Applications :: Creating A Multi Series Zip Files In Mac?
Feb 18, 2009
Basically I got a My Passport 500gb drive I want to use for work, the problem is I use both PC and Mac. Logically I have to set it up to Fat32, the problem is I do use files that are larger than 4gb. My solution is put a zip program in my external that can zip those exceptional files into smaller increments. I know winrar can do that for windows but I don't know any in Mac.
alternatively I can install MacDrive on PC but I can't install programs on PC(from work) compared to mac where I can run it off the external.
If I have an event, starting on Friday, going on Saturday and and finishing Sunday, is it not possible to get this to show in the month view? I know it shows up in the weekly view, but it would be more helpful for me to have it up show up like this so I can get an overview of the month's forthcoming events. Or if it, are there any mods/addons etc that can enable this?
I'm thinking of making the jump and making my first Apple computer purchase. Time machine will be a welcome native backup solution, especially since I can do it over the network automatically. However, I've read that Time Machine naturally requires HFS+ formatted disks. But I will still have my Win7 laptop for gaming purposes, and of course that requires NTFS or FAT32 for writability. My question: Can I just take a TM compatible external drive, split it into two partitions, and then specify that each computer backup onto its own partition with its own file system?
I'm trying create 200 MB rar files out of a 700 + MB directory. When I check "split archive" and select "user defined" under the volume size dropdown and click create rar, it creates 500+ rar archives! Nowhere does it ask me how big I want the volume size for "user defined". Does anyone know how to use this app? I mean, I know how to alternatively archive into 200 mb parts (zip them, split & concat the zip file) but that requires the user to unarchive twice.
Every time I sign into MSN or start a conversation with someone, MSN creates a file in my doc's. Is there any real reason for this and is there a way to stop it? I find it incredibly annoying as it changes the order of my folders so I forever clicking the wrong one. I have tried hiding it, but it just created another folder.
In windows I can use the control key+select and shift+select to select items say, 5-15 or select multiple individual files. In OS X shift+select and cmd+select do the same thing. They let me choose multiple individual files but I can't figure out how to choose a series of files like choosing 5-15. I realize I can drag my mouse over it and click a few files I don't want with shift+select but it's just annoying me that I can't find the command for what I want to do. From the search I did I got the impression that shift+select and cmd+select are supposed to do different things but for me the don't. Did I miss something?
I've a collection of various movies and tv series in DivX/XviD/H264 format. They are stored on my file-server, which runs Rivet for streaming to my Xbox 360.
So my basic setup is as follows: [macbook] <--> [file server with rivet] <--> [xbox 360/tv]
The files on the server are all in one directory..and with a growing list, it's getting confusing/messy. Does anyone know a tool to manage (Covers, Tagging etc.) all the files with my Macbook? If not, would there be a need for something like that? My exams finish on tuesday (8.6.2010), which means I'd have some time to code on a new project.
Does anyone know of an app that will do this? I'm struggling getting iMovie 8 to work right. Apple no longer provides a free download of iMovie HD 6 (*sob*) on their website. QuickTime Pro is no longer available. What can I use to process a long list of image stills into a movie file?
My friend and I are trying to move some software from her old computer to a new one. She burned a large installer .dmg file to two CDs, in 4 parts. Even having both discs loaded into the computer (one in the internal drive, the other in an external), we can't get the main .dmg file to recognize the two parts from the other disc.
When we try to copy the .dmg and .dmgpart files from the disc to the hard drive, we end up getting an error message, and Finder basically freezes. Is there any way to make this work with what we've got, or were they burned incorrectly to begin with?
The error message says:
"The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in 'XXXXX.004.dmgpart' could not be read or written. (Error code - 36)"
The old computer is out of the picture right now, so we can't just copy the file(s) directly from there.
Sending out the same e-mail message to 100 different people, but I want to customize the e-mail to their first name. Is there any program that you can upload a text list or Excel list to and it will do this automatically and create the e-mails in your drafts folder? Don't want to use a online sending service because they put crap at the bottom of the e-mail and recipients know it's automated.Want the people to think it's not something automated.Also, I know there's a way to schedule delivery of a message for a future date in Apple Mail via Apple Script, but you seem to have to schedule one by one. Any watch to do a batch scheduling?
New to Mac, how do you create desktop shortcuts and rename folders? Also is there a way to add/remove items from the taskbar launcher thing on the bottom?
I am using iTunes 10.6.1 (7) on Lion 10.7.4 and I have (yet again) noticed that iTunes has started creating multiple copies of Temp File.tmp in the iTunes folder. It creates a copy every single time I do anything inside iTunes, including skipping a track or checking the iTune store. I thought that maybe my ClamXav Sentry scanner was causing issues so I removed the iTune directory from the scan and even shut it down alltogether. I have not shared my iTunes library either so I can se no reason that anything else is holding onto this file and causing iTunes to create a copy of the iTunes Music Library.xml file. Its simple starts at some random time and they stops just as randomly. However this time is particularly bad as EVERYTHING I do inside iTunes caused the problem.
I just made the transition to FCPX and I've imported video to a number of Libraries. (I really have to fight hard not to call them Projects)
As I didn't completely understanding all of the import settings, I made Optimized video along with the Original media. Ok, no big deal. The files take up a bit of space, and because of the nature of the project (lots of talking head interviews) not sure I really need Optimized video, but wasn't too concerned. I'll know for next time that I don't want to check that box, unless I really need the Optimized video.
My question is -
If I wanted to make a copy of my media files to a portable HD, work with these files off site with the same Library that is on my Macbook Pro, make logging notes, selects, maybe even creating a Project or two, and then return to my office where I would re-connect the original media files located on the office-bound hard drives, what do I need to do to ensure that this will work properly?
Secondarily, would it now make sense to create the Proxy files to use for this purpose? Is this not what these files are normally used for? Smaller, and more easily taken on the road and edited, and then the Library will re-connect everything to the original files once re-connected to the drives that contain the original media?
I've been a long-time reader on these forums, but the search feature I have not [had a great reason] to register until now. There is plenty of rambling on my reasoning for this, but I'm basically deciding whether or not to get a Mac Pro in the very near future.
One of the biggest questions I have is how much software is currently multi-threaded? I suppose the concern there is, if I spring for the 8-core, will I need to repurchase much of this software for a HUGE performance boost and to utilize the 8 cores outside of multitasking? It feels like the biggest bottleneck is software, currently.
there is multi-touch controls for itunes, for example navigating through the menu. Id like a three finger swipe left and right for forwards and backwards to where i have just been.
I have recently switched over to mac (SR MBP!) and I'm in love with it. I am, however, having problems finding a suitable MUD client (Multi User Dungeon) for which to play on. I tried atlantis but it doesn't like the mud's I play on and everything else seems to not run because they are not universal binary. Do any of you have an suggestions for clients?
I run Microsoft Office on my MacBook Pro. I routinely "print" Word documents to .pdf files. My conversions to .pdf are now resulting in two .pdf documents rather than one multipage document. For example, a two page Word document about puppies would be converted Puppies and Puppies.2 rather than just one 2-page .pdf file. A 14-page file just also saved as two separate .pdf files; the first was only one page, and the second contained the other 13 pages. This is a new problem as of tonight; I've never previously had any difficulty. It's quite frustrating, and I can't seem to determine the cause.
I tried to create a bootable recovery drive using my usb for OS Lion and was successful with it. Unfortunately the files which I had stored in the usb stick prior to this seem to have disappeared. How can I locate these files? The usb now doesnt mount on the desk top and is only accessible through disk utility.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm backing up loads of files to DVD, I dragged all the files into Toast and started burning, letting Toast organise the files across multiple DVD. On DVD 11 of 18, there were some drive errors, and Toast crashed.
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?
Okay, so I have an intel Mac (Macbook)... and I use Crossover, so I can run Wind0ze apps such as Digsby. I am trying to find something to use for Twitter, Facebook, Blogger (definitely those).
I have Adium for IMing for myspace, facebook, yahoo, msn, aim, etc
and Digsby (and with Digsby, Facebook - not the IM part, but the social networking part doesn't work)...
We are using MacMail for a pretty important area and, for reasons we cannot fathom, the 'loading' wheel continues to display (not the multi-coloured spinner) and yet we know that there is nothing to download.