MacBook Pro :: Unable To Get Video Playback

Aug 3, 2010

I'm using a 15" 2.33 GHz Intel Core Duo Macbook Pro, with 3GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM, with Snow Leopard. Western Digital 320GB 7200 drive.

I've recently been having video playback issues, starting within Final Cut Pro. The clip will play fine at first but then stutter and freeze on and off. I have to constantly stop and play to get through it.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Get I7 Video Playback

Oct 20, 2010

I purchased it in June and have had this issue from the start. I am getting some artifacting/ghosting effects on the screen at times when watching videos. It happens 3-4 times during an hour or so of playback and resolves itself within a few seconds each time. The effect looks similar to that of poor encoding or something along those lines which is what I thought it was at first, until I tried playing videos that I knew for a fact didn't have this problem. The video pretty much freezes or colors get inverted in some areas, but the audio is not affected. Let me know if you need any additional details.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Streaming/Playback Video With I5 15" 2.4ghz

Jul 14, 2010

I've seen many saying that they have payback problems on youtube watching HD videos. But my problem is that the video that I'm streaming, regardless of quality, will often stop while streaming [however the audio continues], then all of a sudden the video fast forwards to catch up to the audio that it is currently playing.

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Applications :: ITunes 9.1 - Unable To Close Video Playback

Apr 20, 2010

Other than Itunes 9.1 breaking outlook syncing on my ipod touch, I cannot close a video when it is running. The X with a circle around it does not close the video anymore. I have to hit escape every time. A reinstall also did not help.

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MacBook Air :: HD Video Playback On The 11"?

Oct 27, 2010

how well HD video plays back on their system?

I know that I'm not gonna be using it for 1080p content while I'm on the go, but I do have a lot of movies in 720p, as well as TV shows.

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MacBook :: Freezing During Video Playback?

Jul 20, 2009

I have had my black macbook for a little over 2 years it is a c2d 2.16. It has ran flawlessly until recently it has been freezing during video playback. Mostly during online streaming like hulu or netflix. The screen usually gets these little red or green dots all over it when it happens. A couple times the the sound continued but usually it stops. What is going on? It has happened almost every day for a couple weeks now. I am running the latest version of OSX

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MacBook Air :: Improve DVD Video Playback On New 13"?

Nov 23, 2010

When playing DVDs on the Apple Air USB DVD player, the video can get quite jumpy when the screen image is complex. Pans are especially challenging. This is when the computer is driving a 1920X1200 external monitor.

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MacBook Air :: Flash Video Playback Skipping - How To Fix It

Oct 5, 2008

Just noticed that when I'm lying on the bed with my MBA on my legs, watching so [URL] starts skipping in about 10-15 minutes.

I don't see core shutdowns.....but actually the video/audio is going to desync and starts this normal? Do I have to get a MB/MBP just to watch Hulu and flash videos?

I think this may be related to the temperature, but usually it's not that hot.

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MacBook :: 720p MKV Video Playback Capability?

May 17, 2009

I often have 720p MKV video to watch, and I was wondering whether the current generation base model MacBook White is capable of playing them. I know that the MacBook White has the 9400m GPU which should be capable of doing it, but does it work in reality? What software do you need?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Resolution In Video Playback

Jun 19, 2009

I am a new Mac user and so far I love it! My biggest concern is the quality of video playback when I am watching a DVD movie. On my Old HP laptop, the quality was far better. Is there an issue with playing DVD's, or does it have to do with the screen resolution of the MBP (1440x900)? As far as still pictures go, the screen looks great! Its just video that doesn't look the best...

Macbook Pro 15" 2.4 | 2GB Ram | 250GB HDD

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MacBook Pro :: QuickTime X Video Pauses During Playback

Aug 29, 2009

I'm trying to figure this out and I've gone through 'Energy Saver' settings and turned off 'Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible' but sometimes - not reliably, playback of a video file just pauses and then resumes as normal after about 10 seconds. It happened just the same with QT and Perian under Leopard and now happens in Snow Leopard too. Similarly, this sort of oddness happens with playback on VLC too.

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MacBook Air :: ITunes Choppy Video Playback

Apr 1, 2010

I have a Rev A MBA but for the first time I just downloaded a TV show from Itunes and tried watching it back. It was very jumpy, freezing and video and audio were sometimes out of sync. I turned off all other applications, which improved it, but did not solve it. I tried downloading a second one and had the same problem.

Is this common? I would have thought of all applications to work well, Itunes should be one of them.

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MacBook Pro :: Multicolored Lines Appear During Video Playback

May 14, 2010

I've been having an issue with my Macbook Pro (early spring 2009 model) with colored lines appearing during video playback, moving windows around, etc. It seems to have involve movement. The same lines appear on my Apple 24in. display when it's connected via mini-display port. Please see the attached screenshot for an example...

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MacBook Pro :: Freezing During Video Playback / Ftp Transfer?

May 28, 2010

Have noticed of recent that when i am watching movies on my laptop (avi's) after about 30 min the movie will freeze. at first i thought it was the file but trying files that i have known previously to work i have found that they also freeze now.

i have also noticed that when trying to upload files via FTP they will freeze half way and timeout.

i have run disk verify, and it has come back fine have tested the RAM using techtool pro and that also came back fine.

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MacBook Pro :: Output Sound Is Off For Video Playback

Aug 22, 2014

The output sound is suddenly really quiet. I have to turn it all the way up to hear anything all all sometimes. My iTunes seems fine and my notification sounds work, but playing videos is seriously sketchy (from YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, wherever).

I've got a 15" Macbook Pro
OS X 10.8.5
2.2 GHz processor Intel Core i7
4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 memory 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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MacBook :: Video Playback (Free RAM / CPU Core Dropped)

Sep 10, 2010

I have two identical Late 2008 Unibody MacBooks. I think that one of them is trying to commit suicide. The other one is completely fine, and has none of these issues. They have a 2GHz Intel Core Duo processor with 2GB 1067MHz DDR3 RAM. The HD is 150 GB and is less than half full. I get beach balls while browsing non-flash sites, and the computer is laggy in general. When I watch video (usually flash), after about 10 minutes, the video will pause, while the sound continues. After 30sec-2min, the video will fast forward to catch up, and the cycle continues. The free RAM in Activity Monitor will drop to <100MB, and the CPU usage will spike on one core of the processor, while the other core drops.

The fans are working appropriately, and the temp isn't exceptionally high. Once this starts happening, I have to quit Safari and restart to get the free RAM to drop back to normal levels (~1GB). I have tried: repairing and verifying disk permissions, resetting PRAM and SMC, Archive & Install, and finally an Erase & Install of Leopard. Nothing has improved the issue. I've MRoogle'd and Google'd to no avail. Is there anyone who can provide another solution? I'm not sure if it's my RAM, or HD dying, or both? The Apple Hardware Test says that everything is peachy.

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MacBook :: Internet Video Not Smooth - Playback Laggy

May 2, 2009

If you go to: [URL] or any HD youtube,... the video is laggy on my 2.0 MB unibody. I know it's not my internet connection problem as my MBP 2.4 Unibody is playing fine. Should I download firefox? Does anyone out there with the same laptop has the same problem?

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MacBook Pro :: Real Player Downloads Video But No Playback

May 21, 2012

Real Player is not working properly.It downloads videos but when I click "play" ,it doesn't reproduce the video. I tried resetting Real Player but nothing happens.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Processor 2.4, Intel core 1.5 - memory

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MacBook Air :: 11.6" 1.4ghz Versus 1.6ghz Video Playback

Nov 2, 2010

I'm debating between the 1.4 and 1.6ghz 11.6" macbook air.

For most activities I do, I'm thinking the faster disk access is more important than the CPU speed. I currently have a 2009 13.3" Macbook Pro, 2.26ghz.

The only thing I've noticed that I really need a fast CPU for is watching video, 720p or 1080p especially flash video.

Can the 1.4ghz display smooth 720p video from VLC or Youtube (flash)?

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MacBook Pro :: 720p Video Playback Stutter On 2008 UMBP

Dec 13, 2009

I have a 2008 15" 2.4GHz unibody macbook pro with the Nvidia 9400 & 9600 GPU's. It works great, but i notice when playing 720p HD video in Quicktime X, the video is often kind of stuttery at first when i skip through the video, and sometimes beachballs. I am disappointed, because i often like to skip to certain parts in videos (especially TV Shows/Movies). It doesn't do this with smaller videos.

I only have 2GB of RAM. Do you think upgrading the RAM to atleast 4GB would help with this problem? I am on the 9600 with the "Higher Performance" option. Do you notice this at all?

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MacBook Pro :: HW Accelerated Flash Slows Full Screen Video Playback?

Oct 16, 2010

I noticed that all the flash videos played inside Safari on my MBP were slow and choppy when switching to full screen mode. This started happening after upgrading to Flash 10.1 r85. I disabled hardware acceleration on Flash's settings, and video playback went back to normal.

What can I do to use hardware accelerated Flash, but without the slowdowns?

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OS X :: Video Playback Laggy?

Mar 5, 2009

For about a month now I noticed that whenever I'm watching a video on YouTube in HD or when I'm watching a movie trailer on Quicktime at 1080p, the playback lags. Prior to this everything worked well. All the videos I watched played smoothly at any resolution at any quality. I have an iMac with the following specs:

2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
ATI Radeon HD2600 Graphics Card with 256 VRAM

Also, I do not have many windows or applications open when I watch these videos. I have also close to 21GB of hard disk space used up out of about 280.

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OS X :: Jerky Video Playback On Mac Pro 2009.

Apr 10, 2009

Have tried both quicktime and vlc, put video playback seems to be jerky on any panning shots on videos.

Have tried some 1080p trailers from the following link, especially apparent on the new ice age trailer.

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Mac Mini :: Can Playback 1080P QT Video

Mar 15, 2009

My current Mini (1.83 ghz dual) skips frames when playing back 1080P QT MOV files.

I use the Mini as a DVD player / HTPC. Only recently started taking 1080P video and was bummed at skips on big screen playback.

Has anyone tried playing 1080P video on the new 2.26 ghz model?

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OS X :: Mac Pro Freezes During Video Playback In Win7

Jun 15, 2009

I have a Mac Pro 1,1 with two displays and an NVIDIA 8800 card. I was booted into Windows 7 using bootcamp, the machine froze during video playback, hard rebooted. Blue Screened in Windows, went to restart into OS 10.5.7 and I get the Apple logo and spinning gear, it then flashes briefly and goes to a grey screen. The second monitor never engages. The machine is fully booted as I can connect to it with my laptop through filesharing. I've tried PRAM/SMC reset, removing all the RAM/all external devices, pretty much everything. I've even tried replacing the video card and switching PCI slots, with the same issue still occurring.

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PowerPC :: G4 Video Playback Very Slow?

May 19, 2010

Can anyone suggest the reason why my powerbook G4 can't playback video smoothly??

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Quicktime Pro Video Playback Is Washed Out

Apr 21, 2012

This is question is being posted in the Mac OS & System Software because I couldn't find Quicktime under Windows software. Quicktime Player works fine under XP Pro on one PC and my other XP Pro computer has Quicktime Pro. MOV video is washed out running with Quicktime Pro but also Realplayer's playback is washed out. All other image files display fine.

Quicktime Pro 7.7.1 1680.42, Windows XP Pro

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Intel Mac :: Choppy Video Playback On It?

May 10, 2012

I have a 20-inch Mid 2007 iMac with 2.4 intel core duo with 4gb memory running  OS lion 10.7.4. I am getting choppy video with play back. I have tried resetting Safari, Uninstalling and reinstalling old and new versions of Adobe Flash. Am I SOL? Is my Processor to old? Can I upgrade it? Or do I need a whole new computer?


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Applications :: Won't Work With IMovie Video Playback

Feb 25, 2006

I recently upgraded to iLife 06. Now if I import a clip into iMovie, then apply, for example "fade in" at the start it results in jerky playback. It renders the whole program useless.

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PowerPC :: PowerMac G3 - Choppy Video Playback

Jan 25, 2007

I'm currently running an old powermac G3 that's fine with everything except video playback.

My question, is it the 300mhz processor, the video card (stock ATI rage), or a combination of both?

Before it's said, I would buy a new computer if I could afford it.

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