Applications :: Aventail VPN Client Not Working / Unknown FATAL Error Occurred
Sep 10, 2010
Not idea why but the my Aventail VPN client worked before is no longer working now - "Unknown FATAL error occurred. Please see logs and contact your Network administrator."
Rebooted, shut down, deleted using zapit and reinstalled and still show the same error.
A movie I purchased stops downloading almost immediately and the error message above comes up. The rest of iTunes works properly and my internet connection is fine. I was downloading numerous TV episodes before and during while this movie was in the cue without any issues. I've restarted my network and that did not seem to fix it.
I've deleted the movie from the cue and re-downloaded it but still same issue.
I'm trying to download a movie and this message keeps showing up (unknow error occurred (-50)) check your internet connection and try downloading again. I have an internet connection but every time I try to download the same message keeps showing up.
Recently I had my Macbook pro reformatted back to factory conditions. After downloading all the software updates I tried to log into the iTunes store, but everytime I get the message " We could not complete your iTunes Store request. An Unknown error occurred (-54)"
I am able to connect to the iTunes store itself and look around and preview songs. but I can't log in to my account. I have the latest version of iTunes, and I haven't altered any settings in iTunes, so I'm confused as to why I am receiving this error message.
The other discussions and trouble shooting pages referencing the error (-54) seem to all talk about ipod sync issues or not being able to access the store in general.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
We've been trying to download the latest digital copy of Mission Impossible from iTunes and have had no luck. It stops downloading and gives an error message (unknown error occurred (-50)) and have received (err - 8008). We've checked for software updates, rebooted the system and tried again, but nothing.
I've been unable to download or update any applications or songs on any of my phones, ipads, or imacs. I just keep getting the messages, "Unable to download application." It's been this way for weeks. What can I do?
After migrating my old iMac to my new one, every time I start iTunes, I get the following message: "We could not complete your iTunes store request. An unknown error occurred (4002).
When I attempt to upgrade I get an error message, "Could not purchase "iTunes Plus Upgrade". An unknown error occured (1004)." This has occurred over the last few days and after restarting.
I keep getting an error message "Database Daemon Fatal Error" when trying to open Entourage 2008. I tried removing and re-installing Office, but each time I open Entourage I keep getting the same message: the Database Daemon has encountered an unknown error. The daemon will need to quit, and Entourage may need to be force quit.
I have a canon mx700 printer.I just upgraded to snow leopard 10.6.8 and now my printer is no longer working.This is probably the 50th time I have had this problem. It always occurs whenever I update my apple software. I have tried reseting my settings, updating my drives and trying to connect the printer directly into my computer and over my network without any success. Upon resetting my drives I keep getting this error a communication error has occurred.
I'm trying to empty the trash on my iMac (running Snow Leopard) but I just get an error message: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code - 8003).
Long time reader at MacRumors, first time posting.Here's the rundown of the issue I'm having:About a week ago, I switched from DSL to a Cable Modem (10x faster, 50% cheaper... hurray, right?) and two days later my computer stopped connecting to the internet, or so I thought. It seemed I was unable to connect to google, or anything google-related, i.e. picasa, youtube, google reader, gmail.My website uses google HTML snippets, which do not load ( Using a 2006 15" MBP with snow leopard 10.6
I just recently had an iTunes Unknown Error -3237 on my Windows Vista Desktop. My iPhone and iTouch doesn't appear in iTunes but show up in My Computer. I plugged it into my sisters Toshiba laptop and it is detected just fine. I plugged it into my MBP and it is detected fine as well. I don't know what the issue is for iTunes. I am running iTunes 8.1. My iPhone is synced with that computer and now I can't sync music to it in fear of losing the current ones I have on my phone. Also I get a iTunes Store error as well.
It won't let me onto the iTunes Store. It just comes up with an error saying there is a network issue to to check it. My internet is working fine but I can't figure out why iTunes is freaking out on me ~_~. iTunes Store works fine on my MBP and sister's laptop. My iPhone backups are all on that computer and same for my applications that aren't on my phone. I have tried reinstalling iTunes and it doesn't remedy the issue. I tried turning off iPod Services and starting it back up to no avail.
I just plugged in my old iPod (a nano 1g) and iTunes said I need to authorize my computer or 15 songs would be taken off. So I chose authorized, typed in my password, and it gave me unknown error -42408. I tried again a few times with the same results. So I decided to look it up on Apple's support website, and it didn't have anything about it. I also couldn't find it on Google. What the heck does this mean and how do I fix it? Btw I just plugged it in a week ago and it worked.
I have a G4 1.25 Dual Power PC and I've added a 320Gb ATA drive as the system drive. All seems fine except that in Disk Utility the drive appears RED and it says ' This drive has reported a fatal hardware error to Disk Utility" It won't let me format the drive or First aid it etc.
Anyone know how I can do a low level format and maybe try and locate the damage?
I've tried Disk Warrior and Tech Tool4 to no avail.
out of nowhere, my iMac acts all up everytime I connect an USB drive, being a flashdrive or WD 1 TB drive.
When I plug the device in, the screen dims, and an error message onscreen asks me to reboot the iMac in several languages. If the device is still connected during reboot, the reboot loops (WITH the error screen showing first every loop).
Tried with 3 different devices,... everytime - the screen appears.
I'm trying to install my Rosetta Stone v3 Application CD that worked on my old macbook to my brand new macbook intel core i7 and receive: Fatal Application Error #2111 Error #2032 Exit the Application?
I am getting this error "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)." when I try to transfer files from my Mac Mini to my External Harddrive which is connected to my Airport Extreme. " The error does not appear to happen all the time. It does seem consistent if I am transfering files and then try to transfer more.
The files I am transferring are .mp4. It does not appear to care about the size of the file, it happens with small files and large files, I can transfer some large folders (2.54G). I can connect the hard-drive externally directly to the mac mini and it will transfer any file.