Choppy Vids In ITunes On IBook
Jul 1, 2012
Okay, got an iBook G4, 1.2 ghz, 1.2 gb ram, OS 10.4.11.Made it a Frankenmac, hooked it up to the TV (converter) and a 2 TB ext drive (down to <200 gb).Some vids play fine, some are choppy. Choppier now than before, wondering if the ext drive's dwindling free space is a factor, may have to get a second. Even so, still was choppy early on.Looked at the info of the smooth vids vs the choppy vids. Seems the choppy ones have higher bitrates, or different apps used to code them. BTW, all mp4.Guessing it might be a bitrate thing, though others w/ very low bitrates are choppy, too.
iBook G4 (12-inch Late 2004), Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Mar 30, 2012
Just like the title says Throughout the life of iTunes, I have been able to do this. Now, I cannot. It's super annoying, as I now have to go and sync each individual file. I've got thousands of files. It would drive me crazy to individually check each one to sync. Drag 'n' drop is much easier.
The only difference has been that I stopped using a mouse and began to use the Apple Magic Trackpad. I'm not sure if this has had any deleterious effect.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 ghz, 24"
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May 20, 2012
it basically appeared today, and I haven't changed anything, to my knowledge. Playback is choppy, with some stuttering and static noises...It does this even when playing straight to the computer speakers...I've disconnected my router to make it isn't the culprit (it slows down my internet connection quite a lot).
Mac Mini
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Mar 9, 2006
I gave the video content on the iTMS a shot tonight.
I bought the Lewis Black stand up show. Lewis is hysterical of course, and while the resolution is less than most pirated media I have seen, it was good enough for me for two dollars.
However, I have noticed that at times it just sorta lags/skips. It's like I ma streaming it on the web and it has to rebuffer or whatever.
I did a search and found nothing
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Jan 22, 2009
I was wondering if anyone else has or is having this problem. Whenever I scroll through the itunes store, it becomes very choppy. I have the new macbook (don't think that matters at all) and it occurs when I scroll manually or use the two-finger scroll. I noticed this like a week ago but thought it would just go away but it's getting really annoying.
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Mar 23, 2009
why are all my iTunes videos so damn choppy?! High Quality Youtube videos are "ok," but HD Youtube videos are just as bad as trying to watch anything on iTunes.
what do i need to upgrade (word choice?) to successfully watch iTunes videos crisply. i'm assuming it's like a graphics card or a processor or something. i could buy a decent computer in the next couple of months but i'm not because my parents are strongly against me upgrading anything because i'm going to college Fall 2010, so they said i'll just get a high-end something or other when the time comes. the point of what i just rambled about was is there something on my current PC that i can upgrade?
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Apr 1, 2010
I have a Rev A MBA but for the first time I just downloaded a TV show from Itunes and tried watching it back. It was very jumpy, freezing and video and audio were sometimes out of sync. I turned off all other applications, which improved it, but did not solve it. I tried downloading a second one and had the same problem.
Is this common? I would have thought of all applications to work well, Itunes should be one of them.
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Sep 5, 2014
I have a Mac Mini 2011, I started having audio playback problems with about 90 percent of my purchased Itunes movies. The audio is fine as long as you don't maximize the viewing window, as soon as you do the audio become choppy. I keep all my movies on an external hard drive, 1Terrabyte Western Digital Mybook (the one recommended for macs. I even tried copying a movie onto the computer hard drive with the same result. This all seemed to start after I had my mac mini hard drive replaced.
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Mar 23, 2010
I'm having problems with iTunes video playback under 10.4.11. I'm on a 733Mhz Digital Audio G4, which I realize is somewhat below the iTunes specs, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do to get rid of the choppiness in video playback. My machine has a PATA drive but it is hooked to a SATA card.
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Jul 20, 2009
I have an Ibook g3 700mhz 384 MB and having dificulty watching streaming video for ex. or any other. I can watch movies on flash drive and dvds no probs or from harddrive but streaming is very choppy. I know connection is not the issue (I have broadband) and streaming works fine on sony desktop running xp 1ghz with 256 mb ram. What gives?
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Jul 23, 2009
I converted my DVD collection (and a good portion of my TV-DVD collection) over to my computer for my Apple TVs. When I finally completed this huge chore I went out and got three 1.5TB internal drives to replace the six externals that I had.
I don't THINK the problem started when I got the new drives, since I didn't watch too much on the computer itself too often. But I have been watching a lot of junk on the computer lately, and I noticed that every few seconds the video hiccups. Not the audio, just the video. It's a small hiccup, but it is noticeable and therefore annoying.
I'm realllllly hoping it's not the drives, as that would completely suck. Is there anything else it could be? This happens regardless of what else is running in the background. The specs are in my sig. The drives are 1.5TB 7200 RPM drives.
EDIT - It seems that it hiccups in quicktime/iTunes, and not in VLC.... which I think rules out the computer and the files themselves. Could Perian be causing jumpy playback?
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Nov 3, 2009
Running a G4 (dual 1 ghz, 2Gig mem, GeForce4 Ti 4600 video card) and video plays very choppy for some applications, especially for sites like Hulu. Just hooked it up to my 52" LCD and it was REALLY choppy on there, which I guess I can understand, but not sure why it is on everything else. Right now all I have is a 17" acrylic, any ideas why its so choppy? Anything I can do to speed it up or am I just out of luck?
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Feb 13, 2012
I am running an eMac G4 with 1.25 Ghz and 1.25 Gig RAM. HD is 40 Gig. I believe the vid card is 32 mb. I have the newest version of Flash that the Power PC will support. 10.3 I believe. Youtube and in fact all videos are kind of choppy. Anything I can do here without spending a fortune.
eMac 1.25 Ghz/1.25 gig ram/40 gig, Mac OS X (10.4)
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Feb 17, 2008
I have 3-4 apps open in each space. I have 6gb of ram, 2.5gb of which are in use. When I go to the spaces view (f8). It's choppy - is this normal? Well by normal I mean does anyone else have it? I also get some choppiness here and there when I jump in between spaces with ctrl+arrows. Does anyone else have this? I'm reformatting a large raid array with disk utilities, so that may be the culprit, but it really should not be, since there is no i/o from it on my main drive. I'm running 10.5.2 with the graphics update and an 8800GT.
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Aug 21, 2009
When video chatting on Skype, iChat, or Yahoo! Messenger, it is always choppy on both ends. I am at my college now so the internet isn't the problem, I know (up speed is 3 Mbps constant and constant down is 5 Mbps).
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a MBP 15 with the 9600 gt and an Intel ssd x-25.
Why do i experience choppy 1080p material (files that are over 8 gb)??.
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May 4, 2010
I just got a macbook. I love it with the exception that when I stream sports, the picture and sound are clear but the picture's streaming speed isn't steady.
For instance, a watching hockey, it looks like the players are speeding up and slowing down the entire time.
Does anyone know of a driver that I can run to stop this? Maybe a different browser. I have tried firefox and safari and the problem is the same on both.
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm using chrome 5 and the scrolling seems a bit choppy for the hardware. I mean it's not fluid.
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May 10, 2012
I have a 20-inch Mid 2007 iMac with 2.4 intel core duo with 4gb memory running OS lion 10.7.4. I am getting choppy video with play back. I have tried resetting Safari, Uninstalling and reinstalling old and new versions of Adobe Flash. Am I SOL? Is my Processor to old? Can I upgrade it? Or do I need a whole new computer?
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Aug 27, 2010
I have been trying out all the normal programs for Mac screen recording (iShow U HD, Snapz Pro X, Screenium, Screenflow, even Adobe Captivate!) but not of them run smoothly at ~30 FPS on my 2009 MacBook Pro, they are very choppy and inconsistent. Is this just an issue of lack of hardware, and if I get a beefier machine, it will run better?
The MBP specs are: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 4GB RAM
Also, on a slightly different note, when I go to upload some of the more simple, less choppy videos to Youtube, they lose a LOT of quality. Any tips on uploading? I use .FLV or .MOV typically, but they never look very good at all xD once they upload.
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Jan 25, 2007
I'm currently running an old powermac G3 that's fine with everything except video playback.
My question, is it the 300mhz processor, the video card (stock ATI rage), or a combination of both?
Before it's said, I would buy a new computer if I could afford it.
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Aug 19, 2008
I have a 12" Powerbook G4 1.5Ghz with 1.25GB of RAM. I can't seem to figure out how to make my video playback smooth. I have tried so far playing videos from Itunes and also avi files. No matter what i try its still unwatchable.
I'm running Leopard with latest patches. Web browsing and other things are fine, its only video that is giving me problems
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a excel spreadsheet of price lists from one of my suppliers. When I use Excel 2008 on the mac, it's VERY choppy to scroll through the pricelist, to the point where its unusable. I open the same price list in Windows XP using parallels, and its smooth as butter.
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Mar 12, 2009
I'm a brand new member, having acquired a 1st Gen Mac Pro 4x2.66/4GB/4x750GB-HD system at a corporate fire sale and just upgraded it with an ATI 3870 / Accelero cooler. The nVidia 7300 P.O.S. card that came stock in this system was noticeably choppy in Google Earth. I was hoping the ATI 3870 upgrade would put that issue to bed. It didn't. When viewing Manhattan Island with 3d buildings on, it is as choppy as the Gulf of Mexico during an ill-fated fishing trip. But the 4 cores aren't really that stressed - I have iStats Menu installed and they are not maxed. I'm trying to look to the future with this video card purchase (Snow Leopard will support the 3870 for OpenCL operations). Other things seem to be smoother, but I was really looking for better performance with Google Earth and other graphic apps (iTunes visualizer, Core Image demos, etc.) What happened? I'd like this Mac to be somehow faster than my Windows XP box with a Core 2 Quad and a 9600GT card, but it is not so.
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Jul 22, 2009
I have a 13MBP 2.26ghz 2GB ram etc and when i try to play 720p movies like harry potter or deja vu, during action scenes the playback becomes choppy and the video turns into a bunch of squares and i usually miss a few second of the scene. it usually happens on graphic intensive screens such as the a girl dropped her teddy bear into the ocean waves and in harry potter 4 when all the glass frames break from the wall and fall down. Im using LED Cinema Display
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Nov 3, 2009
I have noticed my imac 27" has started being choppy with playback of both divx and flash. I know there are other threads about this for flash but I haven't heard much about divx. I tried installing divx, vlc, and perian, but in all the playback is choppy.
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Nov 19, 2009
Earlier this year, I finished ripping nearly every single one of my DVDs and Blu-rays (I only have a handful of the latter) so that I can play them off of my Mac Mini instead of having to load the DVD player every time I want to see a different movie.
On the Mac Mini 1.83 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and GMA950 graphics, I had no issues with the 480p videos in Front Row, but the high-def rips from the Blu-rays were very jerky, even though I downconverted them to 720p. I just upgraded to a 2.0 gHz C2D with 2gb of RAM and the nVidia 9400M graphics. Most of the 720p videos play well now, but a couple of them (Iron Man, particularly) are still a bit jerky in places.
Would upgrading again to a 2.26 gHz or a 2.53 gHz Mac Mini fix this issue? Do I just need more RAM? Does anyone have any advice?
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Feb 14, 2010
I have a mini display port to Hdmi and this is happening Playing back videos on vlc. Doesn't do this with the laptop monitor.
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Apr 26, 2010
My iMac (Intel) is having serious problems playing saved video files, especially from the Elgato EyeTV hybrid (file extension .eyetv). Everything played fine for about 1.5 years, then suddenly the iMac just started pinwheeling intermittently and stopping the video every few seconds. It was like watching Youtube on dial-up. I tried closing programs, stopping Time Machine, restarting, reinstalling EyeTV... but nothing fixed it, it only got worse and actually started freezing the whole machine and causing incredibly slow and scary restarts with lots of blue screens. At this point I actually re-formatted the whole darn computer and the files played OK for maybe a day or two, then just started pinwheeling the .eyetv files again, although movies on my hard drive play ok now as far as I know. Youtube and other streaming has always been fine. Watching live-feed TV on the EyeTV has never been a problem either. Why can't I watch my recorded files?
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Aug 22, 2010
This 15" MacBook Pro is abotu a year and a half old, and I'm running into a bit of a problem. For most things, it's fine. I use it for photoshop, aperture, etc. And a couple months ago, I used to play Team Fortress 2 and other games in bootcamp.
But now these games have come out for the Mac and they run sluggishly at best. It's VERY choppy. At first I thought this was something to do with the program itself, but after doing a lot of research, no one else seemed to be complaining abotu the problems I was. This leads me to believe that there is a problem with my computer.. So how can I test this? Are there any ways to speed up my mac? Maybe an update, or a fresh install, or something?
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