I purchased an App hastily and did not realize I had agreed to continual monthly billing. How can I cancel the account or edit the terms of my agreement? The app is grindrxtra.
I thought that iTunes was supposed to edit id3 tags no? When editing info in the program it does not affect changes to the files themselves, how should I go about fixing this?Another small itunes related matter is that when plugged in it does not register on my desktop (even though I have the option t do so checked off)
I'm trying to get rid of an offending "TipsSmart" (no spaces, I hate that) in the title. I can bring up the info window, and I can change the Album name, which does in fact change the name of the relevant directory in the iTunes library. Unfortunately, when I go back to look at my iTunes subscriptions the name of the podcast doesn't change. In fact, the name of the podcast is comprised of text that's not contained in any file in my iTunes library. I can't figure out where it gets the name so I can edit it.
My music folder from PC has many folders within folders. I want to copy these into iTunes in a similar way, but it would cause toooo many playlists. Is there a way to do sub playlists within playlists.
Also, how can I remove the default checkmarks on every new file added to a playlist? It seems that every time I play something, if there are checkmarks, iTunes goes to a random one and plays. I want iTunes to stop and shut up when a song is finished. Is that too much to ask?
Just like the title states, I need to edit stuff from a TV show to play for my class. I tried to open it in quicktime but no luck- I don't have the option. I have the pro version but am I missing something? If I can't do this- any other programs you guys know?
I found a lot of sites telling me what to do but not HOW to do it. I need to change the artwork and info tags on my podcast page in itunes. How do I do these things if I created my podcast in iweb?
I can't seem to find a way to edit mp3 and wave information in leopard. In fact it seems like the fields are totally unresponsive to anything. I want to edit this information and the album art outside of iTunes, because while it's very easy to do within the application, it doesn't seem to effect the source file's information.
Just recently out of the blue I noticed that some of the songs in my library were not in the correct order as they appear on the album. I went under "Get Info" to make sure that the track listing was correct (i.e. Track 2 of 10) and everything was correct, yet it still showed up in the wrong order. I even re-typed everything hoping it would reset but it did not. It appears to be only on albums that I purchased through iTunes (and yes, each song was purchased at the same time).
purchasing new speakers when I receive my Mac Pro and wanted to know how good the built in sound card is.Is the sound card that comes with the mac pro any good? how does it compare to a sound blaster audigy? an I upgrade the sound card on the mac pro or is that not possible? What are my options in terms of hooking up speakers to it? Could I add an external sound card or is the built in sound card good enough?
Does anyone know how to search a pdf with Preview using multiple terms?
Example: I searched for battle fatigue, and it showed me every result containing battle (including things like battlefield) and every result containing fatigue. I'm need it to find a specific phrase, not every instance of every word.
Putting the phrase in quotes returns nothing, as does using + between words.
I'd like to find out how much CPU usage is consumed when playing a 720p mkv file on my VMC player. I opened Activity Monitor and it's showing a lot of things,
1. There's CPU usage right next to VLC program which is reading between 30 to 45. 2. There's also CPU usage meter in the lower left corner in 4 different types; % User, % System, % Nice, % Idle
Now, my question is,
what is the difference between #1 and #2? And can you explain to me what % User, % System, % Nice, % Idle are in simple terms?
I have a good number of songs (and will continue to have) that I love, but they have just 1 or 2 swear words. That just ruins the whole song for me. I would really like to know (as well as friends who have asked me) where or IF I can get a music editing application for my mac so that I can edit iTunes songs. I just simply want to make it so that there is the classic *beep* sound instead of the swear word, or even just mute the vocal while the sole beat of the music is still going on (like how the radio stations do it).
I had an iTunes account before I got my MacBook Pro and they have different IDs. The first account has all my purchased music and I would like to use it with my new computer. When I try to download music of the previous account from the Cloud, I get the message that the iTunes account information differs from the computer. Can the first account be edited, or can the two be merged without losing anything or having to buy again?
I have been a pc user my whole life and am researching to get a mac because I have used the imove at my friend's imac and it was NIZzzzze! Anyways, I would like to get the base model of the mac mini (probably upgrading the ram to 4gb) along with Final Cut Express 4. Does the mac mini have enough juice to run Final Cut Express 4? Anyone has any pointers in terms of rendering with Final Cut Express 4?
I am planning on replacing my Canon printer right now, because it has some issues. There are two printers that I'm interested in right now. It's either the HP Photosmart Premium or the Epson Artisan 810. Which one do you think is better? In general, which manufacturer is more reliable and more conservative in terms of ink consumption?
So far, I've purchased one off eBay and a Logiix branded one, but I'm not completely satisfied with either one. I don't like how the molding for each key from the eBay one is slightly larger than the actual keys, and that it leaves an imprint on the LCD when the lid is closed, however, it is quiet and typing doesn't require any extra effort. The Logiix one resembles Moshi's Clearguard, where the fitment for the Fn keys is slightly longer at the top. The molding for this one fits like a glove, but typing feels unnatural and it is noticeably noisier. I think the noise comes from the silicone being pinched between the small gap around each key when they are pressed. Typing seems to require more effort because of this. I would like to know if other brands with an exact keyboard fit molding also suffer from this noise issue. Looking around for reviews, I am now somewhat interested inRearth Verco's product. They explain that their silicone molding's thickness around the edges of each key is much thinner than it is in the centre, therefore it requires less effort to press each key. From photos, it appears that the Moshi's Clearguard also has this design.
I'm trying to use the free upgrade in app store for OS X Mavericks. Whenever I try to upgrade, it says "To proceed, you must read and accept the new terms and conditions." for iTunes. I have the urgent version of iTunes which 11.2.2.
Can anyone suggest which would be my best option for external backup? Would a RAID setup be good? I have two exactly the same hard drives laying around collecting dust, and would like to put them to use for an iMac. Could someone recommend a good external enclosure for these two? Which would be better - FireWire or USB2.0? I'm also interested in mirroring since I'd store important data on them, and want both drives to have a copy of each. Is there a disadvantage to that in terms of system's performance?
I have a MBP, bought in '06, that is dying a slow death (crashing constantly). I'm not up on what the latest spec's mean in terms of USER EXPERIENCE. Apple doesn't seem to know how to market to me--no product comparisons (in direct user experience vs. tech spec's), no analogies, no examples of how new MBPs and Airs differ or what their targeted user profile really is.
I'd like to take some of the songs I've got and cut them down to a short clip. Is there any OS X program that will allow me to do that (I have a normal macbook, non-pro)?
I�m planning buying a new camcorder and are not sure which road to go in regard to video file format. I�m planning using Premiere Pro CS5. I know the AVCHD format is very demanding for many consumer setups, but will this HW/SW setup do the job? I have also considered the Canon HV40 that uses the HDV format which is less demanding. Real time editing is of course the main goal. Anyone here who have experience?
iMac 27" 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 ATI Radeon HD 5750 12 GB RAM 2 TB HD
I am trying to create a custom ISO for installing linux on dedicated servers, based on a standard ISO. For this, I need to edit a file which contains parameters for partitioning the HD, as I have replaced the supplied HD with a larger one on many machines, and want to modify partition creation, so I do not have to install fdisk and modify the /home partition later.
I have the ISO and can mount it, and edit the necessary file, but I cannot save it back into the ISO.
How should I do this? I've googled widely and found nothing.
OSX 10.3, Toast 5, trying to alter Cobalt Raq 4i ISO.
I want to be able to edit an icns file I have. I tried copying/pasting into an image editing application, but the transparency copies as a black background. Annoying.
I got the icon here. I basically want to take the Bender icon, add a beard, and rename it Flexo (for fans of the show). I have two identical raid5 boxes that will be mirroring each other, and I would like Bender and Flexo to be identical.
Anyway, is there any simple way to edit an icns file with OS X 10.6? All I need is to be able to add Flexo's beard, then save an image with transparency. I use iconverticons.com to convert to icns format, so I wouldn't need the application to save to icns.