ITunes :: Fails To Encode Chinese Titles Correctly?
Jun 15, 2012I bought my iMac couple days ago; after I transferred some Chinese/Japanese songs; my iTunes failed to encode the titles correctly.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I bought my iMac couple days ago; after I transferred some Chinese/Japanese songs; my iTunes failed to encode the titles correctly.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Safari does not read Chinese in the email titles. It provides a series of question mark. When you open the email it reads the Chinese in the text fine??????? It is important as we receive lots of email in Chinese as well as English, makes sorting through messages impossible.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Suddenly, if I insert a cd to rip, all I get is Track 1, 2 etc. If I try to manually look up the cd, nothing happens. Internet connection is fine.Â
I have a huge stack of cd's to rip.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I'm trying to get rid of an offending "TipsSmart" (no spaces, I hate that) in the title. I can bring up the info window, and I can change the Album name, which does in fact change the name of the relevant directory in the iTunes library. Unfortunately, when I go back to look at my iTunes subscriptions the name of the podcast doesn't change. In fact, the name of the podcast is comprised of text that's not contained in any file in my iTunes library. I can't figure out where it gets the name so I can edit it.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi am importing a store bought CD but the song titles and artist info is not coming over. It only lists the songs a track 1, track 2, etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing itunes 10.6.1 and burning a playlist to 3 cd's in audio format the finished cd's have no song totles just track #'s. Thought I might have set preferences wrong, checked and seemed right but a second burn turned out the same. Last year I burned 12 cd;s in audio format to fill my auto cd cartridge and all had track names and artist. Is this just another feature or lack of in the newest version of I tunes? They are random songs so I can't even look up the album. The songs are to be used at a retirement party so they need a list of which song goes with a little skit.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8 ghz core 2 duo
I a few of my albums when I do a get info the inoirmqtion is in a light grey tone and I am unable to update any of the inform ation. Luckly they still play OK.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How can I tell that a film has English sub-titles or close captioning before I purchase and download it. My wife is deaf and we need sub-titling of some description but the film descriptions do not appear to tell you before downloading.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
A couple of years ago, I purchased my first MAC OS X 10.7.5
I transferred my iTunes library from my old PC to the new MAC. I followed instructions, but I, obviously, screwed up somewhere.Â
I don't remember what I did and didn't do.
All I know is that, now, half of my library is "connected", meaning the song has a name, an artist, and the album it came from connected.
The other half is not "connected" meaning once you scroll down from the top through all of the connected songs, you will see a listing of tracks/songs. All that is that is there is the track number and title of the song. For example, I can twenty five Track #8's each with a different title.Â
I would have to listen to the song and add the artist in myself. Once I do this, it will move the file up to the connected songs. However, I have not been able to take the time to find the album it comes from.  A lot of these songs are my daughters and I have no clue where they are from.Â
I have not deleted or trashed anything from my files.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
i was shooting an image film with a CANON XF100, and now i have a severe audio problem! All the data (imported via SD-Card to my Mac) was somehow corrupted. It sounded like "Trash", always cut-off or so. I tried to import it to FCP7, yet no success. Is XDCam going to work or any other method to encode MXF to MOV? Â
how to encode the MXF-files to (uncompressed) MOV or MP4-files. If possible, without a 3rd party-software to purchase. i know some software too, yet Handbrake or VLC seems to fail, too.Â
So, simply a way to either convert the MXF-data directly into a FCP7-proejct or maybe FCPX, OR simply to convert it to a MOV or MP4, whatever FinalCut can use and import...Â
I usually keep my music files on my PC and stuff, but since I was thinking of getting rid of it, I transferred all my music files into my MBP. So I transferred it via a USB Drive, and what do you know, iTunes show some of my Korean and Japanese songs with broken-looking weird scribbles. It happens to only certain songs, and I really am confused. As you can see in the attached picture, some displays the correct characters, but some just looks weird. Like the bottom three songs show correctly, but not some of the top ones or the highlighted one.
However, both my iPhone and my iPods in the past showed ALL Korean/Japanese charcaters without a single problem. Is there any language pack that I'll need to be installing? Or is there some kind of encoding within the iTunes? I am currently using the latest build/version of the iTunes on Mac OS X Leopard running on Unibody MacBook Pro 2.53Ghz. The MacBook Pro is also up-to-date with any of the latest updates via Software Update. I should be asking at the iPod and iTunes section I guess, so if it really seems like it's an absolute must that I post in the iTunes section, please let me know.
Which method / script / program will rename your song's file names so iTunes will still know where they are?
Normally when renaming files you will have to re-locate the files to remove the exclamation marks.
If you look at your account page in iTunes and the iTunes Store there is a section for "Manage Devices". I have an iPad, the new 3rd Gen, and it shows up as an iPad2 under my devices. I think this may cause issues when syncing, downloading and playing content, or installing new apps since they are different model devices.
I only have one iPad and never had an iPad2, but I did buy one for my Dad a while back but he lives in a different city and it has never been synced with my itunes account or library. Has anyone else ever ran into this situation? And how do I correct my device list to show the correct model iPad?
Info:iPad (3rd generation) Wi-Fi, iOS 5.1
With Itunes 10.5.3 recently installed Ipad backup fails. Backup starts, then freezes for a second or so, then other synchronisation steps continue. After all synchronisation steps are finished, a message pops up like: "Backup failed because connection to ipad was lost"
Had that issue with earlier version of iTunes before. No problem though with 10.5.2.
G5 1.8GHz, Mac OS X (10.4.5)
so basically, what are you guys thoughts on leaving a 17" i7 MBP to encode videos over the weekend, while I'm gone?
right now my fans are in default mode running at 4k RPM and my CPU is hovering between 85Ëš and 90Ëš
Does handbrake encode blu-ray discs? if not is there any good software for encoding blu ray?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to encode in any other format except for Best Performance. I switched the preferences, changed the encoding setting and then the box goes grey and I can't do anything. I've got plenty of space on my hard drive, and I'm just running out of idea. Any advice?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, iTunes 10.1 will not fully launch. When I bring up a list of the Task Manager processes, I can find the itunes.exe process- but the program doesn't ever run. I've tried a lot of methods to get this to work, including installing an earlier iTunes version, but when I tried to open the earlier iTunes, it wouldn't accept my iTunes library, stating that it was from a newer version of iTunes.
I've also tried a system restore, but the restore function could not be completed and now I am completely lost on what to do- including replacing the core audio toolbox.dll file Any suggestions?
Quick question. My MBP is currently encoding a video (iDVD). If I put it to sleep will it be able to pick up where it stopped when I turn it back on?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an octocore 2009 Mac Pro with 16G of RAM and it just crawls in iDVD encoding MP4s. CPU usage is very low considering all of the processor cores available. Handbrake, on the other hand, just flies when encoding because it lights up all eight cores. Is there some way to speed up iDVD so its encode performance is more reasonable? At the rate it's going now, it takes around an hour to encode 60 minutes of video.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I select any song from this one, specific album in my library, iTunes will hesitate for a second, and the Quicktime-esque player window will automatically appear too. This happens only with this one album, and it's very frustrating. I will attach a screenshot of the problem. And also, if I go to close this player window, the song stops.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've tried iDVD for the first time today and have had mixed results.I tried putting some Bugs Bunny cartoons I have as avi files into a Magic iDVD project to make a DVD.
The titles are great, the video quality is super, but there's no sound.Not a peep.They play fine in VLC, but without sound in Quick Time.I know nothing about video editing, so am hoping this is a just a codec issue that is easily rectified given a nudge in the right direction.
basically the bug makes it where the playback position (where you are in a podcast) is not synced correctly between iTunes and your device (iPhone 4 in my case).
Scenario 1: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Listen to 20 minutes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone, it starts at the beginning...not 20 minutes in like it should.
Scenario 2: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone for the first time, it starts randomly somewhere in the middle...not at the start like it should.
This bug didn't exist with iTunes 9. The bug appeared in iTunes 10 and still exists as of version 10.1.1 that was released a couple of days ago.
Any ideas on how to get movement on this from Apple? Already reported it as a bug online as well as posted in the thread on the discussion forum. This bug is PAINFUL for heavy podcast listeners.
I never really used the iTunes media folder system. All my music is on extrenal drive and I was only importing it into iTunes manually to keep my own folder system, for example once a week Ive created a folder with a date of creating and there I had all the releases from that week (some in their own folder or separately but all in this one folder named by a dat eof creation). So on my ext. drive I have lots of these folders by date. And the names of folder always correspond with the date added to iTunes as well..My ext. drive is full now. so Ive decided to take a next step and put out the dvd-rom and put another internal drive (1TB) into my macbook pro which will be used for music and movie data only (the system stays on the old one).What I want to do now is somehow move all these music folder to my new internal drive, so they can be accessed from iTunes without reseting all its features.
Ive read that one solution can be creating the new iTunes Media folder on that new drive and Consolidate all music from iTunes to this location. Problem is I cant even try it, because when go to iTunes Preferences to change the location of Media folder a hit Create after selectin the new location (new internal drive) after fee seconds the progress freezes and Activity Monitor says that iTunes are not responding. Ive tried to leave it for about half an hour and no changes, even tho theres not much to copy/move cause the Media folder has no music in it, only playlists etc. So question number one is - why its freezing? any other way to trasfer all my collection and keep its organiation as it is without loosing the iTunes list and be able to use it after transfer?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just updated to iTunes 11.2.2 on my macMini following an update to OS X 10.9.3. I have my music library stored on an external 1TB firewire disk and some on a second gen iPod. The iPod music is accessable and will play but the music on the external disk, while showing up correctly in iTunes, will not play. I can't even play the music from within finder (no play icon on the music file icon in finder.) I can use the right click menu option to show a music item in iTunes in Finder and it knows right where it is so it seems itunes is fully aware of the libraries location on the external drive. Â
One additional point is that I also install Xcode 6 Beta which would not install with iTunes opened. I was wondering if the beta of Xcode 6 is at issue? If is what will be needed to backout that instalation? What changes does Xcode 6 do that affects iTunes in the first place? Maybe it isn't Xcode 6 but something else just not sure.
Mac Mini Intel Dual Cor (2.26MHz), Mac OS X (10.5.7)
I live in China, its great, but I hate the firewall. Ever since they blocked Youtube, I've been trying to get a good connection to a proxy server. I still have not found a good enough proxy to watch youtube. So I am looking for a paid VPN, but I don't know what would be the best to go for. Since my connection in China is bad enough I need a VPN that doesn't slow down my connection any more.
View 4 Replies View RelatedOne thing I miss from Windows is the ability to glance at the task bar on the bottom and read truncated title descriptors on the task bar buttons of each open window. It's a way of knowing and locating what (and where) each window is by just looking, without having to do anything -- like mouse over an icon, or clicking, or using Expose.
Is there anything I can do to make all open windows have titles or descriptors -- whether it's a file name, or Safari window name, etc. -- in Mac OS? Is there any third party utility app?
I find Snow Leopard to be more application centric, rather than window centric.
My co-workers use Chinese Windows on their PC and when they send me a document, my Mac interprets some Chinese characters as garbled. If I copy that garbled text and place it in Chinese Windows, it can be read fine.
Is there some kind of setting I can change or software I can install on my Mac so I can read all Chinese characters perfectly?
I have a wacom tablet connected to my Mac and I can use the Ink application to write English characters.
Is there a way to write Chinese characters on the Mac?
Not sure if this is the right section or even if someone else has listed it, but the video on the link below (UK broadsheet 'The Times') shows a new Mac trojan. Good commercial for Sophos anti-virus too of course! [URL].
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