Applications :: Changes In ITunes Not Showing Up In Front Row?
May 19, 2009
Alright so I downloaded a season of Lost on iTunes and two of the episodes were mislabeled. Episode 13 should have been 16 and 16 should have been 13. So I swapped all of the info but the episode description did not change. It is correct in iTunes, but when I switch to Front Row the episode descriptions are incorrect. Is there a way to edit "info" in Front Row or make it recognize changes in iTunes? I was under the impression that it would do this automatically. Not sure what is wrong here.
I've been having a strange problem with album art not showing up in Front Row. Inside of the iTunes program I have gone through all the songs to see if they have album art and they do, it shows up in fine in iTunes. However, with certain songs in Front Row they do not show up. I was wondering what the problem would be here. Does the actual song file have to have the art embedded or something like this? Has anyone else had this issue with their album art not always showing up in Front Row?
Can they be played this way? We know that Front Row can access iTunes because it shows the Top 10 Movies in the Movies Section, but when I rented a movie last night, it didn't show up there. Is something wrong? If not, why hasn't Apple came out with a fix for it.
You know how with Quicktime you can stretch the image so it use the whole screen, similarly when using an iPod via a video out cable to watch a movie on TV it can zoom in to fill the screen?
Is there any way to do this when watching movies in iTunes or via Front Row? I watch a lot of TV shows on my MacBook when away and would prefer to have a full screen even if it cost me the top and bottom of the picture or some stretching.
I've recently decided its time to sort all my tv shows into iTunes so that I can access them easily in FrontRow. I've imported two seasons of a tv show and all the episodes are named correctly, numbered right, season info set up right etc. If I click the "TV Shows" section in iTunes I get two entries for my show, one for Season 1, one for Season 2. If I use Front Row, it simply gives me two entries for the tv show but I don't know what season it is until I click through. Surely there must be a way to have TV Shows -> Series -> Season? Otherwise this whole TV Shows thing will be useless to me since I'll end up having to scroll through loads of seasons for all my shows in one place on Front Row i.e. if I put all of my seasons of Enterprise and Stargate SG-1 then Front Row would show this under the TV Shows option:
I would like any application using full screen mode to do that on my secondary screen (a connected projector).
For example when I do a slideshow with Preview it does it on my laptop screen instead of on the projector. Same with iTunes.
I would like the visualizations to appear on the second screen. When watching a youtube-video, it'd be great to have the fullscreen appearing on the second screen while being able to keep on browsing on the first.
I have a new MBP that came with Snow Leopard and I use it mostly for internet and iTunes for videos. I've noticed that watching videos through Front Row does not update the last played and play counts in iTunes. They just show as partially watched with half a blue dot.
I'm wondering how many other people have this happening as well.Did your computer come with Snow Leopard? Did you upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard?
Any news of Front Row in Lion? Apple is selling the mac mini without any new interface? Apple really needs to offer us something over front row which I don't think has been updated since 2007. So Apple how about it?
Since I upgraded my iPad to iOS 4.2 I'm unable to see all the tagged faces in the iTunes photo pane. I've tried re-tagging some of the photo's in iPhoto but I still can't see some of the people in the list on the photo pane. I'm using iPhoto 9.1, iTunes 10.1 and have iOS 4.2 on both my iPhone & iPad. Does anyone have any ideas? I'd really like to be able to get the missing faces back on my devices.
So I've been re-importing my CD collection (now using AIFF) after iTunes deleted most of my tracks.
Once I have imported a CD, I then open the album information tab and locate the artwork. I then go to my iTunes music folder in Finder, but the artwork is not showing in the thumbnail tracks for the albums I have re-imported; the artwork shows in iTunes, but not Finder.
When I go to play a song in iTunes (any song at all, and all the files are definitely there) it just won't play. The play/pause button will change to the pause symbol but nothing else will happen. The ticker-thing at the top which tells you what is playing will say that, that song is on but the timer just stays at 0:00.
Currently running Windows 7 and the latest version of iTunes but this happened before when I was on Vista too. Seems to happen every time I open iTunes now...
I the new iTunes all my songs on each album are in the opposide order of the actual album: so each time i play the album it starts from the last song to the first can i make this stop?
So I just did a clean install of XP on my laptop, downloaded the latest version of iTunes, and re-imported my music library from my external drive. Suddenly, random albums are showing multiple album art on Cover Flow. I'm sorting cover flow by "Album Artist", I've checked the "Part of a Compilation" box when appropriate, and made sure the "Sort Album Artist" field is correct.
For some reason, when my son was trying to load a from a CD to the applications folder all the applications suddenly disappeared. If you click on itunes or word you get an error notice about a corrupt file. The documents appear to be there.What should we do? We are running OS 10.4.11 on an iMac.
For some reason one artist, this happens to be The Beach Boys, is in my library, 6 albums 57 songs, but does not show up on the checkable sync page so I can put it onto my iPhone. All other artists are showing up, what is different about this one artist?
I upgraded to Lion and sadly, Front Row is not supported. I somehow found the Front Row app in my systems folder and moved it to my Applications folder. Front Row now shows up in my applications folder, as well as Launchpad. However, when I go into Front Row, it does not recognize any of my media from iTunes. I tried out this website: [URL] to no avail. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make Front Row work in OS X Lion.
Select Shuffle Mode. Pause your music, or make sure nothing is playing, then go to Minimize view.
Now hit FFW or REV. What appears in the track info box? Nothing, right? iTunes doesn't show you what song it has shuffled to. It only works if you are playing, not in pause.
Surely this is wrong? Sometimes you want to select song before playing it, right? This works fine on my Ipod. Everyone else have this problem?
Can you point me to where the solutions are?, which are:
1. Whenever I try to play music and videos through Front Row, it says, direct quote: "there are no items in your iTunes library", when in fact I have 5000+ songs, dozens of TV shows and movies, all of which work fine in iTunes. I made sure a) all media files are CHECKED (Selected) in my library, b) the Consolidate Library function has always been ON, c) iTunes is open and d) my iTunes library is in the default location, i.e. user/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music. 2. Photos appear correctly in Front Row and DVDs play, I just can't see my videos and music. 3. One interesting thing: the Album Art screen saver also says that "Your iTunes library does not contain any songs with artwork", while most of my iTunes music have album art embedded and they display correctly in iTunes.
I even tried re-installing OS X, but it still does not work! Here is the computer I am using: 17-inch 2.0 gHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac OS X (10.4.10) iMac from October, 2006 with iTunes 7.3.1 installed and working. I have had this problem since (I think) iTunes 6.
How about fixing this one apple, when viewing/listening to a dvd/cd from a shared itunes library via front row, the artwork (CD covers/DVD Box Art) is blank. This worked in the leopard betas' but never has worked since release. I thought Apple was all about the experience, I guess they don't care about Front Row and shared libraries.
My iMac is running 10.5.8. When I play music from within iTunes the volume is far lower than if I use front row (I make no changes to the volume level manually). Is there a setting somewhere I need to change to bring the iTunes level up to the same as the level when using front row? Internal speakers are being used, not external ones.
On my Nokia E72, the music player wont read album art unless it is set as "Cover Front" in the metadata of the file. I heard that iTunes tags album art as "User Defined", which it will not read.
Is there a way to change the tag for a *LARGE* number of files to "Cover Front" ?
Is there a way to make song names in iTunes display larger like they did in Front Row, so if you are across the room you can pick songs with a remote easier?
on my Intel MacMini. Won't turn on with the remote or the Esc+Cmd shortcut. The remote works (I've tried it on my wife's MacBook), I've restarted and repaired permissions. Any other ideas, anyone? Or do I just have to wait for Leopard for a clean start?
I'm sure people find Front Row fantastic but I have no desire to use it. However, I keep accidentally pressing Apple-Esc at which point my computer freezes for a few seconds and then starts up in Front Row. It's a PAIN. Does anyone know how I can turn it off or change the shortcut to something more difficult to press accidentally?
Is there a way to view photos in Front Row without iPhoto especially for those don't have iLife? A mate of mine's MacBook is running Tiger - he wants to view his photos using Front Row but doesn't own iLife'08 so currently he is unable to view them. Is there a way round this? Our other mates have Media Center on their PCs which they can simply view their photos from any folder/location which is a bit of a drag as iPhoto is required to view your photos in Front Row on Macs - quite ridiculous. They'd have a field day once they know he cannot view his photos using a media viewer software which they can on their PCs! If there is no other way round this, I'll have to pass on my old copy of iLife'04 to him. Hope you all had a good Xmas by the way.