrong, that whenever I hit "proceed" button it takes me right to the list of supported software and WON'T LET ME INSTALL without choosing one?

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Applications :: Unable To Install Virtual PC 7 On Imac

Feb 20, 2010

I'm currently trying to install virtual PC 7 on my iMac. The initial part of the install runs ok, but once I click on complete, I get an application quit unexpectedly message.

If I reboot the mac, and try and manually run the VPC7 app to complete the install I just keep getting the message.

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Windows On Mac :: Unable To Download Windows 7 Beta On Macbook 2.4 Unibody

Jan 23, 2009

When i go to the link and select either the 32bit or 64bit version it takes me to this web page. displays a banner that says windows.

Am I missing something for the download to be successful?

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